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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Ok, so you're back. thanks for the gif. That was from way back. Definitely old. Well, guess what, the video is rather funny and not to be taken seriously even if the person watching is not shipping Sora & PJS. I did let go of you yesterday coming here. But not the second time around.  
If I may ask, if you're thread has a positive atmosphere, you shouldn't be dropping here because we don't need you to remind us of you're baseless accusations.  Why waste your time on this thread if it is positive in there.  I don't visit other threads, mainly because I am satisfied with this thread. We have been through many people like you who keep on visiting us telling that they aren't real.  Do you think that we will really change our mind just because you said so.  NO, WE AREN'T. Get that.  
If you're happy in your thread, go and leave in peace. We are perfectly fine with ours. 

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Guest Cicci_92_1

You know what?

I'm an ELF before being a FD. The gif isn't actually new, I've seen it long time ago, so...no news :P

Our ship doesn't shake for something like this, just to let you know it. But maybe the problem is another. Maybe your ship got destroyed, and I'm so so so so sorry. But you really shouldn't annoy people like this. It's rude going in someone's else house just to be disrespectful and you're doing it. And by the way, if you had seen the video, you would have known that it was a comical one.

So please, go back to your thread (maybe it doesn't exist anymore, poor you) and disappear.




I wish Sora's movie and Teukie's musical to gain a lot of success

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Fd's.........THIS IS THE REAL KISS!!!
And remember this ....
See how Sujo's happy for their Leader....
The TROLLS who keeps coming back^^
PERJ. Fighting Dimple on the loose...kkk!Btw PFD's addicted to Twitter and LLF....
3_4_23.gif 3_8_9.gif
while12_1_100.gif waiting for the leader ......
And the Baby Princess to unite.........

So let's be cool FD's.... Our Thread is awesome!!!
bighug.gif  FD's!!!

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Guest malonowa

@josan, @ice308 and @Cicci_92_1 I want to say I love you, but I'm scared people would say we are in a relationship =((

But, I'll risk it...I LOVE YOU.

See, and the FDs will understand: I love you is not exclusively for people in love: friends, colleagues and family can use it too.
So, IT,  don't get too worked up about the single phrase you understood in one video message. :-@ :-@ :-@

And btw, FDs I really do love you! Keep up the good work in the thread.

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Sorry for my latest post.. after watching the video once again, this video is different from the first one. 
But there's my point of view:1. This video is part of The Promise promotion. 2. All of the cast (who were celebrities are involved in this interview)3. If I am not mistaken, although I don't know about Korean language, the host asked who is the person that they wish will come to watch the musical. And then the oldest soldier (not because he is the oldest but because he's the longest serve at the army, that why he can speak more free than others) said they want the women idol grup members come, and he pointed to PJS to tell who is the person.. and he pointed Hyuna 4minutes (this is the girl who showed in PSY Gangnam style clips right?)4. When he made a msg to Hyuna, He call Hyuna with HYUNA-SSI and his expression like he was trying so hard to hide his smile. When he said Sarang-mita (if I am not mistaken and this is also my opinion can be wrong) he also hold his laugh.
Then to fulfil my coriusity, I compare the video between PJS video msg when he receiving an award with this new video, there are a lot of differences. Let me said based on my own observation.
a. The video msg at MBC award supposed to be a thank you video from PJS to MBC, but look what he did, he turn that to the private msg to Sorab. Although the tone when he talked about Hyuna same with tone when he talked to Sora, but the expression is different. He looks more sincere when he talked to Sora,especially when he asked Sora to come to visit him. Sometimes I feel the msg for Hyuna is more like a joke between them (PJS and his army friends). Seems it looks like man to man talking. The senior seems tease LT, that's why he tried so hard not to laugh c. This is a BIG HINT (at lest for myself) in the video for Sora, PJS called Sora with SORA-YA, but in the video for Hyuna, LT called Hyuna with HYUNA-SSI... This means a lot and make me believe, like what @josan said the video for Hyuna, made for the purpose of entertainment and promotion...

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OH so you're back, @aikoakihiro.HERE's THE DEAL yo.You have your own thread where you can spazz about your ship. Right? Spazz all you want there because 1. you are a fan of them 2. it's your personal haven 3. because I believe you are an intelligent human being to know the difference between your thread and our thread. Okay? Now please, don't come barging here and saying a piece of your mind. What you are experiencing right now with your couple is not even half of what we've been through. So don't come here, mocking us because whatever you say, THINGS WON'T CHANGE. Here's the my 2 cents, just my personal opinion, and this does not reflect the other FD's opinion- there's just a Great Wall of China between your couple and ours. And I don't want to give all the reasons why, that's just for me to know. :) Okay. 
Miss, I don't tolerate this kind of childish acts, nor do I tolerate this kind of behavior from a fan, just like me. I can say bad things about your couple, if I want too, but I chose not too because WE FD's value respect and camaraderie. So please for Pete's sake, save your opinions for yourself or better yet, keep it in the confines of your thread! 
I thank you. :*

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Guest meridiansuci




Now who's coming in to our home and saying things again?


<br />

I really don't care about your unni or whomever you're shipping.. best to just go back to your thread.

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Guest meridiansuci

aikoakihiro said:

I was on my thread reading some news and article spazzing some things about my unnie but i'm getting notification from u ladies. Is it hard to accept the truth that Leeteuk is only friends with Sora same like the Adam Couple. There is no difference with them just a simple friendship they have.

Need to go back on my thread..

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I will post this first before the troll comes back.. for sure she'll use this as her new "insight" (kuno) ..
I've read the comments and I liked this one..
"I find it so funny that when male celebrities are still outside the army, they don't feel this much affection towards girl groups but once they go inside the army, they turn into complete fanboys! LOL! Being inside the army is crazy but looks fun. At least they get to mingle with the other army men and fanboy together haha military men are the LOUDEST crowd when girl groups visit them to perform!"
-the comment was actually true.. and only those who don't use their brains will conclude that there's going on between Leeteuk and Hyuna..


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Guest tweetiaa

@aikoakihiro ehm sorry, but do you have a problem with your mind, dear?   :-/ Clearly, in the previous posts we already said that It doesn't matter if they are real or not.... Of course we will be happy if they are real.....but we all here are more than shippering them, we love them, we admire them. So no matter what will happen in the future, we will always love and support them. (you should know what we feel, since you have your own ship too) 
Well, since you are here right now.... I wanna ask something.
May I go to your thread and become an intruder there, please?  [-O< 
You should say yes, I am doing aegyo right now 
;;)LOL =))

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Guest Cicci_92_1

If there's an article on Allkpop it means that in Korea this thing received quite a bit of importance...and again! So Suspicious!

Come on, he said something jokingly and there's an article!

Kiss, love letter, a real Saranghae, Teuk video at the MBC ENt Awards on and everything was quite...

All this silence speaks more than a billion of words!

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Honestly...honestly, did you read my response to you? If you didn't, here is the link to it. http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/comment/25525776/#Comment_25525776

I want to say several things to you. Number 1, No one is criticizing OYS for falling in love with LJW (which haven't been proven to be true as of yet). 2. No one is focusing on her hurting Lee Joon's feeling. 3. Many of us have supported her on her right to find a person who she loves. In fact, whether OYS is in love or not is no longer an issue that is important to us because we decided to drop that issue a while back (pg. 1042), so why are you bring it back?

Also, it is not our intention to break your thread and cause your thread to be pessimistic, so why are you saying that "by the way I don't want to dissapoint you but Haetnim Unnie or my OYS WGm still continuing and our thread is still has positive atmosphere?" I don't get it. Did we say we want you to be disappointed and unhappy in your thread? Did we go into your thread and invade and talk bad things about OYS like what you are doing to us? Why are you being so disrespectful to us when we are giving you respect? Why are you causing our thread, which has a positive atmosphere prior to you posting negative things that diss LT's integrity, to be upset with you? Did we do that to OYS? Did we go into your thread and do that?

By the way, answer me this. If I want to teach a kid not to hit someone, do I hit them as a punishment? The answer is a clear out no. You don't teach a person to not use violence by using violence as a teaching source. Then why are you dissing LT while trying to tell us to not say anything negative about OYS? Aren't you doing the exact same thing?

Also, don't go and criticize LT when you don't even know enough information about him. There are a lot of ELF in here who knows more information about him than you do. They have watched his shows and even they felt that the way he treats Sora is different from the rest of the girls. So don't say that he is a liar, because you are calling him a liar.

Also, I've already talked about him using Sora as a publicity stunt when he asked her to visit him. If you have really read what we have wrote (given that you said you have been a lurker for a while), then you should have known I've addressed that point. To refresh your memory, I've said this: some might say that LT might have told Sora to come to visit him because he realized that he might gain popularity by associating with Sora given that he won the popularity award. Also, he could be in the limelight (as you stated). However, that argument is wrong. You have forgotten, LT is an idol and many ELF still haven't accepted Sora. In fact, a recent ELF tweeted Sora and told her that she used to like Sora but after Sora kissed LT, she hates Sora. Also, when LT was asking his Singapore audience (during their concert) which Super Junior members do they want to marry, Donghae (I think it was him) said that LT was married (WGM) and that caused an uproar amongst the fans, and LT has to tell them it was fake before they quiet down. What I am trying to say is this, LT has more to lose than to gain by associating with Sora because there are a lot of ELF and Angel who are upset that he called Sora, Sora-ya, and told her to visit him in his acceptance speech. For Super Junior, who is generally disliked by k-netizens, their Korean ELF is so crucial and important to them. He risk losing popularity than gaining from it.

Also, understand that the interview for "The Promise" atmosphere was different from his MBC acceptance speech. Also, remember that there is a different from the honorific address. Hyuna-shii shows he is not in a comfort level in which he can use banmal...hence you can't take his "I love you" literally. As for Sora, he used banmal, hence you can take his invitation to her seriously. As for the kiss, he never kissed Hyuna...he just made the gesture to kiss her and that was that. He wanted to stir up Eyunhyuk. Sora was the only girl he kissed, naturally (not that pepperro kiss in which Kyunhyun kicked him ),in public television. ELF can confirm it (and correct me if I am wrong ELF).

And finally, can we accept that Sora and LT are just friends? I've already said this and the answer is a clear out "yes." People have told you, numerous of times that yes, we would be hurt, but we like them as individuals and we would continue to support them. If you really have read our posts instead of just reading what you want, then you should have taken a note on that. You wouldn't come over here and ask this question over and over again.

So...what I am trying to say is this. Have some level of respect for us. We didn't go and disturb your thread, so don't go and disturb our thread. We won't talk about OYS anymore and we wouldn't be talking about her again if you hadn't brought her up again. Don't start unnecessary fan war! I have been civilized with you, but truthfully, my patience is running thin.

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I give up posting video. FD's watch this video song for JUNGSORA


"They Don't Know About Us"

People say we shouldn’t be together
We're too young to know about forever
But I say they don’t know what they're talk-talk-talkin’ about (talk-talk-talkin’ about)

'Cause this love is only getting stronger
So I don’t wanna wait any longer
I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girl

They don’t know about the things we do
They don’t know about the "I love you"’s
But I bet you if they only knew (they don't know)
They would just be jealous of us,
They don’t know about the up all nights
They don’t know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right
Baby they don’t know about, they don’t know about us

One touch and I was a believer
Every kiss it gets a little sweeter
It’s getting better
Keeps getting better all the time girl

They don’t know about the things we do
They don’t know about the "I love you"’s
But I bet you if they only knew (they don't know)
They would just be jealous of us,
They don’t know about the up all nights
They don’t know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right
Baby they don’t know about, they don’t know about us

They don’t know how special you are
They don’t know what you’ve done to my heart
They can say anything they want
'Cause they don’t know us

They don’t know what we do best
It's between me and you, our little secret
But I wanna tell 'em
I wanna tell the world that you're mine girl

They don’t know about the things we do
They don’t know about the "I love you"’s (I love you)
But I bet you if they only knew (if they only knew)
They would just be jealous of us (they would just be jealous of us),
They don’t know about the up all nights
They don’t know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right (feels so right)
Baby they don’t know about, they don’t know about us

They don’t know about the things we do
They don’t know about the "I love you"’s
But I bet you if they only knew
They would just be jealous of us,
They don’t know about the up all nights
They don’t know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right
Baby they don’t know about, they don’t know about us

They don’t know about us
They don’t know about us
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Title: Kang Sora's Dress, Uncoventional Exposure of Top and Bottom... Perfect Body of 'Bagel Lady'

Kang Sora's red carpet dress during MBC Entertainment Award became the tal...k of the town.

The red carpet event for the '2012 MBC Broadcast Entertainment Award' took place at MBC Centre in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Yeouido, Seoul on the evening of last 29th December.

On this particular day, Kang Sora appeared on the red carpet event, wearing a pure white mini dress that flaunted her slender nice leg line and her golden ratio body.

With her glamorous body and cute looks, so on with her "Bagel Lady"'s revealing style, Kang Sora's appearance has caught the attention of many people.

Meanwhile on this day, Kang Sora with broadcaster Kang Ho Dong and member of idol group Hwang Kwang Hee were in charged for hosting the '2012 MBC Broadcast Entertainment Award' and Park Myung Soo had the honour of winning the grand prize award.

Translated by: Hiedi/@nhb19

Love this article of Sora. I guess the press likes her because she was called bagel lady meaning a lady with a baby face and  who is glamorous. No wonder she always play a high schooler. In person I guess she looks more very young on her age compared to other girl group.


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@aikoakihiro....I think this is your way of coping up with your loss...knowing your couple was not true. It must hurt you a lot to know the truthand in a way i feel sympathy for whatever you are going through right now. You are in pain and you can not understand why your couple can not be like our couple , our DC couple who despite all the write ups and all the negative publicity especially when it comes to Teukie and girls.... continue to have this strong bond....and they have this wonderful thread that supports them. It is a pity though...that in the process of your loss ...you seem to be working hard to have others lose their faith in what they believe in.....which I think makes you look pathetic and in a way makes it hard for people to sympathize with you. You have a long way to go with your grief....your angry right now and you are directing your anger against this thread and our couple ...and I can not blame you..because you see us rejoice over our couple  while you have to what? mourn....get over....even bury your delusions?  Welcome to the real world....Life at times does not always go as planned....but we have to learn to accept everything as gracefully as we can...otherwise we will end up in that dark road you are in right now. FD's have been through a lot....we have cried both from joy and pain....but the only thing I can be proud of about us....we never invaded anyone's thread....nor try to ruin any other thread ...nor try to bring other people down just because things are not going our way.....this is something you have to learn from this thread ....something you have to reflect on....If after all these ...you continue to come in here and try to  plant discord and lower our morale....Do not think for one second that we will back down from supporting our couple....because believe me nothing can shake us ....and if it comes to the point that in the end our couple was not meant to be....we will accept it with grace and understand because we are all flawed human beings...trying to live in this world ....searching for our utmost happiness....and i hope one day you can do the same.

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Guest icyou_768

@aikoakihiro, the issue has been dropped already, so why keep bringing it up? Also, IT IS possible to defend without attacking someone else. So please, just go back to your own thread. 

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