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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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@janpyo sorry i was posting, didn't know you post almost the same insight about the songs Andante & Only U. Andante was part of the repackaged album Mr. Simple which was released in 2011 around September. That was before they became a couple on We Got Married. It fits with the timeline of the former girlfriend. They broke up at early goings of 2011.
 To those who want to check the song, there was a fancam that used the song Andante as background music when Sora & LT met backstage at MAMA 2011

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Guest luvallkorea

Thank you all for the recap of the song, it really brings back memories.

On the 'Only U', when I read the interview, it just confirms that 'Only U' was for Sora in mind. Sora is sister-in-law number 5 (remember her 'position' among the Fighting Juniors '5' in ep 9 and 10). The addition of 'F.5.R.E.V.E.R' is delibrate. Some English sites which didn't know the DC history, corrected the spelling. BUT on the original hangul lyrics, it is clearly stated as F.5.R.E.V.E.R.- http://littleariel13.wordpress.com/2012/08/05/only-u-super-junior-han-rom-eng/

@janpyo. I only read the interview from the Chinese translation - http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2014359670?pn=1 . I only translated some 'love' related questions based on it http://www.twitlonger.com/show/k5p777

My 2-cents ahjumma take: What he says here is the same as his 'speech' in SH and other interviews. It's like a written script to me, nicely wrapped so that media finds his story entertainment friendly. What said about SJ can be 100% true, but about his personal life, especially love life, it's probably 'wise' just to take it at face value. Like how he answered about the song composing - for fans, but in reality it's for the woman he loves.

Meantime, I'm amazed with this activity in this ship...how am I going to dock my ship! Hwaiting, FDs!

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Guest vierblith

Ooooh, I love this newly opened discussion regarding the songs LT composed (because I adore those songs, bwahahahaha, and LT really has a talent in composing). I believe Andante is the one about the immediate past relationship. The time was right before WGM started, which was around the time he said he had a break up. I believe this is the one that speaks more about the heartbreak.

Only U, on the other hand, is the more hopeful yet wistful song about a love THAT IS. I firmly believe it was written with Sora in mind. There's even this bit with "coldness" and "hands" at the same line - which seems to be hinting at Sora's cold hands. :3

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Still the big question that continue to remain unanswered is - how come on LT's interviews, he was never asked about WGM, specifically episode 31?  All questions refer to his past - being a womanizer.

Answer:  Media has the answer to that question - they need not touch that subject.

Anothe question:  Is Park JungSoo still in the cast of themusical "The Promise"?  I saw a picture of 3 guys in FB identified as the cast for the musical - and PJS not included (unless my eyes are deceiving me).

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Guest Crazzee_Chik

viyra said:

Still the big question that continue to remain unanswered is - how come on LT's interviews, he was never asked about WGM, specifically episode 31?  All questions refer to his past - being a womanizer.

Answer:  Media has the answer to that question - they need not touch that subject.

Anothe question:  Is Park JungSoo still in the cast of themusical "The Promise"?  I saw a picture of 3 guys in FB identified as the cast for the musical - and PJS not included (unless my eyes are deceiving me).

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viyra said:

Still the big question that continue to remain unanswered is - how come on LT's interviews, he was never asked about WGM, specifically episode 31?  All questions refer to his past - being a womanizer.

Answer:  Media has the answer to that question - they need not touch that subject.

Anothe question:  Is Park JungSoo still in the cast of themusical "The Promise"?  I saw a picture of 3 guys in FB identified as the cast for the musical - and PJS not included (unless my eyes are deceiving me).

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@luvallkorea is it really F5REVER in hangul. When i watch also one engsub for Only U the lyrics is different. In the lyrics it was written like this

It's only you in my heart, It's only me in your heart.
Were resembling each other more and that means were in love
Were under the same sky but apart in different places .
Never forget this moment and remember forever

But in Some translation

My heart only has you, your heart only has me

Similar sentiments,the proof of our love

Were separated for now for this instance, something to never forget please remember


With this 2 translation of the Only U song really makes me confuse. In the end the song is about a temporary separation and he is asking her to wait for him. I'm happy to know that at the end PJS has found someone to inspire him to be able to write this song. Since his last inetrview was Geek nobody can ever follow up any questions in his answer. Do u know who will be the lead in the musical and what role is PJS having on the musical.



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Guest Cicci_92_1

Well, reading the traslation of "Andante" and "Only U", these songs are definitely made for two different girls. I mean, Andante is pretty sad, while Only U is full of hope. When I listen to that song, the most obvious thing I hear is: wait for me. Hopefully, he's talking to our baby princess :)

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Annyeong FDs, TSL and DCL. Finally decided to de-lurk after following DC's journey since Oct'11. Been a silent reader for so long!  Well #becauseofteukso I am here with my 1st post in Soompi and me finally taken action to join Twitterland as well. OMG!! really.. this ahjumma is way too old to do this kinda of shipping!  #becauseofteukso also I follow SJ news and activities and to even went to SS4 Shanghai - it was awesome! Missed the SS4 in Seoul and Singapore, it was so difficult to get ticket and you imagine this auntie sitting among the young and vibrant ELFs.
After chatting with @mywebfoot and with her encouragement, so here comes!
Not sure if this is been discussed/noticed before (too lazy to re back-read this huge place to confirm so), so here's something that caught my attention when I watched SH154 subbed by kshownow this morning. My restday today and I spent doing stuff related to DC - see my obsession..gosh!. Anyway I do view that facial expressions, clothing or accessories etc cannot be conclusive but rather a FDD syndrome but hey this something we all enjoy and I spazz on. It was difficult to do the exact screen capture here but if anybody can do a GIF on this part,you can see JS cringed face and expression etc.
JS  Yeoja Chingu – he does have 1 it seems?

SH154 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k2aIcqO1oybC323y2gW

Subbed by Kshownow. 

( ) Added my comments and from my limited understanding on hangul. And why JS instead of LT, I think he is more of JS at this particular moment with his mom’s presence.

@2:00 onwards before Shin Bong Sun been mentioned as a potential DIL

JS Omma:  Since his schedule, he’s busy and doesn’t eat well or sleep well. I don’t feel well. There really wasn’t that many (family) time to spend together

SDY: All he does is work, doesn’t meet a girl. Must make you feel upset.  But even if he’s busy, he steadily has a girlfriend (if this is singular, SDY, he knows! He knows something?)


JS Omma: He’s old enough to have a girlfriend. I believe. It’s not good if you don't have one either. (right?!) (Ommoni mention "a" singular? she know something there as well!)


SDY: Of course, but if he’s meeting more than necessary?!

Boom: To say that to a mother (its mischievous right?) (Boom know as well? and his comment was SDY's disrespectful comment to Ommoni to say his son’s a player image?)

JS Omma: Before I was a fan of SDY!

SDY: Just because that question? (son's GF or son's many GFs)

SDY: Have you ever seen a celebrity and thought it would be nice to have them as a daughter-in-law? By yourself? Someone you can cook with and talk to? This person seems really good. (here I am ROTL watching JS face!)


JS Omma: At first, I thought of Shin Bong-sun (more of JS cringed face! and Ommoni is so smart and spontaneous with a name .. to disguise something there?)

SDY: That’s the best.. the best  (more of JS cringed face)

LDW: Of course, the mother has good judgement (rub it in rub it in!!! this guy know something as well)

JS Omma:  (yes) she’s good. She’s not bad  (JS stoned position, pulling tissue, pulled face expression reminds me of someone) To the (elders) adults, she’s fun and many like her. Someone to look for.


JS: You don’t need (to know) my ideal type? (JS desperate look, stammering along with his comment  and pulled face once more. And we remember JS declaration in some episodes of his ideal type and of his current ideal type) 

What do you think? JS with a real GF or JS with GFs? Me, of course with all my heart I wish JS is with a real one, the one that all of us adore and love. Ahhhh... my shipping heart.....

However, do take it with a large pinch of salt as SH could be scripted on this particular segment, although I do wish it was a spontaneous conversation that the MCs have led it to be. 

Have a nice day! 

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hello FD's!! i just made this for fun about LT's bracelet he keeps wearing after WGM ..i wanna believe this bracelet signifies something !! it maybe not a couple bracelet but it could be a gift from someone  special.. kkk ..showing this in almost all of his event before enlistment and right after WGM is so unusual, he  never did this before...

Febuary 17, 2012

special1004: Singapore!!!^^ A beautiful place as ever~~!!

special1004 : A decision made is a payment for the other options which weren’t chosen~Such an impressive phrase. Although we already know the answer, but because everyone only want to be a kind person so we hesitate about the decision and keep making all the excuses..Seems like it’s the correct answer

@special1004: I wish all of you do the best in your life!! Because it isn’t the life you live for somebody, it’s the life you live for yourself..

Febuary 18, 2012

@special1004: Today is the day what people who died yesterday wanted so badly..Hope you do your best today…!!!^^

i would like to bring back old memories of this lovely couple.. this tweet which i believed he's referring to sora's birthday..and singapore is a beautiful place for him because they meet there outside WGM..MBC is so cruel for not giving them time for honeymoon and giving them short time slot broadcast maybe because they don't want to show more sweet moments of teukso couple..i do believe that he used the wish coupon but not shown in the broadcast..because he said in his interview that in few weeks he will used that for a kiss in the lips maybe he could do it privately or naturally because i strongly believe that they become couple during late part of WGM..you never mouthing i love you to someone else for nothing..you can kiss in the lips to a woman/man even you are not in relationship if it is scripted or instructed or just for fun to those who are liberated but i doubt if you could do it passionately, if without feeling being involved..saying i love you after kiss in the lips is only applicable to the couple who are in relationship with deep emotion..i watched khuntoria from the first to last ep..they had given so much time showing their inner self, but until the last episode i never seen nichkhun whispering i love you nor gave a kiss to her..victoria initiate the kiss during wedding pictorial because she was instructed to do so..and about ONLY U since from the very moment i read the lyrics of this song i already know its for sora with or without LT confirmations but of course its more fulfilling after reading the translation of this geek interview..sorry for a long post, i make my self busy writing this post rather than thinking that a super storm will striking this evening here in northern mindanao..our neighbors got panic because we are all instructed to be ready and what shall i do now..i'm alone here i could do nothing just to pray that super storm will not give harm to us..thankful with this thread and twitter for giving joy to my daily life..maybe life is so boring without you guys.." We don't meet people by accident. they are meant to cross our path for a reason." love you all!!!

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Guest Cicci_92_1

Good morning :) Well, I was on youtube and I found this funny video...Some things never change :) Leeteuk and Sungmin bickering about the same girl, I couldn't help thinking about Teuksora :)

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@cindypl0408 I was planning to lurk in soompi but I was amazed by your detailed post. I'm very happy to welcome you here in the forum. Where Love is everywhere :)  I was not planning to watch the SH 154 but how you were able to explain it, I suddenly felt the urge to watch it.

@Kulot i love the pictures you posted at least PJS with the bracelet in Busan Baseball is still in  your picture... At last I am happy to fulfill my delusion on the bracelet since I still not close my case with it ( LOL :)   )  

@playerkbd don't laugh ok I'm serious on the bracelet hmpf ( feeling snob ..etching LOL )

@lazyme2day the most sweetest person I met on twitter..love her calling me my dear so sweet kekeke

@luvallkorea love to see your post always.

In regards to Shin Dong Yup , I have the feeling that he knows things about SJ and he has this concern about them in real life. Just look on this article that I will post about Eunhyuk scandal which we know he works with him at SH

Shin Dong Yup ‘protects’ Eunhyuk regarding IU scandal on ‘Hello’

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Guest daisy_mae024

shymaldita28 said:

quoted below only


Only U

( In SJ presscon he said that while filming WGM his heart belongs to Sora only. PJS "I believe that I love you phrase can make miracles happen".. " I feel like losing my mind when the thought that there is such a beautiful woman in this world came to me"  "I am very thankful and grateful for your highest compliments and your efforts as always!!" )

This is the link of the song watch this and you will see the meaning on the song. I wonder why this translation seems more accurate to his letter to Sora. No wonder how he was able to write a heartwarrming letter since the message of the song and letter coincides somehow. The song is not a separation song instead it was more on asking the girl to wait for him and be patient..




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Guest lallinachan

After reading his interview it is 100% sure for me that he wrote Only U thinking about Sora.
But I don't agree that he was referring to this song in episode 3... This lyric is inspired much more to a later period, I actually think it was during the strike... and maybe he arranged some lines later, because he talks about being in each others heart, and he talks about being regretful.
Anyway it is such a beautiful song, so fitting Sora <3
We really cannot have any doubts about his feelings (and Sora's, of course <3)

What I'd like to discuss with you is the full interview on Greek... actually I agree with @luvallkorea and I think he was half serious, and half "masked"(scripted as in SH)...

I don't know if you already noticed this, I still have to read the last 2 pages, but remember when teukie in SH says something like "love doesn't exist". This very same line was probably explained in SH, but again cut out. While in the interview we can have a possible correspondence when he says something like "true/genuine love doesn't exist, because love is always SELFISH".
Maybe we can explain now that line in SH, it was something very surprising, but it make sense if this is the explanation^^
What do you think?

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 In SH 154 and his Geek interview he has emphasized that before he joins the army he loves to meet girls. If you try to analyze his twitter during the times he was waiting for his enlistment to come he has this passion to search for himself and figure out who he is what he wanted to be after he comes back, if this is the case I can see that there is 2 objectives that coincides with Leeteuk. According to hi he wanted him he wanted to meet girls but at the same time he said in his twitter that he was lately reading books about life and he feels alone and during those times you can see him tweeting pics with Siwon, Donghae and even his high school friends. Is that the person who wanted to meet girls? how can he meet them if he is with his friends unless he sees only 1 person and during those times Sora was in the states and when she came back in Korea she resumed her shooting for the movie.

While watching WGM episode 28 we can see that Sungmin and Sora were teasing leeteuk. Sungmin even told Sora that he greets him without the clothes on top and even Uee agrees with it then Sora came back with a more joke on him to make him feel unease. Leeteuk told Sungmin that he has to be honest and say the truth( and his facial expression was a little different , he is trying to make eye contact with him) Then it was Leeteuk turn to joke with Sungmin telling him he will introduce someone to him at the end it was Sora who came back at him and told him that you want to use Sungmin to meet another girl and Leeteuk opposed..The thing that strucks me is the running joke done by Sora to him by telling Sungmin that he likes girls and Sungmin even said you still can't fix that.

If we observed this kind of conversation we can feel that Sora was aware of his image and for her to joke like that infront of Sungmin means that she accepts it although in the end she shows Leeteuk that he needs to be careful in someway indirectly. Therefore the " meet girls" said by Leeteuk has the blessing of Sora in order to protect her and she knows that image was a joke if not how can she use it to Leeteuk infront of Sungmin things that bothers a woman will not be conversed infront of someone else.

Also I noticed in that episode both used to feed each other by using fork and the way they both feed each other shows a comfortable way on both. Is'nt awkward to share a fork to someone whom you haven't directly kiss yet. I remember Sunhwa from WGM4 she plans to use lipgloss for her WGM partner since it is like an indirect kiss to him but when she found out it was Kwanghee she drop the idea. Same with Julien Kang Partner in WGM 4 I forgot her name she totally blush when she found out he used the same fork she has used. Things like this infront of the camera only shows that sometimes they do forgot things around them that if you look how they feed each other or the other way aroud how the person was fed it shows that a kiss happens to them. They use the fork by their lips not by the teeth compared on their 1st date in the restaurant. Just an observation. 

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shymaldita28 said:

@cindypl0408 I was planning to lurk in soompi but I was amazed by your detailed post. I'm very happy to welcome you here in the forum. Where Love is everywhere :)  I was not planning to watch the SH 154 but how you were able to explain it, I suddenly felt the urge to watch it.

@Kulot i love the pictures you posted at least PJS with the bracelet in Busan Baseball is still in  your picture... At last I am happy to fulfill my delusion on the bracelet since I still not close my case with it ( LOL :)   )  

@playerkbd don't laugh ok I'm serious on the bracelet hmpf ( feeling snob ..etching LOL )

@lazyme2day the most sweetest person I met on twitter..love her calling me my dear so sweet kekeke

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Guest teuksoislove

cindypl0408 said:


JS: You don’t need (to know) my ideal type? (JS desperate look, stammering along with his comment  and pulled face once more. And we remember JS declaration in some episodes of his ideal type and of his current ideal type) 

What do you think? JS with a real GF or JS with GFs? Me, of course with all my heart I wish JS is with a real one, the one that all of us adore and love. Ahhhh... my shipping heart.....

However, do take it with a large pinch of salt as SH could be scripted on this particular segment, although I do wish it was a spontaneous conversation that the MCs have led it to be. 

Have a nice day! 

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@cindyp10208 - welcome to this amazing forum - and thank you for your nice observation - a good positive one - a good listener and observer ends up with one conclusion - JungSora is real and JS and the rest of the guests in that variety show (SDY, LDW, Boom, with the inclusion of PJS family) know the truth.  Good job SDY for trying to help JS clean up the mess that has been repeatedly discussed and doubted by a lot - that PJS is a womanizer.

BTW - don't worry about the age - I still believe I am the oldest member in this forum - way, way, way over the hill - but I love JungSora so what can I do?

@daisy_mae024 - that clip was published once - then it disappeared - and I don't think anybody can find it.  Lots of FDs have tried researching and seems no one has been on luck's side.

The bracelets??? - I think they are the same.  The one with white pearls - if you turn it around, you'll see a different color (silver) - it was a bit hidden in Sora's when she was driving but it is visible on LeeTeuk's.

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viyra said:

@cindyp10208 - welcome to this amazing forum - and thank you for your nice observation - a good positive one - a good listener and observer ends up with one conclusion - JungSora is real and JS and the rest of guests in that variety show (SDY, LDW, Boom, with the inclusion of PJS family) know the truth.  Good job SDY for trying to help JS clean up the mess that has been repeatedly discussed and doubted by a lot - that PJS is a womanizer.

BTW - don't worry about the age - I still believe I am the oldest member in this forum - way, way, way over the hill - but I love JungSora so what can I do?

@daisy_mae024 - that clip was published once - then it disappeared - and I don't think anybody can find it.  Lots of FDs have tried researching and seems no one has been on luck's side.

The bracelets??? - I think they are the same.  The one with white pearls - if you turn it around, you'll see a different color (silver) - it was a bit hidden in Sora's when she was driving but it is visible on LeeTeuk's.

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