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I likes your picture so much but when you show big picture you should(i think you must) get code 'spoiler' overall that.

now i think the forum have some lagging. I can't see who post comment. and there have something wrong.

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Guest Anomalous

myphim said:
poohie222 said: our IMJA couple is so popular in korea now. sooo they would be win this year's SBS awards(i don't know about name) best couple or popularity awards kk. ooh if that will be we can see them together once again yeah. and they wear modern clothes. ;))

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The moment I fell in love with our OTP. :x


ES was throwing a tantrum and Choi Young just looked so lost. :))
He simply didn't know how to handle her. :D
I just love the look on his face. :x
They are perfect for each other. :))

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hhuhuhuhuhu   i really miss this drama soooo much

till i dun do my assignment .... haizz..... addicted!! with eun soo and lee min ho....

what am i gonna do if this drama ends? now it has not ended and i already miss them.... miss them every tuesday and waited for a week....

ARGHHHHHHHHH monday monday monday

i need them for me to survive..... I hope the ending does not disappoint me

But some thing to ponder, how about th third relic? the stupid evil hide it under his fav baduk table...

and now ES and CY run away, then forever and ever no need to show third relic?

and the ending can be either 2 way (most likely the second one):

1. ES stay and both live happily ever after but then the stupid evil must die.... which is impossible.KC only die 5 years later.... if the evil man never die, the drama like not complete. and still way to go.... so option 1 less likely (i am sorry to say even though i prefer this)

2. looking at the no. of epi left, i think they make it till the heaven's door open and ES go back. maybe push by CY. CY can not follow to heaven. cos it will mean history is changed. History cant change otherwise ES may not exist in future. and CY reincarnation meet ES. That's the only way. like the rooftop prince... sadly..... but yet happy ending.....

BUTTTT i hope 1% ES will stay..... happily cuddled with CY. I love CY. he is a romantic shy warrior, gentleman... macho! and he is very tender care loving man.... THere is no such man in the future world... soooo sweet ..... i felt touched many times by him.... by his eyes....

and i think ES eyes do not show deep emotions unlike LMH....



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Guest Tinkiebell

myphim said: The moment I fell in love with our OTP. :x

ES was throwing a tantrum and Choi Young just looked so lost. :))
He simply didn't know how to handle her. :D
I just love the look on his face. :x
They are perfect for each other. :))

His face was priceless! I like that their relationship has progressed so much now, but I also miss those beginning episodes. I miss his exasperation towards her. He didn't know what would hit him yet. :))
@cikamoi, those pics are cute! They're projecting their characters really well indeed.
@laur0002, please forgive me for asking, but I fail to see the logic of why the history would change should ES decide to stay Goryeo. CY will still be alive, he's still set out to be the great General he's supposed to be. Yuan dynasty will soon meet its demise anyway, so Gi Cheol and his sister (the empress) would not be much of a contender in having the High Doctor anymore. Goryeo will be powerful enough with CY as its General to repel any other forces who's trying to attack it. As the wife of the General, EunSoo will be safe and CY will still be the great General as the history recorded. So, how exactly would history change if ES is staying back? I vote for option nr. 1 :D
EDIT: Oh sorry @laur0002 , I didn't read your post properly.  You meant the history would change should CY follow her back to the future. My apologies. Yes, then the history would change. I'm not so fond of that idea either. ES belongs in the past. That's her fate, she has a purpose there. A true purpose of her life, not the superficial one, like owning a private hospital in Gangnam. So, still voting for option nr. 1 :D
Again, forgive me for not reading properly, I'm such a dork! =))

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I think the moment I really fell off the deep end about this OTP couple was when he was dying telling her to stop trying to save him and just let him die in peace...and she broke out the English (I died Laughing it was awesome, almost but not as awesome as Psycho) and she said in his face "SHUTUP!!" I fell out right there, and fell in love. The look she gave him, and the look he gave her I am still wondering how he didn't LOL his butt off. 

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Guest toychoi

Mine is the first imja moment.He's already stabed and bleeding and she's totaly paniced, but there's something very sweet and intimate going on between them as he tries to lighten the atmosphere for her to not feel guilty teasing her about her loud voice and she tells him to shut up!The dynamic between them is already one of a couple's.He has seen her world and is the only person in Goryeo who sees her as a woman and not a divine person.He actualy finds her very sympathetic as she feels clumsy and frightened in this strange time-place game and feels a manly responsibility to help her go back.It's a matter of time for this mutual protectivenes to grow into something deeper.The facts of the plot make them the only persons in Goryeo to be able to completely understand each other.

Happy to have the same choise @Craxycat! I'm so slow with typing that it came out later without mentioning yours!

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:-/ Well, you co-op shaking me. For truly i wanna both them will be live together and so basicly love story. But now we have '5 year Kichal died ' coming in end point, right? BC Now the faith drama following 1351 and we known from history Kichal was died 5 year later. Aigooooo *Swoon city* :(( (Ahh... But we know about CY wife she had surname's Yoo. Can you explain about this? @laur0002)

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.@laur0002: I think that if ES stays with CY, it will be the best motivation for CY to win but it depends on how the plot develops.

The best thing will be that he will have a home and a wife he can return to.

Sorry tu cut your post.

I agree with you. Without ES, I don't think he would have the strength to keep fighting. He is already very tired, and even though he respect the King and try to make him more powerful, his main motivation is to protect her.

Moreover, CY still doesnt realise the impact he has on History. I mean, he could be like : "it's okay, even if you are not by my side, I will fight till the end for you to live safely in the Heaven World" but he still doesn't understand he will be a national hero and that he is important to this country so if ES goes to Heaven, his sole reason to live is gone. (I don't know if I was clear enough?).

BUT, if she stays, I am sure he would fight seriously for Goeyeo Dinasty's safety in order to protect her and live happily with her.

Sigh.. If I don't think like that, my only hope for an HE is gone.

P.S : I don't really know about soompi's rules, but is it really rude to cut someone's post ?

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