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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Oh No! Did I jinx this by mentioning a strike by MBC in a previous post :mellow:

MBC has gone on strike 3 times that I know of and I've been into Korean shows since late 2008. The strike messed up my Hwanyobi time back then and I seriously hated that. I hope MBC resolves the issue fast and we get out WGM episodes.

Already we don't have much time due to Leeteuks Military enlistment. I would hate to see their time cut shorter. On a positive note they may be able to meet during that time on their own..we just will not see them together.

Thanks KQ188 for the news..hope it's not a full blown strike:(

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Guest lallinachan

Like what someone had mentioned earlier (sorry too lazy to find out who did) - damage has been done - and EunHyuk is aware of the damage he had done.  Teukkie and SungMin would be lying to themselves if they honestly think EunHyuk did a great job!  What is so great about being that way?  Again, like what someone had said (I think everything I have been referring to was posted by KQ188) EunHyuk, being in a lot of variety shows like LeeTeuk, should have done better.  He took the whole situation personal - trying to prove something????


And what's with her response to Sena when Sena tried to call EunHyuk and she aswered the phone?  I read somewhere here the translation that says "stop calling".  Isn't that too rude?  

BTW, didn't EunHyuk even remember what they discussed before the girls came?  If they happen to like the same girl, it is okay -- but it all depends on who the girl likes! EunHyuk already knew EunSo likes Donghae!!

Anyway, I think SungMin is the most adorable and likable amongst FJ - mature, not playful, very athletic and full of talent.  I guess YoSool saw that in him immediately - when he first offered to do his performance and not join the rock, paper, scissors.

Sena would probably not guess in any variety shows anymore - lesson learned!  What a pretty lady - not looking like 30 at all!  She is the prettiet of the 4 girls and the one with the best personality is Shin YoSool - bubbly!!  

WGM - gives missions to couples!  This is the worst mission ever!!

sorry for the cutting

They said he "did a great job" not fr making sena cry of course, but fot being entertaining. I know we are now used to teukso that are not "a usual tv couple" because they are genuine, but Eunhyuk has been brought up to be an entertainer in front of cameras, he has to be. I'm not saying he did a good thing (and I'm quitting this defending LOL!!!) but I0m saying he probably did not think that all his foolish actions would have degenerated like that. He probably never was with a girl on screen that was not professional. Teukie and Sungmin were propably pointing this out to comfort him, because he was really feeling bad abaut it. I know that at the end it was a pityfull scene, very heartbreaking. And by the way, if ther's no point in changing the couple, then why do the game to begin with? It also can be, that Eunhyuk changed his prefearence while dancing, and sena jokingly made a "closed nose" scene. I don't really know, I just know he is not a bad guy for this. ;)

And I totally agree: sungmin was the MAN!! the best FJ!!

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Guest teuksoralover

OMO! I know all FDs are hungry for teukso moments but I hope this one would atleast make you guys happy. Just watched some parts of the raw episode..

I don't know if any of you guys noticed it.

TEUKSO was holding hands entering the bowling area.. :) Awwwww... they are leading the group. I missed this during the livestream since it is not really clear.


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why why why eunsoe have to be back and forth between eunhyuk and donghae. i already like eunsoe from the preview but this episode turn me off. i think eunhyuk try to tease donghae but he went overboard (he made eunsoe answered sena's call). after positive hints eunhyuk gave to sena (dancing with sena, responses to sena's aegyo), i understood why sena cried. nevertheless, i believe sena is strong girl, she will take this experience positively and moves on. i like the maknae couple the most. i think donghae should be with sena because both of them very sincere about their feeling. am i the only one who think donghae feel bad about sena too when she cried? his face looks uneasy.

i cannot wait for the subbed to understand whatever sora was talking. if wgm is real, i think sora is the most real about it. lol. she's really put effort to make sure the blind dates work out. i think i saw sungmin-sora stand next to each other comfortably in this episode. so it's not suprised they follow each other at twitter. i hope they become friend even after wgm.

this is out of topic but i hope the pit-a-pat shake will become regular show. based on FJ blind date and pit-a-pat shake, i think sungmin is real gentleman.

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I found the torrent file of semi-fly video^^ guess she'll forgive me if I post it here:


So enrell and his team can work on it^^

thanks lallina. i already have the 720p version of the raw. my team is working on the translation.

btw we have done ep15. i apologise for the late release. most of them are celebrating chinese new year thus it took them awhile to do the translation. we did alot of qc and try to have a proper grammar, spelling for the conversations.

before u guys watch it, the quality of the vid aint that good cos it was degraded on-site but if anyone wants our final version, i can upload it to our 4shared account.


for those who have watched our subbed videos, please give us feedback if any. we will improve as time goes by..

this is out of topic but i hope the pit-a-pat shake will become regular show. based on FJ blind date and pit-a-pat shake, i think sungmin is real gentleman.

yeah..me too. i hope they get 2 couples from there, sungmin/hyorin & sunhwa/hweesoon.

sungmin really impressed me with his gentleness and thoughtfulness.

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Hi GUYS....

I'm not a regular contributor in this forum so perhaps what  I say might not be appropriate. Nevertheless, I would like to put in my 2 cents in the current discussion.

I have not yet watched the episode but It is clear as a bell what happened from all the posts here.

I agree with everything that has been discussed here about FJ, especially Eunhyuk's experienced in entertainment industry. I'm not trying to justify what Eunhyuk did to Sena because it is never nice to make a lady cry ( especially in front of the camera).

However, perhaps we also should bear in mind that these FJ guys maybe a little immature when it comes to ladies and relationships due to limited contact and opportunity to spend time with the ladies. They have spend their whole  teen and early manhood years working and performing, not caring about their own feelings rather concentrating everything they have to their fans. When faces with their own feelings and their own wants, maybe hormones finally took over and friendship or not, he wants what he wants.

I'm sure you guys have heard this saying..." pissing contest" ?...well for those not too familiar with the saying it basically means when guys are together, they tend to brag, show off, try to get the upper hand of the next guy or just plain being better than the next poor fellow. Being friends or not, when it comes to girls, instinct takes over.

Perhaps it all started with good fun, blind dates with beautiful girls. Along the way, the competitiveness in each of them came forth. In the end, tears, sadness and being thought of as a fool is the outcome.

Girls aside, I hope the FJ will not make this as a wedge between them. I hope Eunhyuk and Donghae does not take this to seriously and that everything is well between them. They are a team and always will be. Girls come and goes but brotherhood stays forever.  I'm going to quote something I learn from watching "Fermentation Family"...We eat together from the same POT,  that makes us FAMILY.

All members of Super Junior are family...lets forget and move on. 

Eunhyuk and Donghae, remember the guy's motto; Bros before Hoes!   

This is just an Ahjumma's 2 cents  and not meant to hurt anybody. Have a blessed weekend with your love ones everybody wink.gif


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Guest zoddguts

Really hope Eunhyuk reflects on he's actions on this blind date episode. Even in the previous ep he was acting a bit of a jerk to Donghae when it was he's turn to impress the ladies but was fumbling around due to he's nervousness. Not surprise nobody choose him in the previous ep after that, lost many points from the ladies.

Anyways... hope we get to see more of Dimple couple and less of Suju members. Their taking too much screen time time for the Dimple Couple to shine again. It was cool that they were their early on to help ease the awkwardness, but it's time for them to step back and let the DC couple to their thing.

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Guest kiminaeka

agree with her point of view (cr: sujunesia) :D


So netizens have been spreading hates towards Eunhyuk because he treated Sena really bad and acted like a bad boy. And because the blind-date was arranged by Teuk & Sora, Teuk felt that he's the responsible one.

My thoughts of it:

1. Among the 4 brother-in-laws, Hyuk is the only one who's familiar enough with variety show as he's been doing it a lot compared to the other three.

2. I think that is why Hyuk acted more "yeneung-naturally" (if you get what I mean), joking around and stuffs. While the other 3 looked a bit more "serious" than him.

3. What I mean by "serious" is, these 3 guys have already "picked" one person and just paid attention to this one person the whole show, while Hyuk (i think) tried to spice it up (as it was a variety show, people want fun) by flirting around with the 4 girls. Well this might make him look like a "bad guy".

4. But if you pay attention to the scene when Teuk and the 4 boys gathered round and Teuk asked each one of them about the girl they liked. Hyuk was so excited when he said "I like that girl the most" (the girl who kissed him on the back of his palm which is Sena). But then, knowing it a variety, he tried to make something funny again when he said "(If you like them all) In the end, you could just take the leftover". This make him look like a bad guy, again.

5. Things went bad at the "Couple Choosing" part. Eunhyuk called Eunseo, not Sena while they have been partnered together for the earlier games. At first Eunseo didn't answered but finally they did became couple (because he kept trying).

In my opinion, he could do this because:

A) He knows that Sena likes him so much, because she showed it the whole time. And some guys, (I don't know) tend to be "scared" of it.

or B) He just did it for the sake of variety. To spice it up, make it more fun.

6. Sena tried to call Eunhyuk, but instead Hyuk asked Eunseo to pick it up and tell Sena not to call him. Oops, as a girl (not as a fan), I do think that this... is... a... big... mistake...

Sena cried. BOOM!

Hyukjae..... >< (I was shocked when I watched this scene)

7. Seeing her tears, Hyuk felt really sorry and even followed her outside to calm her down. Teuk said this is the first time Hyuk saw a girl cry because of him. I must be objective, even I would be so upset if I were her.

8. It's Donghae turn to call, and he called Eunseo. He tried once, failed. He tried twice, she finally answered it and "came back" to Donghae.

Teuk keeps saying that it was not scripted, well let's just believe it.

I mean if I was Eunseo and I saw Sena cried in front of me, I'd be like "OMG what have I done? I shouldn't have answered his call earlier!". I'd feel really sorry, that's why when Donghae called me (remember, I was Eunseo lol) I decided to pick up his call. At least this way, Sena would feel a bit better.

9. Teuk asked Sena to make her last call. If he (the last one left, Eunhyuk) still didn't pick up, it's really over. So, holding tight to the last bit of her pride, Sena called Eunhyuk back. He hesitated at first (i think it's because he's really sorry), looked around to the members and Sungmin gave him a sign to pick it up, he finally picked up the call.

10. Finally Teuk asked Sena why did she cried like that. She said that she have already liked Hyuk in the first place, she's already a fan of him. This explains everything. If you really like someone and he just went over to someone else and like "dumped" you, you'd feel really upset, angry, sad, etc, no doubt.

So, the conclusion is.... Hyuk didn't mean to treat her bad. About him flirting around with the girls, that's Eunhyuk, he always flirts with anyone in every show lol.

But when it comes to things like Blind Dates, where there are feelings involved, he shouldn't have thought about the variety first. Because other persons might not be able to get your intention. They wouldn't understand that you're just trying to be funny because all the 4 girls are all unfamiliar with variety. They'll do it like it's for real.

I mean, in things like this, you don't have to be funny, you just have to be sincere.

However, I believe our Hyukjae will do better next time :)

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Guest teuksoralover

before u guys watch it, the quality of the vid aint that good cos it was degraded on-site but if anyone wants our final version, i can upload it to our 4shared account.


for those who have watched our subbed videos, please give us feedback if any. we will improve as time goes by..

I have not watch it yet but I will watch it well. Thank you for your efforts. :) And yes please, if you may upload it at 4shared so we can download it. I enjoyed the subs you did last time. I'll give you a feedback about the subs too. :)

@marrsq - please come out of lurk mode and post more often. :) Just post your thoughts & two cents or whatever you wanna say about the couple. A lot of fans are coming out of lurk mode.

6. Sena tried to call Eunhyuk, but instead Hyuk asked Eunseo to pick it up and tell Sena not to call him. Oops, as a girl (not as a fan), I do think that this... is... a... big... mistake...

Sorry to cut your post. :) I completely agree with you with this one. I think that is what made her cry.. I like that you looked at it as a girl not a fan. If I was in her postion, I would be really hurt whether it is a show or not. That kinda really made him look bad cuz that was unnecessary. Just my opinion.

As expected, this episode is creating s stir.


On the lighter side.. Sorry if I am posting too much but just wanna participate in the discussion.

Look how dorky our DIMPLE COUPLE is. :) I find Teuk & Sora's reactions funny. I mean they are a couple too. lol.

When Hyuk was kissed on his hand. lol at Sora & Teuk! ***Sungmin was cute too.


When Sungmin got kissed too.. lol at our couple's reactions. :)


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I have not watch it yet but I will watch it well. Thank you for your efforts. :) And yes please, if you may upload it at 4shared so we can download it. I enjoyed the subs you did last time. I'll give you a feedback about the subs too. :)

Ep15 uploaded to 4shared.

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Guest fightinglala

I miss reading good stuffs!! Please share your happy thought! Let's do away with the negativity although it's the trending news now

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Guest xianlie90

I miss reading good stuffs!! Please share your happy thought! Let's do away with the negativity although it's the trending news now

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Guest teuksoralover

I miss reading good stuffs!! Please share your happy thought! Let's do away with the negativity although it's the trending news now

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OMG will people think I'm crazy?

I love Eunhyuk and Senna couple. Are they going to be permanent?? I am on their ship fo' sho'!

I would love to see them form a relationship after what happened. There's all that tension and misunderstanding between them, sounds like a drama plot actually.

It's just...a pretty original way to start a WGM couple, no one agrees? Lol!

Eunhyuk is so clueless. Or else, he was just trying to spice things up. I can't believe he was acting like that, and I didn't like how Leeteuk and Donghae (yes, Donghae too) couldn't keep from laughing and yelling "OOOOHHHHH" when all this was happening; and all the girl guests had little smiles on their faces too.

On the other hand, I really liked how Sora looked sympathetic (you can catch her sneaking glances at Senna throughout, and her "oh no" posture); and I really, really liked how the other two Suju guys were being gentlemanly and not laughing when Senna was obviously about to cry.

I always thought Eunhyuk and Leeteuk to be sort of crass and immature (yes, Leeteuk included, from what I've seen in previous blind date variety shows) - but I don't think they intended for things to go so far. I actually sort of felt bad for Eunhyuk at the end because his tears were real; it wasn't really because he lost the other girl to Donghae, it was because he suddenly realized OH CRAP. Eunhyuk and Leeteuk are obviously are not ready to be MCs yet, that's for sure.

Btw I think Senna is a lot prettier than that other girl. Are the guys blind? She's so pretty and also outgoing while the other girl is a bit expressionless (and her eyes are kind of close together lol)

This is just my opinion.

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