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[Drama 2013] That Winter, The Wind Blows/Wind Blows in Winter, 그 겨울, 바람이 분다

Guest sunshine4ever

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Guest chokogom

People people..calm down. All these people saying he gave hints and said this..acted this way..did this and that therefor it means he must love SHK and vice versa are RIDICULOUS! who are you people? do you read minds? Do you know what he's thinking or feeling? Hell, you don't even know him personally or have met him in person to even justify what you say! I like SHK too and I thought they would make a great couple but only if they chose to be one....and obviously they didn't! That is fine with me. It's only because they did such a good job in the drama that most of us feel the same but it's not real people! He never said he had romantic feelings for SHK. He never said he didn't have a girlfriend in recent interviews..he was never asked if he had one so he never denied anything. Obviously when your shipper feelings are so great you are going to convince yourself that something is there or there is some hint, some feeling, some meaning..something to support your ship...but that's just you...not JIS. Everyone interprets things differently..but the truth is plain an simple. Please, separate your own fantasies from the truth people..otherwise you will miss out on an amazing drama and won't appreciate amazing work from two...three including LMH great actors/actresses.

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I missed an important post so I am happy to see soompi mention the fixation of the problem .. but !
Apologies for the disappearing posts earlier in the day - it's been fixed. Another thing is that we know that people need time to mourn Jo In Sung dating Kim Min Hee, but please be respectful of celebrities' private lives, and please refrain from attacking them in any of their related threads.

>>  JIS dating issue is also mentioned ...  no way !! It is Oppa day everywhere !! 

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Guest dandelion606

Hi everyone, as heart-broken as you are, just want to say that please don't blame JIS for having a relationship. There's nothing wrong to fall in love. 
I guess the only thing I feel mad about is that the news broke out at this particular time, when everyone is still in love with the romance in TWTWB. And the fact that the male lead was starting his own relationship off screen while loving OY on screen makes the news hard to digest. Especially when JIS said in his interviews that he has devoted a lot of feelings into the character. 
But still, JIS as a person is not wrong and should not be blamed...He's just very good at keeping balance of his emotion on and off screen, and he has excellent acting skills that make us feel like he is OS. No, he's not. 
After all, what cheated us is the drama maybe? But drama is supposed to be fictional. So there's no cheating. I'm feeling sad because I loved this drama so much, but now I think I can't watch it again...at least recently.
Lastly, as someone mentioned, let's not forget all their hard work to make this drama a great piece. The director, the writer, all the staffs. That winter, the wind blows (into our heart).  

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Guest sunshine4ever

wangnyeo, dear, no I was the one contacting admin about it that was why it is on the announcement. I hope you are not offended by the message. lol. I'm actually thankful for the announcement because that might help people from flooding unmindful comments towards JIS. KMH, and TWTWB.

Dear all Windblowers,

I contacted admin and admin had already wrote a message as an announcement so hopefully some of us who just wanted to leave the thread will come back soon. I hope we can get back to normal soon, but it is up to people who are remaining. But I hope that all of us can please just ignore those comments coming in so that way we do not bicker with each other because we disagree with each other. My hope is that we can be more understanding of how we feel towards the news. I just hope we don't go our separate way because we're angry over some news like this especially when it is the actor's life and it relates nothing to our lives.

I'm not sure what I wrote make sense, haha, but I'm about to leave the house soon. I just wanted to say that I'll try my very best to ignore upcoming comments that seem not-so-positive about how they will stop watching TWTWB and/or will not watch TWTWB again because I know when someone's angry they're going to say words they meant to not say.

Please try not to write back to anyone's comments so that way we don't bicker and cause fights in this thread. The last thing I wanted is a fight in this thread so that was why I contacted admin as I was concerned about Insung's fans who saw what happened but remained silent or stayed away from this thread to not cause more heartbreaks for them as the news became like a mourning news for a lot of TWTWB fans.

If you are on Insung's side, please try to not write anymore comments as it will cause a lot of problems for all of us. Some of us already wrote some comments on  behalf of Insung, so I'm sure people will tone down as they try to understand IS's position more.

Everything I wrote here remain my suggestions. It is your choice whether or not  you want to maintain this kind of peace for this thread. I can't control you from writing what you want to write; however, if problems become big like attacking people involved or the actors, I will have to contact admin again because I don't want a place that is not friendly towards TWTWB fans. This thread is made for those who wish to talk about the drama and this is the only thread we can have to talk about the drama. A lot will be scared away if this continues. It will do a lot of damage for the drama that we all love.

I wrote a message talking about JIS & TWTWB, please read it here.

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Guest msbae77

As a lover of TWTWB, i just want to say my piece, not that it matters but I'm gonna say it anyway.  I know the news is a bit shocking to most and upsetting to some and prbably worth celebrating to few (in this thread only).  I know there are a lot of not nice comments being posted but LET'S NOT HATE THIS THREAD for that matter.  Please let us understand each other since every person reacts to situations differently.  And when people are upset at something, they tend to say hurtful words, which is very normal. That does not make them less of a person and I believe they don't mean to hurt someone. Let's not aggravate the situation by condemning them but instead let's comfort them. Let time heal the wounds.

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@sunshine4ever thanks sweety for the clarification .. and sure I am not offended at all but thankful for your wise initiation &  the admin cooperation as well .. I am hesitant to read back the posts .. and wishing this typhoon which is blowing our spring will be resolved soon and to have the peace again ,, I have a strong believe in all the WB .. 

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I posted this on the O2 shipper thread but it's appropriate here too.
The O2 ship has sunk and I'm sad but I'll get over it just like I'm sure everyone else will. I guess reel life doesn't always translate to real life. Knowing what we know now, I guess it just goes to show that JIS and SHK really are extremely talented actors to have embodied their roles so wholly that we embraced and shipped them so hard as a couple.
I understand people want to vent but JIS has made his choice. While KMH is no SHK (JIS was accurate in his description of her as a goddess and she is), she must have some great qualities that made JIS fall for her. At least he can't be called shallow for dating her for her looks since she's not much to look at. Sorry to KMH fans, that's just my personal opinion and beauty is so subjective anyway. He could've done worse really. She's actually single and a suitable age for him so I don't understand why people are calling this a scandal cause there's really nothing scandalous about it. At the end of the day, JIS is just a person like the rest of us and he has a right to love too. It's not up to his fans to dictate or judge his personal life which belongs to him and if he wants to date someone, he should be able to do it like anyone else. Hey I'm disappointed it's not SHK either but you can't force love.
The only unfortunate thing is the way the news came out and the timing of it. I agree with the other posters who said that it would've been better after the Asian promo tour. But that's on Dispatch and JIS should get credit for being honest and acknowledging the truth rather than lying about it. I would bet he didn't want it to be revealed in such a manner either. Sadly based on people's reactions, this will probably have an adverse effect on the future reception and DVD sales of TWTWB which is a real shame because it's still an amazing drama series that alot of people worked very hard on. We shouldn't forget that so quickly and we should still acknowledge and accept the drama for what it is.

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msbae77 said: As a lover of TWTWB, i just want to say my piece, not that it matters but I'm gonna say it anyway.  I know the news is a bit shocking to most and upsetting to some and prbably worth celebrating to few (in this thread only).  I know there are a lot of not nice comments being posted but LET'S NOT HATE THIS THREAD for that matter.  Please let us understand each other since every person reacts to situations differently.  And when people are upset at something, they tend to say hurtful words, which is very normal. That does not make them less of a person and I believe they don't mean to hurt someone. Let's not aggravate the situation by condemning them but instead let's comfort them. Let time heal the wounds.

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Guest bumblinglump

Thank you @sunshine4ever, I'll refrain from posting any more defending comments. Time is the best answer and medicine for everything!

After deleting the paragraph I wrote, I'm retaining a few sentences here and there just to summarize my thoughts:

- Tabloids and paparazzi are parasites which feed on scandals and senseless rumors in entertainment industries. We don't need to give them more reasons to feel victorious.

- The more passionately we react to a scandal, the more eagerly paparazzi will prey on our favorite actors/actresses' life and cause them damage.

- Sometimes we only choose to see what our eyes want to see, and collect pieces of evidence which support our theory. However, in that process, we might have also ignored other equally important pieces of evidence that deny our theory. 

- There's a big distance between developing feelings for a co-star and acting on those feelingsLikewise, there's also a big distance between wishing for someone to be with someone and these two someones actually being together.

- When the line between fantasy and reality is blurred, it's good to go back to what we originally love and keep ourselves grounded

Hope this thread will soon be filled with OS-OY love again!

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Freedom of opinion & speech is a right of everybody but I believe that has a limitation which is bringing the harm to the other ! so as JIS , TWTWB or even O2 couple fans we may say & express our feeling and cry out our hearts with each other .. but to hurt each other ! it is a strange to do  , is not it ??  we all gathered here looking for the happiness by way or another ,, 

so why to complicate things up ! and make it difficult to TWTWB staff , crew & each other !! why to forget our precious TWTWB moments ,, 

WB , with my strong believe in you all ,, would like you all to keep blossom this thread as usual with your interactions and posts .. let's speak up our minds but with all the respect & love to each other ... let's understand each other even if we do not agree on the same concepts or contents .. let's stay here more and not leave this warm house ,, 

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Guest suncine445

Hi all, Being a silent reader in this thread since day 1, I thought I may like to add my personal opinion on this latest news by Dispatch.

Like many I am shocked to read it though not surprised by any scandal news put out dispatch. Dispatch is a small news tabloid that loves such feeds and news. It has tried and maybe damaged a lot of celebrities in the past and unfortunately now it has also done so to many , not just jis .I think I like to question the timing of this news release. Why? As we all know Dispatch has a notorious history for such scandal breaking news. For some back ground facts, Currently there  are 2 news tabloids in Korea with such trend. Sport Seouls and Dispatch. Sport seouls has been doing its round of reporting on idols scandals lately and Dispatch not wanting to be left out of this game has brought its tabloid to headline news with this current outbreak.It is a political game between these 2 news tabloids.

The victims in reality are the parties involved directly and indirectly  -namely  casts and production team of this drama series and JIS and his gf.I am sure these people would never want it to happen at this important stage where there is a lot at stake. -like  on road promotion of this drama overseas. By a stroke of a pen, Dispatch has wipe the potential for TWTWB .It is really unfair .The work and sweat of all those involved just like this.

I hope as viewers, we have to stand clear and read the whole situation objectively and look at the whole picture clearly. They need our support most at this time. The fact is the drama is a very beautiful one . nothing can changed that fact. :)

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Wow, what a combination of complex reactions here! I know some of the wind blowers' choice of words are a little harsh, but, it's ok. I understand you felt hurt. I m too. Let's look on the bright side. At least one of the clinches is true- beauty will end up with so-so looking guy and handsome hunk will end up with so-so looking gal. Don't bash me, pls. I m mourning peacefully here.

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long time no come here and this thread seems goes fast. Sometime it's hard to post sth here coz you wil be told "you should post this or not post that" this *Sign*

The dating news (2 people dating shouldn't be called "Scandal", rite?) didn't shock me, i'm rather disappointed because watching the drama will not the same. it doesn't mean i want SHK and JIS dating. The drama is just finished airing in Korea, they not even do oversea promotes, this dating news seems ruin everything. and don't blame fans for feeling "cheated". it reminds me of  We got married scandal when the girl was caught dating with an actor while she's having an on-screen marriage :)) lol...

but don't worry, the drama doesn't get effect at all, it will be big hit in Japan, China, Phillippine, Indonesia,Vietnam.... This drama is so good, beautiful. Don't forget our happy old days. Forget the sadness and keep the happy moments, just remember we have seen a beautiful love story :).

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Hi everyone. It's been awhile.

I've just read the "breaking news" and I thought it was some kind of April Fools' joke but then I realized it's not and I've been upset/depressed ever since. Here goes my shipper's heart for O2. I expected a little too much, and now I'm in pain. Silly, but true.

It's sad to even feel sad about it. I mean, they have nothing to do with me, yet I feel like it's kinda related to me. Why? Because I was obsessed with TWTWB, mostly because of the beautiful love that JIS & SHK brought to us. Seriously, who would have thought they were only acting? Their love was so touching and beautiful on screen that I was hoping and rooting for them to be a real couple. I was still on cloud nine with O2 couple and TWTWB, till yesterday. It's like they give us so much hope, then take it away in the end. I feel hopeless and empty, and I don't think I can rewatch TWTWB like I used to, it just doesn't feel the same anymore.

My dear JIS, I fell head over heels for him in TWTWB and I don't hate him or anything. How can you hate someone you like? I don't blame JIS for having a girlfriend. (That means he's not gay OK!) Love is blind, there's no right or wrong. Whatever it is, I hope he is happy with the choice he made, though I really hate it! His happiness = our tears!

I saw the picture of KMH on the news. I never watched her films/dramas. I have no idea who she is, and I don't wanna know. But she is definitely not gorgeous or pretty or goddess like our SHK. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I'm not gonna say much. Maybe JIS is into her for her personality, yea that works sometimes.

I'm just disappointed that there is no chance for him and SHK anymore. They were the only on-screen couple in a KDrama that I ever loved and adored, as I was never a fan of KDramas. They were the first and will be the last that I ever shipped so hard for. It sucks knowing what happens on TWTWB, stays on TWTWB. I think I prefer the charming Oh Soo, rather than the hot&cold JIS himself.

On a brighter note, I'm hoping/wishing that SHK & Won Bin are dating!!! Wooot that would be the rainbow after the rain for us. She deserves someone that truly cares about her, and he's always been there for her and he's gorgeous too haha. Though I want SHK with JIS!!! (I cannot get over it!) But life isn't a dream so I hope SHK will find her Mr. Right soon, like next month maybe? ^^

I also wonder about all the nice things JIS said about SHK, were they all lie? Did he mean any of it? Because what he's said and done got us hopeless shippers in deep richard simmons right now.
Personally, I'd like to think, maybe JIS & SHK will meet again in the future, just like how Oh Young and Oh Soo meet in the last scene in episode 16! What's meant to be will always find its way in the end. And I believe in that! O2 fighting!!! <3

/End my daily rant. Imma go hide in the corner and dream about O2 again haha. See ya =)

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Guest sunshine4ever

@KyoRean, I just couldn't help but laughed at your message in my mailbox. Anyway, hope it's okay to post this picture here in regards to what I wrote this morning about ice cream date. It remains one of my favorite scenes. I love eating ice cream, too. Keke. Let's have an ice cream date.


@suncine445, thanks so much for delurking and trying to explain to us about Dispatch.

@bumblinglump, I just wanted to thank you so much for immediately cooperating after reading my message. :)

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Guest thecoldwindthatblowsonohsooface

DAMN YOU KIM C !!!!!  X( :-q L-)

i should introduce you (JIS) to Kim A,B, D, E, F,... so on but not THE C !!!  X( X(

:ar! :-L >:)

peace all !!  :\">

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Guest kyoholic

like you guys in this thread, I was shocked, devastated and felt deeply sad when hearing that news.
Ok many people say that we should keep positive thinking, a drama is just drama, not real life. Of course it's true, but I'm human being, my feeling came naturally and I could not avoid my bad mood :|
Now I think I just love Oh Soo - Oh Young's man, not JIS :(  Sadly I cancel ordering DVDs, books, bracelets of TWTWB because even re-watching this film is too hard for me. Even worse, reading some hate comments from haters about my Hye Kyo ( why ??? she does not relate to this stupid stuff :-L ) makes me crazy and lose control. Although I want to fight, kick, punch, hunt that devilish people but it is true that it's very silly. We need time to live, to love, not for caring those mean guys, they are not deserve for wasting our time. just believe everything will be ok, the winter has ended for a long time, this time is for summer :))

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I guess people are still venting their anger here. 
 For those who are done with TWTWB because JIS has a gf.  All I can say is "thanks for the memories.  I hope I see you again and goodluck with everything"
I really enjoyed this thread.  I laughed, cried, became angry, and insane with all of you.  I understand if some will give up on TWTWB.  The drama left us a mark in our hearts that moving on became impossible at some point.  But a lot of you invested a lot of time and effort on shipping JIS and SHK and I'm sorry that it has come this way.  But we all knew that this was going to happen sooner or later.  It just happened sooner.  I really do hope that JIS will comment about it.  I'm sure he knows that with what happened a lot of fans won't be happy. I really do hope this news won't affect the promo of the drama in other countries even in korea since the dvd is coming out. 
 I might not ship them like a lot of you but I've grown fond of this thread and I don't want any hostilities here.  I've only known about SHK and HB dating after they broke up but I've read a lot of fans of SeGa are saying mean things about SHK when they were dating and I guess it affected their relationship.  I hope this doesn't happen to KMH.  As much as I don't think she's suitable for JIS but who am I to say who he wants to date.  I'm just a fan.  
Think of if this way.  SHK doesn't want to be in a relationship right now because she likes her freedom and JIS asked out the next girl he saw which happened to be KMH lol. 
A cure for this I guess is for SHK to do another drama.  Doesn't matter who the leading man is as long as she does one :P Hurry up SHK start and finish your movie in china so you can go and do another drama.  I hope you won't make us wait another 5 years :(

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