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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest S_sun


said: http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=ryuri666

Is there another forum for AE in soompi or something??There were 2 pix--I think they were bts pix from AE---sorry forgot to bring over..now, I don't know where they are buried in DC AE gallery----but the posters said that they got them from soompi!!!

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Ahh. thank you S_sun for the link to AE forum at soompi...now it makes sense. Wow!! arleady 144 pages from 4 episodes.This drama is something else. Fans at DC and fans at Soompi cannot stop talking about it and missing it also!!I am really glad about that!!

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S_sun said: @8jadecloud8  We were preparing for support for Daughter when we had to switch to AE . I believe some regions are preparing  funds to support GHS for Daughter. Which region are you from? Perhaps I can direct you to the contact person?

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Guest S_sun

8jadecloud8 said: S_sun said: @8jadecloud8  We were preparing for support for Daughter when we had to switch to AE . I believe some regions are preparing  funds to support GHS for Daughter. Which region are you from? Perhaps I can direct you to the contact person?

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Guest S_sun

illay said: @S_sun I saw the pictures of the rice wreath that all of you sent at the conference. You guys are awesome. Can I know how much it must be paid for 1 rice wreath depending on the weight?

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Sunnies :) anneyong :)

"Angel eyes " drama got an app in Google play store :) its a jigsaw puzzle of the poster and lress conference :) download it without fail :)

Name of the game app - "Angel Eyes drama game"

Thanks to "Angel Eyes korean drama"fb page and sis @mrita for telling me :)

Here is the link

Take a look at "Angel Eyes Drama Games"


Other apps for GHS

1.App for MBC's documentary by GHS

Take a look at "강릉MBC 다큐멘터리 허난설헌"


2.App for korean actresses (GHS is there in this app)

Take a look at "Korean Actress Photo"


3.App for "Boys Over Flowers"

Take a look at "أيام الزهو Games"


Credits to the developer of the apps :)

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My continued prayers for South Korea as they mourn for the victims. May the whole nation stay strong. My heart goes out to the families & friends who are affected with the tragedy. Praying for miracles.

So AE will be aired next weekend. Good decision. I like to immerse myself this Holy Week with my savior's death & resurrection! A time for prayers & reflection. Happy Easter to those who celebrates it.

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Hello Sunnies! It's been awhile since the last time I posted. My deepest thanks to all for the translations and updates. Hye sun has always been my favorite Korean actress.

I just came back from Seoul and as usual, I visited Cafe Manolin. It's always a part of my itinerary ^^ I'm so touched to see one of my gifts on display at her lovely cafe. I gave her a few things from the Philippines during my last visit. I left it with her sister who was managing the cafe at that time. I am delighted to see that she appreciated my simple gift and allotted a space for it. I love you forever Hye Sun ssi! ^^

I am immensely enjoying Angel Eyes right now. I never imagined getting hooked this much because I am not a fan of melodrama. She is a goddess! Her beauty exudes in every scene she's in. And her chemistry with LSY feels like magic. This is the second time I get crazy giddy with her onscreen partner. The first being LMH.

I am sad it won't air this week but I understand that South Korea is still suffering from a great tragedy. I pray for faster search and rescue operations. Let's all pray for the survivors, victims and their families.


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I posted below in AE thread:
http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=angeleyes&no=1381this page talked about how AE set up the firehouse and ER room to look as realistic as possible. Few equipments like the CPR dummy was too expensive (200,000won??) that they just borrowed it for few hours. (If go to that page, it is possible the scene does not show anymore)
this page has the filming of BTS and airport scene with interview of GHS---she says that she will be scolded by PD if she talks about today's scene. She says that it was windy when she had to go up on the crane for the potential jumper scene and the crane was shaking. She felt that she is experiencing all kind of stuff in life (laugh) and she says that she is filming experiencing body aches.They hoped to film secretly but it is impossible in the airport...she has to run and blow whistle, etc....for epi 6.
and that AE necklace posted by Ariana27~ is made by a DC fan--she got the parts and made it herself. WOW. (copy of JuWan couple necklace.)http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=angeleyes&no=1382

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Guest tnalvminsun

Dear Sunniez,
@meow13 thank you for bringing the intervview of GHS :)
@cheerkoo thanks so much for translation and news update from DC and @S_sun for informed @cheerkoo about AE thread, and @8jadecloud8 welcome and hope you can join the next project for GHS that maybe our sis will create later :)
@gayu312 and @mrita thank you for info of AE apps, glad if we can have one of that :)
@GHSforever i love the latest AE MV, keep up your good job sis :) you are fast, thank you :)
@ais730 wah, you've been to cafe manolin again? thanks for sharing this good news :) is there any pics of gift that GHS received from you that you like share here?
@zamzam thanks for the AE bts pics, make us want to see more what will happen in the next eps ;)

to All Sunniez, have a great weekend, still keep sending our hopes and prayers to the family of ferry incidents in sk, hope there will be good news soon :)

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Good morning everyone! Happy weekend!

Don't you think all those soft pastel colors she been wearing like the pics @‌ makes her skin glow and her hair look so smooth and silky? Its like she ethereal? Her presences almost boarding on celestial.

On another note I was recently reading some bad comments on her acting and defending her on some forums! It makes me mad because seriously I want to shake those people and asked so what great outstanding services have you provided for the good of society? I mean she has accomplished so many things in such a short amount of time and it's incredible. She may have not succeed in the definition of what society deems successful but she keeps striving forward with a smile a good attitude. I mean seriously [-( makes me mad. I'm sorry I just had to rant about this to those of you who love and admire KHS . :\">

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@phantomsnow Thanks for defending our KHS really appreciate it, but haters are always going to hate, she's not going to make everybody happy so lets not worry about those people :)

@n0v_ Thanks for KHS pictures so pretty indeed :)

Happy Easter everyone :)

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@tnalvminsun I gave her the gold edition jeepney, Cebu guitar magnets and a key holder (all from KULTURA). I only saw the keyholder at Cafe Manolin. She hung it near the entrance. I want to think that the jeepney and the guitar magnets are inside her own house that's why they're not on display hehe! ^^


I miss YSW and PDJ! I am re-watching episodes 1-4 (this is for the 5th time) This is highly addictive.

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