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Hyun Bin 현빈 [Movies: “The Point Men”, “Confidential Assignment 2” | Upcoming: Movie “Harbin”]


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Hyun Bin upcoming movie <The Point Men> Director Im Soonrye interview with Cine21 Korea.




A new Korean film project in 2022: 'The Point Men', directed by Im Soon-rye

2022.01.13. 6:17pm
Written by: Lee Joo-hyun | CINE21



Successfully completed the local location in Jordan



<The Point Men> 

Producer Subak 

Director Im Soon-rye 

Starring Jung-min Hwang, Hyun Bin 

Distributing Megabox JoongAng Co., Ltd. PlusM 

Release Points to watch in 2022 Most of the story of <The Point Men> takes place in Afghanistan. The production team filmed Afghanistan in Jordan, and I am curious about how strange spaces and characters in the Middle East, where the sandstorm blows, would be captured in the film, and the chemistry and behind-the-scenes scenes created by Hwang Jung-min and Hyun Bin, who are filming together for the first time, in an overseas location. 

<The Point Men>, presented by Director Im Soon-rye after <Little Forest>, is a film adaptation of a real incident where 23 Koreans who went on a mission to Afghanistan in 2007 were kidnapped by the Taliban, an Afghan militant group. Extreme Islamism and Extreme Christianity. Although the incident occurred when two extreme religious beliefs collided, the film focuses on the humanistic activities of the two main characters trying to rescue the abducted Koreans safely. Hwang Jung-min plays Jae-ho, an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who is negotiating with the Taliban, and Hyun-bin plays Dae-shik, an employee of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) who works in the Middle East. Last year, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, director Im Soon-rye, who returned from an overseas location in Jordan, was almost finishing post-production.



Recently, I know that he resigned from the position of representative of KARA, who acted for animal rights and reassurance of the Korean Film Center for Gender Equality, to focus only on film work. 

Director Im: I was in charge of this and that, but I tried to put it down and rest. There is also a social age. Was the 60th birthday last year or last year? When it came to my sixtieth birthday, I had a desire to put down what I was doing and quietly retreat. When I was looking at tarot in the past, when I said something like this, I got the answer, “It won’t be like that.” (Laughs) I thought I would have a lot of time to focus on myself if I let go of the tasks I was in charge of, but in reality, that’s not the case. However, these days, I am only concentrating on movies. 

Is <The Point Men>  still in post-production? 

Director Im: I finished filming overseas in mid-September 2020 and came to Korea, and I started editing in October of that year and has been working on post-production for over a year. As soon as a release date is set, we are preparing everything so that it can be released immediately. 

After <Little Forest>, you chose <Negotiation> as your next project. There must have been many proposals to direct a work with a resolution similar to that of <Little Forest>, but I decided to present a completely different film from <Little Forest> as my next work.

Director Im: You would have expected a gentle human drama, but somehow it happened. From <Informant>, <Little Forest> and <The Point Men>, all three films have different personalities. All three films were planned by Shin Beom-soo, the director of the film company Subak. At the time of <Informant>, I was not confident when I only saw the scenario. After reading the thick report written by PD Han Hak-soo, I was able to see how intensely this person covered as a journalist, and I thought it would be okay if I focused on the media rather than the authenticity of stem cells, so I took on the role of directing. <Little Forest> also thought that it would not be an easy work as there were many concerns about how to deliver the atmosphere and rhythm of the original Japanese movie to the Korean audience. That was in the second half of 2016, when action movies like <Asura> were particularly successful, so on the other hand, as a reward for that, I became interested in the peace that a gentle movie like <Little Forest> can provide. When I first got the offer for <The Point Men>, it was similar to how I felt with <Informant>. <The Point Men> is a film based on the sensitive true story of the 2007 Sammul Church missionary abduction in Afghanistan, and it does not take the narrative structure of a typical genre film in which the villain, the hero, and the innocent victim are clearly distinguished. It is a sensitive story in which the religious beliefs of two extremes, extreme Christianity and extreme Muslim, collide. I thought it would be okay if the story focused on people who are responsible for the safety of the people, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Intelligence Service.



As I said, the storytelling of the film was not easy because it was a case involving sensitive religious and diplomatic issues. 

Director Im: Usually, in works about abductees and hostages, they empathize with those in danger. I follow the story with a nervous mind that I hope to save them. However, since this incident occurred while the abductees were engaged in militant missionary activities, there were difficulties from the beginning of the story. The audience had to not feel resentment or liking for those who were taken hostage by the Taliban, and they had to be able to follow the lines of the two main characters, a diplomatic official (Hwang Jung-min) and a security official (Hyun Bin), who had to save them. It was difficult and important to get an exquisite stance. 

The main characters are Jae-ho, a diplomatic official, played by Hwang Jung-min, and Dae-shik, an NIS agent, played by Hyun Bin. 

Director Im: Jae-ho is a good diplomat and a good negotiator. Daeshik, on the other hand, is an outsider who has been wandering around the Middle East. Jaeho has a logical and rational way of thinking, and Daeshik is free to think and act. The two characters sometimes clash in personalities and sometimes because of differences in the positions of the departments in which they work. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a firm principle that you can never negotiate with terrorists. Jaeho also moves within that principle at first. Eventually, he realizes that human life is more important than anything, and he tries to save the kidnapped people by any means. Even if they are endangered by their own cruelty, people's lives must be saved. Through the two characters, we show that there are protections we deserve as citizens, and the responsibility to save them rests with our government.
Hwang Jung-min and Hyun Bin, how did you come up with the combination of the two actors? 

Director Im: I did <Waikiki Brothers> with Hwang Jung-min, and after that, I thought that I would like to work together again someday. <The Point Men> needed a strong actor who could convince the audience well, and Jung Min came to mind. Hyun Bin is personally close to Hwang Jung-min. But the two never acted together. I thought there was a chemistry that came from the closeness of the two. Maybe it was because they had human trust in each other. Of course, in the play, they appear in a relationship that is wobbly. Many foreign actors also appear. There were many difficulties with language problems. Several languages are spoken in Afghanistan: Pashto is spoken by the Pashtuns and the Taliban, and Dari is spoken in the capital. However, the filming was not done in Afghanistan, but in Jordan, and local actors in Jordan speak Arabic. (Laughter) I had to teach Afghan to Jordanian actors. Korean actor Kang Ki-young, who played the role of interpreter Kasim, also had to speak Afghan, so it was difficult to find someone to teach the language in Korea, and he received Afghan language coaching. In addition, Afghan actors who are active in Hollywood were also cast, but there were multiple high schools such as language problems as the multinational actors moved from place to place. 

Since July 2020, you have been filming overseas in Jordan for about two months. Were there any difficulties?

Director Im: Fortunately, Jordan at the time was not in a situation where the COVID-19 pandemic was not severe. It was a time when Korea was attracting attention from the world for K quarantine. To say I was lucky, Jordan started to get worse as soon as I came to Korea after filming. Since I had visited Jordan three times in advance, I was not so unfamiliar with the country of Jordan when I started filming. There are a lot of staff who have a good understanding of movies and are fluent in English, probably because a lot of Hollywood movies were shot in Jordan. The filming infrastructure was well equipped. It was also one of the safest regions in the Middle East, and geographically similar to Afghanistan, so Jordan was chosen as an overseas location. What bothered us was the weather. It was supposed to be filmed in a desert area in the Middle East in midsummer, and when I was in the car, the thermometer read 53 degrees. The locals in Jordan terrified me that if we filmed in the desert in August, we would all collapse in the heat. When filming started, none of the Korean staff had collapsed, and if someone said they had collapsed, it was a Jordanian staff. Korean people are so toxic. (Laughs) The overseas location for Corona, language, temperature, and food wasn't easy, but I'm glad I came back safely after finishing the scheduled filming. It's a bit disappointing that I didn't actually film it in Afghanistan. 

It is a film with a net production cost of 14 billion won. Until now, in Korea, a female director has never directed a movie with a production cost of 10 billion won.

Director Im: When I was first offered the project, I thought that the production cost would exceed 10 billion won because it had to be filmed overseas. Overseas filming will be held in an unfamiliar place rather than a familiar country, and there were concerns about the Corona 19 issue. But there was such a belief. Although it is not a typical action blockbuster, it was invested in this work, good actors were attached, and talented staff participated. Through this process, it seems that this scenario has power, and on the contrary, I was confirmed the power of the scenario. So far, director Lee Eon-hee has made commercial films such as <Detective: Returns> and director Um Yuna has made commercial films such as <Malmoi>, but there has been no female director who has directed an action blockbuster genre worth 10 billion won, and it is true that this fact came as a burden. There was pressure that <The Point Men> should go well, but filming abroad has been safely completed, and luck seems to be with me so far. You must have some luck left for the opening. (Laughs) 

Coincidentally, as the Taliban took control of Afghanistan last year, news about Afghanistan appeared frequently in Korean news. 

Director Im: It was before the Taliban came to power when we were shooting the film. When the operation to escape the capital of Kabul was urgently taking place, it was very cinematic that the Afghan Minister of the Interior said, “I will bring the Afghans who helped Korea” to Korea and kept that promise. In the past, the Taliban and Afghanistan seemed vague and unfamiliar, but after the recent incident, I wonder if the story of <The Point Men> will come closer to reality. 

How would you like the audience to see <The Point Men> ?

Director Im: Scenery, people, or situations in the movie may be unfamiliar, but you will find beauty in unfamiliar things and universal things in exotic things. Religious extremism is the beginning of the story, but you can think of universal, common sense, and precious values in it. 

What are your plans for your next project? 

Director Im: There is one thing we are working on at the end of the scenario. It's an animal movie, and it's a dolphin story. I just come and go From the countryside to the desert, from the desert to the sea. (laugh)

Written by: Lee Joo-hyun Photo: Baek Jong-heon



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14 movies will be released this year including <The Point Men> and <Confidential Assignment 2: International>.  No exact dates given yet.


New Korean Film Project in 2022: Back to the age of 10 Million Movies

Written by: CINE21 Reporting Team


<Smuggling> Ryu Seung-wan, <The Point Men> Lim Soon-rye, <High Five> Kang Hyung-cheol, <Ghost> Hae-young, <Bogota> Kim Seong-je, < Crime City 2> Lee Sang-yong, <Confidential Assignment  2 : International> Lee Seok-hoon, <Honest Candidate 2> Jang Yu-jeong, < Matchup> > Kim Hyeong-joo, <Life is Beautiful> Choi Gook-hee, < Gentleman> Kim Kyung-won, <The Mathematician in Wonderland> Park Dong-hoon, <vacation> Yook-hyo, <Remember> Lee Il-hyeong






Can theaters be revived? What the success of Spider-Man: No Way Home proves is that audiences are still willing to pay for tickets to see 'something'. If so, what kind of films will make the audience come to the theatre? The new Korean films in 2022 are spurring the last-minute post-production by refining their weapons that can attract people. Masterpieces from mid-level directors such as <Smuggle>, directed by Ryu Seung-wan, who made a crime drama with haenyeo as the main characters after <Mogadishu> and <The Point Men> by director Im Soon-rye, who is the first female director to direct a blockbuster worth 10 billion won, as well as director Kang Hyung-cheol's Small Citizen. Superhero film <High Five>, director Lee Hae-young's anti-Japanese spy spy <Ghost>, and director Kim Seong-je's story of Colombian immigrants <Bogota> are preparing for the release of the next films of directors who challenged different genres and previous films. One of the main trends in the Korean film industry in 2022 is the success of a sequel project that expands on the ideas of the first successful films like <Crime City 2>, <Confidential Assignment 2: International> and <Honest Candidate 2>. Here, director Kim Hyeong-joo's <Game>, which features a confrontation between Hoon-hyeon Cho and Chang-ho Lee (9-dan), director Choi Guk-hee's <Life is Beautiful>, which is expected to meet retro sensibility and musicals, and director Kim Kyung-won's <Gentleman>, which advocates a new caper movie , Director Park Dong-hoon's <Mathematician in Wonderland>, which is expected to meet new actors and middle-aged actors, <Holiday> directed by Yook Sung-hyo, who created a mother-daughter story that stimulates tears from the set-up, and Lee Il-hyeong, an elderly person with dementia dreams of revenge against the pro-Japanese of <Remember> From material to genre, we met new projects for Korean films in 2022, each boasting their own individuality without overlapping anything. Director Han Jae-rim's <Emergency Declaration>, whom I met in advance through an interview last year, Director Kim Han-min's <Hansan: The Appearance of the Dragon> and <Noryang: The Sea of Death>, Yoon Je-gyun's <Hero>, and director Choi Dong-hoon's <Alien+>, which I couldn't meet due to the post-production schedule. In>, director Park Chan-wook's <Decision to Break Up>, and director Kim Tae-yong's <Wonderland>, new works by star directors will also give strength to theaters in 2022.






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Hyun Bin 3rd heyday  2019 smash hit drama <Crash Landing On You> will come back in the form of musical running from 2022/09/15 - 2022/11/06 at COEX Atrium Gangnam Seoul.  Details of the musical and castings have not yet disclosed.



Four popular Korean dramas to be remade into musicals

2022-01-17 10:20:07


TV series-musicals


yna1065624913560945_596.jpg▲ A post of the musical "Crash Landing on You" by Pop Music and T2N Media (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE) (Yonhap)


TV series-musicals 

Four popular Korean dramas to be remade into musicals 

By Kim Boram | Yonhap News

SEOUL, Jan. 17 (Yonhap) -- Popular Korean TV series will return to the stage as musicals to meet the rising demand from fans who long to enjoy their favorite shows in diversified formats.

The smash-hit rom-com "Crash Landing On You" (2019) with Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin in starring roles will come back in the form of a musical in September at COEX in southern Seoul.

The 16-episode "Crash Landing On You," which aired simultaneously on the South Korean cable channel tvN and Netflix, is about star-crossed lovers from the two Koreas, depicting the political and geographical division on the Korean Peninsula.

It became one of the most popular South Korean TV series in recent years, marking the highest viewership for a drama series of the cable channel. It also topped the most-viewed Netflix charts in many Asian regions, including Japan.

Details of the musical production, including casting for the lead roles, have not yet been disclosed.

(skipped unrelated content)














Hyun Bin  ranked #22 on 

Big Data Actor Brand Value (January 10 to January 16) conducted by Top Star News

The Brand Value of Big Data Actors was Synthesized Based on Three Indicators Such as Avid Reading Rate, Reader Recommendation, and Article Comment Published by Top Star News. 









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5th anniversary to <Confidential Assignment (공주)> released on 2017/01/18.   A story of a North Korea officer of a special team Im Cheolryung (Hyun Bin) partnered with a South Korea detective Kang Jintae (Yoo Haejin) on One Assignment, Two Missions = Confidential Assignment.



International trailer













CJ ENM official you tube released this UNSCREENED EPILOGUE <Confidential Assignment> on 2017/01/29






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An old interview of Hyun Bin on 2017/01/19 promoting <Confidential Assignment> 




Prince Charming turns tough guy : Hyun Bin’s role in ‘Confidential Assignment’ is uncharted territory for the heartthrob actor


Thursday January 19, 2017




Actor Hyun Bin, 35, attempts his first role as an action star. [STUDIO 706]



Actor Hyun Bin’s success so far stems from consistently playing the Prince Charming role in romantic comedies. 

His most recent success was the popular SBS TV drama “Secret Garden” from 2010. 

He enlisted in the Marines, completed his military service and was discharged in 2012. His historical film “The Fatal Encounter” (2014) wasn’t a hit. 

Action flick “Confidential Assignment” is his return to the silver screen after a three-year hiatus. Playing a North Korean detective named Cheol-ryeong, Hyun shows off his tough guy, action-star side. His chemistry with Yoo Hai-jin, who plays a detective from the South named Gang Jin-tae who works with Hyun’s character, brings the laughs. 


The two are opposites: While Cheol-ryeong is perhaps the most serious detective in the world with a dark past, Gang is friendly and humorous. 

Below is an edited excerpt from the JoongAng Ilbo’s recent interview with Hyun. 

Q. What made you choose “Confidential Assignment”? 

HB. It’s a role that I’ve never played before. It’s my first all-out action character. I also liked the role because he’s the type that acts, not just talks. I also found it interesting how although the South Korean and North Korean detectives in the beginning have different purposes, they end up chasing after the same goal in the end. 

Q. There were so many action scenes. What was that like for you? 

HB. This perhaps is the piece that I have invested the most time in. Because there were so many dangerous scenes, I practiced for months before shooting began. Because [the actors] spent so much time together, when the shooting actually began everything felt so natural. 

Q. In the beginning, Cheol-ryeong is only after the mission. But as time goes, he shows his softer side. How did you interpret that? 

HB. Cheol-ryeong is not a talker. So it was a challenge to show his feelings just through small gestures, facial expressions and few words. But I felt that as Cheol-ryeong spent a lot of time with Gang Jin-tae, and also bickered about this and that, he formed trust in him. I think that is what changed him. Instead of trying to think too much, I just attempted to follow the slow, natural changes in his emotions. 

Q. What did you do to portray the chemistry with Gang? 

HB. Mostly, I just followed Yoo’s lead. He has a lot of positive energy, so just being next to him gave me good vibes. He did a lot of improvising, but I later realized that he had planned it all before filming. He’s so prepared. There are many things I have yet to learn from him. 

Q. How was learning a North Korean dialect? 

HB. Learning a regional dialect is the same as learning a foreign language. Before the shooting I practiced with a language specialist from North Korea. There was also an adviser on set who helped throughout filming. 

You are in your mid-30s now. How have you changed compared to your 20s? 

HB. I try more not to be swayed by emotional highs and lows. I guess I feel more at ease. Also I think I’ve become more positive compared to before. The world nowadays appears to be in a chaos with many problems. I hope our movie, during its two-hour runtime, can give some pleasure and consolation to the people. 

BY LEE JI-YOUNG [hkim@joongang.co.kr] 


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'Confidential Assignment' Hyun Bin, endures extreme back pain and fights action

2017.01.20. 11:53 am
Joo Seunghwan | My Daily Korea



#1 Sincere Im Cheol-ryeong 

, it must have been a screen comeback after a few years. Hyun Bin, whom I first met in November 2015, showed a burning will. Hyun Bin, who is now in his early 30s, may have been like that before, but it seemed to be a time when he felt a lot of responsibility as an actor and worried a lot as an actor. 

There seemed to be a lot of trouble to make the basic North Korean dialect and toned body necessary to play the role of Im Cheol-ryeong in the movie 'Cooperation'. Even before meeting martial arts director Oh Se-young, I personally started to build a body, and after meeting a North Korean dialect teacher, I started practicing North Korean dialect. The harsh personal training, diet, and practice with the martial arts team followed. 

I met him in early March, and he had the body and eyes of a professional boxer who had just finished weighing in to get into the ring with amazing muscle mass and reduced body fat. Isn't that the size of Im Cheol-ryeong's costume that was made at the time of fitting the costume, which is 2-3 inches taller? His face was so wrinkled that he thought it was bad. 

In the end, the three of us, including director Kim Seong-hoon, cinematographer Lee Seong-je, and producer me, stopped losing any more body fat after discussion, and set the exposure amount of the upper body as the first filming date.



#2 Wounded Fighting Spirit Action Scene 

No matter what kind of movie or action scene, every movie set creates tension when the action is filmed. 

The actor had to digest many action scenes such as Factory 215, Itaewon Action, China House Action, Ulsan Maseong Tunnel Car Chasing, Ulsan Bridge, a shooting scene inside a resort, and an action scene inside a thermal power plant at the end. 

Itaewon is literally the best shopping street, and along with Hongdae, it is a street of restaurants and fashion that represents Seoul. After two months of recruiting to film the chase in Itaewon, I was finally able to finish consultations with three Itaewon merchants' associations, Yongsan-gu Office, and Yongsan Police Station. 

Because it was such a difficult location, for me as a producer, filming in Itaewon was a war against time. Therefore, acting in the Itaewon action scene is the person whom Hyun Bin most wanted to do as a substitute for the martial arts team rather than himself.


However, Hyun Bin's will was great. I ran, broke and ran. In fact, Cheol-ryeong in the scenario was making a mess in the middle of Itaewon. Even though the car chasing at the end of the Itaewon chase scene was the most dangerous scene among them, actor Hyun Bin's will was very firm. Hyunbin, who suffered injuries to his wrists and legs due to continuous filming, never showed any signs of difficulty or exhaustion in front of the staff. 



It's so sad that I stopped it on the last day of filming, but isn't it that I'm stuck on the car again with the words that the audience won't be suspicious if I shoot it myself? and got injured. 

There were many shooting scenes inside the resort, but there is a scene in the beginning of the action scene where Cheol-ryeong enters through a window holding a rope from the roof. Because we had to break through the window to enter, we had to film the situation before and after it was broken. The problem was that in the scene being filmed after it was broken, the entire scene and the movement of the body had to match as much as possible, so I had to shoot infinitely. Just hanging on the wire for a few hours because of the situation before it broke would have accumulated a lot of fatigue. Then, repeated landing and roll shooting was carried out. 

As time passed, Hyun Bin's gait seemed strange, perhaps from exhaustion. Either way, it looked pretty weird. As a result of checking, Hyun Bin had a lot of swelling in his back due to the shock in the rolling scene. However, Hyun Bin received an OK sign with his body and moved to the hospital. After that, if I wore upper body protectors and filmed for two months, the audience might not believe it.

Hyun Bin!! Is it reckless or full of responsibility? . I give a big applause to him for throwing his whole body for 'collaboration' no matter what. 

[Photo courtesy of CJ Entertainment] 





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Happy Anniversary to Hyun Bin winning the Grand Prize (Daesang) at 2020 APAN Star Award held  on 2021/01/23 for <Crash Landing On You> as Ri Jeonghyeok. 

”CONGRATULATION AWARDS. Actor Hyun Bin won the Grand Prize at 2020 APAN STAR AWARDS.  Thank you very much to all the fans who send their generous support and love to Actor Hyun Bin. ” ~ Vast Enthttps://www.instagram.com/p/CKY8URXpRMS/?utm_medium=








Hyun Bin leaving a lasting impression at 2020 APAN with his acceptance speech







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These Are tvN’s Top 12 K-Dramas Ever Released

Guaranteed to keep you hooked!


Channel tvN has been pushing out some binge-worthy K-Dramas since the last decade. And with Crash Landing On You having aired its final episode on February 16, 2020, the channel now boasts a new “Top 5” that kept the most viewers hooked!



10. Memories of the Alhambra (2018)




A first of its kind, Memories of the Alhambra reached 10% viewer ratings and was praised for its unexpected plot and impressive CG effects. Of course, having two incredibly talented and visually appealing leads also helped!



1. Crash Landing On You (2020)




This romance series from 2020, featuring the story of a South Korean chaebol woman falling in love with a North Korean soldier, received a record-breaking 21.7% in viewer ratings after the season’s finale episode aired. The cast, actor Hyun Bin and actress Son Ye Jin, boasted incredible chemistry that led the series to be even more attention-grabbing and binge-worthy!



(skipped unrelated.....)



source : Koreaboo

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Top 12 Most Handsome Korean Actors According To Kpopmap Readers (January 2022)


Welcome to the first ranking of the top most handsome Korean actors of 2022!


On Kpopmap, we opened a vote where viewers can vote for the actor they think is the most handsome out of around 70 actors (including acting-dols). The poll is constantly open, if you also want to participate, you easily can here.


In 2022, we opened a whole new way of voting with an up-and-down voting system. We are still working on improving the new voting method. To be able to develop content that is unbiased and fair and that can be recognized by fans, we are listening to the opinions of various fans. Don't hesitate to comment on the voting system.


Also, since the vote was opened quite recently, many actors received similar vote amounts. 


Thank you to those who are participating in the ranking of the best-looking Korean actors according to your personal standard.


This month Kim SeonHo topped the ranking followed by Park HyungSik and Lee JongSuk. 


Here are the top 12 most handsome Korean actors according to Kpopmap readers based on January 25 data. This ranking is compared to 2021 Yearly Results. 



5. Hyun Bin (NEW)





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source : https://www.kpopmap.com/top-12-most-handsome-korean-actors-according-to-kpopmap-readers-january-2022/

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Production co Superman C&M on 2021/01/28 released Hyun Bin commemoration and cheering video for late singer Kim Hyunsik 30th anniversary tribute album “Make Memories” 


”In commemoration of the 30th anniverssry of the late singer Kim Hyunsik, who dominated an era, the remake album “Make Memories” will be released.  We ask for your interest.” ~ Hyun Bin



2021/01/28 | Break News Reporter Park Dong-je


Korea's top stars delivered messages of support for the late Kim Hyun-sik. 


Superman C&M, the production company, recently released a cheering relay video to commemorate the release of the 30th anniversary remake album 'Make Memories' of the late Kim Hyun-sik through the official YouTube channel. On the 28th, an actor Hyun Bin's cheering video was released and received a lot of attention from the public.


In the video, Hyun Bin said, “In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the late singer Kim Hyun-sik, who dominated an era, the remake album ‘Make Memories’ will be released. We ask for your interest.” 

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From Ma Dong-seok to Hyun Bin, Coming Sun Korean Movie Sequel 4


I'm waiting for my older brother!


<Confidential Assignment 2: International>
Stills from the movie <Cooperation>

Stills from the movie <Confidential Assignment>

Stills from the movie <Cooperation>

Stills from the movie <Confidential Assignment>


Starring Hyun Bin, Yoo Hae-jin, Yoona, Daniel Henney
Director Lee Seok-hoon

The previous work received about 7.81 million viewers 
Hyun Bin and Hae Hae-jin's "Confidential Assignment" (2017) is also returning after 5 years. The scope of cooperation has grown wider. North Korean detective Im Cheol-ryeong (Hyun Bin), South Korean detective Kang Jin-tae (Yoo Hae-jin), as well as American FBI agent Jack (Daniel Henney), unite for their own purpose in an unpredictable global cooperative investigation. Director Lee Seok-hoon, who directed <The Pirates: The Bandit Who Went to the Sea>, took the megaphone. 

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Hyun Bin for Tom Ford Private Rose Garden 

"Tom Ford invites you to experience the Private Rose Garden, a provocative fragrance trilogy that evokes three incomparable transporting destinations - each inspired by the exquisite, rare flowers in his own garden.”













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