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[Drama 2012] Ghost 유령


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sarvin love the vid with english subs from the press con, they laughed so much, and i was so clueless about what they're talking (sigh) wish i knew korean :)

thanks for the official pics too, i found them so dark and the shots not traditional at all, i really like them

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I real am on board for this one, I loved both ep's. What a turn of event's with the lead being replaced but continuing to be the lead. I agree with those who think that there is a strong possibility that the two friends planed this together and SJS character is not really dead. That would make sense since the ghost has info on both of them that would land them in jail. If one is dead and the other doesn't remember they can move more freely. The video has now been destroyed showing SJS being part of a murder, and DC character is dead. That makes them free of the bad guy clutches. With the girls help they may be able to catch him in the end.

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Guest purpledrama

Ahhh I am really behind i just finish episode 1and was great,,,,

need to see episode 2 with all the updates i think is even better than episode 1.... I am sad to the Daniel Choi may no come out anymore well in some new about SJS we can see Daniel Choi but i think will be flashbacks i don't know.... But what a twist and the rating is for sure will go upppppp episode increase and is receving a lot of praise for all the actors and I think YH is doing a fantastic jobbbbbb so just give a try I am a fan of her so a think she is improving a lot.... and and fan SJS tooo for them im following the drama....

just some news for LYH

Lee Yeon Hee – The Birth of “Action Goddess”



Lee Yeon Hee is playing the role of police in “Ghost“, challenging new acting skill.

In the SBS new drama “Ghost” debuted on May 30th, 2012 which centers around cyber crime, Lee Yeon Hee is playing the role of beautiful professional policewoman, and her challenge for acting in action scene has attracted the attention of viewers and won praise.

Lee Yeon Hee has shown her acting skill in action of policewoman, and hence the born of “action Yeon Hee”. The action acting by Lee Yeon Hee that involves fighting with criminals has been well received.

Because of challenging the new role in “Ghost”, Lee Yeon Hee earned the title of “action goddess.”


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Guest united06

Hi Everyone,

Ghost Episodes 1-2 English Soft-Sub Subtitles are out.


Ghost Episodes 1-2 English Subtitles can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4770-ghost-2012/

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!

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I wasn't too sure about continuing after the first ep , but watching the 2nd ep, I'm totally in for it! Love the twist! And yeah, I agree, the lead actress isn't really the best.... I guess she just serves as a 'sidekick'. perhaps she'll improve later on~

and I really really hate the guts of that policeofficer >.> he's sooooo annoying!!! 'mad cow' really suits him

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Guest purpledrama

MBLAQ’s G.O on his first acting experience in “Ghost”


MBLAQ’s G.O publicly expressed his realization following his first acting experience in “Ghost”.

On May 30 evening, after the airing of the first episode of SBS drama “Ghost”, MBLAQ G.O tweeted a short message, “Fun fun! All they need is for me to do well”. G.O launched the signal flare of an acting-dol by portraying Lee Taekyun in “Ghost”, a character who works in security programming in the gaming industry and specially recruited by the investigation bureau.

G.O’s realization led to many comments by netizens, “Ghost is very interesting”, “G.O has started to show his outstanding acting skills”, “The G.O that’s different from the explosive vocalist on stage is unusually cute”, “The cast that lives up to their reputation is considered excellent acting coach for acting rookie G.O”, “G.O's also doing well”, and other supportive reactions.

In addition, the SBS drama “Ghost” that premiered on May 30 is receiving positive feedback for its backdrop of criminal investigation along with a combination of celebrity scandal, SNS, Internet and other sensitive social issues.

source: dkpopnews

I think he is cute too and hes so far doing good!!!

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Guest GDesire

I made a bet with my friend that SJS's character didn't die. I don't know but I just have that feeling. I hope this will turn out as a plan or st as s.o has mentioned. This drama is daebak. Love SJB :)

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Guest Starlitelet

Haha - I thought it was weird that they kept playing The Phantom of the Opera song as well. Kinda felt out of place to repeat the song several times here and there.
Anyway, I'm all in for this drama. I was very skeptical about the first episode, and I must admit that I usually don't like Korean crime dramas. I guess they never sway to my taste. However, this one is so tasteful at the moment! It really reminds me of an American movie called Face Off, which I totally loved. I must add that the twists and turns were unexpected, especially in episode 2. It's a huge bonus because it's able to keep me on the edge of my seat. Nonetheless, I hope they don't continue piling questions upon questions without answering older questions for viewers. In other words, if they leave out too many unanswered questions each episode, things are going to get confusing. In fact, it already is getting so confusing and only 2 episodes has aired! I won't be able to keep track of all my questions if they're gonna keep moving the plotline this quickly - haha. I'll be distracted with my unanswered question, and won't be able to concentrate on the main plot which is a huge no-no. It's good that they have many surprises up their sleeves for us, but it's bad if we can't even keep track of them. I am patient at the moment because only 2 episodes has aired.
On a side note, I love Lee Yeon Hee. I will admit that she's not a very experienced actress, but she's natural. Yes, she may be stiff here and there (nowhere as as stiff as Han Ga In - haha), but I never feel like she tries too hard or becomes over-the-top dramatic. Those are worst than being stiff, IMO. I have hope in Yeon Hee. She seems to be doing great at the moment. Nothing awe-worthy, but nothing to cringe about either. I will also say that she looks so gorgeous!
I have never never been a huge fan of So Ji Sub, but here he just looks so good. I love this haircut on him. It suits him very much. Makes him look manlier - haha. Now, it sounds like I'm just fangirling. I will end it off by saying that I have always immensely enjoyed him in any of his dramas that I have viewed.

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Guest kayana20

I am now watching Ghost I love recapping drama's with my friends and this is no different. I will call Lee Yeon Hee the pretty face one always looks gorgeous . I am so excited to breakdown the first 2 episodes first though. I hope I can figue it out without getting confused.

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Absolutely riveting and engaging plot with full of twist and turn. I generally do not have high interest in kdrama's mystery because I always find it lacking, and I end up skipping parts of the episode even for Vampire Prosecutor and Ten. However, Ghost got me fully engage the whole time. And I agree...this does seem similar to Japanese mystery drama.

I think it is clear who Phantom is but his role is shroud in mystery. I also like the fact that Hades have taken over Woo Hyun because Hades is a better hacker than Woo Hyun, and the story needs Hades to rival Phantom, who always seem to be just a slight step ahead of Hades. Also, Mad Cow might seems annoying because he mistrust so many people, but that is what makes him such a wonderful investigator because he doesn't let anything slide. His instinct is always on the dot, and it would be interesting to see how Hades invades Mad Cow as he tries to catch Phantom.

I am also in agreement with the weird usage of "Phantom of the Opera." It is great at the beginning but then it becomes repetitive, and sometimes, the editing makes the song appear and ends at a weird moment.

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Guest weetziebat


When I watched Gaksital I was sucked in right away and I was impressed with the production/ directing/ plot/ editing/ etc. I quickly judged that it was the best drama of 2012 so far (TK2H disappointed me). But then I watched GHOST and everything changed, lol. The sophistication and elegance of Ghost and its intricate plot makes Gaksital seem sophomoric and simplistic.

It is SO. DAMN. AWESOME. I really think it might be the best thriller/conspiracy kdrama ever made. I hope the script for the rest of the drama delivers because the first two episodes were BOMB.

There are a few bones I have to pick with Ghost though. Yes, So Ji Sub’s character comes off as stiff and cold in the first episode. But even still, So Ji Sub’s portrayal of a reserved, austere character is layered with depth and hidden intensity. Also, I believe it was done on purpose, to emphasize the difference between Woo Hyun 1 and Woohyun 2.

I did have a problem, however, with the overuse of the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack. I get the connection, but sometimes it sounds silly. I also have slight reservations about Lee Yeon Hee’s acting. Her voice sounds weak, and I just cannot buy her “fierce” attempts at acting. She’s good at acting in delicately sad or pure and innocent scenes, but she’s no Ha Ji Won. She comes off as vulnerable and irresolute and even when she’s holding a gun straight to someone’s back and threatening him. And there were other little things that bothered me, but I can’t recall them. It doesn’t matter anyways, because this drama’s plot is soooooo goooood. I WANT MOOARRR.

Technology, logic, suspense, action, and conspiracies are all beautifully tied together. ZOMG the way the script masterfully unfolds events is a thing to be admired. I can't praise the script enough. The way the drama started off and introduced the cyber investigation unit was excellent, the way it interwove and connected the Hades case with the suicide case was excellent, the way it slowly unveiled the conspiracy theory was excellent, the way mysteries were solved only to lead to new mysteries was excellent. Everything was done with great deliberation. There were twists and turns galore, but it's all leading to one big mystery, so the story line isn't chaotic, but linear and well planned. The ratings better increase. It’s just too good to only be seen by a few people. Still can not get over the beauty of the story telling in Ghost~~~

EDIT: I don't know why the font isn't uniform but I don't want to pore through lines and lines of code, le sigh~~

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Guest kheir

omg this drama daebak!!!2 episode only and i m addicted dy...wow..can't wait for the next ep.the story is unpredictable..and i love the main actor's acting skill!eventhough the main actress still a bit lacking.hopefully she will improve..:)

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Guest altinneen

I am a fan so far. This is a lot better than that crappy Poseidon that came out earlier in the year/last yr. 
Why didn't the girl check the CC cameras either in the hospital or police HQ to find out who that dude with the checkered shoes was?

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Guest simple_mindcd

@weetziebat - The Chaser on SBS not KBS

love this drama, this kind of drama, just amazing, im so impress with the thrille and the script it was awesome

Yes I love this drama too !! Awesome . The ratings is lowered compared to the other 2 dramas maybe korean not use to western style thriller ?

But for me i love this

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Guest weetziebat


Oops, my bad ^^
그리고 로마자 표기법을 따르면, 유령은 "Yoo Ryung"으로 표기합니다~~

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