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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Loved the epi so far......Must watch,......

before hug we have another heartmelting scene......EJ crying n hugging him while he pats on her back then scolds her that she spoiled his jacket......

then MY grabs EJ's hand......MY- EJ hand in hand.....MY takes her to the place here he is staying.....

and then MY mentiones abt Jung Hee to EJ...

then next  morning MY finds out EJ has fever so he asks her to sleep.....she sleeps  later in the evening he wakes her up n shows the diary in which she cut  down all the places she visited so far to search him....then in night  time we had our back hug scene.....where MY said "Thank You Retard"...

but alas no scene of the next morning.......they are on the way to come back.....

as  me n PBaddict speculated....they are back to their bickering  self........arguing - bickering in the bus on the way home.....EJ is as  she was before but MY is lil polite and softer....

another hug for today......as soon as MY-EJ entered Dir Kim and DS planned for a bash......it seems like everything has sorted out with MYs baseball career....MY hugges dir Kim and DS and then EJ stretches her arms and MY hugged her so tightly...

here comes the DA moment....DA also stretches her arms to get hug from MY but EJ comes in between and did not let MY hug DA directly.....and after that EJ did say someting to DA....

my fav scene of the day other than all MY EJ scenes..........u have to watch it.....

hahaha..this gal so possessive from now only......

epi ends....with JH coming n hugging MY....EJ tries to get her down but MY stops her....camera freees on JH on MY n EJ sad on back side....

preview shows...MY clean shaven...

i gonna miss his rugged look....

enjoy....everyone as much as i did w/o the subs...

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my please dear.....i was so happy while reading it that people are so attached with the show and here ratings really does not matter.

I am from a place where a show be on air just coz of ratings and if show can capture good rating despite of pathetic story line it can be dragged till 500 epis...and due to that some good shows become scapegoat but m feeling relived that here people are less concerned with the ratings and a good storyline is what matters the most...


i found something on KBS site on WR section...it says something abt latest Event......but i cant understand....

anyone can translate then it would be gr8 help....

My link

WAAAA 500eps?? that's alot! I think I don't have that patience wahahaha! I'm so glad that wild romance receives lots of love n attention. I love the storyline and I can't wait to see the love development between mu yeol and eun jae!

Everyone, Thank you so much for the spoiler update. It makes me FAINT FAINT FAINT! wahhahahaha! 

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Nice episode though it was sad at the end.

 Happy we got some really nice scenes with MY n EJ. Btw, did I hear it wrong or was tha ANTI background score used when Sica's character entered? Also, does EJ confess she likes him in the next episode? And is there a new woman character in the next episode? But I am enjoying it. I think things are going at the right pace now.

Reporter Go gave the audio recording to DS n MY's name was cleared.

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Ep 7 was pretty darn good.

Oh yeah you guys are going to be squealing over the hand holding section. He just helped her up but for K drama standard for him to hold her hands to the hut vs the wrist pull is something.

Man I wish I knew enough about what this Yoon Yi said about Kang Jong Hee to set him off. Oh great you mean it looks like she was the one who ended things? I am going for the torrents to listen to everything again. Went a bit too giddy with Eun Jae's new hairstyle.

MY only went off on his own because Dong Soo didn't reply immediately that he believed in him with all the accusations. Argh. It's good but the funny went away for the serious business of all his past surfacing now.

Oh hi everyone. Delurked because I finally have time for WR now that Brain has ended. Going back to real life now. Hah! Like it the plot is moving along and I do like it that they are so comfortable now with each other. Weren't they cute in the bus together?


Oh yes the new look. It was too blurry with the live streaming. I know it looks like she has straight hair but for him... don't know what they did to LDW. He usually looks so hot when he is clean shaven. Waiting for the torrents to see.

Plus oh wow how come no one mentioned that Kang Dong Ho aka Manager Kim is like 187 cm tall or almost 6 3". Did you see him almost touching the top of the doorway during the managers meeting. Man they were rude. How can you just shove someone out?


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OMG the last five minutes were so intense! :wacko:

First this whole group hugging (so much hugging in this ep

:D) made me laugh and smile so hard and then Jung Hee appears and the mood completely changes. My heart stopped when EJ wanted to put JH away from MY but MY stopped her. :tears:

The new looks of EJ and MY are going to appear in the next ep (though I don't like them).

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what a bittersweet episode this was...love all the little things that MY & EJ had during their stays in th woods...hahahaha EJ is super cute, I was smiling like a crazy women watching this episodes from start ...was loling at EJ for purposely not letting DA being hug by MY hohoho that was funny :lol: now EJ wants MY all for herself .... but shucks like a bomb drop from nowhere the last scene broke my heart watching EJ expression.... :(

the back hugged awww.... :wub::)

EDIT : now I am curious of how MY & JH relationship was, if they broke up it seems so weird that JH acted like its nothing happened....the way she acted calling out and clinging onto MY doesnt seems like they are already broke off....but whatever it is I am so heartbroken for our adorbale EJ

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Ep 7 was pretty darn good.

Oh yeah you guys are going to be squealing over the hand holding section. He just helped her up but for K drama standard for him to hold her hands to the hut vs the wrist pull is something.

Man I wish I knew enough about what this Yoon Yi said about Kang Jong Hee to set him off. Oh great you mean it looks like she was the one who ended things? I am going for the torrents to listen to everything again. Went a bit too giddy with Eun Jae's new hairstyle.

MY only went off on his own because Dong Soo didn't reply immediately that he believed in him with all the accusations. Argh. It's good but the funny went away for the serious business of all his past surfacing now.

Oh hi everyone. Delurked because I finally have time for WR now that Brain has ended. Going back to real life now. Hah! Like it the plot is moving along and I do like it that they are so comfortable now with each other. Weren't they cute in the bus together?


Oops sorry to top the page. Oh wait there was a really funny scene today where EJ went to meet  MY's fans right? The 3 guys who were so impressed she knew him. It was hilarious.  Think it was went she was trying to find clues to where he went. 

Oh yes the new look. It was too blurry with the live streaming. I know it looks like she has straight hair but for him... don't know what they did to LDW. He usually looks so hot when he is clean shaven. Waiting for the torrents to see.

hey dear....

can u tell me if this hand holding this is not a big deal here....i hv no idea whether its a significant start in My-EJ story or just a small part to forget abt...??

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hey dear....can u tell me if this hand holding this is not a big deal here....i hv no idea whether its a significant start in My-EJ story or just a small part to forget abt...?? 


Well he was really touched she came. Plus she cried. After the start they had it is significant in their relationship as in he was quite gentle towards her tonight. He did not even tease her. Did you hear his tone when he called her blockhead? It was quite affectionate. However the hand holding to help her up, the caring about her fever. It feels platonic on his part. Not hers. She is becoming important for him. See the behaviour in the bus. They don't even appear startled she was sleeping on his shoulder. HOWEVER Jong Hee came back.... K drama rules say ex girlfriend and first love.... man it's going to be rough for Eun Jae tomorrow.

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thanx for clarifying and thats wt exactly my expectation was from this specific scene....first time My was so sincere with EJ till now....and yes when he thanked her saying Retard.....his voice was so calm and soft as he was genuinely thanking her.........with some affection for her......

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I couldn't recap this on time plus the buffering.

Ok guys lots of spoilers already up but just in case you want some flow before the watching the uploaded ones...

here it goes...

Quick recap

Ej left My place holding her bandaid temple. Next morning MY went over to Ds place. After a conversation he left. Ej went to My but he wasn't around. She found his room trashed with his personal stuff. Flasback to MY reading his diary with voiceover of younger him. Ej and Ds together at MY place going through My stuff with imo. EJ family having celebration with food but she was outside looking at the nite sky. Ej meet up with antifan, the guys who threw egg at MY fan signing lol! EJ get DA to look at MY personal items to figure things out. EJ, DA, DS and TH meet up at coffee to discuss the matter. DA tries to figure out where MY is and EJ seems to have an idea. Ej sneak out at nite to look for MY. Reporter met DS, DS got mad with him abt MY. Ej has list of places to search for MY, scene at a sch funny. Reporter finally listen to his recorder bug. EJ thought she saw MY , then flying kick him but its a wrong guy so she ran off and stumble, lol! MY was practising hitting in the woods till nite. His palm got blisters. Walking with lantern MY saw someone sitting by the tree and its Ej. She sobbed seeing him and he hugged her and pat her back. He complains she is ruining his jacket. She pull his sleeve when he got up but he pulled away. Instead he catch her hand pulled her up and they handhold all the way to the hut...awwwwww (sorry missed the parts due to buffering). Ej was sick and My put jackets on her. She sleeps then he came back with food. He found her list of where to to find him. Imo tidy up My bed and prayed. MY felt EJ forehead. MY backhug EJ and thank her.awwwww. Next morning they left. They were in the bus and goofing around. the club owner called DS that she found recorder under the table. DS recalled seeing reporter as he was leaving the club that nite. He call reporter to meet up. They met at stadium and after an argument Back at the office Th tried to defend MY during the directors meeting. Just before TH being kicked out of mtg room, Ds came in time to proof MY not insane for beating up the waiter through the CF card recorded by reporter. EJ & MY were eating instant ramyun at convenient shop while charging her phone. EJ got lots of text messages. MY ex arrive at airport then she meet up with Sy. EJ & My went to find DS. Only to be greeted with congratulation (back into the Dreamers) by DS Th & DA. Funny hugging around scene! lol!! Suddenly MY ex appeared then hug MY... and poor EJ . ends

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Guest kayana20

Ahh just started this and already know I am going to be laughing my butt off. I was waiting for jessica to start her role but now I need to go back to see why this relationship between the 2 leads is so volatile.Even though I know it will lead to romance soon. I love that they are going to pit a girly girl against a woman like EJ. Let the games begin and I hated that hair so glad they will make it funkier.

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Guest PBaddict

My 1st time watching the show live and I already had my heart broken... blush.gif oh well.

It was an amazingly sweet episode with tons of bonding time for the OTP...

handholding, sleeping on each other's shoulder on the bus and the celebrating at the end grouphugs  while lying on the floor, because justice was served and they managed to clear his name.

But I seriously need to strengthen my heart, coz although it was only a minute or so when the ex appeared at the end but when MY held up his hand to show EJ to stop when she didn't know who she was and went there to get her off him... I felt like my own heart broke a little when she heard it was the ex... wow. And looks like we'll have more scenes like that.

I am waiting for the subs to give further analysis, this is just a first impression.

In the preview were MY and EJ talking about someone liking someone, EJ liking MY perhaps? Can't wait for tomorrow... I hope my heart won't hurt too much

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