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[Drama 2012] Strongest K-pop Survival

Guest babyfaceyoochun

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a little spoiler :

GEA wear a dress while PYH wear a bunny suit...  <a class="bbc_url" title="External link" href="http://www.topstarnews.net/n_news/news/view.html?no=8313&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=topstarnews" rel="nofollow">http://www.topstarne...ign=topstarnews


Wowww haha so cute :P. Why is he wearing that??

I really cant understand why DH1 gains so much attention, and this one so less. This is soooooooooo much better than DH1 and 2....even better than YAB.

Anyway, as long as we, fans are happy, I wont worry...This show is sooo killing me :)

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Guest Animeuver

Epi 7 recaps are here~ I went out today, so this was really delayed. To all those waiting for it, I hope it's good enough at the moment.

Awaiting ep 8 tonight!! :D

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Wowww haha so cute :P. Why is he wearing that??

I really cant understand why DH1 gains so much attention, and this one so less. This is soooooooooo much better than DH1 and 2....even better than YAB.

Anyway, as long as we, fans are happy, I wont worry...This show is sooo killing me :)

Yeah i can not understand that either: maybe it is because it is on a cabel channel and nobody from the staff actors had a major hit right before it like Jung Il Woo ( he was in 49 days and than in the cabel drama Flower Boys Ramen Shop).

But despite the ratings I adore this show more than DH1 and 2 and also more than YAB :)

Can not wait for todays episode: I have the feeling that it will be the turn over in the story like maybe SH will admit that she is a girl and the next half of the drama we will see how her relationship with WH and the other boys will flourish and how will she fight for her place in the entertainment bussiness, but when I think about the spoiler pics of IJ in the wedding dress maybe SH will still be boy till maybe next week.

P.S. @Semifly thank you for the torrents you Rock!!!

@Animeuver thank you again for your excellent work with the subs and recaps and also to Big Thank you to those who are helping you :D

And I am very happy that more people are starting to watch it :)

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Guys, dont forget to give me live report for today's episode. Sadly I cant stream today. Kinda unwell ;_;

And Animeuver, thanks for the recaps! :)

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Guest mitchyap0497

:wub: :wub: :wub: Hello to Everyone Ol specially to:

Marie_67 (Yes, this is better than YAB, DH1 and DH2)

Animeuver (Thank you for episode 7 recaps!)





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Guest Animeuver

Same here. I <3 live reports, so I'd be lurking around. XD.

And I always see quite a bit of guests here in this thread, come on, join us and spazz. :D

BTW: hey mitchyap0497~ :D And everyone. Getting hyped up for ep 8?

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Guest mitchyap0497

Same here. I <3 live reports, so I'd be lurking around. XD.

And I always see quite a bit of guests here in this thread, come on, join us and spazz. :D

BTW: hey mitchyap0497~ :D And everyone. Getting hyped up for ep 8?

:w00t: Animeuver its ON @ ichannela! Mwaaaaah!

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Same here. I <3 live reports, so I'd be lurking around. XD.

And I always see quite a bit of guests here in this thread, come on, join us and spazz. :D

BTW: hey mitchyap0497~ :D And everyone. Getting hyped up for ep 8?

Yes totaly hyped :D can not wait to see what will her uncle say to SH parents, at the end of the preview was she in his car?

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Guest Animeuver

@mitchyap0497: I won't be streaming. Streaming always bully me. T__T I'm just waiting for the raw, Muahaha!

@Ariadna1: She was in her uncle's car, and Woo Hyun was tailing it. :D

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@mitchyap0497: I won't be streaming. Streaming always bully me. T__T I'm just waiting for the raw, Muahaha!

@Ariadna1: She was in her uncle's car, and Woo Hyun was tailing it. :D

i just came back from office, and i can't streaming... aahhhhhhh.... wanna watch this night episode.. gonna be epic because WH see SY in Jang's car, his boss, maybe he finally know relationship between SY & Rep. Jang

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good thing my live-streaming is going smooth. will update for today recap soon. halfway done ^^

*italic with star is my unpopular opinion/reaction hahaha*

missed a few minutes in the beginning :(

President and everyone else are going back but HS stopped them,

minho calm JW.

they perform stay w/o SY.

*their perf was great! these guys are really talented.*

in the middle of their performace,WH left and IY followed him.

at the cafe, IY ask something from WH.

WH left.

at the President room, TM.Han and he had a discussion about SY.

WH entered.

TM.Han wants WH to be a mc of a music show i believe.

but he said he dont have the confidence to do that.

he ask about SY.

TM.Han curious why he want to know.

night, in SY-JW room.

JW tried calling SY but can't reach her.

HS entered asking either she called or not.

JW thanks to HS for helping the team.

in SY room, she was still locked, worried about JW.

*her dad is scary. he took away her phone too*

in WH house, WH and his manager talk about something, idk.

the next day, they are at hospital. they had charity program?

a girl talked to JW about SY, TK overheard their conversation and was suprised.

WH looking for SY, *so cute*

TK mumbling about SY, WH heard that and was shocked.

WH found out TM.Han was behind SY fail to come to showcase and ask her directly,

she denied of course.

she told WH , SY is going back to London.

now the scene SY parents drag her for the airport.

President came, and kneel.

*OMG! that was really sweet as an ucle-niece*

he tried to convince her parents.

in the car, Pres w/ SY.

back at the hospital, m2 junior (minus SY) perform their song -stand up.

WH in his car not going back to the showcase eventhough the TM.Han asked to.

the manager and WH saw President car and of course SY is in.

WH was suprised and he told his manager to follow them.

SY is at the hosp to perform w/ the team.

*lol WH, he wants SY so bad*

TK, KB, HS performed MBLAQ song.

TM.Han was shocked to see SY is back.

WH saw SY-JW fondness(ok sorry idk what term to use here) & jealous when SY ignored WH.

*shh, these fangirls are too obvious. they cheered happily when WH enters but remain silent when m2j perform erghh.*

WH w/ piano to perform. He talk about 'friend' and it's SY. He perform her song.

-flashback of SY&Wh moments while his singing in the bg-

at this time JW looks at SY like one-sided-love *awwwww*

President go to flower shop as soon as he got a called from a lady, and she's Kan Mi Yeon (ex-baby vox).

the show end, m2j are following a lady to somewhere

but manager han stopped SY ask why she's still here and not London.

SY said President help her, and she will stay until the survival.

WH stopped SY asking does she has something to say to him.

IY interrupt. A nurse approaced them telling some kinds want to play with them.

WH, SY, IY are in the kids ward. WH greets them happily with hand wave and cute smile+dimple :D

WH want to take picture with a litte girl in the ward.

he ask SY to take the photo.

IY want to pose together.

*the instrumental bg music is so cute-stand up inst cute version.*

Another kids want to take picture w/ SY.

WH takes picture of SY&IY with the girl but he only focused on SY and the kid.

TM.Han went to the flower shop where President is and she saw the two together and was suprised.

back to the ward, they play blind/catch game with the kids.

WH is the blind player and he must catch someone. IY came closer to WH and lose.

her turns now, WH take SY to hide behind the curtain in the ward. WH hug SY! WH smile.


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finally i can streaming even just half.. but i'm so happy.. looks like a crazy person, i scream... really... epic ending and that make me wanna monday come faster... aaarrrrrgggghhhhhh..... they start to make others jealous... both of them, SY and WH...

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OMG best best episode ever!!!! They keep getting better and better, and next week is gonna be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, so I was right about JW loving SY, today he confessed to her, and WH saw that.

And Kevin now knows SY is a woman, but in the preview there was no mention about it, I think he will keep quiet. Maybe he will start to fall for her too :) That would be awesome :P

JW is gonna be the one, who will do pics with YJ because ha has a scandal about him liking men, hence he agrees. So she is wearing that bridal dress, and he is jealously glaring at SY and JW.

OMG I really cant wait for the next episodes!

I so dislike the rep. Han, I had to laugh at her cuz the director is going with another woman, and it seems serious, and she is very jealous haha, If only she wasnt so mean to SY....

I am really curious about what Kevin dude is gonna do, cuz now, he and that guitar boy Jaeha, know it too ( I am sure he knows it)

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Guest mitchyap0497

:wub: Some recaps:

Team 1 of Hyunseung, Changmin,Taekwon and Dong Ho singing ballad

IY and Team Manager Han talking in their seats

CEO Jang almost left the auditorium but Hyunseung explained something to him

HS, JW and KB performed an upbeat dance number while singing

WH wondering where SY is and about to call her

IY intercepted him, they talked then his personal assistant came

TM han and CEO Jang discussing and WH came in

HS talking to JW telling him whatever SY's situation is they need to resolve it/ help her

WH and his PA back @ his house then later went out to the hospital to attend the M2 Juniors charity event

TM Han and M2 Juniors were shocked that he came

Taekwon telling WH that SY was taken out of M2 Junior

TM Han and WH talking @ the hospital rooftop

SY with her parents went out the gate but CEO Jang appeared

CEO Jang kneeled infront of his brother

CEO Jang riding the car with SY

M2 Juniors performing Stand Up @ hospital

WH and PA encounter CEO jang and SY @ an intersection

CEO jang arrived @ hospital SY leapt out of the car, WH arrived also

Oh no! SY pinching JW's cheek but WH behind them saw

DH, JA,CM & TW surrounded the 3 asking about how SY was late in getting back

HS, TW and KB performing MBLAQ's song

OMONA! WH talking to the fans and performing for his friend (SY) the song they made with him playing the piano

CEO jang @ flower shop

Back @ hospital, TM Han met the M2 Junior, asked if they know where CEO Jang is and talked with SY how she was able to came back

WH interrupting their conversation

Grrrrr! IY coming in-between WH-SY when hospital staff asked them to take pictures with children patients

Jealousy alert! TM Han saw CEO Jang talking to the florist

SY-WH-IY playing with the kids, IY blindfolded while others are clapping and calling out

Mwaaah! WH took SY away from IY within the room and half-closed the curtains with his right arm around SY's shoulders

WH led SY out of the room holding hands then they talked

SY meeting M2 Juniors @ parking area then doing some explaining,

M2 Juniors eat out dubbokki,oden, etc

HS meeting some executive/man in suit

TM Han drinking alone @ bar then comes CEO Jang

JW and SY @ dorm room, JW ignoring SY while she's asking what is wrong

WH, PA and make-up artist inside moving van with PA asking who does WH like

HS practicing dancing alone in studio

TM Han @ flower shop investigating the florist

They sat down and florist mentioning "Hyun Suk-shi....."

WH asking PA to get out of car

JW and SY wearing a white dress @ boutique

JW worried that somebody might see her in the white dress

WH @ home calling SY and asking why she is with JW @ bus

JW went CR while SY stretching outside when a man in bunny suit approached her

WH telling her to relax & showed his face, JW came back WH disappears

SY found the a man in a bunny suit and tickled him but its not WH

WH mad while driving away

HS saw Executive trying to pirate HS scolding his 3 dancers severely

Changmin seated @ auditorium when the Opera music teacher came, I hope he was not asking about SY

JW and SY back @ Sunny Entertainment office met HS went a floor up and meet WH's PA

SY ask where WH is

Grrrrr! WH being back-hugged by IY inside recording room, WH mad but SY saw it then WH walked out on IY

SY crying but chased by JW,,,,,,OMOOOO! Did he confess to SY?!.....OMG! WH saw and heard it!

:sweatingbullets: Guys sorry this is just a rough recap again with my live-stream lagging most of the time.......

LOVE the PARK BROTHERS SO MUCH!..........Yoochun wearing a Panda costume for Rooftop Prince while Yoohwan wearing a bunny costume for Strongest K-Pop Survival!.........where can you see an ANIMALISTIC BROTHERHOOD!.....LOL! :D :D :D

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Yeah i can not understand that either: maybe it is because it is on a cabel channel and nobody from the staff actors had a major hit right before it like Jung Il Woo ( he was in 49 days and than in the cabel drama Flower Boys Ramen Shop).

But despite the ratings I adore this show more than DH1 and 2 and also more than YAB :)

Can not wait for todays episode: I have the feeling that it will be the turn over in the story like maybe SH will admit that she is a girl and the next half of the drama we will see how her relationship with WH and the other boys will flourish and how will she fight for her place in the entertainment bussiness, but when I think about the spoiler pics of IJ in the wedding dress maybe SH will still be boy till maybe next week.

P.S. @Semifly thank you for the torrents you Rock!!!

@Animeuver thank you again for your excellent work with the subs and recaps and also to Big Thank you to those who are helping you  :D

And I am very happy that more people are starting to watch it :)

It is because even though the story line for DH2 is straying from its original path, the drama has so many idol stars in it that it got huge support from the idol stars fandom.....

Epi 7 recaps are here~ I went out today, so this was really delayed. To all those waiting for it, I hope it's good enough at the moment.

Awaiting ep 8 tonight!! :D

thank you Animeuver for ep 7 recap. EP 8 is total daebak... from the preview I think ep 9 is gonna be most than what we hope for. Seeing WH and SY trying to make each other jealous is heating up our mind.

Even though I dont understand Korean, I think at the end of ep 8 JW confess his feeling to SH and further WH heard it all. Waiting for sub to be sure whether JW reveal that SH is a girl and WH heard that too...

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Guest mtbluye

Oooo today's episode sound so exciting hahah

WH in a rabbit suit!! hahahahaha

I just want to ask, anyone else thinks kevin has such a great voice?

I have to admit in the past I didn't bother to listen to ZE:A becos I thought they were just

like any other boy band (sorry ZE:A fans!!) but after watching kpop survival, I became a convert hahah

Kevin is so talented!!!

Yoohwan has such a nice voice too, as expected, its in the genes

Can't wait to watch the raw for episode 8!!!

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:wub: Some recaps:

Team 1 of Hyunseung, Changmin,Taekwon and Dong Ho singing ballad

IY and Team Manager Han talking in their seats

CEO Jang almost left the auditorium but Hyunseung explained something to him

HS, JW and KB performed an upbeat dance number while singing

WH wondering where SY is and about to call her

IY intercepted him, they talked then his personal assistant came

TM han and CEO Jang discussing and WH came in

HS talking to JW telling him whatever SY's situation is they need to resolve it/ help her

WH and his PA back @ his house then later went out to the hospital to attend the M2 Juniors charity event

TM Han and M2 Juniors were shocked that he came

Taekwon telling WH that SY was taken out of M2 Junior

TM Han and WH talking @ the hospital rooftop

SY with her parents went out the gate but CEO Jang appeared

CEO Jang kneeled infront of his brother

CEO Jang riding the car with SY

M2 Juniors performing Stand Up @ hospital

WH and PA encounter CEO jang and SY @ an intersection

CEO jang arrived @ hospital SY leapt out of the car, WH arrived also

Oh no! SY pinching JW's cheek but WH behind them saw

DH, JA,CM & TW surrounded the 3 asking about how SY was late in getting back

HS, TW and KB performing MBLAQ's song

OMONA! WH talking to the fans and performing for his friend (SY) the song they made with him playing the piano

CEO jang @ flower shop

Back @ Sunny Ent office, TM Han met the M2 Juniors and talked with SY how she was able to came back

WH interrupting their conversation

Grrrrr! IY coming in-between WH-SY when hospital staff asked them to take pictures with children patients

Jealousy alert! TM Han saw CEO Jang talking to the florist

SY-WH-IY playing with the kids, IY blindfolded while others are clapping and calling out

Mwaaah! WH took SY away from IY within the room and half-closed the curtains with his right arm around SY's shoulders

WH led SY out of the room holding hands then they talked

SY meeting M2 Juniors @ parking area then doing some explaining,

M2 Juniors eat out dubbokki,oden, etc

HS meeting some executive/man in suit

TM Han drinking alone @ bar then comes CEO Jang

JW and SY @ dorm room, JW ignoring SY while she's asking what is wrong

WH, PA and make-up artist inside moving van with PA asking who does WH like

HS practicing dancing alone in studio

TM Han @ flower shop investigating the florist

They sat down and florist mentioning "Hyun Suk-shi....."

WH asking PA to get out of car

JW and SY wearing a white dress @ boutique

JW worried that somebody might see her in the white dress

WH @ home calling SY and asking why she is with JW @ bus

JW went CR while SY stretching outside when a man in bunny suit approached her

WH telling her to relax & showed his face, JW came back WH disappears

SY found the a man in a bunny suit and tickled him but its not WH

WH mad while driving away

HS saw Executive trying to pirate HS scolding his 3 dancers severely

Changmin seated @ auditorium when the Opera music teacher came, I hope he was not asking about SY

JW and SY back @ Sunny Entertainment office met HS went a floor up and meet WH's PA

SY ask where WH is

Grrrrr! WH being back-hugged by IY inside recording room, WH mad but SY saw it then WH walked out on IY

SY crying but chased by JW,,,,,,OMOOOO! Did he confess to SY?!.....OMG! WH saw and heard it!

:sweatingbullets: Guys sorry this is just a rough recap again with my live-stream lagging most of the time.......

LOVE the PARK BROTHERS SO MUCH!..........Yoochun wearing a Panda costume for Rooftop Prince while Yoohwan wearing a bunny costume for Strongest K-Pop Survival!.........where can you see an ANIMALISTIC BROTHERHOOD!.....LOL! :D :D :D

Kevin already knew that SY is a girl, because the professor told that, SY had left his dream as pianist (*heard like that)..

And please explain me how can Jae Ha already knew that SY is a girl??? Please need it so much...

Ahhhh... JW only said that he likes SY, but never mention about she's a girl.. So WH still no clue that SY-JW not gay...

Oh yeah... Yoohwan in bunny costume...

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@marie67, @mitchyap0497 thank you for the spoilers for EP 08. I was wondering all the way home what happened. :rolleyes:

@mtbluye where are you going to watch the raw? Last night dramacrazy had EP 07 up at about 11pm so I was able to watch it but I finished close to 12pm. Is there another option to watch the raw earlier? I think Kevin's voice sounded really good when he was singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow. But I like Yoohwan's voice more. I hope they release Music is My Life with him singing the full song as part of the OST.

@animeuver thanks for the recap! Any news when are the subs coming out? Just wondering because I have such a busy day tom so my time to check in will be so short!

@jordi, thanks for posting the ratings. Still sad but I realized for as long as I like and love this drama, who cares if the ratings are low.

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Guest Animeuver

@mitchyap0497: thanks for the recap

@mtbluye: I've liked ZE:A from their 'All Day Long' days. Actually, they're not too bad really, Kevin, Hyungshik and Dongjun are great singers, and Heechul have one of the badass rapping among boy bands (for me, that is). XD

So what happened, Ji Woo confessed to Seung Yeon?! WOW. I've always thought they're sibling-love. .__.

I wonder why Woo Hyun's wearing a bunny costume, xD

And, NOOOOOO, president Jang can't leave Team Leader Han for that girl...they're like the second couple I ship. T___T She's mean to M2 Junior, but her feelings for President Jang is just so cute. :D

@melru: check back...late tomorrow or even thurs. :)

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