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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Wow many to comment about .. but for the moment I would agree with u ,  to post whatever related to both of them .. as for sure I would not control my self to not join / share u  , about whatever I could find for any of them ,, 

and among their individual activities , we will be interested more in watching them during these times while WGM airing ( to enjoy any little thing would be shown as a fan service just similar to the other cuoples in previous seasons ) .. 

Sure we will not post all the sujju news and similar to the DH  news ,, but whatever related to each of them will keep this forum going foreword more and more smile.gif

This is Video done by Arab ELF , featuring teuki Oppa biggrin.gif .. The song about a girl barging that her boyfriend ( Oppa ) is so naive and dealing with all the girls like his own little sisters  (  Donsengs ) .. but once he met her , he found the real love and became more serious in dealing with any female and let his girlfriend is the only one in his heart wub.gif

The clip is a collection of many sweet moments of teuki oppa with other female's idols and fans laugh.gif  plus his own 

cute moments happy.gif


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maybe him being bad to her in the show is a cover-up to date in real life? ke ke ke ke

That's what I think. You know how it is, first you sort of don;t like the person, than you make her feel bad, than the man feels bad. So, since he feels so bad, he tries to be extra nice and caring..and as it turns out he fell for her...LOL 

ph34r.gif going ninja and undercover now so as not to be shot by Eunhyuk's fans!!!!

@marrsq - I think he really felt bad after that.. I think that is just Eunhyuk being impulsive as a person. All we could hope is he learns from this which I think he did.

Hi Girl,

I really cut your post...I apologize!!!

Agreed. As I said before, He may be 26 but in my opinion he has not done much socializing and interacting in a normal situation being an IDOL and such. I'm sure everybody knows this, but being in a social situation and playing with friends build our social skills and help developed  confidence and stuff. He may be an IDOL and 26 but his normal social behavior might just be a little bit stunted. All of them actually. So painfully shy with girls! 

I am sure  lesson learned. People around him would have told him off too. So, he feels bad and hopefully he will make it up to Sena and be a better man after this.


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That's what I think. You know how it is, first you sort of don;t like the person, than you make her feel bad, than the man feels bad. So, since he feels so bad, he tries to be extra nice and caring..and as it turns out he fell for her...LOL 

*quoted image* going ninja and undercover now so as not to be shot by Eunhyuk's fans!!!!

Hi Girl,

I really cut your post...I apologize!!!

Agreed. As I said before, He may be 26 but in my opinion he has not done much socializing and interacting in a normal situation being an IDOL and such. I'm sure everybody knows this, but being in a social situation and playing with friends build our social skills and help developed  confidence and stuff. He may be an IDOL and 26 but his normal social behavior might just be a little bit stunted. All of them actually. So painfully shy with girls! 

I am sure  lesson learned. People around him would have told him off too. So, he feels bad and hopefully he will make it up to Sena and be a better man after this.


Loooooool Love ur concept laugh.gif it is still possibility ..  who know ?!! rolleyes.gif 

I watched the ep 3 times !! 

alone with / out sub and then for the 3rd time * after successful attempt *  with my little sis ( as she is a big fan of teuki oppa  but not accepting his marriage phew.gif ) 

 after watching it .. we did discuss it ,, 

As me, she also enjoyed it and laughed sooooo much , and  agreed that was absolutely Suju type .. 

what touched us the most , was the way of how teuki oppa was dealing with his donsengs .. he was obviously soooooooo caring toward them .. 

Really I was so touched even with his tweets and support to hyuki's mistake .. So my sis said : Unni ,  I told u Teuki oppa is the best since long ago , why do just figure it now ?? blink.gif  

and then asked me about his eps in WGM to have it and watch them wink.gif 

so still that ep helped in  increasing  teuksora family members  biggrin.gif

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Guest lallinachan

Loooooool Love ur concept *quoted image* it is still possibility ..  who know ?!! *quoted image* 

I watched the ep 3 times !! 

alone with / out sub and then for the 3rd time * after successful attempt *  with my little sis ( as she is a big fan of teuki oppa  but not accepting his marriage *quoted image* ) 

 after watching it .. we did discuss it ,, 

As me, she also enjoyed it and laughed sooooo much , and  agreed that was absolutely Suju type .. 

what touched us the most , was the way of how teuki oppa was dealing with his donsengs .. he was obviously soooooooo caring toward them .. 

Really I was so touched even with his tweets and support to hyuki's mistake .. So my sis said : Unni ,  I told u Teuki oppa is the best since long ago , why do just figure it now ?? *quoted image*  

and then asked me about his eps in WGM to have it and watch them *quoted image* 

so still that ep helped in  increasing  teuksora family members  *quoted image*

WOW! I'm really curious abaut your sister responce after watching the other WGM episodes! So please keep us informed, I'd like to know if she'll accept Sora after seeing how happy teukie is with her!^^ give her a welcome by we FD if she will like to join us ;)

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Hi FD! can i ask for a favor? can somebody please send me the link to arienblurr's blog? please please. thanks so much :D


i looking forward for this saturday episode is fortune teller part and could be they go for dinner and back to dimple house and talking before going to bed hahahaha my wild imagination B)

*waves* to all fighting dimples

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Guest xianlie90

@viyra: sorry, i disagree with you. why FDs have to avoid posting about DH2 here? It's simply just about Sora' s individual activities, we can put it in the spoiler so those who are not care can just skip it. It 's not like we will turn this thread into DH2 thread, a few pics, some short clips,some opinions about her acting will never hurt. A lot of people came here to post about Teukie' activities, talking about Hello Baby in which Teuk was paired up with 4 girls, his past loves which he share on Strong Heart and of course his other activities with Suju,so why Sora's drama is not allowed to talk in here?Can we be a bit fair for our girl? She is also the lady of this house lol. Anyway, this is just my opinion but i don't get why Sora ' kiss scenes  can be seen as something really wrong that FJs need to not  discuss. IMO, it's a part of her JOB , even actresses who get married for real have bed scenes with men but no one can blame them for that. I found it really funny that Teuk' tweet about Lee Min Jung was compared with Sora' kiss scenes in this thread. One is an PERSONAL thought while the other is just WORK , it doesn't make sense for me. In short, i think both Teuk and Sora 's activities should be discussed here as long as we don't go too off topic, we do not always have their sweet moments to talk about anyhow.Also,  those things outside the show can help us get to know more about them in person. Again, this is just my two cents, sorry if my post sounds not really nice, yet this is a forum so i think i'm allowed to express my opinion.


Uh Oh...you said exactly what I thought (*o*) and no need to feel sorry :) High-5!!

and yes FD.. we've discussed it before right? If anyone wants to update individual activities of LeeTeuk or Sora, they could put in a spoiler. So that for those who don't want to read it, they just need to pass through.. (and if i'm not wrong @akane_tran who came with this idea ^^ btw, welcome back @akane_tran ^^ hv been waiting you for so long.. this thread isn't complete without your post~ kkk teukie cheesiness influence me - -" but seriously I also miss your post here ^^)

@lilinachan thx for the timeline (^O^)// (oh, can you add the time when Teukie updated his cyworld background with that cute tedybear hug? ^^ if i'm not wrong it was week ago (120123) *remind me with the hug he give to sora during SS4 concert ^^*


Credit:@jugeun + sup3rjunior + sparkyuindonesia

and did anyone notice?? teukie drag sora toward him not only just once ^^ but TWICE (right after ES be couple with EH) here's some prove screencaps:








I just LOVE seeing this two~ ^^

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WOW! I'm really curious abaut your sister responce after watching the other WGM episodes! So please keep us informed, I'd like to know if she'll accept Sora after seeing how happy teukie is with her!^^ give her a welcome by we FD if she will like to join us ;)

ya sure , me too curious ,, she is truly a big fan !! al the given gifts  for her ( for whatever reasons , as birthdays or graduations ... ) is teuki related !!  cuz everybody in the family or among her friends knows how much she loves him .. she is a blogger and a pioneer saudi / teuki ELF , when she sang suju song and participated in KBS radio ( Arabic section ) her friends voted for her and made her the second position ! 

I am specially anticipating her reaction for those scenes of them on the bed w00t.gif when they went shopping cool.gif

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Just want to clarify that Nina67' post was from me, that's my sister's account, I used it to post since I was borrowing her iphone to read this thread :D (and since I used phone to post, I made a lot of grammar mistakes, ie: typing FJs instead of FDs :sweatingbullets:, so sorry for my poor Eng, glad that u guys understand what I mean) .

I'm really happy that many of you guys agree with me. High 5 y'all. ^_^ Please give our Sora the same treatment as Teukie's in this FD's house. Besides, we all know Teukie is the one who support Sora's drama the most, I'm pretty sure he wants us FDs to support it here too.

Recently, there have been a lot of drama related to TeukSo and Fighting Juniors which make me a bit less interested in the show. Sigh. How I wish things could be back as simple as the first couple weeks of TeukSo when FJs just appeared to help the couple less awkward, it was so much fun back then. Regarding the latest ep, I'm not gonna comment anything anymore cauz my opinion is the same as what most of you guys already posted here. In fact, I 100% agree with the author of this blog http://the-exalted-r...&max-results=23. As much as I love  Fishy Donghae I will never watch DongSeo couple, I swear the double date ep will be gonna be such a painful one to watch for me (I will try my best to just focus on our lovely TeukSo but obvious MBC will show DongSeo a lot to introduce the new cp).

Btw, here comes some goodies of Sora: I'm not sure if this is posted or not, apparently Sora was chosen as the #1 rookie actor who will shine in 2012 by Arrirang. I'm so proud of her, she deserves it. Also, during her introduction part, they also mentioned WGM, they called our cp TeukKang couple ^-^.

Link : http://www.youtube.c...be&hd=1&t=7m46s

^ I'm not putting it in the spoiler since the clip is related to TeukSo . And some more pics from DH2 of uri babe princess, she is so adorable, I can't even :wub:




Um, normally people would save the best for last but I wanted to post the bad news last to make my post a bit positive at first :sweatingbullets:. I just read on baidu that because of the strike, MBC has just announced that many variety shows such as "Great Birth". "Infinite Challenge" and "We Got Married" will not be broadcasted this week tears.gif. Only the dramas which were made by film production companys (not MBC) like "The Moon that embraces the sun", "Lights and Shadows" will be on air as normal.

I'm not really sure if this info is official or not but it was translated from an Korean article and Chinese fans normally are fast about updating news so...haizz...I was expecting an episode which just has only TeukSo this week but it seems we have to wait for next week. Such a frustrated and sad period for FDs, when will we get to see the happy moments of DC again? Sigh.

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Guest Moielle

Just want to thank everyone en masse who are kind enough to provide links and updates, answer queries, and share their thoughts.

I often heard and read before that it is healthy for couples to also live their individual lives such as going out with their own set of friends, having their own activities at times, etc. This will provide them opportunities for growth which can be of help to enrich their relationships. So it would be perfectly fine to discuss individual updates. It is still about the couple. No problem with it.

@akane_tran: Keep on writing. I personally like reading things especially if it is articulately expressed. I am learning a lot of things from reading your posts.

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Just want to clarify that Nina67' post was from me, that's my sister's account, I used it to post since I was borrowing her iphone to read this thread :D (and since I used phone to post, I made a lot of grammar mistakes, ie: typing FJs instead of FDs :sweatingbullets:, so sorry for my poor Eng, glad that u guys understand what I mean) .

I'm really happy that many of you guys agree with me. High 5 y'all. ^_^ Please give our Sora the same treatment as Teukie's in this FD's house. Besides, we all know Teukie is the one who support Sora's drama the most, I'm pretty sure he wants us FDs to support it here too.

Recently, there have been a lot of drama related to TeukSo and Fighting Juniors which make me a bit less interested in the show. Sigh. How I wish things could be back as simple as the first couple weeks of TeukSo when FJs just appeared to help the couple less awkward, it was so much fun back then. Regarding the latest ep, I'm not gonna comment anything anymore cauz my opinion is the same as what most of you guys already posted here. In fact, I 100% agree with the author of this blog http://the-exalted-r...&max-results=23. As much as I love  Fishy Donghae I will never watch DongSeo couple, I swear the double date ep will be gonna be such a painful one to watch for me (I will try my best to just focus on our lovely TeukSo but obvious MBC will show DongSeo a lot to introduce the new cp).

Btw, here comes some goodies from Sora: I'm not sure if this is posted or not, apparently Sora was chosen as the #1 rookie actor who will shine in 2012 by Arrirang. I'm so proud of her, she deserves it. Also, during her introduction part, they also mentioned WGM, they called our cp TeukKang couple ^-^.

Link : http://www.youtube.c...be&hd=1&t=7m46s

^ I'm not putting it in the spoiler since the clip is related to TeukSo . And some more pics from DH2 of uri babe princess, she is so adorable, I can't even :wub:

 *quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

Um, normally people would save the best for last but I wanted to post the bad news last to make my post a bit positive at first :sweatingbullets:. I just read on baidu that because of the strike, MBC has just announced that many variety shows such as "Great Birth". "Infinite Challenge" and "We Got Married" will not be broadcasted this week tears.gif. Only the dramas which were made by film production companys (not MBC) like "The Moon that embraces the sun", "Lights and Shadows" will be on air as normal.

I'm not really sure if this info is official or not but it was translated from an Korean article and Chinese fans normally are fast about updating news so...haizz...I was expecting an episode which just has only TeukSo this week but it seems we have to wait for next week. Such a frustrated and sad period for FDs, when will we get to see the happy moments of DC again? Sigh.

not talking about sora .. It is  not because we r more interesting in teuki oppa .. but as u know he is may be the busiest idol so far , as a result  there is much u can share about him ,, 

For sora as she is an actress , her activity is concerned mainly with her coming drama .. so  most of us trying to gather all her related news .. and I belive after airing the drama , we will have many to share about her .. as a proof for that , is what happened last  weeks with our discussion here over their WGM eps although they did not appear that much .. 

about that news of MBC  crazy.gif

I hope nothing bad will happen vicx.gif

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Just want to thank everyone en masse who are kind enough to provide links and updates, answer queries, and share their thoughts.

I often heard and read before that it is healthy for couples to also live their individual lives such as going out with their own set of friends, having their own activities at times, etc.  This will provide them opportunities for growth which can be of help to enrich their relationships.  So it would be perfectly fine to discuss individual updates.  It is still about the couple.  No problem with it.

@akane_tran:  Keep on writing.  I personally like reading things especially if it is articulately expressed.  I am learning a lot of things from reading your posts.


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I take back what i said about wanting to watch Donghae in WGM. i used to be neutral about Eun Seo but after watching the subbed episode 16... I went like, "HOW DARE SHE!" I really really can't stand her! TOO FAKE! Giving false hopes to Eunhyuk just to test Donghae? Laughing after telling Sena, "Please don't call anymore?" WOW. JUST WOW. :blink:

SORRY FISHIE i won't be supporting you this time around. you deserve a better girl. SERIOUSLY.

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i just read on baidu that because of the strike, MBC has just announced that many variety shows such as "Great Birth". "Infinite Challenge" and "We Got Married" will not be broadcasted this week :tears:. Only the dramas which were made by film production companys (not MBC) like "The Moon that embraces the sun", "Lights and Shadows" will be on air as normal.

I'm not really sure if this info is official or not but it was translated from an Korean article and Chinese fans normally are fast about updating news so...haizz...I was expecting an episode which just has only TeukSo this week but it seems we have to wait for next week. Such a frustrated and sad period for FDs, when will we get to see the happy moments of DC again? Sigh.

Sorry if i had to cut your post.  your full post combined with mine... soompi  won't allow me to post it. apparently we used too many emoticons. haha I hope you understand. :)

SERIOUSLY?!! NO WGM on SATURDAY??:blink:  i hope this is not true. *keeping fingers crossed* MY TEUKSO HEART WOULD BE GRIEVING IF THIS IS SHOULD REALLY HAPPEN. MBC gave us a depressing episode 16 and now we have to wait LONGER to watch episode 17? I can't... I can't...  there are no words for my frustration now.fury.gif


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Guest lallinachan

Guys, I found another translation abaut Eunhyuk twitter... I don't know if I'm wrong, but here it says that HE IS FOLLOWING THE SCRIPT!

Basically the opposite of what we have discussed translating teukie and Eunhyuk twitter. I still belive in teukie, maybe they misunderstood something, or they are talking abaut other twitters. The piece is very short, but if this versione is the one that will circulate we'll never stop this thing abaut SuJu being acting, when they are not.

you can find it here

what do you think? I have to go study right now, so maybe I've read it in a hurry and misunderstood...

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Guys, I found another translation abaut Eunhyuk twitter... I don't know  if I'm wrong, but here it says that HE IS FOLLOWING THE SCRIPT!

Basically the opposite of what we have discussed translating teukie and  Eunhyuk twitter. I still belive in teukie, maybe they misunderstood  something, or they are talking abaut other twitters. The piece is very  short, but if this versione is the one that will circulate we'll never  stop this thing abaut SuJu being acting, when they are not.

you can find it here

what do you think? I have to go study right now, so maybe I've read it in a hurry and misunderstood...

This is soooo misleading. Why do people have to twist famous people's words around? This is why  the smallest things become the biggest scandals!  Glad to know MOST people know the truth to the real translations. Read the comments, it will make you feel better. :) And why would Teuk insist it was real if it wasn't true? He said that not only once but twice. Somehow this article is making it appear as though either Teuk or Eunhyuk is lying. haizzz. Now SOME people are actually convinced that WGM is scripted. and SOME are using this WRONG translation as the justification on why Hyukjae acted that way that day. Anyway, I already said my piece about that, so i think it's improper for me to repeat what i said. THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING.

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