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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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"No guts,no glory" n "action speaks louder than words"our angel has proven that a couple of times already doing/showing what she's really capable of without words bcoz for her words don't comes out so easy... lucky AJH,bcoz our angel take/make d first move so that he will take more courage to approach her n stop d staring moments already lol...she's so straightforward i like/admire her even more,not any girls can do what she really done no wonder her husband is head over heels towards her,saying his life n universe lol...envy n jealous much of their love,they r a good example n a role model of a relationship goal,may God showers them more blessings n happiness as in always!

Thanks for all updates/translations n shared thoughts guys,kindly appreciated...hve a happy family weekend bonding time to all!

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Yoo HeeYul is the Music Director for the show, NWD. He used several of Koo's own music. When the AHNGOO couple was being interviewed about how they met and when was their first kiss, we heard the instrumental for Marry Me, then when AhnGoo was helping each other move furnitures, we heard, Summer Days (from the Peach Tree movie) and then at the end when they showed the preview for next week and we saw that they are having a fight, we heard Koo's March of Good-Bye. 

Here Here to the Music Director for using some of Koo's music--they all went beautifully tegether. 

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This kid actor posted a pic of him w/ Koo. I guess this is from Koo's comeback drama YTM, I hope I'm right kk:D Anyway, hoping to see Koo on a new hairstyle in this drama. :smirk:Oh..I'm so excited!:blush: Btw, congratulation to Koo-nim & AJH for a high rating on it's 1st ep. of ND. So happy for the nice comments tioo. Wish it will continue till the end.:star: Fighting!


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I dunno where to post this...here or at the couple's thread ..geez..hehe. But NJTTW3 gang especialy Kyuhun talked to Koo on the fone. And AJH wasn't there w/ the gang. Really curious what they're talking about lol. I on;y understand the part what to addressed her, whether noona or what since they knew each other then he called her "sunbae-nim"..he's flustered haha!:D Wishing for the sub.. can't wait!:sweat_smile:


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I believe J2W3's latest episode ranked very high. But it ranked really high over 4% when GHS came into the show through telephone!! AJH was receving an award in HK that PDNah asked Koo to speak on AHH's behalf--maybe we will see more of her next time too? They are playing a game--they are to order food over telephone and the one whose food comes the fastest gets to choose the character that they want to be for the next tour. Eun Jiwon suggested to Koo to pick Broma charcter (female wig and all) for AJH. Kang HD told Koo that GyuHyun was hugged by AJH during sleep. GyuHyun was tongue tied as to how to address Koo---in Korean and most Asian culture, people are called not by their proper name but by thier relationship to you and by age. keke

The child actor who took pic with Koo above will play Koo's nephew in the drama..it seems...because the IG content says, HyeSun-yimo. I also saw in other articles that more actors are cast for the drama. http://www.ichannela.com/news/main/news_detailPage.do?publishId=000000022725 Actress Shin DaEun will play Koo's younger sister who plays the college insturctor and her mother-in-law is her father's kindergaten friend. I heard that she also recently marired in real life to an architect who designs on tv programs. This younger sister is smart and ambitious but has the burden of knowing that she is also indebted to her older sister (Koo's charcter) for her sacrifice for the family. http://www.etnews.com/20170206000162 Another actor Kim HyungBum is playing a character who is living with too much pressure both at thome and work and enjoys a drink after work...he seems to be the comic relief for the drama??

Cannot wait to see this drama!!! Fighting!!!

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On 2/4/2017 at 11:10 AM, shadia71 said:

OMG how much I adore this beautiful Lady. 




LOL....how refreshing.  Our princess made the first move and kissed the man.  I knew it.  Beneath the ultra feminine clothes and soft spoken manner is a passionate woman.  I wonder what it would be like if she took on the role of a femme fatale.

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Thanks @Fatma28, I will just translate some parts from the article. It does not say when the reading took place.

대본리딩에는 하청옥 작가와 백호민 PD를 비롯해 엄정화, 구혜선, 강태오, 전광렬, 정겨운, 정혜선, 손태영, 조성현 등 주요배우들이 한 자리에 모였다. Attendees at the first script reading are: Writer Ha Chungwook, Director Bek HoMin and actors: Um, Koo, Kang TaHo (blind piano prodigy), Jun GwangYul (CEO), Jung GyuWoon( Ceo's first son), Jung HaeSun (Ceo's mother), Son TaYoung (first son's fiance), Jo SungHyun or Eru (Ceo's second son). (I have a feeling there were more actors present but not everybody's names are mentioned...I see the pictures above of actors who will play Koo's father and Koo's character's younger sister's mother-in'llaw, but they are not mentioned.)

MBC 시트콤 '논스톱5'를 통해 데뷔 이후 첫 MBC 드라마 출연이라는 배우 구혜선은 유지나의 모창가수인 정해당 역을 맡았다. 평소 보여주지 않았던 코믹한 모습은 물론 정해당의 다소 거친 말투와 수위높은 농담도 과감한 연기로 소화하며 앞으로 '엄정화X구혜선'의 케미를 기대케 했다. For GHS, it is her first MBC drama since NN5 many years ago. GHS will play Jung HaeDang who imitates famous singer Yoo Gina. Jung HaeDang is a comical character who talks and jokes rough and tough. There is a great anticipation for the chemistry between Um and Koo.

백호민 PD는 "스타 가수 '유지나'와 그녀의 모창가수 '정해당'의 애증, 연민, 삶에 대한 애환을 통해 인간에 대한 깊은 이해를 하고자 기획됐다"며 이어 "작가님의 좋은 대본과 여기 계신 모든 배우분들의 뛰어난 연기력이 더해져 훌륭한 작품이 될 거라 믿어 의심치 않는다"고 밝혀 벌써부터 드라마에 대한 신뢰감을 드러냈다. Director Bek HoMin said (my interpretation) The famous singer Yoo Gina and the imitation singer Jung HD's lives will become entangled with hate, pity and compassion. The writer and director hope to bring out deeper understanding about being human through them. The Director says that he believes in the wonderful script and the outstanding acting abilities of everybody present for the drama to produce great results. 


I wish for all the best!!! Fighting URTM!!!!

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saw it in dc-GHS thread:http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=139007&page=1

REgarding the red-roof house in NWD/HMD:

이 PD는 “주인이 있으나 생활하지는 않는 집이었다. 집주인의 허락을 받고 신혼부부의 집이란 콘셉트에 어울리게 리모델링했다. 부엌에 특히 신경 썼다”면서 “그 과정에서 구혜선이 적극적으로 의견을 냈다. 구혜선의 의견에 따라 부엌 창문을 크게 만들었고, 침실은 가림막으로 막아 공개하지 않기로 했다”고 말했다. 이 PD는 “리모델링 된 집에 대해 집주인 분은 크게 만족하고 있다”고 덧붙였다. PD Lee says that the red-roof house "does have an owner, but it is house that is not used. After getting the owner's permission, the house was remodeled as a hosue fit for a newly wed couple. They especailly gave a lot of attention to the kitchen. GHS played a big role in that. Following GHS's opinion, the kitchen window was made large and the sleeping area will be segregated so that it will not be exposed. The home owner is very happy with the way his house is remodelled. (It also makes sense that Koo had her opinions on interior decorating...she once thought of the ideas for Cafe Manolin and even did her handiwork of making a brick wal where lights glimmered throughl--some of you might remember? She also once said that if she could not direct movies, she would love to work on designing/building movie set designs. She really has so many dreams.)

I found the article about that red-roof house: http://starin.edaily.co.kr/news/NewsRead.edy?SCD=EA31&newsid=01285766615828224&DCD=A10102

(And, remember the scene where Koo is taping and painting the area around the large window in the kitchen? It looked like she was taping the edges so that the house is better insulated from the cold? Window area can be quite cold. Then I remember seeing her triangles in dark yellow color above and to the side of that large window. Maybe it will be shown next time??? Also, I read somewhere else that at times, it was so cold in the house that they just could not take a bath for 10 days..it was too cold to take off clothes to shower. But Koo said that she loved it..it kept her busy that she has no time to think about useless or negative things. It did not mention what her husband thought about living there. In the beginning of the first episode,,,if it gets translated, you guys will see it...Before marriage, Koo told Ahn that she would like to live in a small house in the woods with the animals, but Ahn has always been a city person who loves the modern technology and Ahn said that it would be scary to live so isolated like that. Koo would show Ahn many small houses and comment how pretty they are, but Ahn had no reactions to them. Then, enter PD Nah with a proposal about doing a variety. Koo told the NWD production team that she would love the chance to see a the thickly falling snow in the woods in the winter even if it is just for once and about living in a small house. Well, the production team gave her that wish...they found that red-roof house in the deep mountains and voila, Koo saw the first thickly falling snow right in front of that large window with her husband that she wanted for the house--too bad they had to run to the bank 100 km away!! Production team also encouraged the couple that it could be a trial run of living in the woods. Besides creating honeymoon memories with her husband, I would bet that Koo also loved that idea of a trial run. keke---sorry that I did not keep a tab on where I read these things. There was an outpouring of articles as well as  posts in various threads of dc and I usu look at them when I am sleepy so...keke)--I will repost in couples thread also. 

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Uhm Jung Hwa And Ku Hye Sun’s Upcoming Drama Releases Stills Of First Script Read-Through

you're too much uhm jung hwa ku hye sun

MBC’s upcoming weekend drama, “You’re Too Much” (working title), recently held its first script read-through with the cast.

The 50-episode drama had previously announced that Uhm Jung Hwa and Ku Hye Sun would be playing the two female leads. Both actresses were at the script read-through, along with writer Ha Chung Ok, director Baek Ho Min, and principal actors Kang Tae Oh, Jun Kwang Ryul, Jung Gyu Woon, Jung Hye Sun, Son Tae Young, and Jo Sung Hyun.

Before the script read-through, PD Baek Ho Min said, “It’s our plan to better understand human nature through our feelings for star singer ‘Yoo Ji Na’ (Uhm Jung Hwa) and her imitator ‘Jung Hae Dang’ (Ku Hye Sun). Through our writer’s excellent script and everyone’s excellent acting, I believe that our production will be great.”

After the read-through, writer Ha Chung Ok praised all the actors, especially Jun Kwang Ryul’s tone and pace.

“You’re Too Much” tells the story of a successful career singer, Yoo Ji Na, who has regrets about the past, and Jung Hae Dang, who makes a living imitating other singers. It will air its first episode on March 4.

Source (1)


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@cheerkoo sis..Thanks for all the translations :) and I also noted her dark yellow paintings..She Actually started to draw triangles near the door entrance and I think she had to go in the middle because ahn cut his finger..

Sadly we are unable to watch it with subs and it's not subbed yet :( But as far as I saw, Koo not just took part in the show..But also rendered her voice in between, her music was used in between ..

Now hearing about Koo's involvement in remodelling the house..I also got to know Koo better that..This gal doesn't sit idle for a single moment..Even wen she sits in table, she does the origami..If she walks she puts carpet/cloth everywhere ..Take care of pets..Take care of hubby..In the middle draws dark yellow, cooks, preserves vegetables, play piano,play badminton..Aww I am soo embarrassed seeing the active Koo tat I realise how much time I waste daily and be lazy.Thanks Koo unnie for all the inspiration she gives me..And the audience as well.


I also think Koo is great at gardening and she has inherited it from her dad who loves to do cultivate fresh fruits :) She is like an ace in handling those fresh fruits and also the nuts..


@fatma28 : I too had the same doubt..If I m not wrong the account is Uhm Jung Hwa's stylist's account..In the above pic she tagged Koo's name and "you are too much"...The pure hearted Koo is going to imitate a diva singer..I really hope Koo meets the expectations of the audience..

KBS's Laurel trees is going to end the same time as the currently airing MBC's Blow breeze.KBS's "Father I ll take care" & MBC's "you are too much" ll start to compete each other on same day as they fall on same slot and Ep1 of both starts on March 4th..I had always heard tat among weekend dramas, KBS ones win ratings battle..I really hope our Koo's drama do well..Anyways aside from ratings, I m also concerned about Koo's role and her potrayal.50 EPS of Koo is such delight for all sunnies..Let's thoroughly enjoy it :)

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Goo Hye Sun and Uhm Jung Hwa attend script reading of their comeback drama 'You're Too Much'

Naver - Xports News: Uhm Jung Hwa and Goo Hye Sun attend script reading of their comeback drama 'You're Too Much'

1. [+3,384, -111] Uhm Jung Hwa is nearly in her 50s but she's hard at work as a singer and an actress.. Her passion is worthy of praise and applause. Goo Hye Sun and Uhm Jung Hwa, fighting!!

2. [+3,346, -117] Goo Hye Sun's pretty..... But her voice is too shaky...

3. [+1,838, -32] They have differing image, makes me wonder how their chemistry will work out

4. [+1,339, -114] Looking at the writer and director, this drama is makjang

5. [+776, -52] Didn't know Goo Hye Sun's in this too

6. [+178, -20] Goo Hye Sun's face looks peaceful and glowing

7. [+157, -14] Goo Hye Sun became prettier after marriage ~~

8. [+129, -15] Goo Hye Sun's gorgeous ㅎㅎㅎ

9. [+108, -14] Please put aside your streotypes that all weekend dramas are makjang.. Let me see a well-made weekened drama this time! Goo Hye Sun and Uhm Jung Hwa fighting

10. [+119, -18] Long time no see Goo Hye Sun. Look at her beauty

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Like everyone else im excited for khs drama and nervous as well ..kbs weekend drama is a tough competitor.if im not wrong they are always no.1 in terms of weeked drama..i really wish that your to much will do well and have highest ratings among weekend dramas this time..goodluck to the cast and crew!! Wonder when they will start shooting?

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Hi Sunnies!!

Thanks @Tsg for the pix above. 

Bottom right pix is Koo on the set of URTM--at least that is what I heard.

The IG owner says she is lucky today that she saw GHS and someone from red velvet?? and G-dragon all on the same day!!


Anyway,,,hate to be a nag....whatever you can give...$5, $10, etc....it will become a big pot if we do ti together..so please send Koo a heartfelt cheer for her new drama. A lot rides on the drama. But, I hope she relax and just focus on her role. It sounds like a very different character that she will be playing--rough, tough, and maybe even sexy...keke I wish her all the best...sending her only positive and fighting evergy!!!  :wub:

Thanks Sunnies!!!!

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