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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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@playerkbd Ehh....where have you been my LLT? Still busy at work and school? You disappeared from Twitter! Miss you lots. If only I don't have work' date=' then I'll be doing more DC stuff. ^^ We all have to make a living right? ;)[/quote']

Hey my LLT @lazyme2day!! I know..I've gone AWOL on twitter..yes..we do have a life and we all have to make a living unlike some "colored IT" who I think should be concentrating on ITs PSY (as @kaiskloset refer to) thesis rather than disturbing our lovely thread. Oh well, some people are just born to give others a headache..IT is one of those people..

Speaking of DC stuff..yeah, if only we don't have to deal with our lives, we could've done so many DC stuff..I still have FMV to finish and to those who are (or were) reading my FF before..sorry for not updating for soooooo long.. :(

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crayon01 said: kaiskloset said: hmmm ive finished 4-yr business ad  and im majoring history now.  
good thing you pointed that out colored troll. YES. not some, but ALL of us here are well educated, not just in this thread but also in the other thread you infiltrated earlier. 
like seriously. get. some. freaking. life. 
or finished some PSYcho thesis  in some PSYcho world or better yet you go to  some PSYcho thread and posts all  your PSYcho rants. how's that????

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@crayon01 Oh my my.....ckckckck :-O this troll never surrender to crash this thread :-<

but guys relax.....like I said before this pscyo really take psycology class as a major so don't be suprised if she or he like to played with our mind like JIGSAW IN SAW MOVIE do you remember ;)

This person Won't stop until one of FD will burn with his or her word ^:)^

There so many his or her word Like I said mirrored his or her as pscyo student

1.He or she said has a objective but she like paired leeteuk with taeyeon

2.he or she said love sora but she like tell anything about taeyeon than sora

3.he or she said like teukso but in ugly alert thread she like to paired sora with im jo hwan her costar

4.The last but not least she said many old FD vanish from this thread,but hello.... :-h You're new....and don't know anything because I have been silent lurker in this thread and don't see anyone lost her believe for teukso like @viyra@playerkbd@lazyme2day@kulot@symalidita and many more so please PSCYOlogy student just stay away and please study more and more hard to crash this thread salammmmm :-h

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Guest shirleenong

Hi all FDs... Finally decided to make my 1st post in this wonderful thread... (all thks to the special someone - u know who u are). I may be a silent reader but its my daily routine to check on this thread every day for the updates of our lovely TeukSora. Really appreciate all the wonderful FDs who have post the news & insights of TeukSora. Same as @33ru_mieru, i don't write & post video but will definitely support our TeukSora project if there is one. 


To "Someone" : U are claiming that you are giving your "personal opinion objectively" & you are a psychology student. But we do not need you to teach us how we should think, we simply love TeukSora & will support them FOREVER. I suggest u open a thread on "How to think objectively" and if there is someone who really wants to learn, they will follow u but not here in this thread.


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hey @crayon01
just admit you are also like us huh..in your very very deepest unconsciousness you do believe both LT and SR are an item...but you keep denying and rationalizing LT has something with TY...maybe you love your oppa so much..am I right?and here it is you are if not why are you so annoying intruding our ship.if you are psychology student maybe you want to introspect your self already right here right now

I am rude because you ask me to be rude

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@crayon01: People who don't normally post over here don't mean that they don't support Teukso. They have a life, as well, which doesn't revolve around a computer. Some of them are still updating information about these couples (like our dear Hanyi who is still translating news of LT and Sora for us, outside of Soompi). Soompi, believe it or not, is just one of the many million (probably billions) forums that exist in this world. Also, there are other media where people can get information about DC without logging in (Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler). So...don't disregard that and assume that people have lost interest when you are not the people who hadn't been posting recently. Again, that is an assumption...it is not proven to be a fact since you aren't them. You're just interpreting someone's action.

By the way, I double majored in Biological Psychology and English at UCLA. I finished my second major, English, within one year. I went to two colleges--UCLA and a community college--to finish up both of my majors. Last year, I got my master in teaching. I also went to Taiwan to study abroad for two months, and my overall grade for that stay was an A (same as my major). I planning to get a teaching credential for Science, because Biological Psychology is my primary major. And yes, I do know that there are different fields in Psychology....so don't flash your Psychology major as a reason for implying that you understand people's mentality. And by the way, in case you are going to use that I am typing this during school time and during a school day--hence implying that I am an incompetent teacher--just to let you know, I took a day off because I am sick.

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@yana7576 first of all I love your Ava here. I think I might copy it next time but right now I have to finish my thesis in Psychology.

I don't want to harm this thread, I just voice out my opinion here cause I know some of you here has trust issues in terms of DC some pretends also to be a shipper but in the end they vanished like a spell. I have been lurker here for 1 year and it seems to me that these days only new fans are posting here and some of the old ones simply accept the reality.

Credits for some who are still here which somehow amuses me. I don't impose my opinion all this time I'm just voicing it out since some of you I think are well educated.

In my heart I like all of you and I like this thread so much ( believe me!!! )

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shirleenong said:

Hi all FDs... Finally decided to make my 1st post in this wonderful thread... (all thks to the special someone - u know who u are). I may be a silent reader but its my daily routine to check on this thread every day for the updates of our lovely TeukSora. Really appreciate all the wonderful FDs who have post the news & insights of TeukSora. Same as @33ru_mieru, i don't write & post video but will definitely support our TeukSora project if there is one. 


To "Someone" : U are claiming that you are giving your "personal opinion objectively" & you are a psychology student. But we do not need you to teach us how we should think, we simply love TeukSora & will support them FOREVER. I suggest u open a thread on "How to think objectively" and if there is someone who really wants to learn, they will follow u but not here in this thread.


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Guest tweetiaa

Hey, I'm still around too! kkk :D
Well...Well.... dear little miss @crayon01 like your name, you can really make our thread colorful indeed, LOL =)) 
Hm, I thought people in psychology can see things more clearly and objectively, but I can't see it from you. are you sure you're majoring in psychology? and you keep changing your mind, so does your words. :-/

Oh btw, I ship Na Do Hee & Gong Joon Soo too... IN THE DRAMA! I prefer her with him than that other actor, LOL =)) =)) =)) do you follow the drama? look, how talented uri princess is, right? :D
@shirleenong Welcome... nice to see you decided to post here finally :) 
@playerkbd eonni, how are you? It's been so long since I saw you last time in here and there... I miss you :'(

Quote for today:Haters will always be haters, they don't want to understand, don't want to admit, don't have kind of manner, and will be forever blind & deaf to any possible opinions.

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Guest uilala

I'm full of it. If you wanted no harm. If you wanted to think objectively. If you want to ask questions. Give some insights and possibilities about the couple that we are shipping

You are more than welcome to. But please respect the FD's on their personal choices to be active or lurkes because we all have reason.

These JungSora/ dimple couple paradise is a family from fans who support these two from different continents and countries it is a home for us so please stop offending fellow FD in these thread

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Guest echalovable

hi, @shirleenong , welcome^^ nice too see you post. 
@playerkbd eonni^^ hey it has been a long time you haven't post. good luck with your school & work.... waiting for DC ff if u have a time^^ fighting eonni^^
for student FD aja!!! aja with school & assignment. eonni who work, aja..aja with work! and for wonderful mommy have wonderful time with family.

Ms/ Mr. @crayon01 you just want to shout out your opinion? you freely shout out your opinion but freedom which restricted by rule. to life world have a rule, this thread have a rule too. i suggest you to read our thread rule. if you had done before please re-read maybe there is a part u didn't understand. 
that you brought your study major in psychology, you lare looks smug. Many of us are study at psychology and it may irritate some of who study psychology here.  i believe here have a lot professional,  great people who study in different major, different culture, different view point but here we unite as Fighting Dimple, as i know they never bring study topic here because is not scientific discussion, here is Dimple Couple thread. i think you should search psychology forum or open the thread which have same interest with you
See that many Sunbaenim. still keep faith for DC, they maybe not always here as they have personal life too. i believe they still support teukso, not only here at twitter, facebook, kakaotalk, line, tumblr. please do not distinguish new  or old, lurker or active we all are same an FD who support Dimple Couple.

You  want me to believe that u like this thread and FD? but you not give attention if u might hurt the other so is it called like?
i better sleep than headache kkk :D

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Guest lolowaw

@crayon01 as usual you take a mini snapshot or a part of the interview or statement and you leave the rest, and started to composing stories from your imagination .So why are you angry when @akunohana said (unstable) dear you already have a problem and psychological complex ......It seems that Lt's love & his missing to Sora is the problem that will cause you a nightmare and psychological complex .........Or maybe Sora is your problem but you pretend you do not hate sora and pity on her. big LiarOr maybe the last AVA to Sora Cause you a depression situation ( OMG Depression dangerous mental illness cause suicide) be careful we need you hhhhhhhh  Once you said that Lt & TY has returned to each other after wgm program  and she visited Lt in the timing of the visit was not allowed by the army and anther once you say that Taeyeon indirectly tries to associate herself to Leeteuk even he is on the army ...... And trying to associate herself that means they did not return to each other ( It is a failed attempt to confuse us)
Mentally troubled person can not in any way see the facts but you begins to imagine stories.
But Sorry I have borrowed the very important word you said in your mouth TY is Lt's (Best friend) & Believe me, she Will not rise more than that .

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Guest lolowaw

Please be aware from the second 21 Super Junior members are all doing hi5 because they were very happy to won the award

1- TY was stood last one, among SNSD the expressions on her face is unhappy this is not a fabrication but you can be sure of it from the video2- TY do hi5 to yesung first then to Lt 3- TY was on Lt's passage way , she was standing congratulated & Because Lt is gentleman it's not suitable to ignore her while she's standing to congratulate him ......I think what she was doing is part of the duty of Best friend  [img]In this photo TY the only one was clapping and Lt greeted her because she raised her hand up.
But in the past when it was doubtful that been a relationship among them Lt did not miss any occasion to skinship he was beckons\ nods on her head , and another picture caught her waist[img]
But something strange why we no longer see these intimate moments, among them after Lt entered wgm program ??????? 

These two pictures during wgm program before strike & all we are seeing contradictory in their facial expressions TY miserable and depressing & barely will cry...... why do not TY be happy If Lt on business show neither more nor less with Sora ?Is this a face of a happy girl with her ​​boyfriend or a face of the girl who lost her boyfriend hmm
Lt was very happy and here I remember that MC has said MAMA hosting a special guest (Your wife Sora) Why did not he say no comment but he reply & was happy Despite that MAMA has nothing to do with the program wgm Why the MC did not asked Lt about TY and SNSD especially they are from the same company and the two are invited to MAMA awards and the two won awards!image

If Lt had returned his relationship with TY in the period of the strike was there an urgent necessity to give Lt a kiss to sora in the Last ep wgm ????????

and if you will say it is for the show , So why did not Lt do it from the beginning, especially we know that he would die to get a kiss from sora , But Lt respect Sora's wish (which do not give the kiss, but for the person whom she feel he is her man) and when Lt realized late sora's feelings was real and he knew that he became Sora's man ,he gave her a kiss , been affected & cried .all this in order to the show !!!!!Where was TY from Lt's feeling& thinking ,when he gives a kiss to Sora and cry for sora.

And if you say Lt returned to TY after the end of wgm program,  gave us a single or image or a statement from Lt or even hint that he had returned to TY 
Give us statement from Lt smashes his statement in the army (I miss you Sora ,Will you come to visit me? ) BTW Where was TY that time from Lt's feeling& thinking when he said that!!!!!!!!

@josan  josan , josan I shut my mouth by force and you know why and for the sake of whom

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Guest jungsora2love


Second response from LeeTeuk

But what the story of this white watch
must be black in army

Since the beginning of drama
I feel that his smile has become somewhat strange
And face burning and boiling of jealousy
Try to calm Teukie and confidence in yourself and your sweetheart love SORA
There are still months with drama <<< wow>>> I told them to prepare first aid in the army

She knows her husband and loving him sooooooooooooo much
Accessories and shoes, and white color SORA language to tell you

That she did not forget your love for a moment in the middle of her hard work

Why am I crying and feeling sad??
I miss them
Every day I make sure that LEETEAK is lukyyyyyy maaaaaaaan

Sora realy beautiful woman very pure and sincere
Queen with a pure heart




I hope to stop and not to respond to that evil
Because our pages should continue full of love, hope and happiness and smile

and all that we have learned of them

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0timelost said:@0timelost @crayon01: People who don't normally post over here don't mean that they don't support Teukso. They have a life, as well, which doesn't revolve around a computer. Some of them are still updating information about these couples (like our dear Hanyi who is still translating news of LT and Sora for us, outside of Soompi). Soompi, believe it or not, is just one of the many million (probably billions) forums that exist in this world. Also, there are other media where people can get information about DC without logging in (Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler). So...don't disregard that and assume that people have lost interest when you are not the people who hadn't been posting recently. Again, that is an assumption...it is not proven to be a fact since you aren't them. You're just interpreting someone's action.

By the way, I double majored in Biological Psychology and English at UCLA. I finished my second major, English, within one year. I went to two colleges--UCLA and a community college--to finish up both of my majors. Last year, I got my master in teaching. I also went to Taiwan to study abroad for two months, and my overall grade for that stay was an A (same as my major). I planning to get a teaching credential for Science, because Biological Psychology is my primary major. And yes, I do know that there are different fields in Psychology....so don't flash your Psychology major as a reason for implying that you understand people's mentality. And by the way, in case you are going to use that I am typing this during school time and during a school day--hence implying that I am an incompetent teacher--just to let you know, I took a day off because I am sick.

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and many others, welcome back :D
seeing you here makes me wanna thank someone ,, kkkk lemmi bring my sketchbook to thank her better =))
welcome to the thread dear.. :)
what a coincidence :D   one difficult Teateuk fan also caused me to start posting in this thread long time ago .. =)) 
your gif really made my day ,, kyaaaaaa,, Park Jungso you sneaky! .. XD I wanna punch ur cheek where you're boujugi is located :D

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Guest sachixia




If Lt had returned his relationship with *** in the period of the strike was there an urgent necessity to give Lt a kiss to sora in the Last ep wgm ????????

and if you will say it is for the show , So why did not Lt do it from the beginning, especially we know that he would die to get a kiss from sora , But Lt respect Sora's wish (which do not give the kiss, but for the person whom she feel he is her man) and when Lt realized late sora's feelings was real and he knew that he became Sora's man ,he gave her a kiss , been affected & cried .
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Guest uon86

Just posting to confirm that I'm not a new fd. I have been lurking around since wgm teukso started. Though I have been a member here for only a year as some of you lurking, but it has been a great journey shipping with all the wonderful individuals. I will still be here, everlasting friends! It seems we are getting a group therapy from a certain individual. But I doubt we need one. Is she/he a psychologist or a patient??? >:) >:) >:) Personality disorder maybe? It must be very very crucial and has became a problem, to the point where she/he lashes out at others without knowing it. Oh, god! No, communication skills are crucial, that I know... X_X :-/ :-/

Edit: Silly me. Forgot she/he is just a student. I don't think they know better. Better yet change majors, it doesn't suit she/he. I suggest a reporter. Great as a bad guy. On the cheap and sleazy side. B-) B-) Saying because she/he loves giving false information and don't she/he have a deadline to meet. Run off and go play. >:)

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