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Guest BrisaBreeze

Just after Ji Hyuk got some compliments for his big sis, it's been revealed that Ji Sook also praised her lil bro as well. :)

Hoya reveals Soo Ae praised his acting in 'Mask'

Monday, July 27, 2015  hoyainfinitekorean dramasmasktv 
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Source: Netizen Buzz





Source: SBS

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Guest BrisaBreeze

Source: Yozohhh2015CH8

Lyrics translation

Where are you? The person who I will love, where?
If it is you, show yourself to me now
Looking by myself, laughing by myself
Waiting for you– isn’t it a crazy thing to do?

I love you, I love you, I’m waiting for you, who still has no answer
I hate you, I hate you because I love you so much, you’re only smiling at me
It hurts but I can’t help it, I hate you but I can’t help it
I hate myself for that, I despise myself for that


I try swallowing it in but with the sadness of not being able to have you, I’m only looking at you
I’ll take the regret and the scars
So just once, if it’s still not over between us
I don’t want to lose a single small hope

Where are you? The person I love is you

I love you, I love you, I’m waiting for you, who still has no answer
I will love you wherever I am in the world
I can’t replace you

Source: Popgasa

Mask OST Part 8 (Yoon Do Hyun - Where (어디에)) is really perfect for episode 19, since it seems like Ji Sook is nowhere to be found. We'd better prepare ourselves before the finale. Anything can happen at this point. 

Where are you, Byun Ji Sook ssi? Your Min Woo ssi is looking for you. :tears:

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Guest BrisaBreeze

Mask: Episode 19 Preview

Soo Ae and Ju Ji-hoon's fighting scene in fire gets caught in SBS Drama 'Mask'

In last episode 18 of 'Mask' on 23rd, Ji-sook(Soo Ae) is locked in fired pension because of Suk-hoon(Yeon Jung-hoon). At the same time, Min-woo(Ju Ji-hoon) swims in a river after waking up on the ship. Therefore, episode 19 gets a high expectation from the audience.

Since Ju Ji-hoon jumps in the fire and takes her up in his arms, the viewers increase a curiosity. In this episode, soaked Ju Ji-hoon runs into the fire and throws the couch. He also cries after discovering Soo Ae closed her eyes. 

Especially, Soo Ae plays double role such as Ji-sook and Eun-ha and falls into the sea, swimming pool and valley in drama 'Mask'. However, she is shooting in fire for this episode. Following that, a staff of 'Mask' says "Please watch the episode 19 whether Min-woo saves Ji-sook from the fire or something happens"

Meanwhile, 'Mask' leaves only 2 episodes such as 19 and 20 on 29th and 30th at 10pm.

Source: Sports World via Naver

Source: SBSNOW 

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Guest user4321

Soo ae is having a new movie!!!!


[OSEN=박현민 기자] 배우 수애가 영화 '국가대표2'(가제, 감독 김종현) 출연을 확정, 본격적인 촬영 준비에 돌입한다.

영화 '국가대표2'는 대한민국 최초이자, 유일한 여자 아이스하키팀인 국가대표 창단 과정을 모티브로 하는 작품. 탈북자 출신부터 쇼트트랙 퇴출선수, 아줌마, 중학생까지 경력과 사연도 다양한 선수들이 모여 태극마크가 부끄럽지 않게 당당히 국가대표로 성장해가는 이야기를 그린다.

극중 수애는 북한 여자아이스하키 국가대표팀 출신인 팀 에이스 ‘지원’ 역을 맡는다. 특히 영화 '국가대표2'는 한국 영화 최초로 ‘아이스하키’종목을 소재로 하는 작품. ‘스피드와 격렬함’으로 대표되는 아이스하키인 만큼, 출연 배우들의 혹독한 훈련을 필요로 하는 가운데, 수애는 이미 아이스하키 기본기 연습에 돌입하며 작품에 대한 열의를 보이고 있다. 전작들을 통해 ‘여성스럽고 우아한 이미지’를 주로 선보였던 수애는 이번 영화 '국가대표2'를 통해 거친 승부 세계에 뛰어든 아이스하키 선수로의 이미지 변신을 예고했다.

지난 2009년 전국 850만 관객을 동원해 대한민국을 대표하는 스포츠 영화로 자리매김한 '국가대표'. 그 두 번째 이야기인 '국가대표2' 영화화 소식은 이미 수많은 영화 팬들의 뜨거운 관심을 받았던 바. 특히 타이틀롤 수애의 가세로 기대치는 높아질 전망.

영화 '감기' 이후 2년 만에 드라마 '가면'으로 컴백한 수애는 방송 시작과 함께 현재까지 동시간대 시청률 1위를 차지하는 등 큰 호응을 받았다.

영화 '국가대표2'는 수애 캐스팅 확정과 함께 오달수, 김슬기, 진지희, 하재숙 등의 출연도 결정지었다. 나머지 캐스팅까지 마무리되는 대로, 본격 아이스하키 훈련에 돌입하는 프리프로덕션을 거쳐, 다가오는 10월 크랭크인을 목표로 하고 있다. / gato@osen.co.kr

[출처] 본 기사는 조선닷컴에서 작성된 기사 입니다

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What movie? Is it the one she's been considering Take Off 2?

Did anyone feel sad that she didn't join the cast on Late Night Entertainment Show? I did. Seems like she usually doesn't promote her dramas. But for movies she does. Maybe that's her way. I guess she doesn't appear much in variety shows, because she doesn't want to make a mistake. One wrong word or action could harm her long time built career? But for us fan we really don't know the real her.

Did you guys like her latest kiss in Mask?... For me the court house kiss is still my favorite. Well I don't have much kissing experience, but that kiss just looks nice. May be the editing, I don't know... Hehehe.

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Guest BrisaBreeze

Su Ae is comfimed for Take Off 2. From the news, she will play the role of Ji Won, North Korean ice hockey player. She’s already taking the basic ice hockey course. The movie starts shooting in October. Oh Dal Soo, Kim Seul Gi, Jin Ji Hee and Ha Jae Sook are also confirmed. I guess we have to wait for one more year or more for this movie to hit theater. Now we’re officially entering the long waiting period. Don’t know when we’ll see her again. :(

Source: MBN via Naver

I’m not surprised that she wasn’t on the show. She often looks shy and uncomfortable when doing interviews. That’s why I think we’ll never get a chance to see her on variety shows again. I’m okay with it if she has more than one project a year. Hahaha.

And I love last night’s kiss too. I really love the way they paused, and Ji Sook looked and smiled at Min Woo before continuing the kiss. It’s so sweet. :wub:

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July 30, 2015

Park Soo-ae turns into ice hockey player

Source: The Korea Times


Actress Park Soo-ae, 35, will play the lead in a new movie tentatively titled "Take Off 2."

"Take Off 2" is a sequel to box office hit "Take Off" (2009).

The actress will play the role of a North Korean defector who becomes a national ice hockey player. Not only that, other actors offered a role, like Oh Dal-su and Kim Seul-gie, will soon make their decisions.

The film will begin shooting in October.


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So happy the she will have a new movie.. Soo Ae is always like that 1drama and 1movie per year... 

I am going to see her being badxxx woooooh... I missed her stint in Athena...

Even Soo Ae doesn't go variety shows you can see that it is always top rated... 

What other characters that she hasn't done... Most hated character (Yawang); Double Agent (Athena)..

Ahhhhh.. miss her doing rom-com...

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soo ae pls do rom com next...after the movie! jaebal! i love her in 9 ins 2 outs.. her next leading man.. hmm i hope its gonna be shinhwa eric! since i m his fan ...soo ae can communicate through her eyes that is one reason why she is a top notch actress. given a good script n believable character voila.. she'll definitely nail it!

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Guest BrisaBreeze

She was at the wrap party. From Mask DC, they said that she arrived at the restaurant around 9 p.m. (Korean time). Unfortunately, none of her pic has been released so far. Still hoping to see some tomorrow morning. 

Here is the Take Off 2 plot from Asian Wiki.

Various women, including a North Korean defector, a banned short track skater, middle age woman and a middle school student, come together to form the first South Korean woman's national ice hockey team.

Source: Asian Wiki

Can't wait to see her athletic skills this time. And yes, a rom com after this movie, please. 

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soo ae pls do rom com next...after the movie! jaebal! i love her in 9 ins 2 outs.. her next leading man.. hmm i hope its gonna be shinhwa eric! since i m his fan ...soo ae can communicate through her eyes that is one reason why she is a top notch actress. given a good script n believable character voila.. she'll definitely nail it!

OMG... I loved to see her with Eric.... hope they will collaborate....

News about her new movie about Take Off 2 is all over the news.. Seems a lot a people missed her seeing on big screen

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Both Eric & SooAe have big beautiful eyes and their combo is gonna be daebak... well i know i am bias. anyway i am glad i watched Mask it is not the best show at least toward the last 2-3 eps... but what do i expect it is makjang from the beginning.. but SooAe and JJH were what kept me stay until d end of the show! both have sizzling chemistry even without bedscene. the way they look at each other was enough to make me melt!:wub: 

all the best sooae in your next movie! btw i love kimseulgi hope we they be BFF in the movie! fighting!

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Guest BrisaBreeze

#가면 안녕, 최미연

A photo posted by 유유♡ (@country_min) on Jul 30, 2015 at 9:25pm PDT

Source: country_min


Yoo In Young posted Mask BTS pics on her Instagram. Can you guys spot Su Ae? I think there are 4 pics of hers. Let the one with good eyes win! :lol:

(I don't know why I can't embed pics from Instagram. I can't see the picture above, so I have to post the pic seperately. Can someone tell me how to do it properly, please? Thank you. :))

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Guest user4321


#가면 안녕, 최미연

A photo posted by 유유♡ (@country_min) on Jul 30, 2015 at 9:25pm PDT

Source: country_min


Yoo In Young posted Mask BTS pics on her Instagram. Can you guys spot Su Ae? I think there are 4 pics of her. Let the one with good eyes win! :lol:

(I don't know why I can't embed pics from Instagram. I can't see the picture above, so I have to post the pic seperately. Can someone tell me how to do it properly, please? Thank you. :))


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July 31, 2015

Soo Ae gets top role in first hockey flick

BY JIN MIN-JI INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily


Actress Soo Ae, who is in the spotlight in the ongoing SBS drama “Mask,” has been cast in the lead role of the sequel to “Take Off,” the hit movie released in 2009. 

Distribution company KM Culture announced on Thursday that Soo Ae will take on the role of ace South Korean national team hockey player Ji-won, who played on the North Korean team before defecting the country.

The upcoming flick centers on the story of the only female ice hockey team in Korea and how it came to be. 

The team consists of various people, including a North Korean defector, a middle school student and a middle-aged woman, all of whom have different stories before uniting on the team. 

The new film scheduled to open in October is the first Korean movie about ice hockey. 

According to the distribution company, celebrities including Soo Ae are undergoing intensive ice hockey training.

The 35-year-old actress will be working alongside Oh Dal-su, Kim Seul-gie and Jin Ji-hee for the upcoming work.

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Guest user4321

July 31, 2015

Soo Ae gets top role in first hockey flick

BY JIN MIN-JI INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily


Actress Soo Ae, who is in the spotlight in the ongoing SBS drama “Mask,” has been cast in the lead role of the sequel to “Take Off,” the hit movie released in 2009. 

Distribution company KM Culture announced on Thursday that Soo Ae will take on the role of ace South Korean national team hockey player Ji-won, who played on the North Korean team before defecting the country.

The upcoming flick centers on the story of the only female ice hockey team in Korea and how it came to be. 

The team consists of various people, including a North Korean defector, a middle school student and a middle-aged woman, all of whom have different stories before uniting on the team. 

The new film scheduled to open in October is the first Korean movie about ice hockey. 

According to the distribution company, celebrities including Soo Ae are undergoing intensive ice hockey training.

The 35-year-old actress will be working alongside Oh Dal-su, Kim Seul-gie and Jin Ji-hee for the upcoming work.


open in october or flim in october? Different source are staiting differently, maybe the meaning is lost in translation

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