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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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said: Gosh! I didn't expect to find GHS thread on the 4th page. It's not like she doesn't have any drama, huh? I guess everyone's busy.


Hello Sunnies! :X I wonder when her movie Daughter will premiere? Aside from rice wreath project


Tshirts, key chains, magnets, stuff toy? Sorry just brain storming....

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Guest zhasky

hi sunnies, thanks for the pics and upates..
I really think that Kim Ji suk likes our princess... the way he smiles and looks at her... he is one lucky guy to be able to hug our hye sun!!!   :x :))

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YG, 내년이 고비?…빅뱅 · 구혜선 · 에픽하이 등 계약 만료, 군입대 등
YG, next year will be critical ? ... Goo Hye Sun , Big Bang , Epik High , such as contract expiration , military service , etc.  (translate goolge)

[헤럴드경제=이윤미 기자]빅뱅, 에픽하이, 구혜선 등 YG 소속 아티스트들이 올여름부터 내년 사이에 대거 계약이 만료돼 귀추가 주목된다.

특히 빅뱅의 경우 YG엔터테인먼트의 매출 의존도가 높아 빅뱅의 향후 행보에 따라 YG에 치명타가 가해질 수 있다는 점에서 업계의 관심이 쏠리고 있다.

빅뱅의 멤버인 대성(강대성), 지드래곤(권지용), 승리(이승현), 태양(동영배), T.O.P(최승현)의 전속계약 만료 시점은 2015년 12월이다. 2006년 데뷔한 빅뱅은 2011년 한차례 재계약을 체결한 바 있다.

특 히 YG의 빅뱅 의존도는 심각한 수준이다. 지난해 공연매출 243억원은 전체 매출의 21%를 차지한 가운데 지드래곤 월드투어와 빅뱅, 싸이 콘서트에서 벌어들인게 대부분이다. 또 음반 매출을 일으키는 주 수익원도 빅뱅과 멤버 지드래곤이다.

여기에 빅뱅 멤버의 향후 군입대에 따른 공백도 YG의 경영에 부담으로 작용할 것으로 보인다 .YG는 “향후 멤버들이 순차적으로 군입대를 함에 따라 탄력적으로 그룹을 운영하여 개인별 공백이 그룹에 미치는 영향을 최소화 하기위해 노력하겠다”고 밝혔다.

이 밖에 YG소속 가운데 가까운 시일에 계약이 끝나는 아티스트로는 에픽하이의 멤버 투컷(김정식)과 미쓰라(최진), 연기자 구혜선 등으로 오는 7월과 10월 각각 계약이 만료된다. 연기자 장현성, 차승원, 임예진, 에픽하이 멤버 타블로(이선웅)은 내년에 계약이 끝난다.

YG엔터테인먼트가 21일 금융감독원 전자공시시스템을 통해 밝힌 YG 전속 아티스트는 모두 44명으로 이 가운데 25명이 활동중이며 아직 데뷔하지 않은 연습생이 19명이다. 악동뮤지션은 전속계약이 이뤄졌으나 신인보이그룹 위너는 아직 연습생 신분이다.

source: http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=112&aid=0002561789

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Thank you Sukreen for the article.It basically says that there are several members of YG whose contract runs out by summer of this year to next year. It appears that it is GHS and Bing Bang whose contract runs out by July and October of this year. I am not sure which month is for which person/group. Two sub-mebers of Epik High are also up with contract. Hmmm,,,,it is possible that GHS has something else to worry about after AE is over. I wonder what she will do?? GHS may not have made too much money for YG since BOF...I guess it is possible that YG may not want to renew her contract?? Would she want to continue on with GHSFilms and join another firm that would help her with acting career? But then, YG made contract with so many veteran actors recently...what is that all about? Above article also says that those veteran actors who recently signed on with YG basically signed on for one year...their contract runs out next year as well.

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Hi all!

I hope Hye Sun will stay with YG & vice versa. She's been busy doing her own project these past years & YG has not done as much. She didn't have any manager nor stylist for the years she's been away from drama either. So I hope it's break even? I don't know if there's such thing as a freelance actor in S. Korea? :) Soo Wan & Teddy Seo can manage now that AE is doing good?... esp. SeungRi has proven to be a good actor himself. Kekeke...

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I am ok with any decision she makes unless she is without an agency and managing everything on her own, as I believe in country like Korea, it needs lot of promotion though they are talented. If she ends her contract, I want her to join an agency which will promote whatever she does may it be an art exhibition or a novel or whatever she does. To frankly say, I m not happy with YG as it is not promoting well and concentrating more on its idols. So if she changes her agency, I want her to join a small agency which has few artists.  So that it can concentrate well on its artist. YG is a huge one. So it may only concentrate on high profit turning artists. I m actually sad to say that. Even the importance which they gave to GHS before and during BOF, they are not giving now. I m not hater of YG. But just want it to give importance equally to all it's artists. If she continues in YG also, I will support her. But I want her to get good recognition by promoting her well. The ygent_official is not even just tweeting about her. Lets hope she makes a perfect decision. 

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I dont think YG is going to let go of GHS. I think that will be stupid of them. They even made efforts to have those veterans actors come to them so I think with the popularity of angel eyes, they are going to really offer her another contract.

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