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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Thank you @shadia71 for bringing over the clip.

Hopefully we can see the film next week.


I saw in the variety show that the keyword topic that Director Jung chose to work on for his short film is VR. I guess that means Virtual Reality? Is there any other meaning?


DC-GHS captured few shots~



moving Koo GIF:


Koo hitting Dir Jung for saying they all have to work through the night.


I heard in dc-koo from someone who watched a bit of TLT and saw that there are glimpses of Koo appearing in the drama--such as far-away view or side view or her hair, etc. Of course, nothing that is clear full view of Koo. I have not seen it ----yet?? not sure yet. 

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On this page, dc-Koo fans are talking about what they think would be good for Koo's birthday.

This is the 2nd page for such brainstorming of ideas.

Few ideas that came out: gardigan for the cold weather to come and maybe even for husband as well to show our appreciation, clay doll (?), gift box full of things that she may like (??) even for her pets,...(I personally posted that since Koo is a minimalist, is it appropriate to give her a cash card as a gift so that she can buy exactly what she may want and need for her work, new house, trip, pets, husband, etc.:D)

If you Sunnies have any more ideas (I saw Kooluv's idea...very good too), share them on the page. DC-fans really want to show warmth and good wishes for this special birthday for KOO. 

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Hello sunnies,

Hope all of you are doing well..just saw the preview of All Audience and happy to see uri Hyesunnie laughing and smiling.Hope she has totally recovered from her sickness though now she only has to find out her allergen and stay away from it..she looks as pretty as ever :) I am excited for next week..

I am so sad and disheartened looking at the back view of her in TLT,it totally breaks my heart to see her hard work getting wasted..Even from the back side she looks so pretty and feminine,such a pity.. :(

I feel like turning her around when i see the pics in ig and weibo..So want to see her in the pink dress,yellow dress and the light orange one..I m sure she looked like an angel in the drama..Ah I am so annoyed..but i guess it couldnt be helped at all..

I wish for the best for her always really want to see her soon taking up a drama..i cant wait to see her on screen..

My wish is still the same to see her in a cable drama like the Reply series or any good series..

Good wishes and regards to all sunnies..

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Happy to see khs having fun while shooting and it seems she's close to the director.Excited to see her again.miss her so bad.

about gift suggestion for khs bday.Since she's minimalist and don't buy often stuff for herself.Wish fans would give her instead the thing she don't usually buy like chlothes..yes cardigan will be nice since its cold n korea now,long sleeve turtle kneck,few dresses that she can wear this fall and  summer would be nice also,a hand bag that she can use  everyday, laptop maybe,perfume and wine.since fans gave it to her I'm sure she would wear/ use them to show her appreciation.But offcourse any gift given to her I know she will be happy.Wish that khsdc can collect enough amount of money to buy her gift.to all the fans of khs any amount is big help.fighting!!

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Thanks @Rain Song ! You can put your ideas on the page. English is good. Our dc person in charge seems comfortable with English.

Due to the source of her anaphylaxis not being found yet, dc is not going to get her anything to do with food, nutrition, perfume, wine, etc....nothing that may contribute towards allergic reaction. Also, many gave up on dresses or bags for Koo as she rarely wears them. She seems to be jean-shirt and jean-pants type of a woman. It seems everybody is having hard time deciding as Koo is a minimalist and does not want too many "things". 

But, many are agreeing with the idea of warm muffler/scarf, warm cozy home shoes (she can wear them while working too), warm gloves, etc. (I remember she burnt her warm gloves that she likes at the Newlywed Diary..I wonder if she bought another pair before going home???:D). I believe dc-Koo really wants to send "warm and healthful" wishes for dear Koo.


I just sent in my contribution. Again, Sunnies, if you want to or can contribute, $ amount is not  important, at least in my opinion. Number of Sunnies contributing count SOOOO much more, at least in my opinion.   Whatever you can to show support is great. Each penny adds up to make a nice pool of contribution and it can give more choices for the gift buyer. DC-Koo is also thinking about collecting letters, etc. I am not sure if it is possible as her birthday is fast approaching. Koo's Birthday is November 9th and dc-Koo is collecting until one week before her birthday--that is...until Novemeber 4th---I am assuming.

PAYPAL account 






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I know @cheerkoo but since it's given by her fans she dont hav a choice but to wear/use them.hehe she knows fans put so much effort for those gift.Ill try to suggest to D.C. Cardigan,longsleeve turtle kneck,winter hat (knit beanie),2018planner,a pair of pajamas,leggings and chlothes for her dogs.i read that They Collected around 500thousand won?so that's 500$ at least.I check how much are cardigans usually and it's around 30$ up depending on the brand.there are many affordable brands that they can choose from.yes I'm hoping that khsdc can collect at least 1000$ above so that we can buy more gift for her.lets contribute guys.ill send mine by next week.not that big but I know It can help.

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Final VOTING after brainstorming~voting ends Oct 19th midnight (Korean time)

You click on the link at this dc page (look bottom)~ specifically made for this purpose by 라떼, our organizer.


password is Koo's bday (do not include year)--4 characters total!!  You can choose up to 4 items. Please send in what you can as well to paypal khkedu@daum.net

I will post the list here (it is in Korean)


1 character figure or clay

2 mosaic photo frame

3 photobook or photo album (with messages)

4 flower basket or a pretty flower vase

5 sugar cake

6 coat or padding

7 gardigan

8 hat

9 bag (Jejudo eco-bag, fall and winter version)

10 scarf/muffler, mittens, (winter items)

11 cashmere blanket

12 pair of slippers (with fur, Ugg--maybe for the couple)

13 ?clothes

14 art supplies

15 tea, health items

16 set of dishes and utensils


After you select 4 items, you press the button (next) at bottom of page--rectangular box--and it leads you to a page with 2 buttons. First button is to see the result of votes and the 2nd button is to leave the site.

Currently, furry slipper, Ugg , if possible for the couple is winning. Second one is gardigan and the Third is muffler/scarf.


If you went to see the result, I believe you don't have to do anything. You can just exit out of the page. Thanks.

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Thank you Sunnies!!!

Koo went to a wedding. She took some pix with above guests. Woah, I like her shorter bangs. I can see her pretty face more.

I saw in one of the IG pix that it was a wedding in Buchon, which is an area/ town where Koo grew up. It is possible she went to a wedding of one of her classmates from childhood??

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I just saw the short film through the variety program, All Audience.

Reallly good.

Everybody says that the ending shot is what made the film perfect.

Short film really is full of symbolisms and meanings and relates so very artiscally to today's issues.

The short film is called Dad's Sword.

The boy is bullied at school and even thinks about suicde when his own father is in coma from a heart attack. The director makes parallel comparison between the young boy in his own cruel world and his father who is also most likely living in his own bully-like, cruel world.

But the boy and his mother did not know that his father was deeply into the game world where each person takes on a character and trying to change the world for better. Lee HJ and GHS and the boy's father belong to this game world. They all support and work together in the game world. The boy's mother is not understanding what it is all about. Even the boy is not sure. He says it is just a game. But GHS's characer rises up and says (parapharasing) people just think it is not real, but it is very much like the real world....Gamers reveal that the boy's father is actually the courageous leader in their game world. When thy lost a war, they felt depressed and hopeless, but it was the father who raised them up and got them to have courage to face the cruelty of their situation again and win. The gamers said that boy's father wanted to give his Sword to the boy and this Sword is what saves the boy to rise against his bullies. The boy returns to the hospital and find his father as the hero. 


Dir Jung says that he wanted to deal with the school violence and bullying issue in this film. He portrayed games in a positive light. He says that he wanted to work with GHS because her character just poppped up for him. Many directors in the variety program saw each other in the movie, OkJa. They all say that they saw Dir Jung talking with GHS and wonders if he was trying at that time to get her to work with him on this project. Dir Jung says that he did not talk with GHS about doing this particular role at that time but that he wanted work with her one day.  (Oh YES!!!)


I also think I know what image of KOO popped up in Dir Jung's mind for this film. Koo from Newlywed Diary....she encourages her husband to play games because it is his interest and he can do it on his own. She loves and encourages "hobbies and interests" in her husband as she also said that she cannot live without them in her life. Dir Jung also says that Koo lives with someone who loves games. keke Whereas many poeple have negative ideas about games, Koo has another idea and so does Dir Jung. It is a coping mecahnism and it is like reading a great book that can move you to do out-of-charcter, great things. 2 thumbs up!!!!



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I know I could not watch in the naver site either.

I watched it at ondemandkorea site which is not usu translated.

But I think there is another site which is very extensive and free (at least for now)...NewAsianTV.io  (do I need to erase this?)

I did not look carefully as the site does not seem quite organized to find programs easily...but I think I saw All Audience icon in that site. And that site is FREE.

sorry...I wish i have the time to search right now...but gotta go soon.

Have a good day Sunnies.


Just saw at


YT link for the short film Dad's Sword.


Also, DC is doing a collection of messages from all her fans to include with her gift. until 10/29-midnight (korean time)


They found an inexpensive publishing business that compile messages into a magazine format. Great idea!! The email to send your messages is posted on that page. It is different front the one for paypal.


Currently this is the amout they got:


two from International fan group.

Total collected from national and international: 약 1,000,000원(won)--about   $884.65 US Dollar


4 items that won the vote: Fur slippers, gardigan, muffler, flower basket.



Not too late. Still collecting funds and collecting your warm wishes for Koo's birthday.


Thanks Sunnies!!!!



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