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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest gongjunim

Hello Everyone! HaHa~

my1st time ever posting here! teehee :D

Thanks very much everyone for the updates, pictures &(Eberything) :)

an-nyeong gee dongsaeng~ jiejie (gjunim) popping by to say hi~ LOL at your first post... way too cool! LOVES <3333333333

wishing all Sunnies a Happy Lunar New Year and Happy Valentine's Day~! ^^

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Special Ed, so glad to have you as one of us Sunnies! I know I'm glad I took a moment to watch Pure 19 and discover HyeSun. I'm just too used to going 'gaga' over good looking guys but there is something about Hye Sun that drawn me to her...her energy? Her determination...the little engine that could? It's a combination of everything.

Pure 19 or Hearts of 19's links are broken on mysoju but if you head over to veoh...there's a couple episodes still there. Strongest CW, you can watch it on Aznvtv, but you would need someone to send you an invitation code. I think her drama "The King and I" is also available there.

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Guest kaz_minsun09

hi kaz_minsun09 :D i`m happy to see more sunnies here..please note also what i`ve told GHSforever about quoting a post with a pic..hope to see you both more..

edit : BTW, you may also join Hye Sun`s Soompi Fans Club..the link

oops i'm sorry it will never happen again :) that's the 1st thing i've done when i joined soompi forum. hehe

hi shalimar! remember me? are you the one who asks the download link for pure 19? i'm zak14vah in youtube. hehe. nice seeing you here.

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oops i'm sorry it will never happen again :) that's the 1st thing i've done when i joined soompi forum. hehe

hi shalimar! remember me? are you the one who asks the download link for pure 19? i'm zak14vah in youtube. hehe. nice seeing you here.

hello sweetie yes its me shalimar how are you? again thanks for the Pure 19 link im having a great time watching it, im finish with it but im still rewatching it, it took me 3days to watch 122 episode lol anyway got to go work have a great day...again thank you and its nice seeing you here.

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Guest kaz_minsun09

hello sweetie yes its me shalimar how are you? again thanks for the Pure 19 link im having a great time watching it, im finish with it but im still rewatching it, it took me 3days to watch 122 episode lol anyway got to go work have a great day...again thank you and its nice seeing you here.

nice! it only took you 3 days? you're fast. it took me about a week to finish this because i'm not allowed to use the computer 24 hours hehe. isn't it a great drama? me too, i'm watching it again and again.

have a nice day to all sunnies! :D

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waves to all sunnies :D

margee/stroberry, just surprised to know that it`s your first post here (i thought also in soompi lol)..thanks for taking over FC mod`s job :D those are 2 cute pics..

Special Ed, thanks for sharing btw..like many of us, we`ve come to know Hye Sun because of BOF but with Pure 19 & her other dramas/shows, i know she also got better recognition & love from the people only that BOF became one of the biggest dramas last year & of course with it, Hye Sun is grateful that though she received partly criticisms yet many showed love & support as well as embraced Jandi`s character..but continuously knowing her more besides just being an actress but a multi-talented one, makes me think highly of her plus knowing the lovable personality that she has..it`s a beiter factor also that she can make me laugh in a way :)

cheng/dramalovers, sha/gongjunim, sasha, kaz_minsun09, GHSforever, junpyo.jandi :D

from wassfiya`s manga pics, i choose these 2 that best resembles Jandi & F4



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i decided to share a PM by "mommy teresita" as i call her..she has been sending messages before to which the last one i wasn`t able to reply anymore but last Feb. 4, she decided to send again something which she requested me to tell others also coz she doesn`t know how to post & finally i opted to share it also with you guys here (has shared this first in joondi thread)..a fellow sunnie, betchay (the entrusted starter of this thread), said that she has exchanged PM/s also with her last month..mommy teresita loves betchay`s amazing Fan Fiction, "Wildfire"..


according to her, Hye Sun is like a daughter she never had..she has 3 sons btw..from her last PM yesterday, she with 2 friends will be going to Korea on April & have agreed that they will spend meal time at Cafe Manolin..words from her.. "Hay i wish i will be able to see Hye Sun then I will be the happiest MOMMY LOL".. she`s a cool mom isn`t she?? ** waves to her** :D i know she`s a silent reader/lurker here :)

i rarely send updates also to a certain grandma living in Indiana, USA upon seeing her post in one of the blogs which i think i`ve also shared here before :)


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Guest Special Ed

I feel like such a perv watching Strongest Chil Woo. All I'm doing is fast forwarding to Hye Sun's scenes. lol. So sorry for ignoring you Eric. Bah!

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I'm so glad to see that many of the newer converts to GHS are now back-tracking top see her as "Yang Gukwha" in Pure in Heart. All that the world later has come to love and admire about our Hye Sun radiates of her out of her character each episode of that awesome drama/example of: how-one-should-approach-one's-life-on-a-daily-basis handbook. :P Of all of the characters that I've witnessed in three plus years as a fan of K-Drama, it is Goo Hye Sun as "Gukwha" that remains nearest and dearest to my heart. :wub: Watching this lovely angel working her magic for those 167 episodes has been one of the great pleasures of my life. :) Knowing that the actress/person/genius playing the role is basically one and the same with her character is icing on the cake. :D I'm forever indebted to Boys Over Flowers for allowing GHS to become known to the masses as the tremendous talent/person that she is, but I'll never. ever forget that it is "Yang Gukwha" who will always own my heart... :rolleyes:

P.S. Thanks again to all of you who have made this thread what it has become :o and for your undying loyalty and admiration to this marvelous role-model/person who gives us all such unending pleasure and inspiration... :D

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Hello Everyone! HaHa~

my1st time ever posting here! teehee :D

Thanks very much everyone for the updates, pictures &(Eberything) :)

OMG GEE,,, you finally posted here in GHS thread hahaha! Congrats twin!! Btw i love your new poll question in GHS FC..it's funny and random haha! ;):D

I wonder why I never noticed Hye Sun before I watched BOF. Its very disappointing of me. *tsk tsk* I need to stop going gaga over male celebs. *sigh*

Her role as Geum Jan Di totally stole me heart! Haha! I have a preference for strong female leads who don't cry every fudging episode. lol. So naturally she became an actress I started to like, and so I researched her profile. To be honest, I was quite shocked when I found out she was 25/26 years old. She looks like a freakin teenager! @_@ And I was even more surprised when I discovered that she was quite underrated, despite the fact that she has collaborated with well known/popular celebs via dramas, CFs, MVs, etc. such as with Jo In Sung, Tablo, Lee Seung Gi, Hyun Bin, Tae Bin, and Eric Mun. But what shocked me the most was that besides being an actress, she was also a blossoming director, composer, writer, and artist. And she's a certified one at that. Currently filming, released new age album, published book, and had an art exhibit. She's so enviably talented! O_O Damn you and your multi-talentedness Hye Sun! Haha! lol.

I wonder why she never received any recognition. Just look at her! She's sooo adorable! ^o^ Who can resist that perfect porcelain skin, large eyes, lovely smile, and infectious laugh? lol. And that appetite of hers! Who cannot find that awesomely hilarious? Haha! Though its somewhat sad that it took her that long to get recognized, I am still glad that BOF shot her to unparalleled fame. It was because of BOF that I discovered her and then became an ardent fan. Haha! So I'm glad that I watched BOF (I initially planned NOT to watch it because I've heard the story so many times that it got boring, and the korean version was going to be the 3rd remake, and I despise remakes, lol). Goo Hye Sun is now officially my FAVORITE korean actress. I can put a stamp at that. lol.

But anyways, I am now searching for Pure 19 and Strongest Chil Woo with eng subs. lol. One of the crappy points when you become a late fan. All the previous works are gone. Aish. T_T

Hey special ed, I can totally relate to you! But so happy now we are big fans of GHS! She is truly inspirational and multi-talented! very unique and beautiful inside and out! :D

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Guest blooming

Hello Sunnies,

I'm so happy that I finally received GHS cd "Breathe" from YesASIA. It took about 7 days to received here in California. I really liked the cd cover. It's really unique and there's a picture of her attached inside holding "DUOTOR" coffee. She is so pretty!!! I will treasure her CD as my valuable collections. Actually, I even bought BOF DVD, OST CD, PART1 and 2, PURE HEARTS 19 DVD. Does anyone knows where I can buy the Non Stop 5 DVD? She's my role model and inspiration even though I'm a lot older than her. I started playing piano again because of her. All I can say is she's an angel!:) I will continue to pray for her success, health and most important thing is for her to have an understanding and really nice boyfriend whoever that might be!!! I hope it's LMH.:):wub: .

Please buy her CD. You won't regret it!! It's so relaxing when you listen to it!!

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구혜선 감독, 대규모 엑스트라 공개모집 '화제'

TV 리포트 | 황인혜 기자 [2010-02-09 12:14]


[TV리포트 황인혜 기자] 배우 구혜선이 자신의 첫 장편 연출작 '요술'에 출연할 대규모 엑스트라를 공개 모집한다.

구혜선은 자신의 미니홈피에 영화의 클라이맥스 장면을 촬영할 장소와 일시(고양시 아람누리극장, 2월 21일)를 공개하며 적극적으로 엑스트라 모집에 나섰다.

영화 '요술'을 시작하면서 팬들과 꼭 함께 할 수 있는 자리를 마련하겠다고 약속한 구혜선은 영화상 가장 중요한 장면을 팬들과 함께 하고 싶은 마음에 공개 엑스트라 모집을 하게 됐다.

특히 이날 촬영분은 클라이맥스인 동시에 세 명의 주인공들의 팽팽한 긴장감이 연출되는 장면이라 그 어느 때보다도 많은 준비가 요하는 장면이기도 하다.

영화 관계자는 "영화 '요술'이 치열하게 살아가는 젊은 음악가들의 사랑과 우정, 희생에 대한 이야기를 다룬 영화인만큼 촬영장 분위기도 상당히 진지하게 진행되고 있다"며 "구혜선 역시 자신의 첫 장편 영화 연출작인만큼 배우는 자세로 집중력 있게 현장을 진두지휘하고 있다"고 전했다.

이번 영화를 통해 시나리오, 연출, 음악, 연기까지 1인 4역을 맡은 구혜선은 '과속스캔들'의 김준영 촬영감독, '눈에는 눈 이에는 이'의 신명진 조명감독과 함께 완성도 높은 영화를 만들기 위해 영화 이외의 일정은 중단한 채 영화에만 몰두하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

한편 구혜선은 앞서 발표한 첫 단편 영화 '유쾌한 도우미'는 부산아시아단편영화제, 부천국제영화제, 아시아나국제단편영화제에 공식 초청되어 좋은 평가를 받았다.

이어 '제3회 차이나 모바일 영화제(China Mobile Film Festival)'와 오는 2월말 일본에서 개최되는 '유바리국제판타스틱영화제'에도 공식 초청되는 등 해외에서도 좋은 반응을 얻고 있다.

사진 = YG엔터테인먼트


'감독' 구혜선, 엑스트라 공개 모집 이유는?

입력 : 2010-02-09 12:24:12


[이데일리 SPN 최은영 기자] 탤런트 구혜선이 자신의 첫 장편영화 연출작 '요술' 촬영중 대규모 엑스트라를 공개 모집하고 나서 화제다.

구혜선은 지난 6일 자신의 싸이월드 미니홈피에 영화 '요술'의 현장 사진을 공개한 뒤 영화에 함께 할 엑스트라를 모집한다고 밝혀 네티즌들의 이목을 끌었다. 당시 글에서 구혜선은 '2월21일, 고양시 아람누리극장'이라며 촬영 장소와 함께 일시까지 상세히 공개해내막에 관심을 모았다.

소속사 YG엔터테인먼트에 따르면 구혜선이 공지한 이 날 해당 장소에선 영화 '요술'의 클라이맥스 장면이 촬영될 예정이다.

소속사 측은 "구혜선이 영화 '요술'을 시작하면서 팬들과 함께 할 수 있는 자리를 마련하겠다고 약속했고 영화상 가장 중요한 장면을 팬들과 함께 하고 픈 마음에 공개 엑스트라를 모집하게 된 것"이라고 전했다.

영화 '요술'은 젊은 음악가들의 사랑과 우정을 그린 음악 영화로 배우 구혜선이 각본과 감독, 연기, 음악까지 1인 4역을 맡아 제작 전부터 화제가 됐다.

영화의 한 제작 관계자는 "촬영장 분위기가 상당히 진지하다"며 "구혜선 역시 자신의 첫 장편 영화 연출작인만큼 배우는 자세로 집중력 있게 현장을 진두지휘 하고 있다"고 전했다.

이번 영화에서 구혜선은 '과속스캔들'의 김영준 촬영감독, '눈에는 눈 이에는 이'의 신명진 조명감독과 함께 완성도 높은 영화를 만들기 위해 영화 이외의 일정은 일체 삼가는 등 영화 작업에만 모든 시간을 할애하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

영화 '요술'은 지난 달 15일 크랭크인 됐으며, 올 하반기 개봉 예정이다.





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Hi Sunnies ** thanks so much for the updates, pics and articles of Hyesun Nat ^ ^ some old pics of Hyesun in a relaxed mode ~ ~

%7Boption%7Dhttp://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy253/v...ee01/cutie2.jpg [/ img]

%7Boption%7Dhttp://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy253/v...ee01/cutie1.jpg [/ img]

cr: dc

hope she finds time to relax even she's super busy this days .. have a nice day everyone: D

edit: dont know why i cant see my posted images but i can see them in preview: o big thanks to GHSFan for reposting ^ ^

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Guest susAmerica


Thank you for posting two articles about GHS's movie.

The two articles are almost identical except for few things each reporter added.

There are also other articles with pretty much same content throughout the news sites.

Basically GHS and YG Entertainment are spreading the news widely to request

assistance as extras for her movie, MAGIC. Since GHS needs 200 people, she

is getting the help of the media to find her fans and interested people.

I will translate the main points from this particular article:


cr. http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=

TVEdaily Reporter Lee Eun Ji, on 2/2/10 at 11:29 AM

Headline: The reason Director Goo is publicly recruiting extras

On Feb. 6th, GHS uploaded into her minihompy few on-location work pictures from her movie set and an invitation to the fans and to the public to become her extras for the movie, Magic, on Feb 21, Sunday, at the GoYangShi AhRhemNoori Theatre.

She chose a very important scene in her movie to seek the cooperation and participation of her fans and the public. The scene to be filmed on Feb 21st is a very important climax scene where the tight tension among the three stars of the movie will be directed and acted. Therefore, it is not only a very important scene tbut it also requires much preparation.

An associate of the movie informed that, 'Just as Magic is a story of passionate people's love, friendship and sacrifice, the work environment on the set is also very serious. Director Goo, with an attitude of a learner, carries out her first, full-length directorial work with serious and focused leadership.

To elevate the quality of her movie to perfection, not only has GHS taken 4 roles (i.e. director, writer, composer and actress) for the movie but is also collaborating with Speed Scandal's Director Kim Joon Young (of filming) and Eye for anEye and Tooth for a Tooth's Director Shin Myung Jin (of lighting). Plus, GHS has halted all her other schedules to fully concentrated on Magic.

Her short film, Cheerful Caretaker is also well received in the International Film Festivals as it was formally invited by the Third China Mobile IFF as well as Yubari IFF. (the article does not mention whether GHS will be attending the Japan's YubariIFF.)


Also, below is a link to Real J's website for YG Entertainment pictures. This one has a lot of GHS pix~~I have seem most of them before.


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I'm so glad to see that many of the newer converts to GHS are now back-tracking top see her as "Yang Gukwha" in Pure in Heart. All that the world later has come to love and admire about our Hye Sun radiates of her out of her character each episode of that awesome drama/example of: how-one-should-approach-one's-life-on-a-daily-basis handbook. :P Of all of the characters that I've witnessed in three plus years as a fan of K-Drama, it is Goo Hye Sun as "Gukwha" that remains nearest and dearest to my heart. :wub: Watching this lovely angel working her magic for those 167 episodes has been one of the great pleasures of my life. :) Knowing that the actress/person/genius playing the role is basically one and the same with her character is icing on the cake. :D I'm forever indebted to Boys Over Flowers for allowing GHS to become known to the masses as the tremendous talent/person that she is, but I'll never. ever forget that it is "Yang Gukwha" who will always own my heart... :rolleyes:

P.S. Thanks again to all of you who have made this thread what it has become :o and for your undying loyalty and admiration to this marvelous role-model/person who gives us all such unending pleasure and inspiration... :D

thanks again for visiting us :D dunno why i`m happy whenever i see you post though your inspiring lines are the ones i`m looking forward to..maybe it`s the fact that from the time i decided to turn the first pages of this thread i`ve already seen your persistent & continuous show of love & support to our dear Hye Sun..with high hopes, you`ve seen Hye Sun grow not only as an amazing actress but as a totally wonderful person..both "Yang Gukwha" of Pure 19 & "Jandi" of BOF have marked a very special & inspiring characters that most of us are endlessly admiring & following..hoping that in the years to come, such admiration would continue to blossom with prayers that Hye Sun would untiringly share with us her gifts of priceless wisdom, beauty & talent :)

Hello Sunnies,

I'm so happy that I finally received GHS cd "Breathe" from YesASIA. It took about 7 days to received here in California. I really liked the cd cover. It's really unique and there's a picture of her attached inside holding "DUOTOR" coffee. She is so pretty!!! I will treasure her CD as my valuable collections. Actually, I even bought BOF DVD, OST CD, PART1 and 2, PURE HEARTS 19 DVD. Does anyone knows where I can buy the Non Stop 5 DVD? She's my role model and inspiration even though I'm a lot older than her. I started playing piano again because of her. All I can say is she's an angel!:) I will continue to pray for her success, health and most important thing is for her to have an understanding and really nice boyfriend whoever that might be!!! I hope it's LMH.:):wub: .

Please buy her CD. You won't regret it!! It's so relaxing when you listen to it!!

wow!! hands-off to your efforts in collecting all the memorable stuffs related to Hye Sun..just continue pursuing your love for piano & never lose that hope & inspiration you`ve regained through her..may all your prayers come true & that all of us may witness it :)

jee, thanks for sparing your time here though you`re busy out there :D

wanna repost pics from velvet01 :) wishing best of health always for Hye Sun :)



** waves to all sunnies ** :D

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To elevate the quality of her movie to perfection, not only has GHS taken 4 roles (i.e. director, writer, composer and actress) for the movie...

Sue, I am little lost here....perhaps I've miss some news abt GHS's Magic but in this article it gave me the impression that GHS is also acted in her owm movie....does she? I didn't know that....does she play one of the important role? I tot she only direct, writes & compose...but she acted too?

GHS the cute actress cum director...


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Guest leezzul

hello all sunnies....! :D

Thanks for everything that u guys share here.news,pics and all about Goo Hye Sun.i can't mention all sunnies name,but just want to say,u rock guys! :lol::lol:

Hi velvet01 and GHSfan,i love that pics. HS's look like such a lovely girls. :)

Hope her film will reach high successfully! From now on,she'll be knowing not just an actress,artist,singer,composer,writer,but also Director Goo Hye Sun! Love U Director Goo! :lol:

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