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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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According to @mywebfoot timeline, doesn't the side pic of the girl who resembles Sora in LT's picture remind you of the outfit & hairstyle she had when she was at the airport going to the US. Her striped top & hair looks the same. If someone can find that pic of her checking her phone at the airport on her way to California for Brave, it looks almost the same. I wonder if his interview & pictures falls around this timeline. 

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Thank you for accepting me in this forum, I did not know that you can able to forgive me and I already prepared myself to get harsh words from you, thankfully it is the opposite way of what I expect. I really did not expect that FD's can accept me here. Especially to @viyra :) , @pinnavinna, @playerkbd and the rest which I hurt before. I hope this will be a new chapter in my life and for you all FD's  PEACE :)

First I want to introduce myself formally on this thread. I am a daragon shipper for 2 years now and you can see me on the daragon hideout with a different username since I am a fan of Sandara park since she was in Star Circle Quest with Hero Angeles. I followed her achievements until she became 2ne1 and I am her fan from 2004 and started shipping Daragon afterwards. Honestly I am a fan of Bigbang and 2ne1 but when I come across the teukso couple in youtube and saw their MV done by the FD's I started to become curios who they were. At first I am not aware of SJ all along I was thinking Bigbang was more famous than them but I was wrong. It was my sister who told me that SJ are more famous than BB and that make my heart unhappy.

By that time out of curiosity with SJ I tried to know Leeteuk since he is the leader of SJ and his counter part is G Dragon for BB. Honestly while watching him I started to like his ability to make me laugh when he MC and also when I start to watch him in WGM since I saw it on youtube the more I love him.

Knowing teukso in the program has made me wavered for my daragon couple. Now a days I can feel that I'm betraying my first couple daragon since I am hooked up with teukso these days. Before I met Teukso I have a life where I only check the daragon hideout for any updates of the 2. Now I haven't visited the daragon hideout for a few months already. Once in a while I visit but I end up going back to this forum. I don't know why I can't resist this forum nor the teukso couple. If you ask me now, I don't know how to answer why I ended being here all this time.

If you visit the daragon hideout ( in case your curious ) you can never open a thread which all evidences of daragon are hidden. It is for some members only who can be able to open it. Luckily I am one of them. Sometimes I wish that this forum will be like that as well where you can find a lot of evidences that they are real but until this time they never reveal instead they kept on avoiding each other in the events.

Everytime I see the teukso, I feel that they were on the same boat with the daragon. LT and G dragon are leaders of their own group which are famous. Sora and Sandara are both musically inclined although they don't have a nice voice compared to other singers but still they have charm with the people. These 2 ladies are very quiet, shy, conservative and most of all they know how to take care of their fans. They accept gifts and appreciate them in networking sites.

Same goes for those 2 leaders they are quiet and media treats them as playboys but deep inside of them that are faithful to their partners. They will do their best to protect their girlfriends and will always make sure that their fans knows and hide about their relationship.

Sorry for the long post


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Guest pinnavinna





Another Translation


Q: In the end, you didn't manage to find a girlfriend before you enter the army right?

High Cut Interview (Teuk parts)

Teuk: It's been about a year since I've broke up with my girlfriend (Donghae said that isn't he too honest?) Even if the company says its not, everyone knows about it, its nothing. It's a fact that I've once worked hard to find a girlfriend. When I was finding one, I heard that being able to receive your girlfriend's letter at the training centre will be very encouraging. But in the end, everyone said "Aren't you going to the army soon?" (laugh) After coming back, I have to officially start finding one. It's been 10 years + since I've lived in the dorms..after I get discharged from the army, I want to be independent, I want to date, and should be thinking about getting married.

[CR: Teukbar]

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Guest lallinachan

@gdara123: oh well, this is indeed a new start then I'll make the house honors and tell you "WELCOME"
You can guess we were against your previous posts just becouse we were hurt by something you said in them, expecially in these late times, so fragile ones... That thing about posting exgirfriends was not a very smart thing to do, LOL! anyway let's move on.
well, the important thing in here is to be a truly supporter of the couple, and seems like you are. Please, if you have doubts about DC... well, try to chose the right words to express them, give us a chance to reply you with our thougts/suppositions (anyway we did a lot of that in the past, so maybe you'll prefer to read the past pages). Or if you want, you can MP some "veterans"of the forum (we will ask who is disponible to have this kind of corrispondance), and express your doubts. We try to be very positive in the thread, because we feel we can support DC much better, and we are now at a stage when we are pretty much sure about their real feelings for each others.
so welcome, have fun^^

@pinnavinna: the best complete answer ever <3

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Guest mywebfoot

@whome nope it isn't. I checked today. This t-shirt is like an odd version of the Commes des Garcons one Sora wore in the final ep. Instead of one large heart over the left chest, this one has little red hearts (it IS hearts I think) all over. I stared at a lot of pictures of stripey shirts today, but I gained nothing :)) but eye ache. Can't these two have chosen something other than stripes to tease us with??? :P

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Guest TSLovely

it's been awhile since i commented here^^
regarding teuk's interview on High Cut, i'm still believe that teuk want to hide his relationship w/ Sora.i told u.teuk & sora want to keep their relationship unpublicly.
eventho if in the near future there r many interview & show, or else they said something like "that" (means against their relationsip), i'm just thinking that is their way to be not detected by public.their personal hints r the best for us. only FDs know that^^
so, just enjoy their journey to become one & hv cute twins dimple babies  :)>-
i dunno but i just want to write this quote for TeukSo (they r rly compatible each other) :

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@gdara123 - another awesome point for you for acknowledging what you had done so I am joining @lallinachan in welcoming you to this forum - and just what you said, let us continue to keep this thread alive and protected.

Always remember, in spite of what you had done, none of us here retaliated and violated your idols Sandara Park and G-Dragon.  Now I seem to know where you are from, and FYI, I also like Sandara Park and Hero Angeles (I have friends in the Philippines who continue to show their support to both Sandara and Hero) and amongst the Big Bang members, GD is my bias.

Seems like the other FDs have gone to sleep while I am just waking up preparing myself for another torture in the office.  I know i can bear it all, with my cellphone next to me, stealing minutes looking at the pictures of our adorable couple, and going to this forum to check on everyone's posts.

LeeTeuk and Kang Sora, I said this not just once and I will say it again - nothing shall be exposed - LeeTeuk will be away and noone will protect Sora.  Even if the brothers are around to protect her, she will be put in a more complicated situation so it is better to just keep everything behind a locked room; but always keep the faith and trust on each other, the same way we, your loyal supporters, are doing.

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Guest pinnavinna

@gdara123 apology accepted..and also i want to apologize for all the mean things i said in the past. i really don't know how to be a good FD in here, but i try as much as i could, even until now i still figure it out, how to do it right. so... virtual dimplehug to us? :Di always believe that people gonna only get what they give. when you give love, you'll get the same love (even bigger) in return. and for your insight about teukso couple, that's a great work. i always amazed with all FD here who have a sharp point of view to analyze and finding fact about teukso,  i enjoy it  a lot, because i'm not good on it :)
We welcome you here with arms wide open ;) (and also welcome to @kulot )
and For every one in here , i want to share one of my favourite quooes, who knows it's gonna be useful to keep this thread as a peaceful & lovely place to share thoughts about DC :
a careless word, may kindle strifea cruel word, may wreck a lifea timely word, may level stressa loving word, may heal and bless

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waaah i missed 7 pages of fun fun and teukso fun pretty FDs!!!! miss you all kekke but ive been lurking despite of the girl scout oath.but we have a private funland via twitter with @jerqu @playerkbd @lucyjung @malonowa @kulot @echalovable @josan and momidoc @badettetalag kekeke
unni! @pinnavinna i have a surprise gift for you whahhhhhhhh. pls take note of the KYU leeeps.:)

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kaiskloset said: waaah i missed 7 pages of fun fun and teukso fun pretty FDs!!!! miss you all kekke but ive been lurking despite of the girl scout oath.but we have a private funland via twitter with @jerqu @playerkbd @lucyjung @malonowa @kulot @echalovable @josan and momidoc @badettetalag kekeke
unni! @pinnavinna i have a surprise gift for you whahhhhhhhh. pls take note of the KYU leeeps.:)

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Guest pinnavinna

mywebfoot said: @whome nope it isn't. I checked today. This t-shirt is like an odd version of the Commes des Garcons one Sora wore in the final ep. Instead of one large heart over the left chest, this one has little red hearts (it IS hearts I think) all over. I stared at a lot of pictures of stripey shirts today, but I gained nothing :)) but eye ache. Can't these two have chosen something other than stripes to tease us with??? :P

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pinnavinna said: @gdara123 apology accepted..and also i want to apologize for all the mean things i said in the past. i really don't know how to be a good FD in here, but i try as much as i could, even until now i still figure it out, how to do it right. so... virtual dimplehug to us? :Di always believe that people gonna only get what they give. when you give love, you'll get the same love (even bigger) in return. and for your insight about teukso couple, that's a great work. i always amazed with all FD here who have a sharp point of view to analyze and finding fact about teukso,  i enjoy it  a lot, because i'm not good on it :)
We welcome you here with arms wide open ;) (and also welcome to @kulot )
and For every one in here , i want to share one of my favourite quooes, who knows it's gonna be useful to keep this thread as a peaceful & lovely place to share thoughts about DC :
a careless word, may kindle strifea cruel word, may wreck a lifea timely word, may level stressa loving word, may heal and bless

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Hi girls!

I have been in lurk mode lately. And enjoying all your information, views and analysis. Hey! I was at Kona Beans too, but in a small corner quietly. haha....


Yes, D-12 sounds depressing ya... hmmm... I feel that it's ok, as we still have each other here and we will still be supporting DC all the way. We will be here supporting Sora's activities! We can make it!

I would like to share this Westlife song, which I liked since young. It's been around for awhile, so maybe some of FDs may not have heard of it.


The lyrics kinda reminds me of DC, and especially this part, which I want to dedicate to LeeTeuk and Sora:

"Cause this is the world, where lovers often go astray,
But if we love each other, we won't go that way,
So put your doubts aside,
Do what it takes to make it right,
I love you, forever, no-one can tear us apart"

Hope all of you enjoy this song... and hey! Take a break from our hectic life.... kekeke.... :x :x



:)>- :)>- 
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@viyra: Have a safe and pleasant flight to Florida later on. ;) And yes, for P&H the last few episodes got me all teary. I actually shed a few tears. But I must say, I think I would prefer to watch Donghae than Siwon. Awww Donghae, Mr. Hedgehog is so cute.

@playerkbd: Now that I have finished P&H, now I need to move onto DH2. lol! Grandpa is so cool when he was making the croque on bouche (sorry if I spelt it incorrectly). All the cakes and macaroons looks so cute and yummy.

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gdara123 said:

I will make one after returning! I’ve done dorm life for over 10 years now so after returning, I’ll probably live in a separate house, find a girlfriend, and get married.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


It took time for me to believe they are real and for his answer above that when he comes back from the army he will lived separately. Why the sudden change if he does not have a girlfriend now??It seems unbelievable. He has been in a relationship before but he never moved out of the SJ house. It only shows that he has found someone in his life. Just like what he had said in Strong Heart


I’m being completely serious right now, but since I’m enlisting this year, I will 100% find a girlfriend before I leave.”

If that girl waits for me for two years, I think she’s somebody that will wait for me for the rest of her life,” he said. “If I do end up beginning a relationship before I leave and she does wait for me, I will marry that girl within 5 years.”


Leeteuk has 2 options when he said about relationship before his enlistment. 1st A mutual relationship without making it official and just depending on the fate if the girl can wait for him he said that she will wait for the rest of her life but it is not official. There is no bind between them  or commitment given ( not officially together )


 2nd the other was an official relationship therefore marriage was being offered. Commitment was there given to Leeteuk. And the response of Leeteuk to the girl is that after his army he will move out therefore I can say that he has found someone already in his life and that they already begun a relationship. Moving out, Girlfriend and Getting Married only shows that he already has one in his life and if you are only a reader of the magazine you won’t find it out like this. You can definitely see that Leetuk really loves the girl he is with right now. Since he is willing to separate himself to SJ members like Donghae and Eunhyuk and that love I can see right now is the same he had felt for his first love whom he is willing to give up everything before.


 @gdara 123 your analysis are good. Can't believe you have the heart of FD's these days. Later on I will give my thoughts into it.

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Hi ^^
News, 23 min ago 
V-sign sunny friend's
Sora looks so happy!!!tumblr_mc3h5nSFVJ1qb4g8zo1_500.jpg

@reveramess 홍홍홍 아따 써니한 떨스데이나잇이구만!

[Trad. Ing] hong hong hong A-TTA(kind of interjection. country dialect) It is sunny thursday night! 

[Trad. Esp] hong hong hong A-TTA (especie de interjección. Dialecto coreano) Es soleado (Sunny)  jueves por la noche!

 Traducido al ingles por TSL08

Un reencuentro nocturno entre chicas Sunny!! Que divertido XD

cr: kang sora tumblr  (crellosa)
tumblr_mc3hlq71ol1rcsj9no2_500.jpgcr: kang sora tumblr (chiyokosadness)
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                                      Kang Sora twitter pics                                                                                         Donghae twitter pics December

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Hello again FD's ^^
One question:
The striped T-shirt of Teuk is of Commes des Garcon truth?  
cr: super junior tumblr
Another photograph...  i think looks better the striped T-shir with heart.  Although this image smaller.15.jpgcr: super junior tumblr
What is your opinion?
 Teuk and Sora love striped shirts kekekek
Ahh other pic :   Sunny friend'stumblr_mc3phxj1Pv1rtczsao1_1280.pngcr: kang sora tumblr (kangso-ra)@bbomi051

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