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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

http://www.e2news.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=67908Just for our information:I found this article talking about positives and negatives of entertainers getting into world of art. If there are people who love the idea and the promotion it gives to culture and art world, there are people who criticize it at all levels. (Figures! ^^)But, anyway, 김 교수는 "예술의 전당에서 열린 구혜선의 전시회는 도록 판매 수익만 350만원이 넘는다. 구혜선은 작품 판매 수익을 포함한 전시회 수익금 전액을 기증했다"고 밝혔다.=Professor Kim affiliated with Yesool's JunDhang or Hall of Art which exhibited GHS's art pieces stated that GHS's art booklet alone brought in 350 mon won (I don't know what that translates into dollars). GHS donated the entire sum along with money earned from selling her art pieces. 

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@gayu312 i sent an email to u.do check sis..and your letter is so cute she will love it.and its not mandatory for envelopes to have air mail written on it.just the right amount of stamps are important.the post office people will weigh your letter and tell u how much but do not forget to tell them its a letter to south korea..and i am sending the postcard as it is not in an envelope..do ask me if u have any more confusions i will help u out..
@cheerkoo ure right we must not expect anything i will be happy as long as my stuffs are delivered to her and is read by her.our angel do not like much publicity so i am not expecting anything..

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Hello Sunnies!

@cheerko it would have been good, sending our love letters/cards/postcards to Hye Sun with the money gift for LS. Unfortunately, with the recent flood in Indonesia, our fellow Sunnies are still trying to recover the devastation. I hope & pray everyone in Indonesia are coping well. Please stay strong & have faith.

I hope our love letter project will be a success. I'm planning to send Hye Sun as many cards as I can (made 2 & bought 6) kekeke... but I will send my special & personal letter for her, c/o Manolin. I want her to receive a lot thru YG. I included in the letter that she'll receive my cards thru YG also. Hopefully, she'll ask her manager to pick them up or that way YG has to bring them over to her. I have been fantasizing it already! lol! I hope it will be loads & loads of letters/cards/postcards. Yihahh! So Sunnies please invite everyone. My whole household is sending her a cheer message (each one of them) :) The mail is not expensive at all.

So Sunnies see you at the post office! BTW pls. don't forget to vote!!! The second placer is just around the corner. We have to double time!

Have a fun weekend!


:D \:D/ :x B-)
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Hi everyone, Happy New Year!!! thanks for updates and your comments! I miss her too!

even if she didn't want publicity for her gesture, i was very glad to see her, thanks to that blogger and meow13 we knew about the event and saw her a little!
was so sweet and nice from her to do that for SoWon!  she did not want to be praised for this sweet gesture, was SoWon's moment she wanted to be there for her, she did that only for her lil sis!!! love it

for me was unbelievable how media and that reporter respected her wishes! i don't see this so often from them! keke

Thanks S_sun for the love letter project!!! i will send her and to YG some nice postcards!

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Just reminding those Sunnies who are procrastinating to bring out their pens and start writing their love messages....D-Day Jan 21!
Even if we are not acknowledged, I know HS will be happy to receive our love letters. Maybe, just maybe she misses us enough to come back to twitter when she is ready..
Really excited about this project, too. Meow, thanks for reminding your readers by featuring the project at your blog and for the gif.  
Sunnies, please spread the word and let's shower HS with love!
Reposting for the convenience of those who have to hunt down the addresses.
                                                      "Love Letters to HyeSun"

This project ,initiated by Sunnies at soompi, is for Sunnies to express love and support to Hye Sun.The love messages can be short or long, your own personal love message. The one on the post card will be shorter,of course. Remember the post card is open, anyone can read it. Even just "I love you" "I miss You" will be ok.
Just write what is in your hearts, Sunnies!
Please send a post card with your love message to Hye Sun at the YG address and also
send your personal love message in form of letter ,card ,handmade if wishes, etc to Hye Sun at the Cafe Manolin address.
Those not able to write/copy Korean, just copy ,paste, print,cut out and tape or glue on the envelope. Please spread the word at other blogs, forums, facebook where there are other Sunnies. Let's do it, Sunnies!
Mail from most countries take 7-14 days.
Please mark on all the envelopes/post cards "Love Letters to HyeSun"
Date to post our love letters
: Jan 21 2013
  Those in US, it is ok to post on Jan 22 as postal service vary anyway.

Gallery Café Manolin  

갤러리카페 마놀린

주의: 구혜선      attention: Ku HyeSun

서울시 서초구 반포4

Seoul-shi   SuhCho-gu  Ban Po  4-dong


Seoul, South Korea

YG Entertainment

attention: Ku HyeSun

397-5 YG Building (5th Floor)
Hapjeong-Dong, Mapo-Gu


Seoul, South Korea


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Just a bit of a concern here. This poster  has all their actors in YG except GHS. :((   Why is HS not in it? She is one of their well-known actors. You would think she would be there to promote the audition. I went to YG website. HyeSun is still on their website. Hmmmm what do you think, Sunnies?  Any news from DC regarding this, Sue?


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cheerkoo said: Sunnies,
It is possible that our Love Letter for HyeSun project may not be acknowledged at all since GHS does not have tweeter nor cyworld anymore. Of course, YG might inform the media. But there is no guarantee about that. It might have been nice if the money gift also went to GHS at the same time that we are doing this project, but I am assuming that we don't know when it will be delivered yet?Anyway, I just want to alert all of us that we should not be disappointed if we don't hear anything about our project. We just have to know that we did the right thing, a truly wonderful thing, and that we know that GHS will be definitely pleased and happy. Who would not love being showered with unconditional love and support?!Sunnies, you are the greatest!And GHS Fighting!

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Just a bit of a concern here. This poster  has all their actors in YG except GHS. :((   Why is HS not in it? She is one of their well-known actors. You would think she would be there to promote the audition. I went to YG website. HyeSun is still on their website. Hmmmm what do you think' date=' Sunnies?  Any news from DC regarding this, Sue?[/quote']

So what does this mean? Koo Hye Sun is not part of YG? S I don't understand what "audition" means? Oh no is our angel quiting showbiz? What will happen to our love letter project?

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myonenonly said:




Just a bit of a concern here. This poster  has all their actors in YG except GHS.


   Why is HS not in it? She is one of their well-known actors. You would think she would be there to promote the audition. I went to YG website. HyeSun is still on their website. Hmmmm what do you think, Sunnies?  Any news from DC regarding this, Sue?

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@Ariana27 I found this information. Don't know if this is of any help? Is this the charity you are thinking of? If it is, you could contact them, there is phone and email info.

Administrative Contact

Korea Childhood Leukemia Foundation
Inseol Bldg. 4Fl.188-14 Myeongnyun-dong4-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul
City, 110524
Telephone: +82.27667671
Fax: +82.27667674
Email: [email address hidden]

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S_sun said: @Ariana27 I found this information. Don't know if this is of any help? Is this the charity you are thinking of? If it is, you could contact them, there is phone and email info.

Administrative Contact

Korea Childhood Leukemia Foundation
Inseol Bldg. 4Fl.188-14 Myeongnyun-dong4-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul
City, 110524
Telephone: +82.27667671
Fax: +82.27667674
Email: [email address hidden]

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Ariana27 said: S_sun said: @Ariana27 I found this information. Don't know if this is of any help? Is this the charity you are thinking of? If it is, you could contact them, there is phone and email info.

Administrative Contact

Korea Childhood Leukemia Foundation
Inseol Bldg. 4Fl.188-14 Myeongnyun-dong4-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul
City, 110524
Telephone: +82.27667671
Fax: +82.27667674
Email: [email address hidden]

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@Ariana27  Yipee! After much search, I found his website profile . It has his email, twitter acccount. There is English there,so I think he know English. Also saw HS pics. Just email him.... http://angijong.tistory.com/category/Profile%28%EC%86%8C%EA%B0%9C%29
Good luck!

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S_sun said: @Ariana27  Yipee! After much search, I found his website profile . It has his email, twitter acccount. There is English there,so I think he know English. Also saw HS pics. Just email him.... http://angijong.tistory.com/category/Profile%28%EC%86%8C%EA%B0%9C%29
Good luck!

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S_sun said:
Just a bit of a concern here. This poster  has all their actors in YG except GHS. :((   Why is HS not in it? She is one of their well-known actors. You would think she would be there to promote the audition. I went to YG website. HyeSun is still on their website. Hmmmm what do you think, Sunnies?  Any news from DC regarding this, Sue?

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


said: @Ariana27  Yipee! After much search, I found his website profile . It has his email, twitter acccount. There is English there,so I think he know English. Also saw HS pics. Just email him.... http://angijong.tistory.com/category/Profile%28%EC%86%8C%EA%B0%9C%29

Good luck!

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Sue, thanks for checking out the website and for tidbits from DC. I really don't think YG is upset with her. HS has a good relationship with YG, esp Papa YG and there are actors in there who haven't done much acting either. It will be great if YG let us know what is going on and issue a statement about HS. Puzzling it may be, I kind of feel the exclusion is probably tied in with  the reasons for the closure  of her twitter . When HS wants to do something , she really meant it. Being away from the public eyes is really being away! Lucky for us, she is not being a hermit or recluse...kekeke. Our love letters project is timely. Imagine you are a well-known public figure and when you retreat from the public, nobody cares. Our love letters will let HS know she is very much loved and missed.

HyeSun-ssi, Sunnies will wait for you....no matter how long it takes. Let's get our love letters to her.

Interesting bit about the membership into the fan cafe. Is it only open to Koreans? Who manages the fan cafe? Is it like a fan club? 

@Ariana27 Good luck on getting in touch with Mr Ahn. Thanks again for your hard work. I am sure you will be relieved to get the donations away into the right hands.

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I too, am wondering about the absence of HS from the YG Actor Audition Poster.  What could it possibly mean?  When I first heard about it from S-sun, I went to the YG Family website and to their thread, and saw the recent news posted there about her appearance at the Gift from Room 7 premiere.  So they are still posting news about her under the company.  Two thoughts that came to mind are that she is 1)  on a "hiatus" from company activities to concentrate on school and other activities such as directing, charity work, etc. or 2)  that she will not be participating in this audition process in the same capacity that perhaps some of the others may be such as being a judge - like how Psy was a judge on Superstar K4.  ????  I don't know... it is a mystery......I guess we'll just have to be patient and see what comes about in the next few weeks.  
I was watching tv last night and very unexpectedly, at 9:30, the first episode of a new drama came on and it was THE MUSICAL!!!!   I was half asleep when I heard the music and Bing!!  my eyes popped open.  kekeke.  You don't know how happy that made me!!!!   :D  I really love this drama and her portrayal of Go EunBi, being able to hear her sing, and just seeing her act with CD - whom I love!!!!  It's all G!!!  
I think now that GHS is really "growing up" and her life is changing, as a fan I have to change too.  She's not the young girl who acted in Nonstop 5 and Pure 19 anymore,  is doing less as an actress and is following the different paths that her life has to offer and I have to accept this.   :((     Back then even without twitter she was constantly acting in back to back dramas, doing CF's, etc., and you would hear about her very regularly through the media.  It seems that her superstar status since BOF has really changed that.  I'm happy for her, of course, but sad at the same time, and I guess all I can do is show my love and support for whatever comes her way.  She is such a genuinely good person - I think that we will hear some kind of response when she receives our love letters. Today is the day that I write them out - I hope I can express myself properly - wish me luck!!   :)

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