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[Drama 2012/13] Horse Doctor 마의 馬醫 马医

Guest yeohweping

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I forgot to mention there is a potential cute couple between the nanny & bodyguard.  ;))

I’m gonna predict who’s pairing with whom here…

The Chef should stick to the Palace Lady.

Kibae ends up with the nanny.

Jabong can have SKY.  He could deal with her blabbering.

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Guest khunnie_yuna28

why do i keep thinking that the mysterious man at the end is kang dojun??? weird coz i know his father is dead but the box that kwangyon received from his dad is quite the same with the box of the mysterious man and he looks like he has excellent skill in medicine

i wish it's his father though because that would be nice

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Finally, my questions were now answered..

The king got the letter that BGH brought from Qing..
The King & everyone now knew who cured the High Minister..
BGH's rank is 7th..
BGH sent the evil angel into exile..  as usual our hero is always very kind & lenient..
That we will not worry anymore about Yondal & her underground pharmacy..  good to know that the King understood why it's necessary..

Both LSH & BGH are determined to protect KJN especially about her status.. they probably can keep the truth.. however, it will bound to surface since once KJN will know about it she will never just let it go.. as Churasan had said.. she's a real honest character..  I believe that she would return everything even if she'd become a peasant..

Indeed our Princess has truly matured now. I am glad that she's able to overcome the first love challenge. It was really very hard for her, but at least now she could accept it & she's happier.  Good job.. Princess.. I wonder if the Nanny & Warrior Mah will now have an easy life with the Princess :-w

Understanding the conversation between KJN & BGH at the couple's moments.. they became more adorable.. LOL! I think I can add now all the episodes I want.. haha! ;):D

I like how SKY made a fuss at the clinic & made the young lovely nurses nervous.. & demanding the dork to do his job by himself.. it's hilarious. 

Like everyone.. who is the mysterious guy???
:-w :-w  I wish knew..  
QSD said:

I forgot to mention there is a potential cute couple between the nanny & bodyguard.  ;))

I’m gonna predict who’s pairing with whom here…

The Chef should stick to the Palace Lady.

Kibae ends up with the nanny.

Jabong can have SKY.  He could deal with her blabbering.

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At laaast he came back, fuiih it felt like forever, ep 37 way to go <:-P , the princess is so adorable, she's so happy when JY said that she had to meet BGH herself :x . Oy JY and BGH's scenes hahaha, she was surprise herself when she spontaneously gave BGH the reward. Btw, what did BGH say to LSH for LSH statement that BGH and JY can't be together because he can put JY at risk ? it seems LSH looked surprise when he heard BGH's last sentence

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Guest farhah1986

I just watch episode 37 with the subtitle and I finally know what BGH and LSH spoke about...I understand that he is worried about BGH and Jin Young status exposed...I'm sure that the truth is bound to be revealed and Jin Young will have to accept the truth thats why LSH didn't want BGH and Jin Young get close because Jin Young will suffer and lose everything..Although LMH has dispose all the evidence regarding BGH identity but there is people that know the truth...and I'm sure if BGH status come into question,nurse Jang will tell the truth to Jin Young.....

Right now I'm curious about the mysterious guy...someone mention that Kang Do Jun might be the mysterious guy...although I hope its true I don't think it will come to that...But if it someone that Kang Do Jun know it will be better

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12blbl said: At laaast he came back, fuiih it felt like forever, ep 37 way to go <:-P , the princess is so adorable, she's so happy when JY said that she had to meet BGH herself :x . Oy JY and BGH's scenes hahaha, she was surprise herself when she spontaneously gave BGH the reward. Btw, what did BGH say to LSH for LSH statement that BGH and JY can't be together because he can put JY at risk ? it seems LSH looked surprise when he heard BGH's last sentence

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farhah1986 said: I just watch episode 37 with the subtitle and I finally know what BGH and LSH spoke about...I understand that he is worried about BGH and Jin Young status exposed...I'm sure that the truth is bound to be revealed and Jin Young will have to accept the truth thats why LSH didn't want BGH and Jin Young get close because Jin Young will suffer and lose everything..Although LMH has dispose all the evidence regarding BGH identity but there is people that know the truth...and I'm sure if BGH status come into question,nurse Jang will tell the truth to Jin Young.....

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jk145 said: 12blbl said: At laaast he came back, fuiih it felt like forever, ep 37 way to go <:-P , the princess is so adorable, she's so happy when JY said that she had to meet BGH herself :x . Oy JY and BGH's scenes hahaha, she was surprise herself when she spontaneously gave BGH the reward. Btw, what did BGH say to LSH for LSH statement that BGH and JY can't be together because he can put JY at risk ? it seems LSH looked surprise when he heard BGH's last sentence

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Hello fellow HD watchers,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Just to get this out of the way 1st – has anyone been able to access krdrama.org since Thursday?  I have not, getting “do not have permission to access server message” which would be a shame because I rely on that site to watch HD in raw format. For me they provide the video the earliest for watching.  Hopefully this is rectified before Monday, if not lets hope for the best.

Like most of you was able to watch HD with subs courtesy of MBC on my PC (prefer downloading – its’ easier to manage, plus I have lots of space). I did enjoy them more with the subs.  My view remains the same from the recaps given, however have some things to add:-

1.      For ep 37, I would have liked a reunion scene with BGH, Dae Mang and Tae Ju.  Some may not think its necessary but I do because BGH was the center of that friendship.  Someone mentioned that Dae Mang was good for Tae Ju because he made him more approachable/human and that is true.  I like this friendship.  Since it did not happen, I hope their friendship comes into play in future episodes.  In addition, I do not like the fact that they made Tae Ju bright in the first part and then somewhat ordinary in the second.  Yes BGH is a very talented doctor but I think a friendly rivalry between Tae Ju and BGH is a good one and would keep each other on their toes.  Medicine is a very broad spectrum and does not necessarily have to be limited to surgery (its just a thought).

2.      Mysterious doctor – do not believe its Kang Do Jun nor LSH at all.  Reasons for this are (i) Kang Do Jun is dead its not logical to resurrect him at this point (ii)LSH from the beginning showed no deep interest in medicine for him to all of a sudden become surgeon at this point as a form of rivalry for BGH does not wash.  The mysterious doctor is definitely someone new to all key characters in the show (maybe) and us.  As for his agenda will wait and see after 2 episodes. What I do not want is for weasel LMH to find him first, because that’s trouble we do not need. (got to admit though not seeing the face in the show, Dr. Mysterious appears to be a hunk with that body frame). @Phetbo & QSD , you are amazing to capture those close up pics/scenes - bravo to you both.

3.      Regarding the conversation between BGH and LSH.  BGH is telling LSH to back off, though he’s appreciate his concerns & care for KJN, she is his woman and he’ll take care of her from now on.  Remember in the earlier episodes BGH was jealous of LSH & KJN’s relationship as such he was a hesitant in his approach with her as well as her status.  With his promotion and security of KJN’s love BGH will ensure that he has both and protects KJN as well. Status was never important to both BGH & KJN their hearts were. Its interesting to note how they slightly remove BGH's noble heritage/status  - it was never important to him and such had no power.  What they are going to do is make BGH regain it himself using his medical skills, determination and overall sincerity.

4.      LSH’s love pairing with SKY – it’s a relationship that I’m against for several reasons.  LSH to SKY is her crush right now – not sure it can go further than that, LSH does not see SKY at all (can he handle SKY?), he appears to be forever in love with KJN.  Though he has accepted that he will not have her, the question that arises is that ? is he willing to move on?  is key.  It appears not, plus you have weasel dada dearest LMH to deal with – to be frank with SKY’s personality etc she is definitely not LMH’s daughter-in-law material.  There is no way in kingdom come will he accept SKY except by some miracle there is “ SKY’s so called richer than Croesus noble family comes to Joseon to pick up their daughter”. He’ll recognize & maybe accept her then.

5.      SKY – girl we love yah!! She is so in your face, true to herself, funny and straightforward with that special charm.   Do I still want her for Tae Ju (yes), however, the only way for her to see Tae Ju is if he distinguishes himself in some unique way to her.  Tae Ju finds an her intriguing lady, Dae Mang is afraid of her. Tae Ju,  show her that you got talent then she’ll really notice you. SKY’s personality is different from the typical Joseon women that they encounter at that time.  It’s for that reason, I wonder what would happen if there is a scene where SKY ever meets the king (in disguise) and the princess and is just herself with them – can you imagine that, it would be hilarious. :)=))  The other thing about SKY is that though she tends to dumb down herself, she is very bright about people and her nursing skills are excellent. For SKY’s love pairing though my first & still choice is Tae Ju,  otherwise I’ll be happy if she is with someone who makes her happy & vice versa.  Hopefully we will see a mini story line here since we have 13 episodes left. SKY would keep Tae Ju on his toes and life will never be boring for him. For SKY , Tae Ju would add some bit of refinement to her and classiness but with her special charm.

6.      Our princess – I am feeling sorry for her at this moment because she is alone as well especially in that palace, can we start making her happy now and not just with visits from KJN & BGH.  She is the same but has matured somewhat.  It’s the same with Eun Seo.  Why must they make our widows – widows (these women are due for some happiness in their lives excluding BGH).

7.      LMH has temporarily gone underground until something happens that would adversely affect BGH & maybe KJN then he will rear his weaselly face up and strike. Remember he is still in the highest position medically in Joseon therefore he still has power to attack to BGH.

8.     :x :x  Pairings – the princess lady & guard (not going to happen, reason is that she is a court lady all of which belong to the king, she held his hand because she was happy for the princess nothing more/less).  Dae Mang – the woman has to be intelligent, sweet, strong enough to deal with soup lady mom in law and Dae Mang’s occasional silliness/blankness.  She also has to make him happy & not completely scared of her. Jabon – she has to be of the same class as he to avoid the trouble associated with it. LSH – someone who can make him give up on KJN and happy (plus family status not a threat to weasel LMH = less home strife). Tae Ju – SKY, SKY – Tae Ju. The widows – someone who is fun & love their unique idiosyncrasies. GiBae – soup lady and vice versa, the feeling is a bit mutual but the soup lady tends to have a narrow view of life and people in general which can be annoying and a turn off, the soup man should have struck a long time ago. Plus if she was interested earlier, she would have made her interest known then.  We have 13 episodes left for the conclusion therefore there is not enough time to focus on the love stories of each minor character in the show.  What I do want in the end is that despite all obstacles that BGH succeeds and he & KJN stay together as a couple (:x :x a husband-wife, doctor/nurse combo working for the king is not a bad idea).

Looking forward to the previews (text & video) this weekend and that kdrama.org to be okay by then. 

Take care, have a good weekend and gone for now.

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Now THAT is what I call satisfying!, lol 

It was so great to see so many things rectified and new themes being introduced that will hopefully take another tack than BGH always being in jail.

Just as everyone has matured it seems the storyline has as well - with the exception of the soup lady and her admirers of course.  I hope they don't spend too much time on that any more.

Since everyone is talking pairings, how about LSH and one of the widows?  Wouldn't that be great?  Though the truth may come out about his father being of a lower class, former horse doctor remember, he has probably earned enough respect from King and scholar friends to still be of noble rank and therefore eligible for either the princess or Eunso.   I think either one would be great.

Who is the new doctor?  Don't know, but it is a mystery why he should have to wear the basket hat to hide his identity if no one would know him without it.  So it is possible that he would be known to at least one or two people.  Very clever of them to bring in someone at this stage, just hope it is someone who might become a friend to BGH.

And now my mea culpa to the writers!  In my best KHD manner I ^:)^  I say I was wrong, as much as I wanted to see BGH come back in style after saving the Empress the plot that had him sneak back in and make Minister Yi and his toadies look bad was much better!  So as they say in all my favorite KHD's 'forgive me, I deserve to die, it is because I lack virtue, etc.....'  ^:)^

But keep up the good work or I'll be back moaning and complaining!

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Oh and one more thing, looking at that screen grab - and what a clever thing you are QSD to get that - I have to say I really do think it could be BGH's father!

Could it be he was exiled instead of being killed and is now back to eventually be reunited with his son and also help him fight Minister Yi?   Oh that would be delicious, wouldn't it?

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chasen8888 said:

4.      plus you have weasel dada dearest LMH to deal with – to be frank with SKY’s personality etc she is definitely not LMH’s daughter-in-law material.  There is no way in kingdom come will he accept SKY except by some miracle there is “ SKY’s so called richer than Croesus noble family comes to Joseon to pick up their daughter”. He’ll recognize & maybe accept her then.

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Guest loveitall

Having the scenes of the minor characters like the soup lady & her men, the nurses, etc are giving some flavor to the drama so I still want to have them. I think it will be dull if the story will always focus on the main leads which are now have matured.

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I think LSH and the Princess would be adorable together. She's spunky enough to nurture his sunny side and move him past his longing for/sense of loss over KJN. He has plenty of qualities that she would admire and they have many values in common. Then the two couples could be besties. They should only commit to a relationship after bad dad is gone, though. LMH aware of blocking his son's path to marrying the Princess would be fun to watch. Maybe that could be the impetus for him to vanish from the country after clearly having lost the upper hand.

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