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Couldn't agree more @dramafan33 about the soundtrack and the secondary characters being interesting in their own right. Everything just flowed well in the drama imo


No I haven't seen Thank You mostly because I'm stubborn and can't be asked to watch things on my laptop because the experience just isn't the same as a TV. I have seen clips though. The thing is because it is dealing with sensitive topics I'm often more critical of those types of shows to begin with. They're meant to play on your emotions and it's a cynical take but I tend to judge them on a higher standards because of it.


For example, I remember watching 12 Years a Slave at the cinema when it came out. Didn't think it deserved the Oscar but I can understand the controversy of not getting nominated etc because the subject matter is so heavy and sensitive. More recently, you recommended Move to Heaven which I've still not finished. There is nothing wrong with it either performance wise or with the directing. But by default it is written to be melodramatic and I needed something extra to drive my interest. It's difficult for me to put into words but I'm just a bit more biased against romantic or sad stories because of the tropes.


Re Move to Heaven, my best episode was the one with the old couple who had a secret garden. That genuinely moved me

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cr. gm4queen


Game time! :love: Can you spot the lies and the truths about our kdrama characters?


Test your knowledge and memory here:


Event Organizers,

@Sleepy Owl & @partyon



SIDE NOTE: Hey chingus on the Jang Hyuk thread! :waves:Hope all of you are doing well! :dorakiss:

Hopefully you will visit the event thread. One of Jang Hyuk's characters is featured. :glasses:

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@YouwinJH Awww that old couple! I cried with that episode too!


I wont push Thank You. Its an old drama but I do remember it fondly. The parts that moved did so genuinely. I did not feel “manipulated”. And there were many relationships/moments that stood out for me, all different. JHs character interaction with the little girl and with the grandpa was my favorite. It also had humor. Its not all sad at all times. 

JH and female lead, I found their dynamic irritating (mostly because of his character) but later they have really good moments too. One of my favorite is him hugging her in the car after they’ve been looking so long for the little girl. She was asleep but he gave her such a good hug! (Kdrama hugs tend to be so stiff) 


But anyway being an old drama, you should expect a lot of flaws too


My memory is so bad! I completely forgot that I had written many posts about Thank You lol! Sharing in case you or anyone gets curious



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About Thank You- I don't remember that show being a melodrama. It wasn't over the top compared to other shows I've seen. There is the issue of the girl, but she is cute and delightful. And yet- there are two reasons why I can't stand that show- JH's hairstyle :) the spikes drove me nuts! The second thing was the FL. Even though I highly respect the actress for her courage in accepting a role with JH after he was released from the army while other actresses didn't, I can't stand her acting! Tried watching her in other shows, and I realized she acts the same in every show she does. And I can't stand it! Also her character was insufferable to me- even though some say she was courageous, I thought she was a coward- she had a little girl with AIDS, but instead of encouraging her not to be ashamed, she encouraged her to hide her condition. No courage in her behavior until the end

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On 11/7/2023 at 9:17 AM, dramafan33 said:

@Biology Lesson Not excited either. I want to see him acting. Im not into variety shows in the least and I don't care about celebs homes etc :expressionless: soooo bored!!!!


Agree !! I don't care about variety shows and I don't care about his house, I need a him to do a drama or movie !!!!



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@Prettysup I could say the same about those fan meetings. I can understand fan interactions in the context of showing his work but these events rub me the wrong way. For me, he's an actor not an entertainer. It's a little cringe and dare I say about the money. I know many Korean actors do it - host these fanmeets 


I think we all want the same thing but what can we do if he's not receiving offers? And perhaps rather than staying idle, he's doing something. Also, this might not be about him - could be appearing to support a friend or as an opportunity for his kid. Who knows? I guess we'll find out when it airs (if it airs)


That said, I'm sure there is something on the cards for the new year. We just have to get used to the idea that he's at the phase of doing one project a year. At least I now have Lee Minki to stan, otherwise it would be unbearable


I have been wondering, I think someone mentioned that JH rarely gets to work with the same director twice (not counting the Swordsman director or the lady director for MF). That's a disadvantage because the industry is small, the volume of projects limited and its about your networks. I can compare him with LMK whose body of work comes from working with the same writers / directors. Same with JNR, she's working with a director she's worked with before. Don't have a solution but just thinking about it these days

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44 minutes ago, YouwinJH said:

@Prettysup I could say the same about those fan meetings. I can understand fan interactions in the context of showing his work but these events rub me the wrong way. For me, he's an actor not an entertainer. It's a little cringe and dare I say about the money. I know many Korean actors do it - host these fanmeets 


I'm with you on this. If these fan meets were about his process and projects, I'd love them. But the idiotic questions that he is usually asked in them, in addition to the silly stuff- singing, preparing drinks or whatever, is just annoying. What baffles me is why are all the recent fan meets only in Japan, with the exception of the US one. I think it's not about the money with JH, cause If it was, than I'd expect more meetings in Korea.



44 minutes ago, YouwinJH said:

I think we all want the same thing but what can we do if he's not receiving offers? And perhaps rather than staying idle, he's doing something. Also, this might not be about him - could be appearing to support a friend or as an opportunity for his kid. Who knows? I guess we'll find out when it airs (if it airs)


He actually told KH, that considering the current situation in Korean entertainment, he has to combine both Drama and variety. I guess he practices what he preaches...


44 minutes ago, YouwinJH said:

That said, I'm sure there is something on the cards for the new year. We just have to get used to the idea that he's at the phase of doing one project a year. At least I now have Lee Minki to stan, otherwise it would be unbearable


I have been wondering, I think someone mentioned that JH rarely gets to work with the same director twice (not counting the Swordsman director or the lady director for MF). That's a disadvantage because the industry is small, the volume of projects limited and its about your networks. I can compare him with LMK whose body of work comes from working with the same writers / directors. Same with JNR, she's working with a director she's worked with before. Don't have a solution but just thinking about it these days


I was the one who mentioned that, and I agree it's probably part of the reason why he has more limited opportunities and why he often works with less established directors are writers. It's a sad situation, but I guess it's what is pushing him to create his own opportunities...

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Re fanmeets in Korea I don't think JH is popular enough and can attract a large crowd @Biology Lesson though I could be wrong. Back in his heyday maybe but no where near the fan level as the younger actors. He's an ajusshi and his target audience are likely older men and females in Korea, who are likely to be passive fans. I think the audience likes him when he's on screen but they're not invested beyond that.


Outside of Korea is a different story in that his recent action films are more marketable to a broader fanbase. That said, I'm not an expert in these things.


I view Japan in the same lens as China that it's place they go to make money. With all the merch and rules re distribution of photos etc., I do think it's about the money and obvs fanservice. After all they're spending money and other resources to deliver an event, it would be foolish if there was no profit involved. I view it in the same lens as a musician doing concerts. Given music streaming etc, the money maker for the artist is usually the concert


I hope he gets a lucky break with his independent projects.  I think The Swordsman was commercially successful even though the pandemic hampered audience numbers. On the other hand, I'm sure the results from The Killer must have been disappointing. Personally, he needs to pick better content


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51 minutes ago, YouwinJH said:

Re fanmeets in Korea I don't think JH is popular enough and can attract a large crowd @Biology Lesson though I could be wrong. Back in his heyday maybe but no where near the fan level as the younger actors. He's an ajusshi and his target audience are likely older men and females in Korea, who are likely to be passive fans. I think the audience likes him when he's on screen but they're not invested beyond that.


Outside of Korea is a different story in that his recent action films are more marketable to a broader fanbase. That said, I'm not an expert in these things.


From what I understood, the tickets for the event in Japan were sold out very fast. So you really think that JH has such a small fandom in Korea, that he couldn't sell out tickets for an event there?! Somehow I can't believe that. But for sure, I don't understand why he recently does only events in Japan. I'm sure that if this was only about money- He'd do many more of these events. Seeing how popular he was in Mongolia, doing one there is a no brainer, no?  

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41 minutes ago, Biology Lesson said:


From what I understood, the tickets for the event in Japan were sold out very fast. So you really think that JH has such a small fandom in Korea, that he couldn't sell out tickets for an event there?! Somehow I can't believe that. But for sure, I don't understand why he recently does only events in Japan. I'm sure that if this was only about money- He'd do many more of these events. Seeing how popular he was in Mongolia, doing one there is a no brainer, no?  


I don't know is the answer. I'm going by the latest showing for The Killer and I've read some accounts saying that when they were doing fan meet then the theatre wasn't filled out so on one occasion the staff had to sit in. Can't imagine how embarrassing that must have been. I think he's more known to television audiences than moviegoers and the later are younger and more likely to patronise younger actors. Just a thought but again I don't know these things


As for Mongolia, he hadn't been back in 10 years so he couldn't have known he'd be so popular. Also, given how vast and sparsely populated it is, an event wouldn't make sense because you can't expect people to put up with the burden of travel, accommodation, etc. More dense, urban areas like Tokyo make a lot more sense


EDIT: Also, it doesn't look like the Mongolian fans are at all familiar with his new stuff. They're still stuck on Kitae from donkey years ago


Re Japan, didn't he used to have these fan meets every year before the pandemic? That's frequent in my opinion. Doing more would dilute the interest


The reason why I brought up the money is because that was also a subject in the delivery show. HKM doing these events rather than the music he wants and even CTH asking the young actor about the money in his bank account plus he also had to do part-time work when money dried up. I'm not saying JH is in the same boat mostly because he has investments (I think) plus he used to have endorsements. But I do wonder how lucrative it is to be an actor / entertainer in Korea if you're not the likes of Lee Min Ho etc.


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@Biology Lesson Actually, JH has more loyal fans in Japan than in Korea. The japanese fan meetings are more fancy and expensive than the one he did in Korea. I think the ticket for the korean fan meeting was around 100 dollars and the Japanese ones are almost 1k (I think. Ill ask again). The korean one was barely filled. The japanese fan meetings are very likely profitable. The one he did in Korea was just done mostly for the fans. What Youwin is saying aligns with what I heard back then. 


About Thank You, I agree that its not melodramatic as the premise may suggest. Its as subdued as it can be. Also agree about JHs hair not being my favorite lol


And there were two other directors he worked twice with, the director of Please teach me english and The Flu and the director of Volcano High and Innocent Thing


@YouwinJH JH owns a building in Gangnam which appreciated with time. Given this, it seems he is ok financially but I suppose he still needs to earn money. Korea is expensive and having three kids is almost insane in that country. 

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50 minutes ago, YouwinJH said:


I don't know is the answer. I'm going by the latest showing for The Killer and I've read some accounts saying that when they were doing fan meet then the theatre wasn't filled out so on one occasion the staff had to sit in. Can't imagine how embarrassing that must have been. I think he's more known to television audiences than moviegoers and the later are younger and more likely to patronise younger actors. Just a thought but again I don't know these things


23 minutes ago, dramafan33 said:

@Biology Lesson Actually, JH has more loyal fans in Japan than in Korea. The japanese fan meetings are more fancy and expensive than the one he did in Korea. I think the ticket for the korean fan meeting was around 100 dollars and the Japanese ones are almost 1k (I think. Ill ask again). The korean one was barely filled. The japanese fan meetings are very likely profitable. The one he did in Korea was just done mostly for the fans. What Youwin is saying aligns with what I heard back then. 

I hadn't heard that...  I guess @dramafan33 confirms it. That is so strange... I said it before, and I will say it again- I don't get the Korean audience! Makes JH's move towards international audience make more sense


50 minutes ago, YouwinJH said:

As for Mongolia, he hadn't been back in 10 years so he couldn't have known he'd be so popular. Also, given how vast and sparsely populated it is, an event wouldn't make sense because you can't expect people to put up with the burden of travel, accommodation, etc. More dense, urban areas like Tokyo make a lot more sense

I meant after visiting there. Considering how he was mobbed on the street, I think even in the sparsely populated Mongolia he could have a fan meeting. But since fan meeting hardly interest me, the discussion is kinda redundant.:D


What I actually thought was that it would be great if JH would film a movie in Mongolia! Some epic, historical movie?!




23 minutes ago, dramafan33 said:

About Thank You, I agree that its not melodramatic as the premise may suggest. Its as subdued as it can be. Also agree about JHs hair not being my favorite lol


And there were two other directors he worked twice with, the director of Please teach me english and The Flu and the director of Volcano High and Innocent Thing

Oh, I didn't know The  Flu and Please teach me english had the same director! wait- Wasn't he forced into taking the role in Flu by his agency? :blink:

About the director of Volcano high, from what I understood JH only took the role in Innocent thing to prove he can work with this director, right? From what I heard about the goings on on set and the end result, he actually proved he shouldn't even try :wacko:

There are three more, kind of: the director of Voice that produced TMWYS, the second director from FTLY that he recommended for MF, and the director of The swordsman and The Killer.

The thing is, in the two last examples, it looks like he was the one picking the director, and not the other way round.


23 minutes ago, dramafan33 said:

@YouwinJH JH owns a building in Gangnam which appreciated with time. Given this, it seems he is ok financially but I suppose he still needs to earn money. Korea is expensive and having three kids is almost insane in that country. 

Making money is why we all work :) 

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You and me both @Biology Lesson re Korean audiences. One of the best Korean shows I've watched to date - The Lies Within - has really poor ratings presumably because it was on JTBC rather than the big national broadcoasters. But still I find it shocking. Their taste and mine defo do not match


Doesn’t look like he is doing too badly when it comes to repeat directors. Let's see what happens in the future


And like you I'd like for him to film something there - the place does lend itself to some type of epic adventure though I'm not much of a fan of historical shows. He seemed to be in his element doing outdoorsy stuff in Mongolia


@dramafan33 yeah he did mention on the 1st Dragon Bros show that raising three kids was expensive


Acting is his livelihood and like all of us who work, we do so for a steady stream of income. Can't imagine the uncertainty that comes with a job like his, especially if you think about the larger family dynamics and the fact that he's the oldest son to his parents. There's also the in-laws to consider and other extended family. The expenses do tend to pile up

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I understand that reviews for The Marvels are starting to pour in, and they're not good. And I'm thinking about poor Park Seo-joon. I bet he really thought this is going to be his big international break! This is why I again and again pray that JH will not go anywhere near anything Disney is producing.


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Looks like he's really filming something at the gym. For the Show maybe?






KBS's <Red Single Heart> and

2022 special <Drama Earmot> have been selectedas official screening films for the 31st Energa Camerimaju

International Film Festival to be held in Poland from the 11th to the 18th of November.



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@Biology Lesson from the release of the first still ages ago I thought he looked ridiculous. And my opinion hasn't changed since them. 


The only type of HW I want from JH is where he produces K content but it is picked up by international distributors. HW doesn't know how to write for minority actors in their own backward, expecting them to give good content to a K actor is a little too much wishful thinking


@azureblue7 thanks for sharing. That's great news for Bloody Heart. Can't believe the show was so underrated in Korea


As for the filming in the gym, I think I'll pass on this show. It's the same old and I've already seen him at the gym a million and one times. Yeah give me a drama - paliiiiiii

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@YouwinJH Suddenly Im reminded that Bloody Heart existed! And just how great JH was in it!!! I think I love that drama more as I think about it. 

@Biology Lesson I love The Mandalorian though! (Not Marvel but Disney) Im a little desperate and just want him in any project that involves him acting or at least showing his attractiveness and charisma. I miss him!!!

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@dramafan33 I've yet to watch the whole of Bloody Heart but I'm always a sucker for power play type dramas. The tension, when done right, is just delicious.


I'm also in the boat of wanting JH to take extra care in picking his next project versus doing anything that lands at his desk. He's now second to LMK in terms of fave Korean actors purely because I have not been too thrilled with his recent choices plus I lean more towards subtler, more straightforward but impactful acting


For me, story will always outweigh charisma. Mind you, I'll still watch whatever lands but can't guarantee I'll finish watching and I'll be uber critical in the process

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17 hours ago, dramafan33 said:

@YouwinJH Suddenly Im reminded that Bloody Heart existed! And just how great JH was in it!!! I think I love that drama more as I think about it. 


JH was amazing in that show, which is why I'm still salty about him not being recognized for it


17 hours ago, dramafan33 said:

@Biology Lesson I love The Mandalorian though! (Not Marvel but Disney) Im a little desperate and just want him in any project that involves him acting or at least showing his attractiveness and charisma. I miss him!!!

Not me. I can't stand anything that Disney has produced in the last few years. And After the disaster that Family was, I don't want to settle anymore. I want a show with a good script, in which JH will have a juicy role. I hope that JH will also not settle for anything less anymore. 


16 hours ago, YouwinJH said:

@dramafan33 I've yet to watch the whole of Bloody Heart but I'm always a sucker for power play type dramas. The tension, when done right, is just delicious.


I have seen several historical power play type dramas and almost all of them are the same: an evil minister, a powerless and often stupid king, and the lead characters, that are rightous and honest, when usually the FL is the more comitted to the persuit of justice. BH essentially took that formula and played and twisted it, making it unique. It's not perfect, but it sure was different. And JH was amazing in it


16 hours ago, YouwinJH said:

I'm also in the boat of wanting JH to take extra care in picking his next project versus doing anything that lands at his desk. He's now second to LMK in terms of fave Korean actors purely because I have not been too thrilled with his recent choices plus I lean more towards subtler, more straightforward but impactful acting


For me, story will always outweigh charisma. Mind you, I'll still watch whatever lands but can't guarantee I'll finish watching and I'll be uber critical in the process


I have read several of your posts untill now, and I have to ask- why are you a JH fan? I'm truely curious.


Good actors are a dime a dozen, but actors that do what JH does, are very rare. I didn't become a fan instantly. It was a process. I first saw him in FTLY, and I was impressed enough to make me search for more shows that he did, and the shows I found impressed me even more. However, at first I thought it was just that Kdramas are that good. I didn't give him the credit initially. It was only after I tried doing the same process with Song Seung Heon after seeing Black, that I realized there are plenty of bad Kdramas. JH was unique in that he enhances every show he does! You see it isn't just his charisma that make me a fan. It's the unique things he does with each and every role he takes.

For instance, I receantly saw several shows that were fine.  Our Blooming Youth, another historical power play type drama. It was interesting enough, had a nice mystery, but it still took me several weeks to finish it. Why? Cause nothing grabbed me.  Park Hyung Sik I adore as a person after seeing him in Real men- he and JH had such a sweet friendship! But as an actor? He's just too feminine for my taste, and I can't get over it :) and the lead actress wasn't that good. I thought the actress that played her maid was much more impressive. while I was watching I was wishing to have JH in the show, to make it come alive. Another show- The Glory. This is a revenge type of show. It was good and satisfying. all the actors were competent, but no one grabbed me. The actress that played the antagonist was competent, but in my eyes the actor who played her husband was the standout. And I was thinking- am I impressed by him enough to want to watch another show with him? not really. He was good, but he was no where as good as JH was in Money flower, even though MF's script wasn't as good.



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