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[Drama 2012] Can We Get Married 우리가 결혼할 수 있을까


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classicchanel said: in ep 9 did KJ say he's opening another restaurant in busan? i watched it with subs but it doesnt say anything about busan... it just says going to open another restaurant... but i heard busan.... he wants to get closer to DB if this is true :D #:-S

so in the earlier eps KJ was talking to his dad about an investment and his dad brought up the topic of marriage....so im guessing he's marrying his fiance for his father investment in making another restaurant.

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About the preview I am wondering if it is misleading it will be a huge surprise if something actually happened.
I am not sure if HJ walks into JH and DB in a compromising situation or if her reaction is more to jealousy I have noticed that since DB has been back she hasnt contacted anyone except JH even when she left DB only told JH what happened. HJ was not happy hearing about this. Like his mother said he may see DB like family but HJ may not see it like that. Also it doesnt help that DB seems to tell everything to JH but HJ doesnt know anything about her. I am guessing when she goes to DB's apartment that is when she will have seen/talk to DB since she left.

I dont have one ounce of sympathy for KJ. Also I dont get what his problem is? What was he expecting with a business marriage?

The break up was sad but seriously how many times have they broken up? I really liked their conversation if anything all of their conversations should have been talked out like that instead of them forever arguing.

How adorable is Tae Hyun, I really hope that his reaction will make DH grow up, it was so sad seeing him cry.

Also HJ mum, it is one thing to be all up in the daughters business that is annoying but come on her sister is 50 let her be lol.

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I've been wondering when someone else was gonna say it - I also can't stand JH's mom. She's horrible! HY's mom is loud & in your face but she seems to be honest. JH's mom likes to play games and for all her talk of not being concerned with money, it's all she thinks about! BLECH! Her whining and pouting makes me sick. And yelling at HY the way she did? Ah man...I would have called off the wedding immediately. No way would I take that kinda crappy abuse from my mother-in-law. 
KJ's fiancee is also a piece of work - she yammered on about KJ not respecting her by bringing other women to hotels? HAHAHA! Wasn't she just in a hotel with some guy? Yeeesh, these women. I agree with everyone here, I need more DB. 

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Guest milknhoney55

Episodes 9 and 10 are available on HULU!!!ryeesa said: About the preview I am wondering if it is misleading it will be a huge surprise if something actually happened.
I am not sure if HJ walks into JH and DB in a compromising situation or if her reaction is more to jealousy I have noticed that since DB has been back she hasnt contacted anyone except JH even when she left DB only told JH what happened. HJ was not happy hearing about this. Like his mother said he may see DB like family but HJ may not see it like that. Also it doesnt help that DB seems to tell everything to JH but HJ doesnt know anything about her. I am guessing when she goes to DB's apartment that is when she will have seen/talk to DB since she left.

I dont have one ounce of sympathy for KJ. Also I dont get what his problem is? What was he expecting with a business marriage?

The break up was sad but seriously how many times have they broken up? I really liked their conversation if anything all of their conversations should have been talked out like that instead of them forever arguing.

How adorable is Tae Hyun, I really hope that his reaction will make DH grow up, it was so sad seeing him cry.

Also HJ mum, it is one thing to be all up in the daughters business that is annoying but come on her sister is 50 let her be lol.

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Guys, I like DB and all, but she has been ignoring HY in the moment HY most needs her (and DB also seems in the moment she most needs a friend). I wish they could be honest with each other and rely on each other...
I know, DB has her own problems, but making one call to HY wouldn't hurt, I think she tells JH things because he won't bother her about it, but if she told HY I think HY would ask more and DB wouldn't be able to tell everything yet. Or maybe because HY already have too many problems to deal DB don't want to burden her but it is just hurting HY because she thinks her friend don't trust her. 

 I felt sad for HY, because she really considers DB as her friend yet she just realized how she doesn't know anything about DB at all.
I don't think HY is jealous about JH being close with DB, she is jealous about DB being too close to JH (as a friend I mean) instead of her, so she feels hurt DB doesn't consider her as her friend like she considers JH (but to be fair they were friends before HY knew DB). 
And asking a lawer to go after her friend, well I don't think it is too much, if my friend disappeared and I didn't know if she was ok, I would also worry and try to find her no matter what. I would like to at least know if she was ok. Also, JH knew and didn't say anything, I know he shouldn't since it is DB the one to talk about it or not, but he could tell HY that DB was fine at least...  to not worry.
Btw, I find it so weird. I mean, why Han Groo (DB) has so little screen time? Is she doing another work ? Another drama at the same time? Is she too busy so she has just little screen time? Did DB brother's death was just a excuse to make the actress not appear for some time? Was she sick? Did she fight with the pd? Is her college/school exams happening?  Because, why would KJ's fiancee has more screen time thhan DB? Makes no sense.... 
Also, they showed us a lot of DB in the first episodes, so that is why I find it weird.... what happened?

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@milknhoney55 I actually wouldnt blame HJ, I am actually confused as to why DB hasnt been that open with HJ.

@Iviih Didnt explain it well sorry I also meant that HJ probably being jealous is because DB is closer to JH. Clearly HJ views DB as her best friend I think she has told her everything about herself, DB hangs out with her family, probably knows all her problems but she doesnt know anything about DB and JH seems to know everything about DB.
I dont know what exactly was stopping her from contacting HJ.

I agree about the lawyer I dont blame HJ, she was gone for a week or so everyone was unconcerned seriously no one was looking for DB and JH didnt even tell her that DB is alright and with her family.

Right I am also lost, the lawyer and KJ fiancee have had more screen time than DB. I am also curious does anyone have info on the actress?

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@Iviih @ryeesa I agree!!HaeYoon considered DongBi as her best friend but DongBi seems not.She can tell about her brother death to JungHoon and not HaeYoon.She can be open to JungHoon but not HaeYoon.I mean,If me is HaeYoon,I will hurt too,how can my best friend tell her problem to my boyfriend instead of me??I know they're friend for a very long time,but I have the right to know too.I confused.And I seriously getting annoyed how DongBi got less screentime than KiJoong and his fiance.It doesnt make sense,she also the main person in this strory but pd-nim seems not give DongBi character much screentime.Maybe HanGroo doing another project?? 

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Guest pradaco

that preview can be misleading..... HY came into the apartment and JH ran after her! Where's DB then? if DB was there with JH shouldn't she run out and try to explain to HY too? Unless HY and DB had a fight in the apartment and made DB mad so she didnt run out or something...

DB is like a supporting supporting role so it is the prob the reason why she does not have a lot of screen time.. I was hoping when DB disappeared that people would be worried about her especially KJ but it doesnt seem to be the case unless he is good at hiding his feelings...  
i like how they are showing more of KJ and his fiance. Before his marriage proposal came up everyone wanted to know more insights of KJ and what he is feeling and thinking. LOL... now that they got it they want more DB...KJ mentions he wants to know what his fiance is hiding from him. His fiance gave him such a big hint saying "i rather be a divorcee then someone breaking off from an engagement"... since his fiance lover is lower class then her if she gets a divorce she could prob marry her lover... If she breaks off from  KJ from an engagement she would be getting into another arrange marriage.
I want KJ to come crawling back to DB being charming and sweet .. but i have a feeling KJ and DB will be open ended.... I have a feeling after the wedding of KJ and fiance, and HY and JH , and they go to their honeymoon, DB would go back to busan.. In the future I think KJ will divorce his fiance and he's in his restaurant in Busan and DB comes into the restaurant. orr DB comes visit his restaurant often and it ends....

the best story will be if KJ decides its not worth taking his dad investment for marriage and tells his parents he wants to marry DB and starts from scratch with DB and makes the Busan restaurant with her :D

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pradaco said:
DB is like a supporting supporting role so it is the prob the reason why she does not have a lot of screen time.. I was hoping when DB disappeared that people would be worried about her especially KJ but it doesnt seem to be the case unless he is good at hiding his feelings...  
i like how they are showing more of KJ and his fiance. Before his marriage proposal came up everyone wanted to know more insights of KJ and what he is feeling and thinking. LOL... now that they got it they want more DB...KJ mentions he wants to know what his fiance is hiding from him. His fiance gave him such a big hint saying "i rather be a divorcee then someone breaking off from an engagement"... since his fiance lover is lower class then her if she gets a divorce she could prob marry her lover... If she breaks off from  KJ from an engagement she would be getting into another arrange marriage.

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Guest classicchanel

if KJ is so thorough with CY y didn't he do the same thing for DB then? I guess he really thinks deeply and hard when it comes to marriage thats y he did a background check on her....

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Guest im_elena

i just finished watched ep 9 & 10. aww ... ep 10 was really sad :((  , HY & JH breakup and Tae Hyun (TH) and DH.
after ep 8 i thought HY & JH relationship will be in trouble because of HY ex SJ. i worried that DJ HY's mother will force her to breakup with JH and marry SJ since SJ is a lawyer and of course earned more money than SJ ... but i'm wrong. :-\"
HY cannot stand with HJ words that "she is like her mother" during their fight.
TH is so cute and smart boy. hope DH & HJ will not divorce.
DB ... everyone talking about DB. last two ep she not on the sreen. my opinion, PD want to show that DB really 'missing' and many things happened to HY & SJ during her absence. why DB? why? you are not telling HY where you are. she even make a police report and ask her ex to find you which lead to HY & SJ quarrel and break up. hope in the next ep it will be better. anyway really glad that DB on the screen again.
and i don't want to talk about KJ...>:P >:P 

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Guest yukitube

It may only be 1%, but this drama is a "catch" for its universal appeal and true to life storyline....motherhood (not the child-rearing stage) and marriage....and its well worth it. 

The "Breakup" took too long in coming.…

not sure HY and JH can pursue a long blissful life even if they get married. 

Hands down, HY is all loveliness and charm, but that's all we've seen so far. And what is she doing running around...spending cozy moments (whether personal or business, dinner and all) with another man (her ex) at a critical stage....or moments of sharing and troubled times....which is best spent with her groom. Regardless, HY was asking for it.  So who can blame JH for sleeping with DB when  there is more peace and comfort/comport with her than his future (or ex) wife?

Of course it doesn't help when HY is always the "Best Debater" every single time..at home or away.  Tenacity (or ferocity) is born out of child-bearing, as dictated by our God-given instinct to protect and provide for the newborn and the weak (which is what living things do).

But always the "persistent debater" can only lead to distrust and doubts, let alone endless squabbles, not unless she is running for political office or taking up law. (Note: there is a thin line between love and hate; as there is between an excellent debater and a liar).  Wonder where HY learned her debating skills....hhhhmmmmm.  

DB (not for DeBater) seems to be a better fit for the mild-mannered JH, who was reared in a peaceful home, by a very sweet and loving dad and (overprotective) mom.   

As the saying goes:  It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.

Better get DB another man if its not JH, since she does not deserve KJ.

:-* :-*
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Guest maknaeanna

I don't think Dong Bi was purposely trying to avoid telling Hye Yoon about her problems. Dong Bi, in her state of confusion, probably wasn't thinking clearly enough to inform Hye Yoon. Her mind was obviously only occupied with her younger brother's death. Also, Jung Hoon decided to visit Dong Bi after she came back, so it was really just due to perfect timing. If Hye Yoon visited Dong Bi instead of Jung Hoon at that moment, I'm pretty sure Dong Bi would have treated Hye Yoon the exact same way she treated Jung Hoon. 
I don't think the writers are going to go down that route with switching up the couples... That rarely occurs in dramaland. I feel like the morale of the drama is really just couples going through many hardships and experiencing a lot of conflicts, but they will all eventually end up together. 
Somebody asked about the actress that plays Chae Young? I have seen the actress, Jin Ye Sol, before in another drama called 49 days. She played a minor role in there though. I find it amusing that she plays a 25 year old in here, but she is actually a lot older than Han Groo, but she plays a 28 year old. In fact, a lot of the younger actors and actresses in the drama are playing an older role (e.g. Jung So Min, Sung Joon, Kim Young Kwang)

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said: It may only be 1%, but this drama is a "catch" for its universal appeal and true to life storyline....motherhood (not the child-rearing stage) and marriage....and its well worth it. 

The "Breakup" took too long in coming.…

not sure HY and JH can pursue a long blissful life even if they get married. 

Hands down, HY is all loveliness and charm, but that's all we've seen so far. And what is she doing running around...spending cozy moments (whether personal or business, dinner and all) with another man (her ex) at a critical stage....or moments of sharing and troubled times....which is best spent with her groom. Regardless, HY was asking for it.  So who can blame JH for sleeping with DB when  there is more peace and comfort/comport with her than his future (or ex) wife?

Of course it doesn't help when HY is always the "Best Debater" every single time..at home or away.  Tenacity (or ferocity) is born out of child-bearing, as dictated by our God-given instinct to protect and provide for the newborn and the weak (which is what living things do).

But always the "persistent debater" can only lead to distrust and doubts, let alone endless squabbles, not unless she is running for political office or taking up law. (Note: there is a thin line between love and hate; as there is between an excellent debater and a liar).  Wonder where HY learned her debating skills....hhhhmmmmm.  

DB (not for DeBater) seems to be a better fit for the mild-mannered JH, who was reared in a peaceful home, by a very sweet and loving dad and (overprotective) mom.   

As the saying goes:  It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.

Better get DB another man if its not JH, since she does not deserve KJ.

:-* :-*

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maknaeanna said: I don't think Dong Bi was purposely trying to avoid telling Hye Yoon about her problems. Dong Bi, in her state of confusion, probably wasn't thinking clearly enough to inform Hye Yoon. Her mind was obviously only occupied with her younger brother's death. Also, Jung Hoon decided to visit Dong Bi after she came back, so it was really just due to perfect timing. If Hye Yoon visited Dong Bi instead of Jung Hoon at that moment, I'm pretty sure Dong Bi would have treated Hye Yoon the exact same way she treated Jung Hoon. 
I don't think the writers are going to go down that route with switching up the couples... That rarely occurs in dramaland. I feel like the morale of the drama is really just couples going through many hardships and experiencing a lot of conflicts, but they will all eventually end up together.

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Agree with Iviih.HaeYoon not the only one who wrong,JungHoon too.Im kind of shocked that JungHon tell her about DongBi called him before she go to US when their fight at the street.And Im shocked too that DongBi called JungHoon and not HaeYoon.Im not blaming DongBi but hey,HaeYoon is your friend too dear.The question is,why he didnt tell HaeYoon earlier??DongBi is special to HaeYoon.And the most shocking,he even sleep with DongBi.I agree with JungHoon mum scolding him.How can you sleep with your friend,when you have a girlfriend.I dont care if the friend is man but the friend is woman,DongBi.Who is also HaeYoon bestfriend.For JungHoon its okay because he doesnt have feeling at all at DongBi but how about HaeYoon??
But,HaeYoon not always right too.Im kind of annoyed with her lying to JungHoon constantly.Its like a habit for her.I know she doesnt want to hurt JungHon but if JungHoon start asking you about SangJin,just be honest.Dont lie.Im sure JungHoon will understand if you being honest.Plus SangJin is the one who cheating.Its not fair for HaeYoon to take all the blame when JungHoon is the problem too.And true that JungHoon mum is spoiled XD 
Ep 10 is....heck!!Im crying when the break up scene.With all the reason that HaeYoon said to JungHoon.'Our relationship make us weak not stong',the script was wow man!!Salute to the script writer.Im seriously cant help to cry when the it comes to the third reason,with the nice background song.....'Because I love you,how can I see you hurt because of me' :(( SungJoon and SoMin is fvcking a great actors =D>

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i'm in same condition with you @wayne_ i am crying qhen hye yoon said the most important reason why they must to broke up. coz she love him... aaaaaa its so sad. why they must broke up when they love each other!! and when see jh expression who hold his tears wa thats make me crying harder!!

if i was hyeyoon i will very disappointed to dongbi, why she not tell hye yoon where she go, thats make hyeyoon think that she not important while hy think db is her best friend who will tell everything.

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