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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Aprodithe, GHS acting in "BLOOD"  she showed/acted only based  on d director's instruction...I pity actors/actresses in some point bcoz even though they tried their best n worked their richard simmons in a hard way to learn n pleased viewers still not enough...people always finding a hole  to shoot them that's how cruel unfair n scary d world they in...GHS dear everything/anything u hve done n want to do is always worthy to watched n waiting for...failed/success its ok....failure is another form of success  nver gve up used ur freedom to do everything/anything that makes u happy bcoz GOD is ONLY d basis of all our doings either success or failure so angel fighting! 

mm...i am a little bit confuse reading yr post because some word cut unfamiliarity. But i do get the point. I do understand that the PD must be responsible for the whole thing. Then for next drama, KHS should argue with the PD how the character should be portray. experienced actress did that. and KHS  is one of the experienced actress out there...pls argue with the PD if she felt that it was not supposed to portrayed like that.

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Aprodithe,which part u confused w/? Y should she argue w/d PD? If u're really a true GHS fan u should know her better, her personality I mean...mind u even she's an experienced actress as u said she won't dare to do what u said if others can do that  I think she really can't , y? U figure it out urself....anyway thanks for ur comment, hve a nice day.

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Dear Sunnies,

Let us NOT create rumors that we have no proof. If we are a fan, we need to think of her as a person with all the rights to privacy and respect. We know that she is a very sensitive person who is trying hard to deal with tough situtaions like any of us. She does not deserve false rumors as none of us do either. Soompi understands so there is a separate thread for such a thing. I would very much appreciate if we can erase the links to that thread here and to not create rumors that may only hurt her name in this thread. Please..remember, our activity is watched internationally. This is a wide open forum. If Koo comes here, would she feel appreciated or would we find her feel very hurt?

Actually, even if there might be a strong proof, I hope we can wait untiil Koo announces it, before we post it in this particular thread...just to be respectful.

Thank you.

None of us is perfect and neither is Koo. Because Koo faced so many sharp comments against her this past year and she does have a whole lot of anti-fans in Korea and I am sure around the world, I was hoping that, at least in this thread, we can focus on her positives...so that she can feel support. We all need a little space to just feel unconditional love so that we can face the world again. That is just my thought...

Have a positive and passionate day, Sunnies!! Fighting!!

Edited by cheerkoo
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Hi Sunnies,

Thanks sis @myonenonly & @cheerkoo for the important reminders --

1) please keep Shipping comments in the correct thread & not here on our GHS forum - Arachi - Got it! :angry:

2) please be really careful about posting unconfirmed info/rumors about GHS-- it is a really serious

matter- for us fans & esp. for GHS.  She doesn't need any additional griefs - even if it's not on purpose!

3) our forum is for Sunnies/her fans to celebrate all that's wonderful about our angel GHS, to have positive,

encouraging words & unconditional support for HS so negative opinions have no place here- shd be expressed elsewhere! 

Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinions and it's natural that not 100% of our opinions about GHS are positive BUT

here on our forum we share only the positives - Arasseo?   Let's starts focusing on the good things now - Sunnies!

Any updates with KCC Philippines survey to bring K actress to Philippines- Phil Sunnies?   Lastly, I was on Goo Hye Sun Vietnam Family FB page - saw the following & want to share:

Don't know name of song which she sang on Lee Hana Peppermint (2009) - I like the song a lot - this vid showed her playing the song at home


GHS playing a song from Breath1 - it's cool to see young puppy Ghamja, right?  Wish to see GHS playing

songs from Breath2 on the piano or it would be really cool if a Sunnie can play those on the piano too ;)



Come To Play Variety show - does anyone know if there English translation for this vid?  There's

a man that come on at the end to surprise her- it seems like someone that's close/important to her

and I'm really curious who's that.  Please enlighten me - please :)



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Hi Sunnies,,,

These days, I cannot do a lot of translating esp an hour long talk show as deciphering words by hearing is not my forte either. Anyway...I kind of remember watching that talk show long time ago---it was GHS's teacher from either latter part of elementary or junior high school. This was around the time GHS made Peach Tree. I think GHS said that her bank account became zero as she invested all her personal money into it ---I think she said she invested 10-Uck Korean money into it. I am not sure what that is in dollars. There were also her classmates from that same school present in the audience. I think I remember them saying that they still get together but I am not sure if GHS is part of that get-together as the teacher said that one of the girls used to make fun of hs as children....

I will try to take a look and translate one of these days..I cannot remember the details...

Thanks for all your posts!!

Sunnies,,,,whether it makes impact or not and since they have been around for so long,,,,let us give our GHS-ssi our supporting VOTE everyday!! Thanks SOOOOOOO much!!!


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Hello Sunnies, have a nice day/night

Thanks for reminding each other and respect this thread a personal thread of GHS, also to follow the soompi rules too.

My special thanks @cheerkoo for your kindness and never fail in translating and updating any news for us esp from DC. 

Btw all of us misses our princess soooo much right, so let us all pray hard for her to stay strong and to appear in a new project soon, Amen. And let's never fail to VOTE for our princess daily too.  Sunnies Fighting !!!



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DC fans heard GHS's music in two different variety shows. Since they use initials to indicate which variety shows, I have no idea what they are. One is indicated by 이동ㄱ네 and the other one indicated by 슈돌 bgm. 

What a wonderful news!!

Also I saw this blogger:  http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=byckjs&logNo=220436742737

Please click on this blogger at least once to show our support and so that her blog appears when we open internet portals with GHS's articles. Thanks. This blogger is named Madeleine Love and praises GHS's Breath2 very highly.

She says GHs's music brings fresh wind through her mind as if she is on vacation, her music also comforts her..she was looking for that right music and found GHS's mucis late. She really likes every single compositions in the album. She could not believe how every piece captures her so fully. She hopes that GHS makes more music and that there are people who are waiting for her next one. She really is multi-talented and she promises to support her. 


Fighting Sunnies!! Keep your chins up. Fighting GHS!! You are GREAAAAAT!!! So are you Sunnies...(I am just following what GHS said in the InterroBang....be good to oneself with praises and comfort!! don't wait for others to do that..)


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I just wanted to say..

I am in no way putting down anyone for shipping, etc. I am just a participant in this forum like all of you. I have done shipping and still think about it time to time. keke. At times, I feel like a match-maker for HS. keke I have learned that the internet world of the stars in Korea are intense and scary..cyberbullying is real but they don't really categorize it as that. Stars must depend on the fans for their livelihood. Internet put downs are a big problem everywhere....that is why I now finally understand why DC fans have been so extrememely careful and so protective of GHS...I did not understand them in the beginning at all. 

So, we have to be mindful of the possible negative impact on the very star whom we are trying to support by what we say on the internet. I also feel that our too much creative shipping may make the Korean nay-sayers to not take us seriously and put us down too. They dare criticize us for enjoying her dramas and her works--saying that we do not understand the culture---they simply dismissed us the foreign fans. Remember?


Please don't forget~ Please give her a vote when you got a minute..

3 voting sites again.





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Shipping GHS when her drama is airing is ok. Of course we have to talk about her drama & it is inevitable not to mention her lead partner. But once it is done we move on. We want to welcome all possible male leads she'll have in the future. That's why there's a thread for couples ( reel & real) for those who are stuck & believing it might become true. I've been there & it was fun but it takes so much emotions, draining actually. Now I have my own bias too but I'm just a well wisher. Making assumptions is wrong. I feel we violate GHS' privacy. I feel for the REAL guy who's dating GHS & vice versa. What if the REAL girl who's dating that guy whom you assume dating Koo becomes bitter & would start sending hate comments, then her friends would join in too? We are giving the other haters an opportunity to bash Koo again & again. Why don't we just wait for GHS to announce it. :) It's possible I might not like her choice but hey! Who are we to say anything... I'm still her fan & will love everything GHS.

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Aprodithe,which part u confused w/? Y should she argue w/d PD? If u're really a true GHS fan u should know her better, her personality I mean...mind u even she's an experienced actress as u said she won't dare to do what u said if others can do that  I think she really can't , y? U figure it out urself....anyway thanks for ur comment, hve a nice day.

in every drama, actress and actor discuss how the character should be portrayed. the script only mention " an arrogant lady doctor". then the PD ask her to do the comical of arrogant lady doctor. then, she can discuss with him how to portrayed an arrogant lady doctor..

If the PD said, just act like Geum Jandi did, then she should argue, but this lady doctor is 30 years old while Jandi is 17 years old...they can discuss, Moon chae won (the actress on the Good Doctor) discuss with the SW and the PD about how to interpret the character so that it would not overdo nor lacking something.

I understand that some fans can't accept the fact that their favourite actress has lacking something. My post probably not going to be a very popular post because i critic GHS, and i am not kind of fans who never critic my own favourite actress.


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Had been trying to track down this info that I'd mentioned - Asian Drama Pilipinas Best Actress Award 2014 -- luckily found YT vid  ;)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjYxNyKqoA4

For those Sunnies who had not seen- it's worth repeating the info & for us to feel very proud of GHS, who is so very popular with

Philippines k-drama fans.  I'm still amazed of the # of votes GHS got-  according to the vid @2:49 - she got 1,205,643 votes out of a total of ~4 million votes (I somewhat add up the votes of all actresses).  That's one million two hundred thousand ...!!!!

Have a question - the vid showed GHS making some comments at the end; is she thanking fans for that award?  I'm just curious bc I'm thinking that the award/voting would have taken place end of 2014, long after AE ended.  But it showed GHS in that magenta dress or coat from AE???

Also, wondering about the status of KCC survey to get k-drama actress to come to the Philippines, any news Phil. sunnies??

Thanks sis @myonenonly for sharing your insights about "shipping" and how it may negatively affect GHS!

Thanks @Cheerkoo sis for your info (the man is her teacher) on Come to Play vid & positive news from DC-GHS  <3 <3  

Have a wonderful week ahead dear Sunnies   :wub: :)


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I found it!! (credit to DC fans)

"My Love" from Gu HyeSun's Breath2 and Peach Tree Ost album played on Return of Superman variety show on August 9th.


It starts at 1:20:10. It is a very appropriate place for her music to start. Former soccer player LDG's daughter felt sad and cried that she was not playing tennis as well as she hoped with alll that practice and she shouts out, "I can do it" 3x with her father's encouragement. It also reminded me of Han DaJin from Please Captain when Han Dajin shouted out in the highest point at a bridge in Australia---"I am Han Dajin who can make it if I commit to it! " Remember? For the variety show's PD to choose GHS's music at that very moment was very moving and so thankful for me---I felt like it was also a FIGHTING for GHS herself too. It would be something that GHS would do as indicated in her Interrobang speech. I want to find out more about that PD now.

Really beautiful!!

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Thanks a million sis Cheerkoo for all your continuous support to my favorite and number one Korean Star and Lady, Ku Hye Sun. It is a well known fact that your hard efforts in this Thread are highly appreciated by all of us, all your inputs are really very interesting and I am always looking forward to reading more of them, God bless you . 



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Guest helkel

Hello all :) (yes, you, you and you and you and you! *and many more yous >.<* - sorry for no @personalnamedrops hehehee but you know you are a fondly remembered face)

Time for the usual fly-by greetings...lol j/k

I am still a follower of Angel Koo (nice nick btw haha), always. Just that I infrequently visit Soompi. And following up on news tbh. But it is the heart/thought that count right?! And when the time comes to show support by purchase/viewing, thats for sure. Other times I really silent thats all!

So I am happy to see everyone still around! Feels like home.
I just read the translated transcript of the Great Talk Interrobang thingy @meow's site. @cheerkoo, profusely thanking yall cannot be enough for the hardwork!

Only finished Angel Eyes ep10-20 over the long weekend in my country. I know.. I took a fair amount of time to complete a series.. I did start last year when it aired, watching it via the official streams (?) and have a DFsub all along, so did twice-weekly watching via vpn connection. But at ep9 I kinda zoned out. It is me, I was preoccupied with other things irl at that point in time... anyways, glad I got around to finish watching!

Today I found out I have new music to listen to, an MV to watch and an entire new series to binge! Plus a movie to look forward to! (will Daughter be released on DVD soon!!??) Are we blessed or what :D

To everyone here: Best wishes, hope you stay happy, strong , <3 and support Koo, who will also continue to be stay happy and strong and creative :)

Toodles! (gonna go get started on Blood this evening lol)

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I found it!! (credit to DC fans)

"My Love" from Gu HyeSun's Breath2 and Peach Tree Ost album played on Return of Superman variety show on August 9th.


It starts at 1:20:10. It is a very appropriate place for her music to start. Former soccer player LDG's daughter felt sad and cried that she was not playing tennis as well as she hoped with alll that practice and she shouts out, "I can do it" 3x with her father's encouragement. It also reminded me of Han DaJin from Please Captain when Han Dajin shouted out in the highest point at a bridge in Australia---"I am Han Dajin who can make it if I commit to it! " Remember? For the variety show's PD to choose GHS's music at that very moment was very moving and so thankful for me---I felt like it was also a FIGHTING for GHS herself too. It would be something that GHS would do as indicated in her Interrobang speech. I want to find out more about that PD now.

Really beautiful!!

can't open the link T___T. thanx  @cheerkoo  for sharing it with us. miss her alot so much

finally can watch it through you tube link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khGkjXNZOq0

love when the father console and gave a support for his daughter for not give up and yes.. the song "My Love" was suit well with the scene ^^


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Hello Sunnies.

I saw a segment of another variety show where an idol /actor was talking. He said that he tends to read all the people's comments after articles about him. The reason is that people tend to believe in those comments about him whether they are true or not. As someone who love his job, he has to rely on those comments. (cr Healing Camp with 'Hyungsik')

That was really sad to hear. It made me think about Koo and wishing her all the best.

It also made me think of Koo's Cheerful Caretaker short film again---how death sentences are so so easily given out to those struggling to live well without "successful results" and how somehow they cannot but accept the death sentence that they don't deserve at all. Koo's incredible depth and sensitivity to an issue that must be so close to many celebrities in Korea...how I wish many saw that.

I am beginning to see (I could be wrong) Koo touches on issues that are taboo and/or issues that exist yet we really don't want to think about---beacuase it is so hard.

I also saw another segment of a variety show where an 8 yo of girl came out to accuse her father of cursing so much. I listened and it was an obvious case of emotional abuse. She even had dream that her father went to jail for hitting her...could that be the truth and she put it into a dream? The father only said that he grew up like that so he cannot help it and that she did something bad so he did that. !!!!! And the worse thing was that the audicence did not think it was worse than the problem of a man who likes to try daredevil stunts even though his wife is so worried. (cr. Hello Counselor)

It made me think of Koo's film, Daughter---how I wish many saw that!! Koo may very well be touching on issues that Korea is not yet ready to acknowledge or deal with. ???!!!

Koo Fighitng!! Stay well.

Sunnies Fighitng!!!

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