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♥ MinSul ♥ Official Thread ♥ SHINEE'S MINHO AND F(x) SULLI. [Part 1]

Guest DolceNera_24

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Guest chellaaa

The author of "please, take me back" asking me this:

So much love *sobs*

Can you, uh, can you teach me how to join your forum? ;D

Because I'm writing a Minsul story, i'm getting more addicted to them. ~~~

Hopefully she will join our forum soon :) and i dont blame her, minsul is so damn addicting LOL

@lyna @shiningshinee22 @teruteru_chan how did they found the unreleased RM clips??? This never happened before since the history of RM (i am a running man fans since ep1), i think this the most awaitted episode in RM, unless they wantto invite minsul as guests for the 3rd time (OH PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!)

And i think RM will divided in 2episodes, and the hide and seek game will be in the 2nd episode :)

Plus, about the HIGH CUT interview. I dont really buy the sunbae-dongsaeng relationship. But if minsul want to play it that way to keep them safe, lets play along :) and i feel giddy after read "I LOVE HER SO MUCH" oh myyy... Minho keep loving ur 'dongsaeng' and sulli please take a good care of ur 'sunbae' :)) :)) :))

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counsel05 said: Going back to your suggestion ... i think if we do have an official banner it would not be advisable to have it as our signature here (maybe in another site we are members) since its an identification of us and we might limit the freedom of each crewmate here to choose what they want their signature to be if the banner would be our "common signature". So i was thinking of modifying your suggestion and maybe we can have a logo instead. In that way we can either place it like a watermark in our photos, gifs, vids and add it to our signature too. So what do you think?
If we all agree here then we can launch another Minsul project of MINSUL ADDICTS LOGO MAKING CONTEST. Please share your thoughts crewmates. Thanks. :x p.s.Thank your for the suggestion @puppy8888:-bd

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@nislatif.. Wah! another MinSular shirt!.... how many MinSular fashion will we see in the future.. now... this is what I called "fate" not just a "pure coincidence".. ;) ;) <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

@happychu... And WOAH!! Minho's expression is totally similar... Gosh.. please someone tell me.. is this how a "normal" oppa/sunbae acts to his dongsaeng? :-\" :-\"

@shiningshinee22... Minho n the Shinee boys are sooooo cuteeeee in that Etude House video....its funny that I'm imagining that Sulli is singing as the female voice in it.. yeah my MinSul feels...:D:D

@fizaz.... MUAHAHAHAHAH.... U MAKE ME ROFL HARD SISTA!!! =))=)) If u have any intention of doing a MinSul photofic.. please inform us here ya... I will sure b the 1st in line to subscribe to ur updates... ;);) 

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Guest liana1430291924

Who is up for another translation of Minho's interview in High Cut? :D
Inside the studio flowing with chilly winter air, it seemed like a protective shield of spring was made around just these three people. Could biological siblings even be this friendly? The stars of the 94th issue are SHINee's Minho and f(x)'s Sulli and Krystal who were chosen as the "flower beauty" of idols. The question of “Will they actually be friendly in real life?" was answered as soon as Minho arrived at the shooting site. "Is it there?" He asked where the girls' make-up room was. He strode there and opened the door without hesitation. When Minho greeted hi, friendly 5-octave voices replied. While the shooting was held, they talked whenever they could and burst into laughter even when they just met eyes. The photographer said, "It'll be good if you look even closer" during the shoot so they immediately put their heads together and linked arms. As soon as Minho and Sulli's hands were laid on top of each other, Sulli playfully said, "Ah, our hands touched!" The 20 year olds Sulli and Krystal are known to be best friends and it seems like a happy virus surged out just because they're with each other. Even the people around who were watching them followed suit and became happier. The fresh youth and the refreshing time we spent with them.
Through the drama <For You In Full Blossom>, Minho received the New Star Award. You've only been at Gayo Daejejuns for the past few years so how did it feel to be at a drama award show?
It was my first time at a drama award show so the atmosphere was very different. I went as a newcoming actor so I was extremely nervous. I couldn't make my acceptance speech long so I actually didn't get a chance to mention my members or my family. I'm disappointed that I didn't thank my fans either. My new goal in the future is win a bigger award and thank all the people I wasn't able to (laugh).
Minho made a love line with Sulli in <For You In Full Blossom>. It seems like it'd be awkward to film close scenes with a dongsaeng you've known for a long time.
I thought it would be awkward at first but we just went and filmed it and there wasn't anything too awkward. Since we are already close, there were moments when we were comfortable acting but then there were some awkward moments when we just tried it (laugh). I've grown a lot closer to Sulli while working on this project and she has become a dongsaeng who I truly cherish.
How do you feel after properly experiencing the intensity of a drama site?
It was hard not sleeping and not eating at the right time. It was a lot harder on us when we filmed during the hotter weather. I'm a guy and it was hard on me so it must have been worse for the actresses. I've realized that there is a definite reason why actresses are cared for. And as I saw many people working hard, I could feel that they all put in an incredible amount of effort and time.
How did you spend the end/beginning of your years?
I went on a personal vacation at the end of the year. I went to the United Kingdom alone, watched the match between Park Jisung's team QPR(Queens Park Rangers) and Man U(Manchester United), recharged myself, and came back. After that, we met at the practice room to prepare for each of the award ceremonies. We stayed up nights to practice but I felt that I still lacked something so I feel disappointed.
Kwanghee has recently bragged about how he's close with you on <We Got Married> which became a hot topic. Who are the celebrities you're usually closest to?
Kwanghee hyung's personality is easy going and very fun. I feel brighter whenever I'm with him so we contact each other often and are friendly. The SHINee members are beyond the friendly scale and they're just family now. Usually, (Choikang) Changmin hyung, Kyuhyun hyung, and I hang out together a lot. All three of us like alcohol so we occasionally have a drink and talk.
What are SHINee's plans for this year?
We're planning around this coming spring so we've been recording lately. There's not much time left (until the comeback). We're coming back after 1 year since our promotions in the beginning last year. I'm extremely looking forward to SHINee's promotions this year. We have shown many sides of ourselves as 5 year old artists, but now our mission is to show a different kind of refreshing image. I believe we'll be able to show off a new image this year as well. For some reason, I have a feeling we'll receive a good outcome.
Will you continue to act this year?
I want to work on a lot of projects this year as well. I really feel that I'm still lacking so I have to build up a lot of experiences and I want to get my face out to the public through various projects.

Source: High CutTranslated by: kimchi hana @ shineee.net 

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Guest nislatif

these two are gonna be the death of me. January is the month of Minsulraction!




and i really cant wait for this!


did they hide together? did they run together? did they hold hand? warghhhhhhh i m imagining so many thing now and the most vivid is minho telling sulli to stay put or stay quiet or something warghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cant waittttttttt and RM has surely left many memories for Minsul.i mean how many couples got to appear in tv together doing RM?? Eh did i say couples? I mean oppa-dongsaeng hehehehhehe..an oppa who loves his dongsaeng very much heheheheh like @judith09 i m giddy giddy giddy hehe

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