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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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I think if you google chrome browser,

The browser asks if you want to translate into English ..if you click yes, it will translate automatically. .

Sorry sisters, I want to contribute too. .but when I convert my country currecy into USD the amount is too low.There is vast difference in value between USD into Indian Rupees.Thats why we are thinking if its ok..

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‘엔젤아이즈’ 구혜선, 남자 유혹하는 ‘사랑스러운 캔디 패션’

조회79 등록일2014.05.21   

사 랑스러운 외모, 보호본능을 일으키는 여성미를 지닌 구혜선이 ‘엔젤아이즈’를 통해 안방극장에 돌아왔다. 최근 SBS 주말드라마 ‘엔젤아이즈’는 여주인공 구혜선과 남주인공 이상윤의 로맨스가 급물살을 타면서 점진적인 시청률 상승 곡선을 그리고 있다. 극중 구혜선은 이상윤을 한 눈에 사로잡는 파스텔 핑크, 블루, 그린 컬러의 의상을 매치해 수수하면서도 사랑스러운 스타일링을 선보이고 있다.
구 혜선이 맡은 ‘윤수완’ 역은 119 응급구조사로 겉보기엔 한없이 털털하고 수수하지만 알고보면 여린 감성과 깊은 아픔을 간직한 캐릭터다. 극중 구혜선은 수수하면서도 러블리한 패션을 고수, 이상윤과의 풋풋한 로맨스를 그려내는데 일조한다.
가방사이즈는 무조건 MINI
(왼쪽부터 차례대로) 루이까또즈, 제이에스티나, 라빠레뜨 제품
여성용 가방에 ‘미니사이즈’ 열풍이 불고 있다. 미니 백은, 브랜드의 시그니처 아이템을 소재, 컬러, 디테일, 전체적인 비율까지 똑같이 만들지만 기존 제품의 1/2 절반크기로 선보이는 것이 특징이다. 미니사이즈 가방은 일반적으로 크로스 끈 형태로 제안되며 컬러가 다양하기 때문에 간편하고 편안한 옷차림에 포인트가 된다. 구혜선은 주로 깔끔한 화이트, 핑크, 스카이블루 등 여성스러운 컬러를 선택해 소녀감성의 페미닌 룩과 함께 매치한다. 

의상 컬러는 Candy 
635362762667048750.jpg635362762797205000.jpg(왼쪽부터 차례대로) 보브, 오즈세컨, 플러스에스큐 제품
청순하고 페미닌한 스타일을 선호하는 구혜선은 피치톤이 살짝 감도는 트렌치 코트나, 루즈한 가디건, 캔디 컬러의 재킷 등으로 간절기에 유용한 데일리 룩을 완성한다. 이때 이너는 깔끔한 화이트 셔츠로 코디하고 팬츠는 블랙이나 화이트 컬러를 선택해 아우터 컬러를 살릴 것. 특히 직장인 여성이라면 두루 갖추고 있는 기본 팬츠와 셔츠에 캔디컬러 재킷 하나만 걸쳐줘도 색다른 봄/여름 오피스룩이 완성된다. 이때 재킷은 일반 기장보다 길게 선택해 도회적이고 세련된 느낌을 더해주자. 트렌치 코트 종류라면 조금 더 캐주얼하고 영한 분위기를 어필할 수 있다.
한편 지난 18일 방송된 '엔젤아이즈' 12회에서는 동주(이상윤 분)와 수완(구혜선 분)이 서로의 마음을 확인하고 본격적인 로맨스를 그려나갔다. SBS ‘엔젤아이즈’는 매주 토, 일요일 밤 10시에 방송된다. 

글ㅣ패션웹진 스냅 박지애 사진ㅣSBS ‘엔젤아이즈’ 방송화면 캡처 
source: http://zine.istyle24.com/Star/StarView.aspx?Idx=16064&Menu=3&_C_=23069
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@gayu312...When I am at the DC pages, yes I do use google to auto translate. Usually that works fine. But those pop up boxes are protected fields and can't be translated. 
@illay, I see. When I next visit DC pages again, I will try to shorten username and pw to see if it will work.
Thanks gals!

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@zamzam : thanx for those beautifull pix of uri Angel Koo. she really beautifull. i love her interaction with all those kids, seems they adore her . and if i'm not mistaken from the pixt there is a boy who gave her a flower?, and she slip it in her hair, so cute ^.^ and one littel girl being lift with Koo. my Koo really adored not just us but also those cute little kids.

thank you to all those pict, news & article of uri Koo Hye Sun. thanx Sunnies

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Guest ginger4clover

@ZamZam thank you for still pix Hye sun she so beautiful. Hye sun having fun with kids. One girl really hung on to her lol cannot resist. The boy sitting beside Hye sun have this cool look ( sitting beside my pretty noona you guys). I agree Hye sun is strong...

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there actually might be something wrong with GHS's DC gallery in terms of posting.MiJakElli who posts reviews for each episodes cannot post them in GHS gallery but she can do it in DC-AE gallery. She gets the same message of error when she tries to post her reviews there.

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Goo Hye Sun and Lee Sang Yoon can't keep their hands off their script in BTS photos from 'Angel Eyes'


Goo Hye Sun and Lee Sang Yoon showed that chemistry is not always instant but requires hard work as shown by their inability to get their hands off their script in behind-cuts from 'Angel Eyes'!

Goo Hye Sun even got the help of a staff member to use their cellphone as a light, so that she can read her script in the dark and put her script on top of her head, unable to part with it. Goo Hye Sun's forte is dramatic acting, and she has been touching viewers' hearts with how in tune she is with her character's emotions on 'Angel Eyes'.

The drama's rep stated, "Goo Hye Sun has perfected her character Yoon Soo Wan by understanding what Dong Joo means to her and how precious their first love is deep inside her heart... She has a lot of affection for the production, and as much as she is channeling her character daily, it would definitely be good to anticipate her future activities."

Catch 'Angel Eyes' every Saturday and Sunday at 9:55 PM KST!




More Official Stills
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All the articles about GHS working hard on her script says that she and LSY practice together before the shoot. I would guess that is a given in any drama...for the main leads to practice together. Anyway, I really enjoy reading these positive articles about GHS and the entire crew and staff and actors of AE!!

I read somewhere in DC that GHS asked the director to show her how to hug LSY...I am not sure if they were joking or now...but the pix really seem to indicate that as a fact?? keke It was the scene where GHS has to show her anger and love at the same time when DJ returned to her. keke

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Guest S_sun

Thanks @meow13 for all the bts pics. Nice to see the atmosphere at the filming site. Seems relaxed and all working hard. I am happy to see GHS enjoying herself at the filming .Just a small point. There were some comments about her hug at the reunion not being passionate but I felt it went with the story. Now we can see she was doing as directed.Here's GHS watching intensely what the director showed.image
Here's her hug after watching. Just as directed. :)82b545ca-0ce8-45f5-9c41-9b48b8ddb234wall
CTOWe can see GHS working closely with the director and her coworkers and studying hard at her script to give us the beautifully executed drama which we have the privilege of watching. Thank you,GHS-ssi! Thank you, pd nim! Thank you AE cast and AE team!
@cheerkoo thanks for the tidbits from DC. We get to enjoy reading all the positive stuffs from there too thanks to you. :)
Looking forward to the meal event from GHS fans!  Hope we get to see some pics. :)
Thanks Sunnies for all your interesting comments. Take care. Have a nice day/night!  :)

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