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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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@illay Thanks for the GHS fan support event images. AWESOME! Food and drinks look YUM! and healthy too. 
@cheerkoo thanks, as always, for translating and conveying messages/happenings from DC/K-nets. AWESOME! 
As can be expected, the organizer has expanded much care and effort (down to the nitty-gritty of menu names) into this GHS fandom support. Hope GHS is feeling a lot of love and support from fans all over the world, and gets re-energized with more excellent performance. Personally, M so proud to be a part of it :) I have already sent organizer a message in her blog. But, here again...
THANK YOU @SNOWSUMMER and TEAM for your superb event management. I/WE APPRECIATE IT! BRAVO =D> =D>

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Guest tnalvminsun

Dear Sunniez,

Thank you so much @illay for bringing AE supports meal pics and also to @chyne22
and to @cheerkoo for translation, and also @snowsummer, GHS DC, Ku-One and GHS Soompi for your hard works and efforts to make this event successfull :)
very glad that AE team and staff and especially GHS are all Happy and enjoy the meal
looks they prepare the meal, snacks and drinks very pretty and yummy :) and how cute they named the menu board, there's latte, capucchino, makiato, expresso that added with AE characters :) so well prepared indeed in very short time :) look forward for the next report :)
Have a Happy Friday Night/day Sunniez, GHS and Angel Eyes Fighting ! less than 24 hrs to AE ep 15 :)

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I just love those cookies in the shape of Stars...with I(heart)Koo!!!Adorable!!OMG..I just broke into tears...I noticed one message on a  board!!
Koo! We will be your house.We will wait for you every day.Koo, our fans, you believe in me?You will continue to like/love me?
I just went into the link provided above by @8jadecloud8:Another message board says:(I think these messages are collection from fans that @snowsummer collected and posted on board!!)--I saw more clearly from the post by chyne22 below!!
We missed you Koo Swan!! You will continue to act from now on. Right?GHS! Promise that you will not hide under the radar again without our permission...Thank you for appearing as Yoon Swan...HyeSun is our human vitamin...Please work like a cow as an actress.---(this one is so funny but I agree also! And as a director and writer too!!)Koo-ya! Live freely like the wind. (Ahhhh!! I love this fan!! She really knows GHS!!)We will always be your ever reliable mountain!!(few at the bottom...cannot be 100% correct trans....but..)We cannot imagine any other YSW but Koo's.We missed you so much. Acting Koo is dazzling.We are crying because we are so thankful that you are acting again.You will continue on and on. Right? Please!
(WOW!! comments are so touching!!)
The banner above the truck says: Swannie, Yoon-ttol is buying! Stop and have something!!
Love it love it!! Thanks so much!!

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Omo this whole lunch box and beverage idea is so touching..i m sure sure hyesun must be touched too.. :)
slurp!my mouth is watering looking at the food..haha.. :))
every item is well thought of and looks very beautiful and yummy..congrats to all who participated in the event,the event is successful and
everyone loved the food so great job sunnies.. =D> =D> =D> =D>
the cake looks super delicious,the cookies are so cute..the coffee looks great and the lunch boxes looks very appealing..Daebak!!
Thanx sunnies for making this event possible and spreading the Sunnies love,u all are awesome ^:)^  ^:)^
Congrats again for the success of the event :)

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OMG! Thank you all for this news, pics & Sue for translating. Thanks illay & 8jadcloud8 for updating.

 I have goose bumps looking at the pics. The food is all sorts! Wow! compliments to @snowsummer for the leg work. Thank you all for supporting our beloved GHS. Can't thank you enough. :X

GHS must be so appreciative with the loving support from fans. You know what this means? We will be crying so hard this weekend because she will do her very best to deliver a knocked-out acting! waaaaahhhhh! :((  So Sunnies be prepared! lol!

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I got this from DC Gallery. About the meal event. sorry for the awful format. I can only open DC from my mobile. And this mobile device is not soompi friendly... 안녕하세요~ 이제 집에와서 씻고 간략하게 후기 남깁니다. 아직 사진정리와 영수증 정리가 되지 않아서 정식후기는 토요일이나 일요일까지 올릴게요. 전 퇴근하고 간터라 오후부터 커피차 이벤트 준비해주신 사장님부부, 콩군님, 너는엔젤님, 차이티님, 아이스문님 월하님 감사합니다. 스티커는 하루전날 주문한 뒤 다음날 퀵배송으로 4시 넘어 받아서 커피홀더에 스티커 붙였는데 이벤트 시간이 촉박하게 진행되어서 아쉽네요. 스티커 만들어주신 쿠st님 감사드려요! 나중에 남은 스티커는 이벤트로 나눠드릴게요~ 삼계탕과 찹스테이크 도시락도 요청한 시간에 딱 맞게 도착해서 좋았는데 탁자가 없었어요. 커피차 사장님 부부가 배려많이 해주셔서 탁자를 빌려서 세팅했어요. 그래서 탁자위가 좀 정신이 없네요. 아마 도시락 사진은 기사화가 안될 수도 있는데 기다려봐야죠 ㅠㅠ 처음 식사서포트 하는거라 많이 서툴고 또 준비시간이 부족해서 완벽하게 세팅못한게 마음에 걸리네요. 다행히 식사 맛있게들 하셨다고 스텝들이 인사도 해주시고 좋아들 해주셔서 뿌듯합니다. Credit pics DC Gallery. 6cf46640b45c6079abc7e0db05df44de.jpgf5b8dbc909ff3bdb3b55bcb22eee76fc.jpg

07d8444e4b77416638f105d55a753fa4.jpg2be711d26b8799a975687c2a1c6fb044.jpg538dbf448ba51912b4e2ef5a02e30be1.jpg [\spoiler] 매니저님 통해서 사인 받았고, 정식으로 스캔해서 정산과 함께 올릴게요. 사랑의 총알 쏘아준 쿠갤*쿠원*SOOMPI 구혜선 포럼 팬들 감사합니다!!
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Thanks to all sunnies who have put a dedicated work in making this plan work out well and made AE staffs and actors proud and happy.. A big bow to you  ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ and big applause too  =D> =D> =D> People like me who could not do anything can only put these words to all of you..Biyaneyo :( ! Thanks a ton to Ku one, DC Ku and Soompi Sunnies who have done a great job..  :) :) I m so proud of you sisters :) A big hug to you too :)

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Thank you chyne22!!I got this from DC Gallery. About the meal event. sorry for the awful format. I can only open DC from my mobile. And this mobile device is not soompi friendly... 
안녕하세요~ Hello~이제 집에와서 씻고 간략하게 후기 남깁니다. I just came home, washed up and am leaving you a brief after-thoughts.아직 사진정리와 영수증 정리가 되지 않아서 정식후기는 토요일이나 일요일까지 올릴게요. As of yet, photos and receipts are not organized; formal event summary will be posted either Sat or Sun.전 퇴근하고 간터라 오후부터 커피차 이벤트 준비해주신 사장님부부, 콩군님, 너는엔젤님, 차이티님, 아이스문님 월하님 감사합니다. I went to the event after working so I am so thankful to those who went there since the afternoon: CEO couple, KongGoon-nim, Youareangel-nim, ChaiTea-nim, IceMoon-nim (Woah!! I remember Ice-moon-nim!!) and WolHa-nim. (Soompi also thanks you all!!)스티커는 하루전날 주문한 뒤 다음날 퀵배송으로 4시 넘어 받아서 커피홀더에 스티커 붙였는데 이벤트 시간이 촉박하게 진행되어서 아쉽네요. Stickers were ordered a day before and delivered by Quik-delivery service the next day after 4PM. We did stick them on the coffee cups but it was done speedily and without too much detail that we feel bad about that. 스티커 만들어주신 쿠st님 감사드려요! We thank Koost-nim for making the stickers!나중에 남은 스티커는 이벤트로 나눠드릴게요~ Remaining stickers will be distributed through an event.~삼계탕과 찹스테이크 도시락도 요청한 시간에 딱 맞게 도착해서 좋았는데 탁자가 없었어요. Samghetang and Chop-steak lunch boxes arrived exactly on time and we were so grateful for that but we had no tables.커피차 사장님 부부가 배려많이 해주셔서 탁자를 빌려서 세팅했어요. Coffee truck CEO couple took charge and borrowed some tables to set them all up. Very thankful.그래서 탁자위가 좀 정신이 없네요. That may be why the table top looks disorganized.아마 도시락 사진은 기사화가 안될 수도 있는데 기다려봐야죠 ㅠㅠ It is possilble that pix of lunch boxes may not make the news, but I guess we will wait and see. 처음 식사서포트 하는거라 많이 서툴고 또 준비시간이 부족해서 완벽하게 세팅못한게 마음에 걸리네요. This was the first time that I organized a meal support event that I felt very inadequate; preparation time was also so short that I feel bad about that it was not perfectly set up.다행히 식사 맛있게들 하셨다고 스텝들이 인사도 해주시고 좋아들 해주셔서 뿌듯합니다.I feel so relieved and happy that the staff greeted us and told us how much they enjoyed the meals.  Credit pics DC Gallery.
Thank you and thank you to @snowsummer and to those in Naver-KuOne and GHS-DC Gal and to us Soompi Sunnies!! Pat on the backs and heads!! Whether we contributed or not, we all cheer wholeheartedly for GHS and AE and for continued DAEBOK until the end!!!!! And, cheers to all the fans of GHS-nim!!!!Fighting!!

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기다리는 갤러들 있을거 같아서  후기 올려. 사실 후기랄거 없지만..

나도 발로 뛰는 서포터는 처음이라 사실 가기 전 부터 조금 걱정을 했음. 다른 팬 분들도 처음 뵙는 거고 어색하지 않을까 생각도 들고

운전해서 오시는 분이 있으셨고 나는 마지막에 픽업 당해서?? 차에 탔는데 

쿠를 위해 모인 사람들이라는 공통점 하나만으로 전혀 어색한 기운 따위 느껴지지 않아서 기분좋게 출발.

탄현제작센터 들어가니 경비 아저씨들 어디서 왔냐고. 

사실 바로 안들여보내줄까봐 조금 걱정했는데 머 그런거 없이 엔아 쿠 서포트 왔다 하니 흔쾌히 들여보내주시더라고.

들어가서 조금 기다리니 커피차 오셔서 준비. 오늘 촬영이 A팀 B팀 모두 세트여서 A팀 세트장이랑 B팀 세트장 중간에 커피차 준비했고

사진들은 커피차 준비하고 찍은 사진들. 쿠키도 세 종류로 준비해 주시고 케이크도 이쁘게 준비해주시고 신경 많이 써 주셨더라고. 

커피도 원두 바로 로스팅해서 오셔서 신선한 커피였어. 커피차 준비 다 하고 서포트 시작.

계속 촬영중이었기 때문에 스텝들 중간 중간 나오셔서 커피 드시고, 배달해가시고 그러셨음 

다들 잘 마시겠다며 기분 좋게 인사해 주셔서 기분 좋았고, 쿠 음료도 매니저분들이 가져가셨고.

커피차 한창 진행 하다가 스티커 퀵 오고, 홀더랑 물이랑 커피에 스티커 작업 시작. 

스티커가 시간이 촉박해서 조금 늦게 받게되어 처음 홀더엔 스티커를 못붙였지만 중간이후 홀더엔 스티커 잘 붙여서 나갔어.

도시락 서포트 시간 한시간 전쯤 삼계탕이랑 아웃백 도시락 배달되고 그때부턴 정신없이 스티거 붙이고 하느라 개인적으론 사진을 못찍었음 ㅠㅠ

도시락 스티커 다 붙이고 세팅하고 하니 A팀부터 스텝들 나오기시작. 젊은 분들은 아웃백도시락 선호하셨고, 반반씩 가져가서 같이 나눠드시기도 하고

그랬음. 도시락이랑 물이랑 챙겨드리고, 쿠원팬 분이 기부해주신 커피도 원하시는 분들은 하나씩 가져가셨고.

쿠 도시락은 스텝들 나오기 전에 매니저가 쿠꺼랑 스텝들꺼 같이 가져갔고, 쿠가 맛있게 잘 먹었다고 하셨음.

밥먹고 다시 감정씬 들어가야해서 매니저분 통해서 사인만 받았고 이부분은 횽들이 이해해줄꺼라 믿어. 

초생방이고 내일씬들도 아직찍고 있고, 이번주가 중요한 감정씬들이다보니..

A팀 다 나눠 드리고 조금 기다렷다 B팀까지 모두 도시락 전달 완료. 아무래도 배달온거라 금방 식을까 걱정했는데 보온팩에 넣어와서 시간 지나도 금방 식지 않더라고. 드실 때 식지 않게 드셔서 다행이야

스텝분들 다 너무 잘 드셨고, 잘먹었다고 인사도 해주시고 엔아팀 스텝들 다들 훈훈하시더라고. 

커피차도 스텝들 식사 거의 끝날때쯤 마감 했고, 커피차 사장님들 끝까지 서비스도 주시고 너무 잘 해주셨음.

생수가 조금 남았는데 남은 물들은 스텝분들 다 드리고 왔고.  

사실 일정이 너무 급하게 진행되는 바람에 걱정도 많았는데 다행히 큰 변수 없이 무사히 잘 마쳤고, 스텝분들도 다들 맛있게 식사 하셨으니 다행.

쿠에게 큰 힘이 되었을꺼야.

참여해 준 모든 갤러들 쿠원. 해외팬들 덕에 이렇게 무사히 잘 진행된거 같아. 다들 고맙고. 마지막까지 쿠 응원하자!

후기가 별거 없어서 미안 ㅠ ㅎ

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Guest eunhye05

Wow this is awesome! Thank you to snow summer and her team for making this a reality :) I love that we were able to support in some way and cheer on our girl and the angel eyes crew :) Aja Aja fighting!

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Guest S_sun

The food look so pretty and delicious! The words are touching! So much efforts and thoughts were put into the  event!A big thank you to @snowsummer and team for doing the event. Thanks KuOne ,DC KHS and Soompi International fans! :)
A big thank you too to fans from the other support event! :)
It is so nice to see GHS fans coming together to show support for GHS and drama team. Not just 1 but 2 GHS support events from fans! YAY!So much love and cheering for our girl and AE team! Happy for our girl! Fighting! :)
Thanks to @illay, @8jadecloud8, @chyne22 and @cheerkoo  for all the updates, pis and translations. What great teamwork, everyone trying their best to bring us news. :)

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Thanks again @illay!! This must be from one of the GHS fans who went to the support event to help out. Wow They really worked very hard...too bad there weren't any sings of any of the AE actors there even though both A and B teams were present. But, it seems like this week's episodes are not made yet and the event took place on Friday Korean time!!  Poor staff and actors!!
기다리는 갤러들 있을거 같아서  후기 올려. 사실 후기랄거 없지만..There is not much to tell..but I thought maybe some of you might want to hear about the event.

나도 발로 뛰는 서포터는 처음이라 사실 가기 전 부터 조금 걱정을 했음. 다른 팬 분들도 처음 뵙는 거고 어색하지 않을까 생각도 들고 This is my first time to support (GHS) by working at the event. So, I was worried a bit as it would be my first time actually meeting few other fans..

운전해서 오시는 분이 있으셨고 나는 마지막에 픽업 당해서?? 차에 탔는데 One fan had a car and picked us up and I was the last to ride. 

쿠를 위해 모인 사람들이라는 공통점 하나만으로 전혀 어색한 기운 따위 느껴지지 않아서 기분좋게 출발.But because we all have one thing in common--Koo--that there was no such thing as awkwardness. 

탄현제작센터 들어가니 경비 아저씨들 어디서 왔냐고.  When we went to that production center, a security guard asked us where we are from.

사실 바로 안들여보내줄까봐 조금 걱정했는데 머 그런거 없이 엔아 쿠 서포트 왔다 하니 흔쾌히 들여보내주시더라고. I was worried that they would not let us in quickly, but when we said we are here to support Koo, he welcomed us in. 

들어가서 조금 기다리니 커피차 오셔서 준비. 오늘 촬영이 A팀 B팀 모두 세트여서 A팀 세트장이랑 B팀 세트장 중간에 커피차 준비했고 After entering, we waited just a little bit and the coffee car came and got ready. Since both A and B filming team were  there but in their own sets, we place the coffee cart right in the middle between the 2 sets. 

사진들은 커피차 준비하고 찍은 사진들. 쿠키도 세 종류로 준비해 주시고 케이크도 이쁘게 준비해주시고 신경 많이 써 주셨더라고. The photos are taken after the coffee car was ready. Coffee car CEO prepared 3 different types of cookies and the cake was also very pretty. He really was very detailed and considerate. 

커피도 원두 바로 로스팅해서 오셔서 신선한 커피였어. 커피차 준비 다 하고 서포트 시작. Coffee CEO also came with freshly roasted coffee so the coffee was really fresh. Then the support event started. 

계속 촬영중이었기 때문에 스텝들 중간 중간 나오셔서 커피 드시고, 배달해가시고 그러셨음 Because the filming was continuously going on, staff members intermittently came out to have coffee and some even had the coffee delivered to those who could not come out. 

다들 잘 마시겠다며 기분 좋게 인사해 주셔서 기분 좋았고, 쿠 음료도 매니저분들이 가져가셨고. The staff were very polite and thankful that I felt good. Koo's managers took in coffee for Koo.

커피차 한창 진행 하다가 스티커 퀵 오고, 홀더랑 물이랑 커피에 스티커 작업 시작. While the coffe cart went on, the stickers arrived. We hurriedly placed the stickers on coffee cup holders and water bottles and coffee cups....

스티커가 시간이 촉박해서 조금 늦게 받게되어 처음 홀더엔 스티커를 못붙였지만 중간이후 홀더엔 스티커 잘 붙여서 나갔어. Because we had very little time to put the stickers and the stickers came a bit late, we could not place stickers at the start of the event. But, we did a good job. 

도시락 서포트 시간 한시간 전쯤 삼계탕이랑 아웃백 도시락 배달되고 그때부턴 정신없이 스티거 붙이고 하느라 개인적으론 사진을 못찍었음 ㅠㅠ About an hour before the lunch time, samgetang and Outback lunch boxes were delivered. From then on, we were even more crazily placing stickers all over the lunch boxes...that we did not have time to take pix. ㅠㅠ (=sign for sadness)
도시락 스티커 다 붙이고 세팅하고 하니 A팀부터 스텝들 나오기시작. 젊은 분들은 아웃백도시락 선호하셨고, 반반씩 가져가서 같이 나눠드시기도 하고 When we finished putting stickers on the lunch boxes A team staff started to come out. The younger staff members preferred the Outback and some had half and half by sharing each lunch box. 

그랬음. 도시락이랑 물이랑 챙겨드리고, 쿠원팬 분이 기부해주신 커피도 원하시는 분들은 하나씩 가져가셨고. Yep, that is what happened. We handed over the lunch boxes and water. KuOne fan donated coffee (must be the Maxim coffee??) and some took the coffee too. (I wonder if out GHS-ssi had one?? keke)

쿠 도시락은 스텝들 나오기 전에 매니저가 쿠꺼랑 스텝들꺼 같이 가져갔고, 쿠가 맛있게 잘 먹었다고 하셨음. Before the staff came out, Koo's manager took Koo's lunch box along with the other staff lunches. He told us that Koo really enjoyed the food. (keke)

밥먹고 다시 감정씬 들어가야해서 매니저분 통해서 사인만 받았고 이부분은 횽들이 이해해줄꺼라 믿어. She has to go right into an emotional scene shooting after eating that, with the help of the manager, we got her autograph. I think you all will understand. (Too bad that Koo couldn't come out..)

초생방이고 내일씬들도 아직찍고 있고, 이번주가 중요한 감정씬들이다보니..They are filming everything live and they still have to shoot the next day's scenes and this week's emotional scenes are very important...so....

A팀 다 나눠 드리고 조금 기다렷다 B팀까지 모두 도시락 전달 완료. 아무래도 배달온거라 금방 식을까 걱정했는데 보온팩에 넣어와서 시간 지나도 금방 식지 않더라고. 드실 때 식지 않게 드셔서 다행이야 We passed out the lunch to all A-team and a little later, all the lunches were handed over to the B-team. Complete! We were worried that the meals would get cold, but they came inside thermo-covers that the food did not get cold. I am so glad that they did not have to eat cold food. 

스텝분들 다 너무 잘 드셨고, 잘먹었다고 인사도 해주시고 엔아팀 스텝들 다들 훈훈하시더라고. The staff memebers really enjoyed the food. They also came to thank us and that they enjoyed the food. All the AE staff are very nice. 

커피차도 스텝들 식사 거의 끝날때쯤 마감 했고, 커피차 사장님들 끝까지 서비스도 주시고 너무 잘 해주셨음.
The coffee cart also stayed on until all the staff members finished eating. The coffee car CEO provided service until the very end. They were really good. 

생수가 조금 남았는데 남은 물들은 스텝분들 다 드리고 왔고.  Few bottles of water remained but we gave them to the staff. 

사실 일정이 너무 급하게 진행되는 바람에 걱정도 많았는데 다행히 큰 변수 없이 무사히 잘 마쳤고, 스텝분들도 다들 맛있게 식사 하셨으니 다행. Because the event took place so suddenly that we were really worried a great deal. But, everything finished very nicely. It is a relief that the staff all enjoyed the meals. 

쿠에게 큰 힘이 되었을꺼야. I am sure that this event provided much strength to Koo. 

참여해 준 모든 갤러들 쿠원. 해외팬들 덕에 이렇게 무사히 잘 진행된거 같아. 다들 고맙고. 마지막까지 쿠 응원하자! Because of all the participating fans from GHS DC Gal, KuOne and International fans, the event was successful. I am thankful to all. Let us support Koo until the end!!

후기가 별거 없어서 미안 ㅠ ㅎSorry, there isn't much to my post..

We love you post!! Thanks so much for your hard work!!!

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@S_sun, thanks for those early vids of GHS. It shows how she has grown and blossomed to who she is today as YSW in AE. I like her current looks and aura a lot better. I hear some say she 'ages well'...but methinks she never ages at all, just blooming and still blooming :)
@myonenonly, thanks for sharing event pics over at AE thread. (It didn't cross my mind today...guess me still grieving and sad over the sunken ship shock... NOT AGAIN! tho M dying to ship WanJu for real)

@cheerkoo, thanks again for translating @snowsummer's notes on the event. 
It was really a 'touch and go' prep she and her team had to deal with. Yet, it came off well and showed so much care and thoughtfulness. I think GHS has a whole bunch of awesome fans! Now I wish I am 'her manager' who gets to be with her all the time...(I know, fangirrrrrrrrrling too much ?)....keke.
(@allMODS...something's wrong with the layout of this soompi page...MODS, can you rectify it pleasee....thanks.  MOD@betchay, creator of this thread,  pls check your inbox. PM'd you for your attn too)

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thanx to those update bout the FOOD CART event from DC GHS, KU-ONE and SOOMPI GHS #GHSFANSWORLDWIDE.....

the food looks so yummy and healthy, thankfull the staff and all cast enjoy the food , ..

my tears falling down read the note from all the comment that write down and the menu name of the coffe cart, it's so touching and too much love for our angel Koo...

big thanx to Summer Snow and her team for organizer this event and to all contribution from DC GHS,KU-ONE, and  SOOMPI GHS.....LOVE YOU ALL

Note for Koo Hye Sun

Koo, always be happy. Stay Healthy and cheerfull . Always do your best and just be your self. never love an idol/actresse as much as i love you Koo. You really inspired me alot how to be a person, maybe not as perfect as you but i always try to do my best.
My Koo, hope you find the best man who can make you happy, ALWAYS SUPPORT YOU...

have a great day Sunnies

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