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March 14, 2015

‘Grandpas Over Flowers’ Greece, “Don’t overspend” to Choi Ji Woo

Source: Innolife

tvN Entertainment program ‘Grandpas Over Flowers’ released the first teaser advertisement after the end of ‘Three Meals A Day’ aired on the 13th. 

‘Grandpas Over Flowers’ Lee Soon Jae, Shin Gu, Park Geun Hyung, Baek Il Sub’ showed smiles with the second porter Choi Ji Woo. Choi Ji Woo enjoyed her travel with the grandpas, showing bright face and positive power.

Meanwhile the ‘Porter’ Lee Seo Jin worried about meals of grandpas and watched luggage in front of gorgeous view of Greece. Especially he reminded Choi Ji Woo, “Don’t spend too much. This is no time for spending.”

‘Grandpas Over Flowers’ in Greece will be aired on 27th. [Photo=tvN ‘Grandpas Over Flowers’]

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Hooray! Teasers N photos updates - what more can I ask for weekend gift? :)) Perhaps more teasers?  [-O< CJW seems to really enjoy in this trip and laughs a lot too from what is shown in the video. haha, did LSJ really ask her not to spend money? AND i really wonder what is that white glob of thing (cheese?) LSJ put in the pot....

10 more days to go before our curiosity get quenched.....
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wow !! LSJ was acting like a real Oppa, telling the princess not to spend to much !! ha ! ha ! and what was that look in the jeep !!  the dimples were obvious when he was accidentally hit !! did it hurt ??  #-o

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wow !! LSJ was acting like a real Oppa, telling the princess not to spend to much !! ha ! ha ! and what was that look in the jeep !!  the dimples were obvious when he was accidentally hit !! did it hurt ??  #-o

I dont think it hurts as he was smiling and they do have chemistry but as potential lover or just sibling vibe we need to wait for gof to airing first

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@jas It's this waiting time that keeps people anxious. This Na PD was mischievous enough to put the jeep ride and the physical contact between these 2 on the trailer. It raises curiosity !! 

On GOF Taiwan, Grandpas were all over LSJ and Sunny except grandpa Il-sub said Sunny is too young for him. Wonder if they would do the same for LSJ and CJW since they both are at an appropriate age difference and are single.

@rubie thanx .... I love my muse ...

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Dramabeans has a cool article on the upcoming GOF Greece ^^

March 17, 2015

Grandpas make their comeback as Greek gods

by girlfriday | Dramabeans


The halbaes are back! The new season of Na PD’s travel variety show Grandpas Over Flowers kicks off next week with a trip to Greece, and this time actress Choi Ji-woo (Temptation) has joined the cast to make things interesting. ‘Cause we all know that very little ruffles Lee Seo-jin’s feathers, but a pretty girl turns the grumpypants into a big ol’ softie. Here’s a sneak peek with the first full teaser and a parody poster, and lots of stills from their recent visit to Greece, with a stop in Dubai.

This production team and their parody posters, I swear. This one features the cast as Greek gods in the movie Immortals — in Korean the movie title is Battle of the Gods, and the poster above is named Trip of the Gods. Seo Genius is featured as our hero, with Ji-woo-phrodite as his luggage goddess sidekick (or love interest? You know the halbaes will try!).

Lee Soon-jae is Soon-zeus, Shin Gu is Gu-seidon, Park Geun-hyung is Geun-pollo, and Baek Il-sub is Heracle-sub. Despite the new god status, the halbaes seem their usual playful selves. Only this time, they’re grinning from ear to ear because of Choi Ji-woo, who is as bubbly as we’ve seen her be in her guest stints on 1 Night 2 Days and Three Meals a Day. In the teaser, she laughs nonstop, then at one point admits while laughing, “I didn’t understand what you said at all.”

Read the rest at Dramabeans, great pics too!
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@rubie thanks for the Muse photos...they're terrific! and the title falls nicely with the Greece trip..

@tilac I think CJW & LSJ are most probably under the bro-sis vibe...somehow in the pics can't really feel the romantic sparkle.....9 more days till countdown...
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@BLUFEATHERS you might be right about the bro-sis vibe but even if they really did have the vibe, they would've kept it very tight to themselves. It's too early for anything. CJW once said she will never go public again if she were to be in a relationship and this is not even one. 

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March 18, 2015

‘Grandpas Over Flower - Greece’, official poster released “Is Choi Ji Woo goddess or porter?”

Source: Innolife


‘Grandpas Over Flower - Greece’ released the official poster.

tvN Entertainment program ‘Grandpas Over Flower’ production crew released an official poster on the official Face Book, “We are back, everyone. See you next Friday.”

In the released poster, there are 4 people from ‘Grandpas Over Flower’, Lee Soon-Jae, Shin Gu, Park Geun-Hyeong and Baek Il-Seop with Choi Ji-Woo and Lee Seo-Jin, standing beside a Greek temple. Especially, there’s a comment ‘Goddess? Or porter?’ beside Choi Ji-Woo, and ‘Still porter’ beside Lee Seo-Jin.

Meantime, ‘Grandpas Over Flower’ came back after 10 days of travel in Greek. [Photo=tvN ‘Grandpas Over Flower’.
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