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@cikamoi.. you're cracking me up. Are you really serious???  @-)
@Yuuni... sounds like a plan... I'm game. @sia3 what do you think? ;)
Ok have to get some sleep, so I can continue my advance recaps tomorrow. Night All - Have a great Christmas!

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Guest Gukja1430292028

myphim said:
@filchiny   Our recaps are usually on Friday/Saturday nights at 7pm central time for those of us living in the US. I hope you will be able to join us this weekend. Have fun claiming rice soups. The US-EU team really needs all the help we can get since the Asia-Pacific team has been slaying us in this game. :))

Hi everyone! Happy Holidays to you all.
<:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P
I'm sorry I was missing for the whole day yesterday.
I was hosting a Christmas party so I was busy for the entire day.
I'm back now, and I see I got a lot of backtracking to do. :))

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hi @Yunni :-h

no...no take back @ myphim. i claimed Daejang rice soup for us already :))

agreeing with Yunni that you should give us another present since you wrapped 50 of them =))

Good job ! Didn't even think about it.

But we should erase the caption then :))

We can let the Ahjussi BoBo to @ awesomeduck as a thank you for her rice soups gifts. Mouahaha !

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Hello Faithlings,

Wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays.

As always loving @everyone at this forum. Lots of hugs.

@anace, te deseo una Feliz Navidad en compania de tu familia. Te mando um abrazo. :)

And always keep this thread awesome. Faith numero 1.

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Hi all *waves*

This is my first time commenting on a drama bear with me plz. I've been holding myself back from writing anything about Faith for almost a month now cuz I knew if I write anything immediately after finishing it, fangirl mood will kill the objectivity, though I doubt it's fully off now :P 

 The plot: It was overly fine but I think the writer lost track at some point with all the Hwatta time traveling thing. Ok, Eun-Soo in the *modren time is the same Eun-Soo in the *wodalche time, and in the *old time of Hwatta 1000 years ago. I can understand this complicated conclusion but what I don't get is that in the notes she wrote to herself there was one when she wondered" what would've happened to the Queen if I didn't leave and we went back to the castle?" so does this mean there was a forth Eun-Soo?( someone who lived this story before and made other choices?) I guess the disadvantages of airing a drama before it's finished is having such breaks in the plot, or maybe I just missed something. A big bonus is the absence of the cliche love triangle.

The themes: Time traveling is a good theme for any writer to use, if used with cautious, here is not an exception . It enabled the writer to put words like "sarang" in a Historical drama along with " F,U.C.K you, go to hell" hehei :)) , gave a great source of cliff hangers(one of the things that kept me tied to story was to know what other heavenly things were in that box Hwata left behind), gives a good backup plan for justification(Like all the hints Eun-Soo left to her future self). I wasn't disappointed with the light romance in the series. it was what I expected. Cuz I really had enough with all the lovey dovey cr*p.

The characters/actors-actresses: I'm usually happy with the fact that I don't know much about Korean actors/sses because it helps me believe the characters presented but this was the first and only drama I watched knowing relatively so much about the lead three characters/actors lives, hence, I had such a HARD time convincing myself that Lee Minho is a tough rough warrior of old times when I can see flashes of him crying in BOF cuz his girl bailed on him :-/

1356382877251.jpg1356382877272.jpg Naa -_-

Kim Hee Sun,  so liked the annoying her in the series. Everyone is so frikn formal and stiff but her. Plus, I know her from Sad Love Songs or Story and there the main trait of her character was calmness and quietness so I was enjoying the contrast which shows her awesome performance. Still, knowing that she is 10 years older than Minho! I'm fine with men marrying younger women but here my suspension of disbelieving abilities were already busy digesting the ancient warrior thing! Don't get me wrong I respect Minho the actor and I love the character Choi Young but putting them together took me up to the 6th episode.

Philip Lee, I was convinced by his acting as the calm professional doc Jang Bin but, again, I know so much about his background therefore I was kinda like: if only you can speak English in a historical drama... XD So what I'm saying is I needed some time to be convinced with the characters but that's probably my problem not the cast's.

The one thin I absolutely hate about the drama is that it had many good unused elements! First, a bunch of good actors. Sung Hoon's character was promising. Fans and non-fans were expecting much of him. Someone on Dramabeans gave a perfect description of his character in the drama a " walking manga-flute-boy who absolutely have NO PURPOSE in the story what so ever" Amen! I don't remember hearing his name even. Philip as well, I mainly watched Faith to see him but he ended up being a shoulder to cry on for Eun-Soo, good for her but the cutii fast unkempt hair Oh Dae-Man had more screentime than him! judging by the conference he's a second lead, supposedly. :-w It's already bad enough that we don't get to hear his English in a historical drama.<<<she's still mourning XD


Second, Super powers: We only saw them up till ep 3 I guess! Where did they go? No more flashy fights in the dark T_T why!


ANYHOW, fine drama. Sorry for the long post just had to let it out :) Long live the Imja couple <3


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@dr25   Thank you for posting and sharing your thoughts on the show. I agree with you about the lack of superpowers in the show. I don't know why the PD wanted the characters to have powers and yet rarely let them used those powers.  :-/ :-/

Another reason to send the SB after PD. :))

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@dr25   Thank you for posting and sharing your thoughts on the show. I agree with you about the lack of superpowers in the show. I don't know why the PD wanted the characters to have powers and yet rarely let them used those powers.  :-/ :-/

Another reason to send the SB after PD. :))

Don't worry @dr25, we're here to talk about faith, so you can rant, spazz and swoon about it as much as you want :D

Oh and Welcome ! :-h

@myphim : They didn't use the powers often cause first SJN wasn't much into it, it was inserted by pd's request and they didn't have enough money. Well, I think..

And happy holidays to @jasy @andy78 @raindrops1 @dr25 @marrsq and @everyone else I forgot ~ (Actually, I'm just too lazy to type everyone's name :P )

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raindrops1 said:

@myphim, with those great/beautiful pics my Christmas is sure starting out lovely.

@myphim, I hope you had a blast at the party,and as it was a party hosted by you I know that it was the Christmas party to be at.  I'm sure everyone had a good time. 


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@ sia3 : About that 신의's sign. Can't you just copy past them ? I think there's an option like that on Paint and Photoshop, don't how it is called though. But you just have to click on the thing you want and that selects the borders, and then you can move th element you selected everywhere you want, so you copy paste it. Was I clear ? I think I talked gibberish LOL

Edit :

I found a video that shows how to do it, but it's on GMIP, don't know if you use it.

See, you take the scissors, cut what you want and copy paste it elsewhere. The indications are wrote below the video anyway. I don't know what is your new toy exactly but.. It's a simple function, so you should be able to find a tuto on the net easily.

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