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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Well that episode 10 preview was not pretty, but at least it shows that MY doesn't feel right without EJ. JH looks like she's having a bipolar moment, perhaps. It also looks like EJ doesn't want to do her bodyguarding job anymore, since that dude was yelling at her. I feel bad for her but we need the bad to highlight the good much better. Other than MY really beginning to show he cares about EJ, the only other good thing about it was watching LDW kissing. Before anyone throws knives -- I heard that he was one of the better kissers among Korean actors, and now I can see why. Just wish it wasn't Jessica/JH he was kissing like that! Continue knife-throwing, if you want. :-)

@ noopie_1

Aww...sad that the ratings went down for this episode, but that's not their faults. I will still watch to the end, no matter what the outcome is. WR fighting!!! I'm still a fan.


I agree, the mom does seem fishy! She was all like, "tell JH to come see me". It's like she's rubbing it into SY about JH's talent.

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Guest PBaddict

Holy heavens my streamsource is not working... where else can I watch the show live? this one is not working for me now  :/ HELP ME PLS http://www.wubisheng.../zxtv/?id=KBS2#

EDIT:  Message is void. Crisis avoided! It was my net connection that sux real bad, the site works, hopefully my there won't be any hiccups.

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hello guys ^^

when I read the comments which I forgot to mention and especially when it's the same feeling with me, I feel so happy and comfortable.

my beauty and charm aspect is always different from the others so I sometimes hesitate to tell my opinion freely. people can give harsh response :S

I wanna thank all of the viewers who can see Jessica's negative effect on the drama and also the viewers. since her first appearance, I feel too uncomfortable and also because I don't like that kind of girls, I cannot stand watching her scenes.

also, there are so many scenes with her even though she is not the lead actress. besides, she already had all the romantic and important scenes (especially kisses) with MY before EJ. crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif

I've no idea about the writer's other dramas so I cannot imagine what will happen. and I did not know the ratings are getting lower which made me sad. I really like the drama. I hope it will not effect the actors mood.

I had already mentioned Lee Si Young's exaggerated mimics and actings but I'm not sure if I could explain it totally. yes, sometimes it can be disturbing and too much but if there are people who don't watch the drama because of that reason, it will make me really sad.

lastly, yesterday I endured Jessica and her kiss with LDW but I don't know how long I can stand fury.giffury.gif

also, please someone tell me she will not be in the drama till the end. if it's so, the drama will be kind of torture.

anyway, I will cross my fingers and go on praying for the good eps and also good ratings.:D:D

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just wanna share my sentiments regarding the ratings.

I adore Lee Shi Young so much that i sympathize with her. ratings are just numbers, but it's still considered a part of a drama's success--or lack thereof. I'm just hoping it doesn't discourage her [or Lee Dong Wook]. the acting department was really good. the flow of the story could've been better, but it's still good enough for me.

i'm not fond of Jessica, and I'm not afraid to say that. it's my opinion that she shouldn't have been casted. I could've come up with a dozen or so actresses that could've played support. when she was rumoured-then-announced as part of the cast, it turned me off a bit. but I love Lee Shi Young too much not to watch this. (heck, i endured Poseidon, hoping her chemistry with Si Won would be well utilized.)

but if the production/casting department/or even the writer thought that casting an idol would've sufficed and survived against an eye candy-filled historical drama, they're wrong. the problem with casting idols, and yes i'm being biased, is that even if the drama flops, they still have another career to go back to. but with actresses like LSY/LDW, drama successes or failures are the main thing in their resumes.

okay with that said and done...

it's fun to see LSY play this role of EJ. very convincing. I just get so impressed everytime i think back to her Boo Tae Hee character. such worlds apart but played by one actress. that itself shows her prowess as an actress.

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hello guys ^^

when I read the comments which I forgot to mention and especially when it's the same feeling with me, I feel so happy and comfortable.

my beauty and charm aspect is always different from the others so I sometimes hesitate to tell my opinion freely. people can give harsh response :S

I wanna thank all of the viewers who can see Jessica's negative effect on the drama and also the viewers. since her first appearance, I feel too uncomfortable and also because I don't like that kind of girls, I cannot stand watching her scenes.

also, there are so many scenes with her even though she is not the lead actress. besides, she already  had all the romantic and important scenes (especially kisses) with MY before EJ.  crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif   

This is what making me more n more angry....Our EJ was just curious to kiss hm but this JH character is crossing all the limits of being second lead......sorry i cant control my anger now...after watching yesterdays epi i want to smack someone so badly and i m thinking of the best option for it.....and its JH w/o any doubt...

I've no idea  about the writer's other dramas so I cannot imagine what will happen. and I did not know the ratings are getting lower which made me sad. I really like the drama. I hope it will not effect the actors mood.

I had already mentioned Lee Si Young's exaggerated mimics and actings but I'm not sure if I could explain it totally. yes, sometimes it can be disturbing and too much but if there are people who don't watch the drama because of that reason, it will make me really sad.

lastly, yesterday I endured Jessica and her kiss with LDW but I don't know how long I can stand fury.giffury.gif  

also, please someone tell me she will not be in the drama till the end. if it's so, the drama will be kind of torture.

she will be there till then end...i read few articles abt her presence in the drama...so we have no other choice other than enduring our anger n pain.....

anyway, I will cross my fingers and go on praying for the good eps and also good ratings.:D:D

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Guest noopie_1

Wild Romance Episode 9 Recap

It was so good. I had so much fun writing the recap this week. I need to write recaps for currently airing shows more often. It's kind of a rush.

Thank you MadDeeno for your recap. After reading, I feel sad for eunjae. Hixs, my heart is feeling hurt for her. Muyeol looked so affected with eunjae's change too. I think he's slowly falling for her, but he doesn't realize it yet.

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just wanna share my sentiments regarding the ratings.

I adore Lee Shi Young so much that i sympathize with her. ratings are just numbers, but it's still considered a part of a drama's success--or lack thereof. I'm just hoping it doesn't discourage her [or Lee Dong Wook]. the acting department was really good. the flow of the story could've been better, but it's still good enough for me.

i'm not fond of Jessica, and I'm not afraid to say that. it's my opinion that she shouldn't have been casted. I could've come up with a dozen or so actresses that could've played support. when she was rumoured-then-announced as part of the cast, it turned me off a bit. but I love Lee Shi Young too much not to watch this. (heck, i endured Poseidon, hoping her chemistry with Si Won would be well utilized.)

but if the production/casting department/or even the writer thought that casting an idol would've sufficed and survived against an eye candy-filled historical drama, they're wrong. the problem with casting idols, and yes i'm being biased, is that even if the drama flops, they still have another career to go back to. but with actresses like LSY/LDW, drama successes or failures are the main thing in their resumes.

okay with that said and done...

it's fun to see LSY play this role of EJ. very convincing. I just get so impressed everytime i think back to her Boo Tae Hee character. such worlds apart but played by one actress. that itself shows her prowess as an actress.

You're not alone, dear...

since i knew  that jessica  will come and act as LDW girlfriend, I was less happy with it...i'm not Jessica's fans nor sone, so i'm not excited knowing her acting on this drama...dry.gif

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Guest PBaddict

Well, this episode was OK and there was no second kiss, just the extension of the first one was shown, and EJ did not see it.

Here are my thoughts step by step: (but I wish someone told me what MY asked EJ in the very last scene??? Someone please plspls)

(We open with EJ acting only as a bodyguard, leaving after checking MY's apartment for safety, crying in front of his door and heading to the elevator. Still as heartbreaking as ever.

MY is preparing to leave the next morning only to find out that EJ's boss will guard him that day. He rushes to Manager Kim for explanation. He is pissed. Poor boss-guy is questioned as well.

Flashback of EJ requesting to be released from MY's side. LOL Boss sleeps with a shower hat on :D

EJ is at the family restaurant moping. Family is wondering what's wrong with her.

Very awkward Dad and Daughter talk, wonder what it's about... aaaah it might be about daddy's woman. Cute.

EJ is happy for daddy.

MY and DS convo... MY is bothered by EJ's leave obviously. They talk about the ex too and the kiss is repeated... YAY it's not a second kiss but the first one shown further. apparently the cat interrupted their night... or at least I think so... nice lil catty. :) first time I like this cat actually.

The ex and DS's wife having girl-time. The wife sees the ring. She tells the ex that her mom asked about her I guess. Suspicious music... hmmm.

DS made an artroom for wifey. Sweet lil husband but why isn't she happy.

DongAh is hard at work again observing the waiter, but waiter guy also checks out her wallet... why oh why? He suspects her maybe. He asks her about her family, too I think.

Manager Kim was worried about DA? :D He couldn't phone her or something. Manager Kim seems even more jealous than yesterday... :D so fun to watch. And does he want to be invited in? Aaawwww... sweet... he succeeds.. :) Are we getting a robot confession soon?

Oh how I wish I'd know what they are talking about. Manager Kim is making steps to reveal his heart for DA.

EJ and DA girl-talk again about reporter Go? She should tell her clearly that her love is not him.

Manager Kim is probably having flashback about last night with DA and DA is showing off her happiness because of last night in front of EJ.

MY starts to serve his punishment and he hallucinates EJ's sarcastic comments in his head while being there. LOL the boy is missing her unconsciously like crazy. Even the coffee tastes sour without EJ, huh? So he phones her. She doesn't pick up. I don't blame her.

EJ is washing and looking at her phone. Be strong girl, don't you dare call him.

EJ is stopping at a flowershop. Is it the mom??? I might be wrong. No it's her. why did she go there? Oh, is she telling her that daddy is dating someone and not to bother him? You silly girl why do you have to break your heart even more with meeting her, too...

Mom calling daddy, is she breaking up with him because she saw how hurt EJ was?

EJ goes to see boss. She asks how MY is I think. Don't have second thoughts about quitting, EJ, be strong. In the car MY asks about EJ. :D Boss became a source of information for MY and EJ. Boss is probably talking about EJ's past, her skills and previous jobs. And we have judo competition,  EJ lost. Poor baby, crying her heart out. :)

And finally Boss starts to find MY asking questions about EJ to be suspicious.

EJ is guarding a woman now who has an angry man to be protected from.

DS tries to be considerate with one of the players but he's talking bad about him in the locker room.

DA is being observed by waiter guy, he watches her getting in Kim's car.

Manager Kim is acting weird with DA again, oh man he's falling in deep, I can feel it and he's worried for a reason. Waiter guy followed DA home.

Bodyguard boss and MY is one odd couple for sure. MY is getting fangirls all over  following him. MY is asking about EJ again.

EJ is with the female client. protecting the woman from the aggressive man, she angers the man. This guy is seriously mad. MY comes to the rescue... EJ is surprised. Protective MY is crazy scary. Boss makes the angry guy fall when he runs away from MY. :D

MY is scolding Ej for not standing up for herself then he messes with her hair. He is happy to see her, but she is not too eager to have a lunch with such a heavy heart.

Weird situation EJ being MY's guest and not his bodyguard.

Meanwhile ex meets IMO at the elev. IMO sees the ring.

EJ and MY eating, I wish I knew what they are saying.

The ex is in the apartment cleaning up, letting the cat out for a walk, maybe? Is that smart?

MY keeps asking questions from EJ but she only says a few words.

I knew it the cat disappears.

Ex is looking for it desperately.

MY is asking EJ about her confession maybe. What the hell has just happened? An angry MY is leaving the table and EJ.

After that they keep quarrelling.

I guess they are about to break up the rest of their ties when the ex calls.

Seriously she freaked out because of the cat??? wow. that's deep unless she found it cut into pieces. She did.

The stalker is going crazier by the minute. MY arrives and tries to console her. EJ enters the flat and sees the 2 of them on the bed and the handbiting obsession appears again (it is annoying and creepy, congrats writers). EJ closes the door puts the phone on the coffee table and comes out.

MY's focus is once again on the ex not on EJ.

EJ is sitting in the dark at home. Is she thinking about going back to work for MY? No way maaaaan. She cries herself to sleep.

Manager Kim is looking over the security tapes of the building at MY's and the ex's place. DS and wife came to the ex, too. she is sleeping, they aske MY how she is.

MY asks about his schedule.

MY calls EJ. He comes to her place. My God she looks excited and trying hard to fix her hair and face before meeting him. Wake up girl, it's not a date, just go, he doesn't deserve your care.

EJ invites him in and tries to hide the MY doormat... huh funny. EJ asks how the ex is. MY sadly answers. I wish I knew what MY's last sentence was.

And again no preview for us.... :SSS

EDIT: EDIT: If he asked her to be his bodyguard and protect the his gf too, he is the biggest tool on the face of the Earth... coz I don't think Ej can refuse him without feeling bad/guilty.

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Did MY just asked EJ to be JH bodyguard ??? if its then MY is one big richard simmons jerk that I am not gonna forgive for hurting EJ endlessly  tongue2.gif

thanx for the heads up once again.....

wait m in lil confusion.......is it the same drama that we startd watching thinking that its abt EJ a bodygaurd and her love for MY........how come its suddenly turned into MY n JHs obsession for each other............

or someone lost the original script and now showing anything randomly.........as they dont have the correct script...

or did someone lost the brain by showing the crap in every epi....

Oh God...save me plzzzzzzzzzzz ..this MY-JH is making WR torture n torture n more torture for me.......

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I'm here again. this time to show off because I've watched today's ep on live stream. it's the first time I chose that way even if the quality was not so good. and it worthed. again today was exciting and one more big thing happened. I think we are getting closer the stalker day by day. and unfortunately, he's getting worse in every his new pyscho step.

I don't want to give details and spoilers for the ones who haven't watched it yet.

only one thing is true. the drama is really exciting and also good.

can't wait for the next week.

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I enjoyed today drama up till before MY invited EJ for dinner, I think he told her he likes her but as an older brother and EJ was pissed ...after that scene I just cant be bother unless there are EJ scenes....JH is one irritating character seriously I cant stand her....to me EJ is the saving grace for this drama after the entrance of the ex....MY scenes are no more fun to watch unless he is with EJ....oh god what is the writer thinking the drama is like going downhill too much attention on JH seriously its a turn off and ruin the drama for me.... fury.gif

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Guest happy2qt

Did MY just asked EJ to be JH bodyguard ??? if its then MY is one big richard simmons jerk that I am not gonna forgive for hurting EJ endlessly tongue2.gif

Moo Yeol is asking Eun Jae's help to protect Jong Hee in other words he's asking her to be her bodyguard. SO FOOLISH OF MOO YEOL! Well it's not entirely his fault he didn't realize the reason why Eun Jae left him. But I think Eun Jae will accept it and will be doing it because she felt that what's happening to Jong Hee could be connected to Moo Yeol's stalker. So she's like hitting two birds with one stone if she does that.

We will be seeing Jessica until the last episode regardless of the ratings.

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I enjoyed today drama up till before MY invited EJ for dinner, I think he told her he likes her but as an older brother and EJ was pissed ...after that scene I just cant be bother unless there are EJ scenes....JH is one irritating character seriously I cant stand her....to me EJ is the saving grace for this drama after the entrance of the ex....MY scenes are no more fun to watch unless he is with EJ....oh god what is the writer thinking the drama is like going downhill too much attention on JH seriously its a turn off and ruin the drama for me.... fury.gif

what i've heard and understood so far about dinner scene was MY told EJ treat him like an 'oppa' and EJ was angry about it. My very limit korean... hope someone will tell us what he said here because it's really IMPORTANT!!!

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I can't believe the rating got so low. I can't believe I like a drama with such a low rating so much.

As already said by other posters, I wish I could let the cast of WR know how much I enjoy and like WR and that they should not let the low ratings get to them. I was not a particular fan of both leads, but now I am definitely a fan of LSY and like LDW more than before.

Sorry, can't find the post again, but I like exactly the opposite things of this drama. I just like to watch EJ and MY and couldn't care less about the stalker story and the rest. I really liked the first few eps, which were hilariously funny and then missed the fun in the following eps, but I find it still entertaining, because of EJ.

I envy Jessica so much for getting to cling on to and kiss LDW. Such lucky girl.

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Okay, this ep makes me feel disappointed in EJ character for the first time. I can hardly recognize her. and MY? he's just hopeless. I don't even care for him anymore and don't get why EJ likes him that much..

so indeed she resigned from being MY's bodyguard. MY is upset cause he didn't know beforehand, he questioned manager Kim. then later he consulted DS and we learnt that the night of the kiss was interrupted by JH's cat (lol)

EJ just looked down, like a ghost. her father and brother notice it. She went to visit her mom(!) looks like EJ always knows about her whereabouts, but she didn't know that her mother met her father again. They talked, when she left, her mother called her father and told him not to contact her again(?)

DA & manager Kim has lot of moments in this ep, they're getting closer, it's cute.

MY had to pick trash as community service, and he kept hearing EJ's voice (lol), he called EJ during break but she didn't pick up. Later he asked EJ's boss about her past and her whereabouts. Once arrived at her place, he saw EJ being harassed by a guy (who she protects her new client from), MY came to 'rescue' her. he took the guy by his collar and threatened him.. after that he acted friendly with EJ again. the latter just looked awkward, esp when he invited her to eat. They argued when MY told her that he liked her, told her to treat him like an oppa, or things like that. I didn't understand but EJ was really upset. Idk why, but I found EJ so weak in this ep.

Meanwhile the stalker decided to take action, when JH looked away, the stalker killed her cat, while she was looking for it, the stalker put the cat corpse into a box at her door. She freaked out when she sees it and called MY. he immediately came back, and she screamed and then passed out. MY came and put her into bed trying to calm her down. JH just witnessed all this, looked even more depressed, later she cried in her bed. The next day, MY called JH, and upon his call, EJ got excited and run to prepare herself. I was like 'srlyyyy?' and rolled my eyes. I know she likes him and all but this is just... *sigh, she's such a fool. and what MY has to tell her? he asked her to protect JH. wtf.

Needless to say, I'm upset too. what's wrong with the writer? give me back the old EJ!!

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Moo Yeol is asking Eun Jae's help to protect Jong Hee in other words he's asking her to be her bodyguard. SO FOOLISH OF MOO YEOL! Well it's not entirely his fault he didn't realize the reason why Eun Jae left him. But I think Eun Jae will accept it and will be doing it because she felt that what's happening to Jong Hee could be connected to Moo Yeol's stalker. So she's like hitting two birds with one stone if she does that.

We will be seeing Jessica until the last episode regardless of the ratings.

yup I guess what I heard at the last scene was correct then....MY is really a dumb jerk how can he be so blind and insensitive...its crystal clear why EJ is leaving her position as his bodyguard.... Oh god forgive me I have never came across this kind of leading character who is so super slow & dumb I guess he really not using much of his brain cells...I dun know what to think of the next episode I will be super dissappointed if EJ accepted his request....instead oh having EJ as JH bodyguard MY should get her to get treatment and check her mental health something is seriously wrong with his gf...for god sake pls stop biting MY hand ......this drama is really does not goes along with the title and the original synopsis...there is no inkling of romance between the leading character till now and we are entering ep 11 soon...the sad thing is that it seems that the leading lady has suddenly change to be JH instead of EJ :blink: ok i finish ranting have to get this off my poor chest...

EDIT : Like what Nomanymore said I too very dissappointed with EJ today...her character is getting weaker and if really she accepted MY request than thats it she and MY really dumb and dumber....ahhh I am so pissed grrr I think this drama is hopelessly going dowhill ....I am so sad for LDW and LSY they worked hard so much and the writer has to ruin it :(

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Wow, PB, you're so fast. :D

I think the last part of tonight's episode have something to do with JH. I heard MY say her name to EJ.

It seemed like what we feared MY would request forr EJ to do just happened. Like, JH needs a bodyguard and he's asking EJ to do it. I HOPE i guessed this wrong.

at the barbeque place, MY is asking EJ what's going on. Why's she acting like that. Was it because she likes him? EJ didn't answer. Then MY said, OKAY. I LIKE YOU TOO. (me and EJ's reaction= :o ) In which he added, I've always wanted a younger brother/sister. You can call me Hyung(bro-older bro)...Ah, right, Oppa (sis-older bro) (me= -_- ).

guess what? EJ was so upset she said so many things which i think all in all meant, who would want an older brother like him. who is so and so (some insults and uhm, what's the opposite of compliments? my poor english vocabulary :lol: )

i got tired of typing. lets just wait for the subs. :lol:

oh, one more thing.it seemsdirector kim finally asked DA to go dating. :wub:

I overslept last night so I didn't get to watch epi 9. I should go watch it. :D


There's something else, when DS ask how's MY's relationship with JH going, he answered, "It was okay. It's okay but we only always talk about the past, about what we did before, what we had before, what we said before..."

Hmmn... Yeah, MY, the feelings too. They are all in the past. I liked this line coz it hints how it's gonna turn about towards our OTP love line. I just love how MY ruffles EJ's hair. You could tell he really missed her :wub:

I'm not that bothered about EJ guarding JH. :)

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Just finished watching the episode. As far as I can tell, here's my random thoughts (granted I didn't watch this with English subtitles so I am inferring a lot from actions):

  • MY is definitely feeling EJ's loss but still treats her like a buddy! She's not happy with that, as well she shouldn't be but I'm thinking that until JH gets more stable he won't be thinking of EJ as much. 
  • We see a lot more of EJ's boss Jang/Captain Kevin (whatever his name is) as he is the go-between for MY and EJ. I didn't know he had history with EJ as her former judo coach, but it was nice to see that little flashback. Kinda gives him a basis to care for her not only as his employee.
  • That stalker person is not controlling himself/herself as much anymore. Mess with JH, make MY go crazy, right? Stalker really upped the ante by killing her cat. It just shows what lengths Stalker will go through to hurt MY -- by hurting the people he cares about. I wonder if Stalker might want to hurt EJ or any other of MY's friends/family in the future...?
  • Why is SY not happy with DS making his old home office into her art studio? He is the sweetest husband ever. She should just 'fess up and tell him what's her problem.
  • Bar boy (I forget his name) is even more suspicious. Why did he follow DA to her house? What is his purpose in that, even if he was suspicious of her. There is more to him than what Reporter Go/DA/TH observed.
  • I like that TH and DA moved forward in this episode a little bit. Very cute couple.
  • Interesting, tension-filled interaction between EJ and (I think) her mom. How did she know where she was all these years?

That's it for now...more later, I'm sure.

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