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@moonrain - I'm reposting my response just in case @sia3, @Maja, @myphim, et al want to add more. I think they are better equipped to answer this query than me because I was more of a lurker/inactive poster lol. 

  • Ok, so why is faith thread so huge? 
    This is probably more for sia, maja, et al to answer cos they spent way way more time there than I did, lol. But I'll do my best to answer - first some context, the faith thread still holds record for having the highest number of pages and views to date in the drama section. What's more astounding is that 2012 soompi forums weren't as active as they are now. Rarely would you see a drama reach 500 pages and or 1mill views. Very few shows before that time reach that threshold, so Faith and a few other dramas were very "popular" if we use that metrics to judge. 
    Now, we see a few dramas every season reaching 1 million + page views or certain milestones because more people are aware of online comments and forum participation, and they see those milestones as an "accomplishment". I like to think that Faith sort of set a precedence for people to be more active in forum commentary about dramas they love, lol.
    Okay, back to why the thread is so huge? It's really cliche, but because people genuinely loved that show. It was the kind of show that had meaty discussions along with the viewing experience. Also, because the people who stuck around were really nice and mature enough to be able to handle praise and criticism. And Faith was not without criticism, trust me. And it also helped tremendously in my opinion, that the drama didn't have big stars with huge followers beside LMH. Kim Hee Sun is a goddess in her own right, but she didn't have fervent online keyboard warriors, so that helped the thread maintaining its peacefulness, unlike threads like Heirs for example, where you had to be extremely careful with what you wrote because one critical post would lead to many many rebuttals of all sorts. Not that Faith didn't have people writing critical comments about how the show sucked or didn't live up to expectations. There were a few of those kinds of posts in the beginning, and they were largely ignored. People read those criticisms, then said nothing in response mostly, and for the few who responded it was more of acknowledgement of the show's shortcomings, and then moved on. It was incredibly civil, which was and still is a rarity in soompi forums imo. And that helps making the thread more welcoming for people who enjoy discussing the show with the good and bad that came with it. 
    And then when the show ended, people still stayed. They did a "season 2" recap. If you backtracked (aka. bp or backpedal-ing) you'll come across those recaps. They were super detailed and sia archived some of those recaps to a faith blog for easy navigation if you want to check it out. More insightful discussions, more inside jokes (rice soup claim, gutter lingos). It was just a fun place to hang out basically, that's why it has gotten so large. I would say it's rather difficult to capture that kind of atmosphere nowadays. In that thread, we had people who genuinely loved the show, but weren't afraid to critique it if needed; who could make fun of things without being serious all the time. It felt easy and comfortable so that's why people just kept contributing. It wasn't without trolls, but those situations were handled maturely. 

    I also like to stress that it's not like Heirs or other popular threads nowadays that have a lot more lurkers and posters in a span of a short time. Faith had a very dedicated group of posters who kept checking and posting everyday over the span of 2 years. So it's more like a cult following in my opinion. And it's not just Faith soompi. Joonni also did Faith recaps, and you can see the large number of comments, but they came from a smaller group of people. Same with Faith DC, and other online sites. Also, people came and went in the thread as well; we were just fortunate that people who joined later fitted well with the group dynamic, and occasionally some oldies stopped by to say hello. It was fun. I don't know if that really answers your question. 
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Guest Moonrain

@guadi thank you my friend for your insights :-bd
Faith has quite a following, i'm sad i wasn't able to join in on the fun. i actually came across Soompi through Jooni's blog and i've read all her reviews on Faith as well. If i have the willpower, i will read the pages one of these days. lol
No wonder Minho's thread was not so abundant then, you guys were all in this thread! ;)

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Ranking of most-watched Korean dramas on KNTV as of March 2, 2015

#1 "King's Daughter, SBH" -
#2 Princess Aurora
#3 Fated To Love You
#4 Faith
#5 Kill Me Heal Me
#6 Pride and Prejudice
#7 Diary of a Night Watchman

Cre: Twitter

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Hello, you guys!!!
I just rewatched the whole drama. 
 I miss it so much. And I miss you all so much!!!
I see you're still very active on here, @sia3, @Maja, and @myphim. Who else has been here from three years ago?
Once again, I remember how I obsessed over this drama, its OPT, its OST, and this forum.

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>:D< >:D< >:D<
I miss you too! Where have you been? Rewatch eh?
You should try out Healer, written by uri Faith script writer - Song Ji Na. Cracking our brain cells like she did to us in Faith, but gladly let her crack anyway. Hahaha. It's really good, I strongly recommend it. It feels like SJN writes it with Faith in her mind/heart! :x Daejang @myphim isn't around, she's busy with her studies & exams.

I see you!!! How are you as well? Lurking as always, but so glad to see you anyway even just in the reaction panels!
It lets me know that you guys are still thinking of Faith. :)

Let's all have a Woodalchi group hug!!!

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Its been 2 years and counting....And Only Now I  Come  across this reaction screenshot.This Was THE VERY moment....That Began My Daejang obsession.............Thanks @pixie0622  SQUEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal................B_YPLT9U0AAzTuy.png:large

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Guest guadi

buuuuut @sia3 the hair he got going in that ep kind of suit his face too. By that point they were probably really tired and didn't care much more about appearance anymore. Young Choi Young is love though :x

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Guest guadi

moonrain said: @guadi thank you my friend for your insights :-bd
Faith has quite a following, i'm sad i wasn't able to join in on the fun. i actually came across Soompi through Jooni's blog and i've read all her reviews on Faith as well. If i have the willpower, i will read the pages one of these days. lol
No wonder Minho's thread was not so abundant then, you guys were all in this thread! ;)

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It will never beat the headband daejang, @guadi. :)) You know how MUCH love I have for him when he is in that style. :x I understood the need of hairstyle changes at the later stage to indicate the new chapter, but man, it just didn't look good as compared to Mane of Glory and Headband Straight. :))

I remembered a lot of people dislike Episode 4, the part where he tells his story of the Crescent Moon - did you like it? I loveeee that part, hated the king, but I absolutely love the performances by Lee Min Ho and Choi Min Soo.
Edit: Correct. I think Faith thread is one of a kind =))

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Guest guadi

You know @sia3 for a man who lived a simple life, he sure changed his hairstyle a lot. More than Eun-soo. Like what's up with that!? 
Edit: I like that episode. I don't remember all the details since it's been a while. I think my favorite is the episode where he orchestrates his own escape and arrives in full hoodie mode to greet the king.
Oh look what I've found. Mr. G leads me to page 2894 hahahaha
(credit sia =)) )

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That's because Eun Soo is the endorser of @WutHmone's 'Fiery Red' Hair Products! So she needs to keep the hair colour and style until the drama ends.
source: LINK
Meanwhile daejang is in for the Goryeo's Next Top Model Contest, so the more style changing the merrier =))
Source: Link
HAHAHAHAHAHA... I can't believe the sh!t I just come up with! =)) But man, when it comes to Faith, it's sooo easy to gain funny ideas in the head! :))

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Guest guadi

Wasn't there a Wooldachi's Secret runway gif somewhere? 
Yeah, I can't believe us either. Reread some of my old posts @-) Lawd, never write long essay ever again!

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There was, but I don't want to spam the thread with heavy gif. That one is huge, and I think WutHmone made that. As for the long essay, other than your love for the man, I also think much of it is because Song Ji Na made us think. I have never met a script-writer made me analyse so much. Other dramas, I do analyse, but then I'm lazy to do it. With her dramas, it's like the brain actually enjoys dying! 8-| (what's with you, brain? Huh?) :))

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Guest guadi

@sia3 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Why must you bring this back!? :(( :(( :((
I need an antidote for this. Halp! Halp! Halp!

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