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[Drama 2011] Miss Ripley 미스 리플리

Guest JPhylls

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Guest imogene_af

IMHO, it is not really that farfetched that Miri will do that. She did hook for a living.

But I really think this will be a fascinating trainwreck.

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Guest ngthuhien149

Here's another ratings graph.. kinda similar but with the timeline included



Looks like Ripley topped the ratings tonight. The drop that you see after that was right after it ended..

No confirmation tho..

I am praying with all my heart that yours is rite. I don't want the rating go too bad before writer gives us an answer :tears:

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Guest ripgal

"She has my birth mother's eyes..."

Hope not. Someone slap me for thinking such thoughts.

Slaps you hard! *realllllly hard*

I think I'm prolly the only one who's looking forward to see how far Miri will go? Makes me kind happy that LDH's challenging herself more with this role. Ppl will hate Miri, resent her and loathe her.. but the more ppl do so, the more I want to see how much more she can flex her schemes.

As for Yutaka, I feel bad for him. But what gives? This drama IS about Miri after all. Her self-destruction and all.

Peepz can just wish that Yutaka will not end up with her.

I just want to see Miri's ending.

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Guest ethan_1

I haven't watched the episode but based on all the comments,could it be that the writter really want to show the greed&ambition of Miri which lead her to do everything to have what she wants?LDH is doing a great job of making the viewers hate Miri if that is what the writter wants

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Guest ripgal

IMHO, it is not really that farfetched that Miri will do that. She did hook for a living.

But I really think this will be a fascinating trainwreck.

Well, if she can burn down a house, what's that right?

I just think a lot of ppl are feeling bad for Yutaka. Because he's like soooo good and sweet, he deserves someone with a good heart and one who will love him wholeheartedly. Guess they just can't see how Miri will use him later on after being all chummy with MH, so yeah...

But again, LDH, you are brave. I salute you.

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Yes Ripgal and ngthuhien, LDH is really brave to take this kind of role and go all the way through the insides of such a "hateful" character.

How I can change between two opposite extremes feelings like that!!!!

I feel sorry for Yutaka too, and knowing that Miri will jump on him next make me want to cry :tears: But again I am really surprised of my self that I want to see that!!!!!!

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Miri character look a bit like Yeokyung in Thorn Birds. I so hate her up until a few episode toward the end....I do hope that the writer might give MIRI a good side that we can empatize. Pls don't make Yutaka be too much of a fool for the love of Miri....it will be the drama downfall if the writer decide to do that

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Guest imogene_af

Slaps you hard! *realllllly hard*

I think I'm prolly the only one who's looking forward to see how far Miri will go? Makes me kind happy that LDH's challenging herself more with this role. Ppl will hate Miri, resent her and loathe her.. but the more ppl do so, the more I want to see how much more she can flex her schemes.

As for Yutaka, I feel bad for him. But what gives? This drama IS about Miri after all. Her self-destruction and all.

Peepz can just wish that Yutaka will not end up with her.

I just want to see Miri's ending.

you have to admit, this drama is getting REAL DARK. If they do go there, would it shock you at this point? Our (anti)heroine is sleeping her way to the top. But I like that she's a bold faced b**ch, instead of the ones in dramas that they mask to be sympathetic but really you are going... but she's a b**tch. It's amazing how Miri is basically getting corrupted with each step of power she gets. She wasn't like this in the first two episodes, but within that first lie... she gets worse and worse.

I doubt YooHyun and Miri will have a happily ever after... I foresee a VERY dark road ahead. I think her using him and maybe one day falling for him will be her ultimate debt to karma.

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Guest ngthuhien149

Yes Ripgal and ngthuhien, LDH is really brave to take this kind of role and go all the way through the insides of such a "hateful" character.

How I can change between two opposite extremes feelings like that!!!!

I feel sorry for Yutaka too, and knowing that Miri will jump on him next make me want to cry :tears: But again I am really surprised of my self that I want to see that!!!!!!

Yuhyun deserves what he gets if he is that fool. If so I am not going to feel sorry for him at all. I still keep my little faith on writer since I still can't believe stupid Yuhyun is going to be like that later on, HJ as well. If so who is going to destroy Miri's cover?

I understand that the series about Miri and her self destruction but well it doesn't need to go that far. She is now a really dirty b**ch. No1 will feel sorry for her when she redeems her self later. n It is not about Yuhyun at all. So far Yuhuyn seems like just a 2nd male lead anw. The way she lives her life is so hateful. I missed the scene of her and Yuhyun tho so I don't hate for for treating Yuhyun bad.

Btw good news if Ripgal is rite, because it seems like it topped ^^


Yutaka =.=

Heejoo u go, u know everything already DO STH

I hope I am not delusional =.= coz I want to see some sincerity in Miri's eyes when she is with Yutaka at least

Kinda feel the difference in how Yuri develops their loveline compared to Hoori too ^^ even tho it is hella fast as well ...I mean srsly? Yoochun filmed those scene in Jeju just on June 8th

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Guest ripgal

you have to admit, this drama is getting REAL DARK. If they do go there, would it shock you at this point? Our (anti)heroine is sleeping her way to the top. But I like that she's a bold faced b**ch, instead of the ones in dramas that they mask to be sympathetic but really you are going... but she's a b**tch. It's amazing how Miri is basically getting corrupted with each step of power she gets. She wasn't like this in the first two episodes, but within that first lie... she gets worse and worse.

I doubt YooHyun and Miri will have a happily ever after... I foresee a VERY dark road ahead. I think her using him and maybe one day falling for him will be her ultimate debt to karma.

Some ppl have commented that the premise of Miri using everyone around her just to rise up (in whatever ways) is befitting for film but not for drama. In film, black and white is a side-point as long as the characters are intriguing and convincing enough. And in drama, you just have to shed some good light in a character in order. That's the norm, how it works. I guess expectations are different?

I do not think anyone will have a happily ever after in the end, it's just not possible.

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Guest imogene_af

her... reactions in Episode 6 with YooHyun... is she serious? I don't even know when she is real or not. OMG. :lol: She seemed genuine. Is she serious?! I need subs.

is she that far off from redemption, though? I don't think she is. I think she will be over her head if she actually ends up killing someone... you think she can go that dark route?

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Yeah episode 5 made me think this drama is going to go more dark ahead .It is giving us more then we expected .Although I love to hate Miri .Now i don't see any redemption for her character .Even i hope see falls in true love with yutaka, and it will be more interesting to see how see will deal with her feelings.

I don't know what will be the end may be she will die or she just vanishes from everyone life .

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Guest ripgal

her... reactions in Episode 6 with YooHyun... is she serious? I don't even know when she is real or not. OMG. :lol:

is she that far off from redemption, though? I don't think she is. I think she will be over her head if she actually ends up killing someone... you think she can go that dark route?

Ep 6? You mean the preview or something? Gah, the wait to DL this ep is KILLING ME! >.<

Got me thinking, if.. I'm just saying if.. that shocking scene happened between Yutaka and Miri first? And not MH-Miri? Would reactions be any different?

I mean technically speaking, both of them fell for her at a similar time, and they do not know her inner schemes, lies and all. If Miri had gone for Yutaka first, would the hate have been equivalent? Just sayin' heh.

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Guest imogene_af


It may be different because she might actually fall in love with YooHyun as for Myung Hoon she really just uses and you know, promiscuity is just sort of something that is not featured a lot in Asian dramas and here we are having an antiheroine who sleeps her way to the top ... and it is kind of sad that she will reel in YooHyun also who has been nothing but kind hearted to her. But their loveline seems... a bit different in development. At least based on that preview... she seems more genuine and actually overwhelmed around him.

Hee Joo will blow her cover probably out of concern for Yoo Hyun.

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Guest wls2948

i want miri to redeem herself. i hear the song by hwayobi "glass" it's about miri falling in true love with yutaka....i believe if yutaka loves her and knows the real her and the fear that drives her to do what she did, he will be the one to help her to get out of the dark side. and then there will be hope for happy ending for miri and yutaka..... yutaka seems to me to be the lead in this show instead of the 2nd :blink:

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Guest ripgal

Okay, I know why people hated Ep 5, at least from a lot of reactions I got from the Chinese boards..

Cos of this

If Miri was a secondary character, I'd probably be cursing her away to oblivion.

Who can resist that? And not feel for the boy?

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Guest antinh85

The turn of events of ep 5 was expected. The full seduction scheme is in full effect. I'm not really affected by how manipulative she had become, rather i'm looking forward to see her drown in own pool. I can totally sense that she will love Yoohyun later on. Maybe because of him, she will try to find the inner good of herself. But of course, there will probably no light at the end of the tunnel for our Miri.

I thought it was in a summary somewhere before that Y will find her secrets first. But he will accept it and shield her. I wonder if the writer will still put that into effect.

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Yuhyun deserves what he gets if he is that fool. If so I am not going to feel sorry for him at all. I still keep my little faith on writer since I still can't believe stupid Yuhyun is going to be like that later on, HJ as well. If so who is going to destroy Miri's cover?

I understand that the series about Miri and her self destruction but well it doesn't need to go that far. She is now a really dirty b**ch. No1 will feel sorry for her when she redeems her self later. n It is not about Yuhyun at all. So far Yuhuyn seems like just a 2nd male lead anw. The way she lives her life is so hateful. I missed the scene of her and Yuhyun tho so I don't hate for for treating Yuhyun bad.

Btw good news if Ripgal is rite, because it seems like it topped ^^

Thanks for the preview

Oh don't say like that Yuhyun has most of the time has seen the real Miri rather then fake .Even his friend asked him why does he like girl like that who is kind of rude to him .But he said u don't need the reason to like someone which is true .

His character synopsis mentions that he will come to know abt Miri but will he close his heart again and go back like he used to be or will he make miri to fall with him. So it would be interesting to see how yutaka will deal with it .And i don't think Song yoo hung is stupid he just like Miri its when u have crush on someone .Love makes u kind of stupid LOL .Although he is smart businessman which we have seen . And HJ is also following Miri as u see in preview she even joined planning dept ,that mean HJ is keeping eye on Miri .I don't know who is going to destroy her cover ?

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