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Hyuk's latest clog

영국 잡지 어나더 촬영현장. 머리를 많이 잘랐습니다^^.


On the shooting set of British magazine Another. I've cut my hair a lot^^

Another is from the same publisher as the magazine Dazed & Confused. Seems like they like Hyuk.

And...gosh.....just in that pic Hyuk looks so much like Jung Woo Sung. It's been a while since they look alike (to me) but that pic just screams so much similarity.

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Guest Jill4675

Ahh, I'm late :P Happy Belated Birthday Hyukie !!!

New photo from Instyle magazine

He looks great :wub:

Source: http://www.instylekorea.com/article/article.asp?aid=7585&code=06010400

A chinese project? Really keeping my fingerscrossed that its going to be decent~

Lovely pic! Thanks, jen! Had also seen it in hahatk's Picasa album... :)

Hmmm, not too sure about the Chinese project. They don't take advice too well, so it could easily be as bad as the Eve remake... but we can always hope!!! :lol:

Note to ♥Hyuk♥: please don't comb your hair forward into your face...it's too common! <_< And it's not your best look... :phew: Speaking of hair, I shudder to think what they might do to his hair in the next Chinese project!!! :wacko::lol:

Happy holidays to all! :D Thanks for clog entry, o-cha! I hope it's just a matter of time before he switches to Twitter...I'm keeping my fingers CROSSED. :rolleyes:


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Merry Christmas to y'all. I have already had my weekend fully booked. Wishing you a warm and cozy holidays showering with lots of love and laughter.

The agent assured us that Hyuk's new project in China would be much better than the remake of AAE. The agent even compared Jung Woo-sung of "Reign of Assassins" was not too high of an expectation. Let's keep our fingers crossed on it. I really like ocha's idea if Lee Dahae and Hyuk would do a drama together again. Even in China I don't mind :P .Then I'll forget about that terrible hairdo in the remake.

For those who're interested in the discussion betw the agent and Baidu fans:


The official site for Hyuk by the agency in China, King Joy Vision.


I haven't watched this movie yet but the box office was not very satisfactory.

Reign of Assassins (Jian Yu Jiang Hu)


News 剑雨江湖Jian Yu Jiang Hu

Wonder why there're no news or pics about the charity event in Japan on Dec 22. Did Hyuk actually go there at all ?


zoi's probably in Seoul now waiting to meet Hyuk on the X'mas day now :rolleyes: Lucky Japanese fans.

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Guest jen2010

Hi Hahatk, read from Zoi's blog that the Henri Dunant event is postponed.

She also mentioned that Midas' first "reading session" will start today. (Source: from Hyukie's manager)

Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday Everyone :)

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Note to ♥Hyuk♥: please don't comb your hair forward into your face...it's too common! <_< And it's not your best look... :phew: Speaking of hair, I shudder to think what they might do to his hair in the next Chinese project!!! :wacko::lol:

Happy holidays to all! :D Thanks for clog entry, o-cha! I hope it's just a matter of time before he switches to Twitter...I'm keeping my fingers CROSSED. :rolleyes:

*quoted image*

HAHAHAHAH...Ohhhhh the abomination that was Chen Yi Pu's hairstyle! That hairstyle was a beast on to itself....:lol:

Yeaaah I really hope he'd switch over to twitter...but somehow knowing how Hyuk is..he'd stick to this cLog for as long as possible.

Hi Hahatk, read from Zoi's blog that the Henri Dunant event is postponed.

She also mentioned that Midas' first "reading session" will start today. (Source: from Hyukie's manager)

Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday Everyone :)

Yup saw the same thing on DC Hyuk that Midas had its first reading on December 24. DC Hyuk also mentioned of a fan meeting the on the 26th? Wonder if this is the Henri Dunant event?

hahatk: thanks for the links. Checking them out.

BTW any of you girls know Hyuk's manager's twitter acct? I'd stalk that acct for sure! hehehehe. The Korean fans seem to know the twitt acct....if any of you girls know please let me know...

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Guest Jill4675

BTW any of you girls know Hyuk's manager's twitter acct? I'd stalk that acct for sure! hehehehe. The Korean fans seem to know the twitt acct....if any of you girls know please let me know...

This would be key information! What's his name? You can search that way...if he's out there, we'll find him! :lol:

So many K stars on Twitter now...a certain someone needs to get with the program!!!! :rolleyes:


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Dae Gil doll at Seoul Doll Fair. I think it looks cool!

Btw I tracked down hyukie's manager's twitter. I wil post his twit acct later..hehehe

How was everyone's Christmas? Hopefully those in East Coast of USA won't get too bad of a snow storm...

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Guest Jill4675


Btw I tracked down hyukie's manager's twitter. I wil post his twit acct later..hehehe

Nice going, agent X...you'd better DM me that info pronto... :rolleyes::lol: You are not following him yet?????????!!

Note: I went to that link and saw a bust, not a doll...did I miss something? The bust was okay, but the hair is all wrong...not DG's style at all... <_<


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Guest jen2010

Looks like Zoi just came back from Hyukie's fan meeting in Seoul.

Gosh, he looked so young in the photo :wub:


Can't wait to see her full report & pic

Actually I need some getting use to his short hair now after such a long period of long hair stuck on his head :P

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ahhhhh he looks really good.

Thank you zoi-san for sharing the pic. Can't wait to hear the full story..hehehe

Anyway guys

Hyuk's manager's twitter

Hyukie posted pic from The Client filming


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He looks totally un Dae Gil like nowadays hehehe.

Yupppp for sure we'll all be falling for him again in Midas.

btw gals...can you check in Baidu if anyone posted initial character chart for Midas yet? I saw a post on DC Hyuk about it and they mentioned they saw it on Baidu.

hyukie is currently shooting The Client in Shinsa-dong. Apparently he films first before Ha Jung Woo and PHS due to his Midas commitment.

Busy busy time for Hyukie.

2 more days until KBS drama award! Let's hope for a daesang!

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I first saw this posted here but not in Baidu http://www.krdrama.com/bbs/thread-384490-2-1.html. Krdrama of China doesn't open membership to the public currently. You need some kind of invitation code by the the seniors that I don't have.

Anyway, the chart was from daum but there isn't any links.


Home and hospital of Jeong Yeon --- (Lee Min Jung)



Office of 인혜 Kim Hee Ae



credit: amy0211 of krdrama



Not sure where this chart's coming from but just take a look. Whoever did this did a pretty good job.


According to the Japanese fan julia2 who attended the fan meeting in Seoul, Hyuk said he would be probably crying if he won the KBS Daesang. It will be the perfect ending for Daegil when Hyuk wins :) Guess the Daesang means a lot to Hyuk. Does anyone win any Daesangs more than once?

source: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=964613986

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Thank you so much hahatk dear!

That's pretty cool that the fans can dig up shooting locations.

Hmmm I wonder if Midas will actually premiere Feb 21. That'll be awesome.

Gosh I really really hope Hyuk wins Daesang. He put so much into Dae Gil. He made Dae Gil into one of the most memorable character in Kdrama. And if he indeed wins Daesang...it'll be overwhelming for him for sure...going from thinking that he might not ever act again (due to the military service scandal) to winning a Daesang would just be an amazing story.

I guess we'll find out on the 31st...anyone planning on watching the show live??

Sidus's New Year Message Greeting


Hyukie looks cute there!

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Hi ocha! Hyuk will win the Daesang for sure.

I was working hard on finishing this translation of the fan meeting in Seoul. My honey was a bit mad at me. I gotta hurry up.

A fan of Hyuk posted this translation from Japanese to Chinese. I forgot her English name. Anyway, I translated it in English so that you can share the joy.

Fan Meeting 12.26.2010 in Seoul

Since it’s towards the end of the year, there were only 46 participants from Japan! The fan meeting was held in a “live house” in the new village.

Chairs were arranged in the live house. (- ゛ -;)

Hyuk’s appearance on the stage was no longer a beast figure *** ヾ (≥ ∇ ≤) ノ "*** Yeah !!!!! ♪ ~ so cute ~ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ so excited

I’ve been waiting for this new Hyuk for a long time (. ・ ・.) ホ ゚ ッ

Although I have the photos on hand for that day, it’s not a very good idea to post them in the blog. So just imagine Hyuk in the 2010 Keurime Award Ceremony' (2010.12.17) hairdo trimmed a little and combed to the right, his face was shaved clean.

The group pictures were taken 2 fans with Hyuk sitting in the middle at a time. There were also pictures of shaking hands with Hyuk in albums. Those albums were for purchase before we left the hotel this morning (- ゛ -;)

I will share the photo album with you when we meet next time!

Fan meeting started with a birthday cake to celebrate Hyuk’s birthday. Then Hyuk suggested that whoever’s birthday was also in December should go on the stage accepting everyone’s wishes!

There were 3 people went on the stage and blew the candles together with Hyuk. Congratulations!!

The song playing was a birthday song in Korea. I do not know (>_<)

Next was the Q and A time!!

Participants dropped their questions into a box and later hand picked by Hyuk.

Hyuk answered lots of questions but I'm sorry that I forgot most of them as usual. (>_<), The following are the answers that I can recollect, not even in the same sequence of event.

”I’ve had work during Christmas time but I got to spend time with my family on the 25th, the Christmas Day. We went for a walk to the park with the kids. It was really great! ♪ I was hit by the kids and hurt my face!”

In fact, I had prepared gifts of the Kyushu Shinkansen new car, "Sakura" the Choro-Q, and the Shinkansen pattern OK Jump (Band-Aid) to the kids. I’d like to say if the kids got some injuries, they could use the OK Jump. I did not anticipate Hyuk might be injured while playing Choro-Q and perhaps put on OK Jump like Oh-Jun ssi! The thought made me happy(ㄟ ㄟ ㄟ) (- ゛ -;)

When asked about the names of two sons, said, Jae-Heon and Seung-Heon. They both resembled Hyuk very much. The MC said she’s envious of the wife being together with the “handsome reserve army”, but the translator translated as the "backup army". Hyuk got puzzled and asked, "What?"

When asked about recommendations of any points of interest in South Korea, Hyuk recommended Busan and he hoped they would have a fan meeting held in Busan some day!

I hope the "walk together with Hyuk in Busan" activities can be achieved some day!

Yes! The idol guide said in the Kansai Airport, "People about the same age as Hyuk in Busan said that Hyuk was very well-known then because of his handsome good looking!

Then video of Chuno was shown on both sides of the stage facing the audience. Hyuk had to turn his face to the screen in order to watch. The MC reminded him he could watch in the front screen. Hyuk actually did not see it!

It did not matter if I watched the clips or not. All I wanted was staring at Hyuk at all time.

The translator said something to Hyuk. It was the “favorite scenes of the director” in Japanese.

I was watching here and there and it seemed the scene that Eop Bok died moved Hyuk the most.!

Speaking on the duel in the reed, any particular memory?

Hyuk was laughing several times while thinking. He could not even speak very clearly since he could not stop laughing.

It was Oh Jiho ssi wounded his behind by the sharp rocks (* ¯ m ¯) フ ゚ ッ

If Hyuk would laugh like this, it had to be because the reaction from Oh Jiho ssi was quite powerful. Poor Oh Jiho ssi ~(;^_^ A

Hugs and collectibles as gifts

The only person I knew got a hug was G! ~ P (* ≥ ω ≤) /

First a bow, embrace, and then another bow! ! kiki wrote: G ~ announced the "correct codes to embrace Hyuk" (laughs)

Collectibles have

★ The black hat filmed in Chuno. Where did I see Hyuk wearing this hat before!!

★ The blue Bruce Lee T shirt worn when practicing Jeet Kune Do ~ ♪

Hyuk said he had it washed properly already. The MC suggested that it would be better if this kind of thing was not washed (laughs) ~ Hyuk said "Pardon me" (Explosion)

★ The Chuno scripts on the first and last episodes~! ! !

The scripts that Hyuk made a lot of remarks, notes and yellow sticky! ! !

Hyuk well kept his works as his own footprints. These were presents he prepared specially for his fans thanking us to go to Seoul in such cold weather "" ハ (¯ ▽ ¯ *) applause ♪

3 lucky people were drawn to receive the gifts. After the hat was decided, the other two fought for the same scripts.

The loser did not get the gift she wished for. So Hyuk added a hug as an additional gift! Hyuk was very gentle ~ ♪

Followed by Hyuk’s singing "" 일어나 "

김광석 singer lyrics

song for encouragement in difficult times

일어 나 일어나다 시 한번해보 는거야

일어나 일어나 봄의 새싹 들처럼

Come on! Come on! Try again

Come on , rise up like the spring buds

Hyuk was cheering for us!

I remembered hearing Hyuk sing this song in the dinner show before!?

Then finally the time to shake hands and take pictures!

3 chairs were set in a row and Hyuk sat in the middle when photographed (. ・ ・.) V

If you had presents you could give them to Hyuk directly! This arrangement was the first time!!

2 persons got on the stage at a time. They did not say we could not touch Hyuk this time. Hyuk also got on everyone's shoulders ~ ~ w (゚ o ゚ *) w

S and I went on stage!!

We were discussing “What are we going to do? What are we going to do?” while waiting for our turns (Laughs)

Let us take this opportunity to link arms with Hyuk officially m (_ _) m

I was so nervous when taking pictures. Although I planned to smile, the look of the actual photos came out a bit scary (TT)

Gifts after photography!

Since the translator was on the side, my card was also attached. So I said I hoped Hyuk would play the toys with his children.

S San first specified "These are not from me", then presented the gifts from friends.

Fans asked the translator to tell Hyuk that "There are lots of friends could not go to Seoul this time. Hyuk should definitely come to Japan again!" ~ ヽ (= '▽ `=) ノ

Did not expect they would take picture while shaking hands. The pictures were in the album the next day.

★ photo 1: Hyuk and I deep bows to each other and handshakes ~ ~ ~ k San asked if we were in competition of better manner. Very funny!

★ Photo 2 : I was so happy and full of smile preparing to walk in the direction down from the stage. Hyuk was still holding my right hand and his face expression was "ls that all?" Hyuk puzzled (What was I doing?)!!

There are 3 people in the photo but I removed the other person, leaving Hyuk and me.

Original Source: taneke3


credit: 米子貓


taneke3 did not post any pictures of the event. However, you can see some pitures from zoi's site.

Goodnight everyone!

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Thanks Haha! I am glad the fan had a great time at the fan meeting..gash I'd love to hear Hyuk singing that song.

Jill: what are you going to do? Seems like Hyuk will keep the bangs for The Client. I know the bangs isn't your favorite Hyuk hairstyle. I do hope he will be bang-less for Midas though..I think he looks more professional that way.

Less than 1 day until KBS awards!

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Hi every body, I am always around here to see our hyuk news but don't post :) I just wanted to wish you all happy new year and I can't wait to see hyuk today at KBS Awards, it is just hours separate us now and hyuk is surely will get the Daesang :wub: .

Just saw this on allkpop, pictures of hyuk and Jay Park on the set of client:


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thanks apqaria!

So nice seeing Sidus people supporting one another. Thanks Jay for being a good lil bro to our Hyuk.

'Wathing' KBS live now...craaaapp feed...sighhhh

Edit: 10.25PM Jang Hyuk-Lee Da Hae won one of the best couple awards...congrats!


more Hyuk pic



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