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Survival Audition Kpop Star

Guest lol00

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Guest Fikachoi

^ Former trainees are understandable, but being signed under a company and auditioning for this type of audition is just plain wrong...Their are laws against this in America. When you audition for American Idol, The Voice, America's Next Top Model and etc. the contract states you cannot be under another agency or entertainment company. And if they do find out (that's why in America we have background checks) you will be fired or terminated from the show...I don't understand why Korea would do that. It's unfair for the people who audition for this, only to find out their competitor is a trainee under JYP. So if he does win what happens? Does that money go straight to JYP or does the trainee keep it?

Yeah I know that's why I was shocked when I heared about SSK2 story. it's not the Korea that did but the stupid cable tv M-NET did and result of that those two were end up being critisized hughly from the public.

I am not talking about signed trainees. The top3 companiese will never allow them.. so yeah don't worry about them.

I am talking about the formar and unsigned trainees.... they might have their own right right?

And i am pretty sure that the little agencies will attempt to get their trainees to get them win of at least earning some sort or fame from the public.

if he or she wins? to be honest I don't know....

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Guest MyNameIs_Luka

Yeah I know that's why I was shocked when I heared about SSK2 story. it's not the Korea that did but the stupid cable tv M-NET did and result of that those two were end up being critisized hughly from the public.

I am not talking about signed trainees. The top3 companiese will never allow them.. so yeah don't worry about them.

I am talking about the formar and unsigned trainees.... they might have their own right right?

And i am pretty sure that the little agencies will attempt to get their trainees to get them win of at least earning some sort or fame from the public.

if he or she wins? to be honest I don't know....

^ Yeah I agree. Hopefully SBS won't do something as underhanded as taking under the table deals with entertainment companies to put their trainees on their new show.

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Guest onnetwothreefour

Does anyone have any idea how this show will work? It says they are seeking those who can DANCE, sing, rap, or any other MUSICAL TALENTS. I mean...How is a dancer going to compete against a singer? Do you think dancers are just trying out to be back up dancers or will they be competing for a trainee position? Obviously those who are applying as singers (probably) has more singing talent than those entering as a dancer so how will this competition work? Also, does anyone know when filming will start (how many months after application due)?

edit; I just went back a page and there is a big confusion on whether non-asia residents have to submit a video or not. One person claimed they emailed them directly and even non-asia residents have to submit a video. Then two posts later everyone claims you don't have to and ignored the earlier person's post. Which is it? thanks

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Guest MyNameIs_Luka

Does anyone have any idea how this show will work? It says they are seeking those who can DANCE, sing, rap, or any other MUSICAL TALENTS. I mean...How is a dancer going to compete against a singer? Do you think dancers are just trying out to be back up dancers or will they be competing for a trainee position? Obviously those who are applying as singers (probably) has more singing talent than those entering as a dancer so how will this competition work? Also, does anyone know when filming will start (how many months after application due)?

edit; I just went back a page and there is a big confusion on whether non-asia residents have to submit a video or not. One person claimed they emailed them directly and even non-asia residents have to submit a video. Then two posts later everyone claims you don't have to and ignored the earlier person's post. Which is it? thanks

^ For the first question I have no idea...Most likely they will judge the dance competitors like on ABDC. And will have a seperate category for them to be judged. Just a theory though so I have no idea :/

^ For the second round just send them a video...It's not mandatory but whatever floats your boat. I sent a video then I got paranoid so I sent one without a video too...They responded back to the non video application email...So you decide :P

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So...I'm guessing most people got the email reply? I got mine a while ago and I'm waiting till sometime in September to get the accept or rejection email. I'm guessing they'll mail it when the application submissions end or sometime close to it. I have a very strong hunch that I'm going to get rejected xD

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Guest MyNameIs_Luka

So...I'm guessing most people got the email reply? I got mine a while ago and I'm waiting till sometime in September to get the accept or rejection email. I'm guessing they'll mail it when the application submissions end or sometime close to it. I have a very strong hunch that I'm going to get rejected xD

^ I think so...But I'm going to call also after I upgrade my cell phone to an iphone or andriod next week.

And don't say that! Have faith and hope for the best. ;)

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Guest MyNameIs_Luka

does anyone know what family background means?? and what kind of picture we should send??

Family background means everything about your family...How many siblings do you have? Are you parents divorced and etc?

As for a photo send a passport photo. Don't take pics with a webcam and with weird angles.

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Guest LeahHeartsDBSK

Family background means everything about your family...How many siblings do you have? Are you aprenst divorced and etc?

As for a photo send a passport photo. Don't take pics with a webcam and with weird angles.

thanks (: i ended up using my soompi picture...hahahaha oh well

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Guest MyNameIs_Luka

thanks (: i ended up using my soompi picture...hahahaha oh well

^ I think that'll be fine lol :P As long as it's not too grainy or shadowy it should be okay.

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Guest MyNameIs_Luka

So after turning in the application do you call the number to do the voice recording ?

No...The email application auditions is seperate from the call in auditions. You either do one or the other. Don't do both.

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After getting the reply email saying they wanted a video attachment, I tried sending mine but it is over the attachment limit. I use hotmail. How did everyone else send theirs and what should I do?

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After getting the reply email saying they wanted a video attachment, I tried sending mine but it is over the attachment limit. I use hotmail. How did everyone else send theirs and what should I do?

You'll have to use the "Send as Online File" Option, that appears when you decide to send a file that's over 25mb.

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Guest MyNameIs_Luka

which email do people living in asia send their emails to? Since it will be held in Seoul for us right?

^ it's asia@sbs.co.kr

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Guest pok3ydot

i was on the facebook discussion thread for this event at sbs jpop star audition and i read through the comments and two of them really confused me. 

the comments were:

"after you send your application they might call you in a week. if they are interested they will ask you to send them a video. if they like ur video than they will send you a place to go to depending on which location email you sent. After you pass THAT then you go to Korea to compete"

This comment confuses me and im wondering: 

1.) Are they supposed to call me in a week after i send my application??

 i thought it was around September that they announce it...and i already got my confirmation e-mail the day after i sent them my application. And if i do get a call...is it going to be in korean? that is a huge dilemna for me if it is.

2.) They are going to ask me to send them a video if they are interested??

 I thought that was for Asian residences only...and weren't people in Asia supposed to have already attached a video to their application and send them both in the same e-mail? Not send an application first then wait for the companies to either ask for you to send a video or not...or maybe they have to send two videos now?

And another comment is: 

"no video! unless you live in asia! they request a video after accepting your application! :DD but i was SHOCKED to get a reply so quick, because i heard many people had to wait long so i was disappointed till i checkd my email this morning!

again, this is for asian residences? huh.gif and again, weren't they already supposed to send a video together with their application? gosh my head hurts wacko.gif

I'm so confused on so many levels because this is different than the application processes for both Asian residences and NON-Asian residences.

*sigh* please help this poor lost girl out sad.gif

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Guest MyNameIs_Luka

i was on the facebook discussion thread for this event at sbs jpop star audition and i read through the comments and two of them really confused me. 

the comments were:

"after you send your application they might call you in a week. if they are interested they will ask you to send them a video. if they like ur video than they will send you a place to go to depending on which location email you sent. After you pass THAT then you go to Korea to compete"

This comment confuses me and im wondering: 

1.) Are they supposed to call me in a week after i send my application??

 i thought it was around September that they announce it...and i already got my confirmation e-mail the day after i sent them my application. And if i do get a call...is it going to be in korean? that is a huge dilemna for me if it is.

2.) They are going to ask me to send them a video if they are interested??

 I thought that was for Asian residences only...and weren't people in Asia supposed to have already attached a video to their application and send them both in the same e-mail? Not send an application first then wait for the companies to either ask for you to send a video or not...or maybe they have to send two videos now?

And another comment is: 

"no video! unless you live in asia! they request a video after accepting your application! :DD but i was SHOCKED to get a reply so quick, because i heard many people had to wait long so i was disappointed till i checkd my email this morning!

again, this is for asian residences? *quoted image* and again, weren't they already supposed to send a video together with their application? gosh my head hurts *quoted image*

I'm so confused on so many levels because this is different than the application processes for both Asian residences and NON-Asian residences.

*sigh* please help this poor lost girl out *quoted image*

^ Don't be confused by that...The one week auditions was for the SBS online auditions. At first they set up a system for people to either call in to audition for singing and uploading their videos for dancing...But most people couldn't call in because it was an international number plus alot of people didn't understand Korean when they did call in. So people would submit all kinds of videos from singing, to dancing, to even acting onto their SBS site. After that they just decided for people to email their application to them instead.

So no...They will not contact you within a week. After you send them an email application, they should send you an automated email about 2 to 3 weeks later. Most of already got this email. So don't worry.

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Guest starzXshinee

Sorry if this questions was asked before, but in the application, what do they mean by 'international age'?

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