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@SunniRise, yes we did! What do you think? Basically, we wanted to address some of the issues with over-organizing and segmenting that some members didn't seem to like, and then I wanted to highlight some of our more popular forums by putting them up top. I'd been planning to make a formal announcement, but I figured first it didn't seem like anyone was saying anything, and then I wanted to get some feedback that we could use before announcing it as a definite change. (Doesn't mean that we'll change everything around if one person doesn't like it, just to let you know.) So let me know!

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Guest akp124

Hm... for some reason, if I want to type a really long reply, it won't let me. It just stays thinking when I click on 'post.'

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I hope the flagging system will be reformed. I've seen it being used as a substitute to the 'vote down' reputation mark which the soompi people hated. I've seen posts that shouldn't have received a flag because it wasn't abusive... nor it was a spam... It's just that the writer wrote a different opinion of a drama (so I guess others take it as flaming the drama, but it's just a critique... so we get flagged for giving our opinions?) Issue was raised in this thread too: http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/2001505/what-qualifies-as-an-abusive-post

Personally, because of that, I've become more wary of what to post (this should be the attitude of most users) however, because I won't like my profile to have a 'stain' (¡Que horror! if I see one post of mine being flagged for no reason at all and I'll see that on my profile... since it's easily filtered out)... so let's say I will have wanted to write a post to challenge people's opinion's of a drama... but I will don't do so instead because I may catch the ire of many... and get flagged for the wrong reason (yes, people do it out of spite). Maybe a 'I don't agree' button beside insightful, awesome, LOL would do? Or bring back that old report button where'll you'll have to state your reasons why you're reporting the post...

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Before the upgrade, we had some sort of blogs. Are they completely lost? Or I'm just such a buffoon for not finding it.. 


Thanks. *-

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Guest Laila Naz

Great Work done by this forum. I went over many forums but find it in good health. Lot of stuff is here to guide users and other internet surfer. I hope i will abide by the rules and regulations of the forum if any mistake done please inform me. I will be thankful to administration.
I am fond of hairstyles collection so i will also share my information as well as get useful information from you people..
Hoping for the bestlaila naz

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Guest bananabolt.

Wasn't quite sure where to ask, (or if anyone has asked this already) so I'm asking here. 
Is there anyway that I can get rid of the 'edited by' line, it really irks me. And I've noticed that a certain font has gone missing from the available fonts shown, why is this? If anyone answers, I'd greatly appreciate it!

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Why is it that centering the content of posts works for some members but not for others?

I have the same problem. In the draft of my posts, when I center them, they appear centered but when I post them, they align back to the left.

That is what frustrates me because I am not able to center the content of my posts. I hope the problem is fixed soon.
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Guest Laila Naz

Welcome aboard, we're extremely happy to have you on our forum platform and we hope you're going to enjoy it and love it as much as we do! Thanks for your welcome

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Guest faradie

The ad "Youth Star Audition" is damned irritating. Every pg I open, it is the last to surface and when it does it drops the whole web pg down. It's honestly nauseating!

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The ad "Youth Star Audition" is damned irritating. Every pg I open, it is the last to surface and when it does it drops the whole web pg down. It's honestly nauseating!

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I have a question about the permalink for each individual post. In the earlier pages, it was stated that there should be a chain link icon next to the person's username in each post, but I can't seem to find that... O_O And there are instances where I put a font as a specific size or colour, but once I publish this is no longer the case and it has reverted back to the original black size 2 font, but once I return to the edit page, it appears as I originally intended it to. 

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