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[Drama 2011] Warrior Baek Dong Soo 무사 백동수

Guest reiz1430278104

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Mmmmmm.... sweet tea.  ::drool::  Used to live in Mississippi ages ago, so I got hooked on that stuff.  Liquid Crack, fer shure!   :P

And now, after three additional viewings, I'm about ready to collapse from exhaustion.  My own, mostly.  But first:

Okay, LOTS of plot advancement in Episode 16, the least of which is Ji *finally* telling Cheon he's JJ's abeoji.  Shocking Horror!  Just think of the child support payments he's behind on!  

:phew:  With Cheon's wanting to become a 'free man' away from the Hoksa rules and regulations, like WaGGy said, he's just fighting against the swordsmen on his scroll list; no killing allowed.  (Must be one of those macho things I will never understand...  :blink:)  And then Ji decides YW, being the heir apparent, should fill the Sky Lord open requisition NOW.  No further training, no probationary period, nothing -- here ya go, boy.  Have fun stormin' the castle without us!  But wasn't the Hoksa sort of sympathetic to the Qing masters anyway?  That would explain the presence of Bat v.2 arriving -- he must be an older brother the way Bat v.1 kowtows to him.  I think Cheon knows he's not long for this world, like he has some sort of incurable disease (probably cirrhosis of the liver - ha!) and wants to tie up all his loose ends for leaving this mortal coil.  It would be freakin' EPIC to see a DS/Cheon/SS-led bloodbath against all the Bad Guys, with a redeemed YW joining them towards the end!  :wub:

Love the spoiler comments and the pictures Cherkell, thanks so much. You know how to make sweet tea right? If not, I can message you with the recipe. Like you, I would love to see Cheon and SS fight along with DS and YW against the bad guys and win! That would be an epic ending for sure!w00t.gif

Get ready, gonna change my moniker....

SWNG, Lord of the Sweet Tea, outph34r.gifunsure.gifph34r.gifph34r.gifph34r.gif

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Thanks for all the spoilers and articles...CMSs son looks like appa...you just have to look on the older pictures of CMS (on asianmediawiki e.g.)...or simply pictures without make-up... :)

btw, CMS was on Strong heart. For those who are interested and speak Korean (I dont, but even without understanding, the show looks funny):

...this is just the first part of the variety show...

Have a nice day warriors and ninjas!

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Good morning all.:)

WaGGy, I agree about the love relationships of the older gen being much more interesting than the younger gen.  As for where we left off in epi 16, I cannot see Cheon leaving Ji's body behind or JJ going anywhere without one or both parents.  Cheon can storm the castle and reclaim the Hoksa ousting YW [who I do not get at this point] and In.....

I have no idea where this drama is headed but I hope JJ does not end up at SM's place, but with Cheon.  :D

I have mixed feelings about what I saw in epi 16 so I hope the subs will help me to understand what the heck is going on.^_^

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Yup I am actually waiting for the subs to come out so that I can understand what is going on, in particular towards YW's motives/reasons for siding with Pig, crazy Bat and his older brother :crazy:

I absolutely agree that the older gen triangle is much more interesting and entertaining.. It's a much harder choice to decide in the older gen triangle while in the younger gen, its a no brainer who we're rooting for lol I think majority of us here want JJ to deserve happiness at the end...

Btw I am not cool with DS having two wives, it would be unfair to JJ... I rather he loves one person or the other....

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Guest MisterBarca

I don't think they will kill Ji since she was the previous Sky Lord's daughter. And In seems to be in love with her. Nasty.

What are you saying? Ugly people cannot be attracted to beautiful people? ;)

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Haha In is a crazy Bat so ya know, him being attracted to Ji may cause more problems for her... He's not exactly rational and a bit loopy imho haha I actually wonder why he's the Human Lord? :blink:

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Guest laridum

I don't think Ji would lie about it because of that. Cheon probably would have protected JJ anyway if Ji had asked because she's Ji's daughter. If she thinks she and JG are dying, then she probably wanted to get that secret out.

CherKell It's because the Crown Prince was supposed to be serving out his punishment in that rice chest. The king was probably in on it or at least turned a blind eye to the plan to save Sado. So if they'd arrested YW then they'd have to acknowledge that Sado got out of the rice chest. Plus, I think the authorities don't really want to go anywhere near HC...

And, yeah, I think YW referred to himself as the Human Lord. There must be set positions within HC i.e. Ji's dad was the Sky Lord before Cheon.

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Haha In is a crazy Bat so ya know, him being attracted to Ji may cause more problems for her... He's not exactly rational and a bit loopy imho haha I actually wonder why he's the Human Lord:blink:

I almost lost my lunch upon reading this.:w00t:  I wondered the same thing.:ph34r:

For those in the know, please explain YW's actions of late.  Why would heed the words of DG?  He did not seem to be ambitious so I cannot imagine an offer that made him side against Cheon.  Is he looking for something?:(

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Guest laridum

I'm watching episode 16 omg I cannot deal. I cannot. Not HJG. :((((((((((( So many tears and nothing has happened yet! :(

And Cheon knew almost instantly that he's Jinju's father. DId anyone else catch that? A soon as she called Ji "mother". I guess he didn't catch on about that earlier. Maybe he thought she was just keeping an eye on her old bodyguard or something.


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I'm glad the offspring secret is out in the open because keeping it a secret any longer would be pointless now more so than ever since JJ may lose her mother.  It looks like Ji will die since she confessed to Cheon.  That probably means war.... 

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Good morning all.:)

WaGGy, I agree about the love relationships of the older gen being much more interesting than the younger gen.  As for where we left off in epi 16, I cannot see Cheon leaving Ji's body behind or JJ going anywhere without one or both parents.  Cheon can storm the castle and reclaim the Hoksa ousting YW [who I do not get at this point] and In.....

I have no idea where this drama is headed but I hope JJ does not end up at SM's place, but with Cheon.  :D

I have mixed feelings about what I saw in epi 16 so I hope the subs will help me to understand what the heck is going on.^_^

Hi sweety

gosh i'm sorry i clicked on -1 by mistake ...please can someone help me to remove it

and yes i totally agree with you, i don't want JJ to live at SM's place , but i wonder if JI and JG will make it and live ?!

i don't want them to die that would be so hurtful for JJ :tears:

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Hi sweety

gosh i'm sorry i clicked on -1 by mistake ...please can someone help me to remove it

and yes i totally agree with you, i don't want JJ to live at SM's place , but i wonder if JI and JG will make it and live ?!

i don't want them to die that would be so hurtful for JJ :tears:

LOL, don't fret over such things....We are all still SWNGers on this thread and one big happy ninja family.  ^_^

Only because Ji confessed, I don't think she made out.....I cannot fathom Cheon leaving her dead body although it could happen.  The image is horrific.  That is why I was upset that DS, love you--still I do, left the CP's body in the woods... :o -_-:o 

I'm not understanding YW at all at this point in the drama.  They are making him so unrecognizable to me, but the only saving grace are his flashbacks.  I'm trying to understand his motivation and corresponding actions, but I think it's lost in translation.  SAVE HIM!!!!  :tears:sweatingbullets.gif   I rather see him leave the country than die as an unhappy person....

SWNG, Lord of the "Save YW" Campaign, out.:ph34r:

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msk, as I have stressed so many times before, I really don't understand YW in ep 16. His actions really confused me and you're right he was never ambitious to begin with. Also why would he betray Cheon who said that he will give everything to YW?? :blink: I want to join the 'save YW' campaign too.. Let's protest in front of HC actually that is suicide, let's protest in front of SM's place so that DS can see us! :ph34r: He may be the only one (maybe JS too) who could save YW from this misery!

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CherKell It's because the Crown Prince was supposed to be serving out his punishment in that rice chest. The king was probably in on it or at least turned a blind eye to the plan to save Sado. So if they'd arrested YW then they'd have to acknowledge that Sado got out of the rice chest. Plus, I think the authorities don't really want to go anywhere near HC...

Yeah laridum, point taken and agreed. The writers played fast and loose with that little section of history, but I'm sure they figured dying in a rice chest was soooooo boring and needed to tart it up a bit. So much for 'artistic license,' ne? :blink:

I'm calling it an early night because I'm freakin' exhausted -- here's a few more shots grabbed from the Twitterverse before I collapse. Aw, Dong Soo looks like he couldn't hurt a fly... but we all know that he is gonna rain some holy death upon Joseon before too long!! :D

SWNG Trying Not to Get Sick out! :ph34r:

P.S. This is *EXACTLY* how I feel right now!! :wub:






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I'm actually hoping that Jin Ju becomes part of Hoksa. I want to see her turn into her Shadowless Sword mode but instead the evil version. She'll be kicking richard simmons here and there and then once you know it, she kills everyone who tried to hurt the people she loves. Muahaha. A new hairdo for her wouldn't hurt either.

Hopefully, the ending of this drama won't be like Hong Gil Dong.

What are you saying? Ugly people cannot be attracted to beautiful people? ;)

I'm not saying ugly people can't be attracted to beautiful people, I was just saying how he throws himself at her and is all touchy with her like she accepts it, is nasty. :D Sorry if I've offended anyone.

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sandjh: What?? Something bad happens to JJ???? tears.gif That means that DS does not make it in time to save our poor JJ?? Oh nooo!! It's bad that she loses her parents in one day and now she's in danger too! Oh my... LOL Thanks for the clarification... my bad, I was quick to jump to conclusions sweatingbullets.gif

Cher: take care, gal! Hope you don't get sick, we need you in here blush.gif Thanks for the pics! JCW looks really good with his hair swept up. Loved the second picture where he's baring his teeth! Adorable expression!

I'm still waiting for the subs... I know I'll be nervous when I watch ep 16 with subs eek!

aouah: nope you didn't offend anyone.. I also find it creepy the way he crushes on Ji :unsure:

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csfan Oh sorry my mistake, I was just reading a couple posts from the previous pages, and i think the bad thing they mean't was what you just mentioned - JJ losing her parents. (Still haven't watched that part though xD) 

But it's really hard to watch JJ hurting...I hope she doesn't hurt too much in the next episodes sad.gifsad.giftears.gif

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Finished watching ep 15 with subs (~95%) and may I emphasize how much I wanted to strangle BDS!!! I mean its fine if you don't reciprocate JJ's feelings but to tell her to TAKE CARE of your ji seon is a big NONO and so selfish! He's so inconsiderate and I swear he's not stupid to not know JJ's feelings, right?? Sigh I feel so sorry for JJ...

Anyhow I was pretty frustrated when DS asked JS to come with him to Girin... It's like WTH he wants her to tag along to wherever he goes :crazy: I am so glad she refused and said she wanted to paved her own way.. Seriously DS should really just let her make her own decisions, not just make her decisions based on his feelings..

As for YW, I felt for him... I thought Ji was pretty harsh on him when she said that he was destined to become Hoska's successor and that if he declined, they would hunt him down to the depths of hell... Yeah that's totally giving him a choice... <_< It looks like YW feels he can't turn back because he's got no choice. He absolutely did not like Pig so I am curious to see why he sides with Pig and In crazy Bat(s) in the next episode...

I will watch ep 16 tomorrow.. I was fuming by the end of ep 15 so I should calm down, sleep and watch the next episode in a better mood.. I don't want to shoot daggers at DS every time he appears on my screen lol

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Guest dramacf

First time posting in this thread. Can't help it. I fell in love with this drama! Now I've got another drama to live stream come Mondays and Tuesdays!

It's quite rare that I watch sageuk mainly because it's long but thank goodness for small mercies WDBS is just 24 episodes so I decided to take a peek at one episode last week and that's all it took!

Casting was perfect for me. Well, almost perfect 'cause it's either JS acting or her character (I still can't decide which) is boring me to tears. I like how Chun's character is so complex. He sometimes appears a bit whimsical yet calculating at the same time. I think he's the wild card in all this 'cause he's got this muddled code of honor that he lives by. And I believe YW's eventual decision of finally picking a side at the end in this tug-of-war may still somewhat be influenced by Chun one way or another.

I wish DS ends up with JJ. My wishful thinking goes as far as JJ asking/pestering DS (now that DS has been trained by the master GT) to train her further in martial arts. At least that way, we get more DS-JJ scenes together. ^_^

About YW, gosh! I don't know if the writers have been deprived of sleep or whatever 'cause YW's behavior in EP16 totally baffled me. I know that he had a crappy life and all that but it's no excuse to continue on with his so-called dark destiny since he's got a family in SM and DS. At some point he has to make amends somehow with all the wrong that he's done. As such, I'd rather YW end up alive yet alone than have him end up with JS. (Sorry but there's something about JS that doesn't sink in well with me.)

Or what could be more interesting would be for DS and YW to finally get rid of their JS delusion and fall for JJ. After all, both knew her since they were kids. I would love to see how they could go back to their childish dueling days maybe they get drunk or something and fight mano-a-mano (Oh, I know that would never happen but a girl can dream, right?)

I'm really hoping for DS and YW to be good friends again but I assume that they'll both end up like Chun and GT being neither friends nor enemies.

Regarding the elders, hopefully their love triangle gets resolved soon! 'cause hello they're far mature already to live the angsty love life of a teen.

Just my two cents. :)

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