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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest lallinachan

I am with you

even though I still don't know the exact phrase Leeteuk used in twitter, but about pretty mind, yah Sora has it~~~ :)I do agree with you

For Fighting Dimples who just came back from Chinese New Year Holiday~ welcome back~~~


@33ru_mieru: *wink*

well you were right, we needed to know a better translation.. but anyway the important thing is that teukie talked abaut ideal mindset. If he wanted to say otherwise he would have said "ideal girl".

Don't know abaut fans reactions, but I guess teukie will not pay too much attention, I hope so, he must have known that such a reaction was expectable, most of all after so few days from his "thankyou" for DC supporters, and after the airing of WGM when he pratically said he contacted Sora outside the show... becaming red end embarassed!

 What concern me is Sora. And not because I'm more Sora bias (because I'm not, I'm equal) but because her response might do the difference in teukie's opinion. She already has shown her jealousy in a calm and controlled way (the right touch in my opinion) and she always reply in a mature way that always make us forget she is so young. I hope she'll behave in a similar ay this time too, because even tought teukie might just love to see signs of her jealousy, this time needs her mature side most of all. Hope she wont reply or maybe if she does, then show her support in some way.

Personally, I am really getting disappointed on what I've been reading here - too much negativity.  That simple tweet just got blown out of proportion.

Sorry to cut your post but I'm coming out of the lurker mode for this. I have been following Leeteuk's career for some time now and I think what he was trying to say was that in the past a girls looks where enough for him to like someone.But now there has to be more than that and her mindset has to be good too(maybe he a bad experience in the past) he's been saying that for a couple of years now in different programs when asked about his type of girl.He even said it in the New Years special about Sora but they laughed it away:"Please listen to me,I think more than her beauty I love her mindset".       If only people would listen  .Sorry for my rant and for any mistakes English is not my first language.Dumbs up for everyone supporting this couple.Going back to lurker mode now.

Don't go back to lurker mode!! It would be such a pity, since I agree with your opinion very much! And you also give me the chance to talk abaut the special. You picked just that same thing I noticed: Teukie was trying to be serious when explaining his ideal type. But the MCs wanted to make a joke of it, so he ended up not being listened to. It was such a pity, cause I tought he wanted to be sincere and explain Sora his mind. Really, sometimes I hate that MCs have to make it funny at all cost, even to kill some genuine moment. Teukie ended up being laughted at, and he missed the chance to not being misunderstood.


well... just seen teukie reply... he did pay attention to fans reaction...

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Here's a link to a complete story of the twitter stuff


credit:soompiby: jnkm on Jan 25, 2012

Read if you want or ignore if you've moved on like many of us. I just posted so the story can be summarized in one report for those interested. I was really surprised how much attention this story got.

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Guest teuksoralover

i am so happy we all moved on..  :)

me too! :) So we are all calm now? Haha. :) Remember the episode when Teuk saw Sora's kissing scene with her co-star in her drama.. Teuk even mentioned that he saw the articles saying, "What about Groom Teuk?".. Haha. I think no matter what, everything will be exaggerated. What I find surprising though is some elfs who isn't necessarily an FD are also scolding him.. I guess Sora is starting to be accepted by some elfs who refused their stint on WGM in the first place? That is a good sign. :)

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Guest teuksoralover

Oh.. Just wanna share this with you guys. :) I don't think this picture was posted here.. I saw this in their FB page..

We all know he went to Eunhyuk's musical (Master number 2). :)



Reupload & Posted by: Destinyhae (sup3rjunior)

I also saw a comment under this pic.. It says..

‎120125  Leeteuk went to watch Fame, he went when the second half started and  came out only after curtain call (Cr: teukbar)                        

120125 Leeteuk shouted 'Lee Hyukjae' 2-3 times on musical and also  taking photo (Cr: @nkh0625)..........                                                      I think it was sooooo  hard day for teuk , imagine he still wake until hr ago stick to his  phone & tweet .. wanna tell him finished teuki close ur phone nd   sleepppppppp is better :D ,, so hard day for DC fans i c ,  hope tmw  more better carry happiness news for all ,just relax guys , enjoy ur  time :)

Credit: NaNita Nader

imagine the hurrah if he twit that he is getting married for real...

wooo...the chaos....lol....

I know right? :) HAHAHA. Well, I am enjoying his virtual marriage right now. :)

Another pic from Teukso's double date with Donghae & Eunseo. I think these pics are  new ones than the ones already posted here. Most of it are Donghae & Eunseo. It is kinda small but if you notice the fourth pic.. The mascot beside Sora is trying to hug her.. Haha. And the last pic.. Holding hands! :)


CREDIT: ww4.sinaimg.cn

Sorry for posting too much. :)

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Guest lallinachan

Because I'm in the mood to post a bit for now...

Leeteuk's twitter updates:

Other translation of tweet:

The photo with Lee Minjung noona was supposed to be funny.. Was it not?.. I guess I can never say that I am a fan of someone now.. Darn.. ㅋㅋㅋ I am a Super Junior fan.. Was that okay? ㅋㅋ Everyone is documenting .. ㅋㅋ Well, my character is the one that gets talked badly about .. So doesn’t really matter .. ^^ I’ll live long .. ㅋㅋㅋ


Imagination brings innovation and delusion brings damage. There are a lot of delusional people, so the Internet isn’t all good ~ ^^

There is a Korean saying that if one gets sworn at a lot, they will live longer.

He deleted the first tweet.

Source: @special1004 ; Translated by Jee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

New Ideal type = dead lady = safe.

@special1004 Principled, wise and always positive. The mind of Shim Saimdang is my ideal type.

@special1004 I like a 50000won like this ㅋㅋㅋ The point is not about my ideal type, but this photo ㅋㅋㅋhttp://pic.twitter.com/izC1JBr2

*quoted image*

Translated by:@sujutr4ns; Shared at sup3rjunior.wordpress.com by: Destinyhae

(lol. I'm sorry if people are getting offended but kkkk... i LOVE him for posting this and showing how ridiculous this whole thing is...)

Eunteuk and skiiing banter:

They're talking about the snowboarding trip they tweeted about recently

@AllRiseSilver: I did well even it was my first time boarding!!.. hm… I was an ace player in Dream team… I want to go out boarding again T.T http://i1140.photobu...20album/eht.png

Translation by: jingukim @ flitto.com; Shared at sup3rjunior.wordpress.com by supergirlRain

@special1004: @AllRiseSilver you were the worst.ㅋㅋㅋ cr:Twelfs

Eunhyuk: @special1004 Hyung, you shouldn’t be talking. You weren’t that good hoot hoot hoot! Come watch the musical!

Leeteuk: @allrisesilver Hyung can even jump ㅋㅋ I was planning to go later

Translated by Jee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

Leeteuk is monitoring hyukie's musical activities (wow this guy is BORED. lol) and mr choi siwon butting in

@AllRiseSilver: Leader of young girls also came!! FAME!!!!!!!! Okay okay okay, who is next? http://pic.twitter.com/JT31W4Ge

*quoted image*

@special1004: I watched Eunhyuk-ie musical~^^From today onwards, I will become Eunhyuk-ie’s fan~^^ㅋㅋㅋ Because I have some time now, I will lead the kids and do group inspection!! Our Hyukjae did well!!!^^

@special1004: @AllRiseSilver The lighting on Hyung’s side is too dark.. And, I didn’t put any makeup too, so (you) should’ve photoshopped the photo a little to make it a little brighter..ㅋㅋ Nah, since you’re the main character Tyrone, I’ll cut you some slack ㅋㅋㅋ Face jjang pose ㅋㅋ Seems like it’s in the 90s ㅋㅋ Your Haduri cam [a webcam program that allows you to edit your photos e.g. the lighting to look nicer, brighter etc] pose before debut ㅋㅋ

@siwon407: @special1004 @AllRiseSilver Keep going, tackily^^

@special1004: @siwon407 @allrisesilver I see that you’re bored in London…ㅋㅋㅋ

@siwon407 @special1004: Moving to the last place for filming^^ I miss you, our President-nim^^ Going into your arms soon~^^

Translated by:@heequeenTing,@sujutr4ns ;Shared at sup3rjunior.wordpress.com by: Destinyhae

Lol.. he's really harping it in with the "fan" thing. XD or not? lol. in any case... seems like he's having a good time. ^^

LOOOL!!!!!!!! OMG that twitter was so funny! I tought it was a joke made by some fan!! X°°DD

Hope he is not still upset^^

I can't hide I was a bit sad abaut the first tweet, as someone has already said, he could have chosen another way to say that... but of course then when you think abaut it, you can see it's innocuos. This last twitter has lighten up my mood (I was a bit scared of angry teukie)... still I am worried abaut his second tweet, when he says we are delusional.......... of course I always said I am, but if he said so, then...??? Somebody here has thought abaut this? ... really, I can't be calm for a whole week, that something happend and my confidence crumbles (not my hope and my love for them of course^^)... What do you think he meant that we are delusional? I know he was referring not directly to us in this thread, but still he was replying other DC shippers. Maybe he was referring to a more general subject?

I'm sorry that I'm still on the subject, I can't help it, I only have few hours at the end of the day, and I can't read all your posts without express myself. You mught have enought, but I am just now jumping in this matter (his reply to the first tweet).^^;

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Guest teuksoralover

LOOOL!!!!!!!! OMG that twitter was so funny! I tought it was a joke made by some fan!! X°°DD

Hope he is not still upset^^

I can't hide I was a bit sad abaut the first tweet, as someone has already said, he could have chosen another way to say that... but of course then when you think abaut it, you can see it's innocuos. This last twitter ha lighten up my mood (I was a bit scared of angry teukie)... still I am worried abaut his second tweet, when he says we are delusional.......... of course I always said I am, but if he said so, then...??? Somebody here has thought abaut this? ... really, I can't be calm for a whole week, that something happend and my confidence crumble... What di he mean that we are delusional? I know he was referring not directly ti us in this thread, but still he was replying ather DC shippers. Maybe he was referring to a more general subject?

I know what you feel. :) As a fellow DC, I'm not gonna lie that I was sad at first but realized that it is just a tweet.. It is just that. I even read some comments saying that he needs to take some PR classes because I think he has a reputation of saying the wrong things all the time. Is that true?

I am delusional too about this couple.. Hahaha. But what does he mean by delusional? I think what he meant by that is people creating stuff out of small things that does not even matter. I don't think he meant we are delusional because we think Sora & him are real already.. He said it a bunch of times on the show, he is genuine & he met her as Park Jun-Soo. Just what I think. :)

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Guest lallinachan

I know what you feel. :) As a fellow DC, I'm not gonna lie that I was sad at first but realized that it is just a tweet.. It is just that. I even read some comments saying that he needs to take some PR classes because I think he has a reputation of saying the wrong things all the time. Is that true?

I am delusional too about this couple.. Hahaha. But what does he mean by delusional? I think what he meant by that is people creating stuff out of small things that does not even matter. I don't think he meant we are delusional because we think Sora & him are real already.. He said it a bunch of times on the show, he is genuine & he met her as Park Jun-Soo. Just what I think. :)

Thankyou teuksoralover^^ just wanted onother opinion on the matter and yours suit me just fine! let's be optimistic till we have more real facts that say the contrary! I'll keep my faith in them, I know it can end in a thousands of other ways, but just for now I'll enjoy their magic!^^

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Oh.. Just wanna share this with you guys. :) I don't think this picture was posted here.. I saw this in their FB page..

We all know he went to Eunhyuk's musical (Master number 2). :)

*quoted image*


Reupload & Posted by: Destinyhae (sup3rjunior)

I also saw a comment under this pic.. It says..

‎120125  Leeteuk went to watch Fame, he went when the second half started and  came out only after curtain call (Cr: teukbar)                        

120125 Leeteuk shouted 'Lee Hyukjae' 2-3 times on musical and also  taking photo (Cr: @nkh0625)..........                                                      I think it was sooooo  hard day for teuk , imagine he still wake until hr ago stick to his  phone & tweet .. wanna tell him finished teuki close ur phone nd   sleepppppppp is better :D ,, so hard day for DC fans i c ,  hope tmw  more better carry happiness news for all ,just relax guys , enjoy ur  time :)

Credit: NaNita Nader

I know right? :) HAHAHA. Well, I am enjoying his virtual marriage right now. :)

Another pic from Teukso's double date with Donghae & Eunseo. I think these pics are  new ones than the ones already posted here. Most of it are Donghae & Eunseo. It is kinda small but if you notice the fourth pic.. The mascot beside Sora is trying to hug her.. Haha. And the last pic.. Holding hands! :)

*quoted image*

CREDIT: ww4.sinaimg.cn

Sorry for posting too much. :)

Thanks a lot for sharing these news ... I like their support to each other wub.gif  that is one of many reasons which are made me proud to be ELF ,, cuz super junior for me it is not a band / group but part of my family and memory smile.gif

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i don't think Leeteuk was calling us delusional..the DC fans. He was saying to those who tweeted him negative comments.

I'm pretty sure he wants us to see Sora and him as a couple. He wouldn't have put up the 100 day pic if he saw what he does on WGM as a job only which is finished after the filming is over. Even those in dramas get close and spend time with each other. If nothing else these two will have a wonderful friendship and bond and experiences unique to them.

i was wondering why he was at Fame..Eunhyuk is in it ..I found out later.

Why so quiet on the Sora front? wonder if she's just shooting still. Monday is her drama airing. I think it will do really well.

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Guest teuksoralover

i don't think Leeteuk was calling us delusional..the DC fans. He was saying to those who tweeted him negative comments.

I'm pretty sure he wants us to see Sora and him as a couple. He wouldn't have put up the 100 day pic if he saw what he does on WGM as a job only which is finished after the filming is over. Even those in dramas get close and spend time with each other. If nothing else these two will have a wonderful friendship and bond and experiences unique to them.

i was wondering why he was at Fame..Eunhyuk is in it ..I found out later.

Why so quiet on the Sora front? wonder if she's just shooting still. Monday is her drama airing. I think it will do really well.

I second that :) Let us just keep the faith alive.

About Sora's side, I think she has always been like that. Don't you think? It is just my opinion but she seems to be the type to just keep quiet if there are issues related to her. Remember during the SS4 concert where Teuk propose to her.. A lot of fans are mad about it and attacking her on twitter but I don't think we heard anything from her.. She did not release any statements or defended herself or something..

Same also during the blind dates, fans were blaming here why she has to set that up even though we know the boys are the ones who asked for it.. then again, she didn't say anything back to the fans who are attacking her.. So I am thinking she is that type who just doesn't want the fire to get bigger. It might be a good thing.


Sorry for topping the page without sharing anything special. :)

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Hehe. LT oppa really angry and sarcastic about his tweet. For me, is normal you admire someone although you already married or in relationship. isnt it? I believe most of FD here also have their own relationship, right? but you guys (either boy or girl) still admire LT and Kang sora right?

First time i read his tweet, my mind suddenly think. SAME SAME becoz LMJ really pretty. May be now i become LT bias. I dont feel anything about the tweet even i felt more happy becoz we have same admire person. HAPPY.

Dont judge their tweet too fast becoz if we all react too fast, I afraid they will scared to share more about them in tweeter. This news will make FD and ELF sad. isnt it? LT know what his should post and what his should not post in tweeter. Just believe with our beloved leader and is FD role to support both of them watever they do. LOVE FD

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Teuk tweet Update  ^^ 

@siwon407: The shooting schedule in London for this time has ended^^ To all the staffs who have troubled themselves for an awesome piece of work in the weather that suddenly got cold, you all have worked hard^^


@special1004@siwon407 You’ve worked hard!^^ When you go back, go to Italy and buy Hyung’s favourite Rizzo ice cream, margarita, pizza, clothes and shoes from each of the various famous brands, then go to France and buy some wine, then go to Germany and buy a bottle of beer, then safely get back (to Korea)~^^ I’ll give you 10,000 won so you can just take the remaining~^^

@special1004@siwon407 There’s a saying that if you go to London your butt will get prettier~ London is small and pretty, just as a man like me~ㅡㅡ You know that song, right??? You should know, your butt is small and pretty, just as a girl like me~ㅡㅡ…Please, (say you) know the song ㅋㅋ Laugh ㅋㅋ

@siwon407: With Taegeuk Warrior whom we’re so proud of! Met them accidentally at the restaurant, player Ki Sungyong, Park Juyoung, and Ji Dongwon^^ Seems like the background’s manor and clearance just didn’t came out^^ We are Nation Junior^^!


So Oppa u r enjoying ur being as Hyung !blink.gif  .... love him w00t.gif

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Guest teuksoralover

Sorry about this post.. Article on allkpop about this whole thing. You don't have to read it but one comment there I think summarizes it all..


Leeteuk goes on WGM ---> fans bash Kang Sora 

Leeteuk praises Lee Min Jung ---> fans say he's not loyal to Kang Sora

wow netizens change fast...

So I hope this would be a lesson for us to not give so much meaning when our couple says something about another person.. both sora and teuk. :)

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