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[UPDATED - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!] Show your love for Big Bang!


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Guest Miiki-


Thank you so much for all the splendid performances that you have done for us!  It was because I came to know about BIGBANG that I became so interested in Korean songs!  I have even tried to study Korean on my own in addition to my Japanese classes which I am currently taking.  I also enjoy learning how to sing your songs!  To me, the raps are especially difficult to learn, but I will never give up on practicing your songs!!  wink.gif  

I really love your songs, performances, individual styles and personalities! And I hope to see you in person!!!

P.S. Take good care of yourselves!! Do not overwork! 

With lots of love,


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Guest iiina89


BIGBaNG BIGBang are back again. Noway, noway??

-          Yes BIGBANG is BACK Most definitely incredible.


(Honestly I should be sleeping it’s 3:18am. I wasn’t planning to enter due to school. 2 exams this week uwaaahhh T.T But what am I doing? Just saw the SBS hour long ‘the BIGBANG show ‘(wish I could be there though to see you live and experience the atmosphere there).Couldn’t resist. Loved every second. And Secret Garden parody대박! 정말재밌어요Wanted to do this with my sisters but everyone is so busy, night+ daycourse at university. I should be studying but couldn’t get this out of my head-.-)

(i've highlighted you can only read the black colour and skip the blu ones)




어떻게지내세요? 잘 잘아서? 그리고 축아해for your comeback, another successful one!

I will try to make myself short and spare you from reading a lot which can be pain after thousands of letters=) If I am lucky enough, thank you for reading my letter who is just one in the crowd.


My name is Erlina, 2-2-2-2-ne1 years old and from Sweden.

I wanted to do something creative like a video or something funny to make you laugh (try).However, because of the short notice and due to school I cannot do so. I planned to write a handwritten letter to make it more personal. But no access to a scanner -.-.

I am not going to say that I love you for how you make your music but for the impact you had on my life. Among many reasons I am Thankful for you being the reason that made me bond with my sisters. I am Thankful for you making me have something in common with them  I am Thankful that you have filled my dull daily life with joy, especially this recent years because let’s just say 2010 was the worst year ever for me personally ’(Mom has cancer and my dad just recently passed away).and Thank you for  existing BiGBANG rocks ..’my days ooeeeyoooo=P (also감사합니다



I truly wish I could say that I have been a fan since day 1 but I did not know of you until 2009.

I do not know if I have the right to call myself a V.I.P because to be quite frank I do not have much knowledge about you as many other V.I.P does. Hopefully, it is enough though.

I am actually entering this contest for my little sister, (Faridah) who just turned 20 years old on February 18th.  You BIGBANG are her all-time favorite idol. Idol might be the wrong expression used here because I am sorry to say this but I do not see you as Idols. Since you are not something to be worshipped and blindly admired like some product. However, I do see you as talented very different individuals of artists and musicians/actor that together forms a group that becomes ONE and causes A Big Bang (*I’m jumping in the air).


She knows a lot about you, loves your music and looks up to you. I remember her saying “Look how old they are, just a few years older than me, So talented and accomplished a lot already. What Have I done??” clearly you motivate her. Sure she has liked other artists’ music, bit that is just it. When it comes to you it is different it is not just music anymore but also you.

You see I do not usually share my inner dreams, interest, wishes and what I keep dear. I guess that she is the same way. She never told she listened to you but discovered me watching your videos one day and said ‘oh you like them too’. We do not usually flash and promote what we like(sorry about that) but for us you  are like a secret or a love interest one keep  for oneself , thinking of it makes one smile and one only tell it to special people.


I have 4 siblings (middle child here) so my sister is like really close, like best friends, with my other little sister. We usually did not talk much in depth, very superficial like ’how was your day, what did you have for lunch’ and because of no common interest when one person moves would just result us growing further apart. Because of you we have something to talk about something that we both share and we started to open up ourselves to each other. THANK YOU.

Now it feels like we are not just blood related but also have a connection with each other, not just sisters but also friends. Frankly it is quite common to be closer to friends than family.


I’m Sorry tried to make it shooort.


2010 was bad year. To make it short I was always fatigue and yawned all the time (found out later it was anemia) on top of that got a huge breakout which affected my confidence. It affected school. I stopped to care and felt indifferent like I had no emotions (that was also  before 2010). Sometimes I even felt like I was not thinking. Depression?  Or a phase? Hopefully it will end soon.

Last semester I moved out to another city because of school. Big step, I have never lived alone ever before. I was set to find my motivation and focus again. First day= Duun Duun Duun lost my baggage -.-. since I had no  accommodation the first 3 months I had to live in peoples places. I felt like a gypsy and had to stay out (around 10pm) until could get inside. It was little by little that my experience there took a toll on me. I lost my wallet, home keys, collided with another bicyclist(hahahah my bicycle handles got totally crooked LOL) wandering lost in another city middle of the night etc... Clearly I was filled with bad luck. As that was not enough I got informed that my mom was diagnosed with cancer. It felt like the world was against me. The sad part Is that she still doesn’t know that we know because she didn’t want us to. Every weekend I took the train home.  I became introverted and isolated myself, I did not bond with my classmates and I felt totally lonely. I got 2 friends but they were just classmates after school I was all alone in another city. When I finally had a room in a dorm I avoided people, used the kitchen when no one was there. My days became nights and nights became days. Sometimes I did not even sleep. I felt like a zombie.

 As that was not enough on the 26/12 my dad passed away. A couple of weeks after he returned home form a vacation. What hurts the most is I was not there for him no one knew it was serious he was in the hospital I visited him during the weekends when I was home.

 I was not home, I was not there for him and I also wish that I told him that I loved him. My last words were “I have to study I have an exam’. Why didn’t I bring the books there? so many what if’s and should of’s.

 I remember getting a call from my brother that dad was in intensive care. I did not react since it did not connect in my head for a weird reason it felt like my head is empty and sometimes like I do not think at all therefor I did not think it was serious. Until I was there in the waiting room waiting. Every second felt like an eternity hearing a door closing and opening made my heart beat faster and stop for a second expecting to get some news from the doctors. ‘your dad is in a critical condition, he is really sick, he might not make the day’ there it hit me tears falling trying to stop it were falling like waterfall.  We got to visit him one by one. There he was with all he tubes but I was too afraid to touch to talk.

 Surgery or not? He has 50%chance of surviving of course we chose surgery. Trying to think positive and have hope it is 50%chance right? please please god don’t take my dad just yet . I promise to learn to cook Indonesian meals for him. I’ll come back home and live with him (my parents were divorced we only visited him during the weekends) Seconds, minutes, hours of waiting. Please please. Dr visits again, his face is soft looking, good news? ’Have you met your dad yet?’  ‘you can go meet him, it was a lot of problem your dad is really sick he is in critical condition hopefully we will meet tomorrow’- so happy we forgot that he was really sick and the thing that kept repeating in my head ‘we will meet tomorrow’ I was so happy and hopeful. Unfortunately, my brother got different information and wondered why we looked so happy. We all went to see him in the intensive care surgery room. I smiled weakly to the other Dr but his face expression was different than the other Dr. There he was with lots of tubes and his stomach was apparently still open in case they had to do surgery. He is alive that is what counts. His heart is beating. Too scared to touch or talk . Nurse- ‘You can hold your dads hand’ reached for his hand to take it out for us to hold. Beep beep beep! 80, 66, 40 please go up go up and. Come on dad you are strong! The heart rate oscillated from 80-0 up and down until it all went zero. Right there  infront of us all! I could not believe it. Wanted to blame the Dr for stopping why not try harder??? Why did you have to touch his hand??? Why? I Cried and then I stopped. Such a weird feeling. Emptyness.  Blankness. What did just happen? 2 weeks of not seeing each other, it was my turn to take care of him and my sisters of my mom. Finally we met and he was unconscious. If I just talked to him could he hear me?. ’Dad I’m home now’ like in movies tell him to not go toward the light. They cleaned him up and we all got to meet him one last time. His friend was there, each and every one. Really touching. There he was feels like he was just sleeping. Weird thing is that he looked so peaceful laying there it looked like as if he was smiling. 

I still have this naive thinking that he is just on a long vacation. It feels so unreal.


You see because of those events I became introverted and felt down. I feel sorry for my little sisters that they were the ones that took care of everything. Also , because It is a fact that I am bad at keeping in touch causes me to grow further and further apart from people and friends. Untouchable. Tomorrow comes and tomorrow turns into days and days to perhaps weeks, months and then years.  

I called home instead of friends when I had no one to talk to. My sisters became more than just sisters they became like my friends because of having a common interest like BIGBANG we had something to talk about. Something else than dark news. “Did you hear that new song?” “Have you seen that?”.

Watching you, listening to your music made me forget the bad things for just a while. It made me smile and made me feel nice. Ignorance is bliss. Come to think about it since 2009 you have always been around music wise in my phone, playlist, listening to you on my train rides, workouts or when I just wanted to chill. When I want to smile and laugh and think of something else I would just YouTube you. I do not even like when people going through my playlist because that feels like I’m exposing myself that is how personal it is.


Thank you BIGBANG for being how you are. Thank you. I’m not sure what love is yet but I do think that is why I love you.  Aside from the obvious you being talented, hardworking,your groupchemistry, just your characters, your voice and much more I love you for making me feel all better when  I felt down.

They say you do not know what you have until it is gone. But I guess it is more that we do know what we have it is just that we think that we will never lose it. I had a naïve thinking that parents are like superheroes and immortal. That they would  always be there.

I’ll take nothing for granted no more, but your music because it will not only be a memory but it will always exist from years from now. 



G-Dragon  Aka권지(nious)용-ssi, -hyung- oppa?? ’Top to bottom so freshly dressed’

You talented guy making everyone jealous being so good at such a young age. You are a trueleader that has leaderqualities,youcan be strict but also soft. Serious and goofy.  A great balance. Also not to mention always freshly dressed. Honestly, I cannot imagine anyone else looking that good in your clothes. Clearly it is not the nice clothes that make you look good. It is you making the clothes look good.=)

You are strong. Overcoming lots of hinder. “never mind what haters say, just ignore them til they fade away’- Clearly you are doing something right that makes them people jealous so don’t take it to heart^^

Oh an the Secret garden parody you being dressed as… for a second there I actually thought you were a girl.Aish even pretty when crossdressing=)

Always be Healthy!! oo and i love the way you cover your face with your hand when you laugh




T.O.P aka최승현

Your eyes is just WOOW I mean your gaze^^ and your voice is just ahhhh LOLXD

 I also love your awkward dancing (I’m sorry) . Keep on smiling=D

Love your determination to become an artist. Cant nobody hold you down^^



Taeyang aka동영배ahh SWAG. You are just wow. I love your dancing it is just so smooth

And your voice (all of the BIGBANG has lovely different voices).

I can really relate too about the part you being shy and no experience in love hahah(if that is the truth=P)

I love what to call your innocence(??). Cannot believe that you are shy around girls on stage you seem really different. CONFIDENCE. Maybe that was before ‘I need a girl’ ???=P

Cannot believe you wrote the lyrics for ‘Take it slow’ mr-I’ve-never-had-a- girlfriend tssk tssk suspicious. Hope you found your girl=)

tumblr_lhaesjZTOV1qcye96.gif tumblr_lh08bvfBqA1qzhiyw.gif

강대성 - Geh Chun Daesung

89 :er high five! Ehh mental five…cyber five?? Lol anyways you are always so bright and happy.

A totally mood lightener. Just watching you makes me smile^^ Keep on smiling your lovely smile. And You ARE Handsome no matter what people say^^.Not to mention your voice WOAH.

I wish I could be around you always or just have a friend just like you=) 

tumblr_lh0oxzeM8F1qbewfl.gifSeungri a ka이승현

Nice dancing, very funny and witty^^ Love the Gdragong-seungri relationship. And your high Confidence and Arrogans WOOW. Usually I dislike arrogant people just make me want to smack their head hahaha but with you it’s different one cannot just dislike you. Something about you and your personality and your arrogans makes you lovable=) Now where did you get it?? I want some too =P 어쩌라고 to get half as confident as you??

Kind Regards hugs and kisses lol (Dont know what the piiiiiiip I'm doing pretend its air kisses.chu!)^^





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Guest yuli1818

i send my entry earlier but the link didnt work.. here is the link again.. blame youtube..


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Guest ahza911

I know I won't win. I bet the girl fans would put their sweat and all for the post. It's not that I lack with sincerity, but I have nothing special to offer due to my other commitments. Anyhow, since Big Bang is reading this, I just want to say Thank You. We have lots of great music because of Big Bang. We have lots of VIP here in Malaysia. Please stop here once in a while for tour and such. I'm a loyal ELF, but ELF Malaysia and Triple S Malaysia support Big bang all the same. May 2011 be the year for Big Bang. Hope you will sweep all of the awards this year. Last but not least, Taeyang I really love "Wedding dress" and "I need a girl". :)




Malaysia (말라이시아)

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Guest MimieisVip

Hello Guys !

I hope u guys really read this coz its been a long time for me to express what i think about u guys but i dont know where should i post it !

Everybody says Big Bang is :

1. The most amazing wonderful group !

2. The most talented group !

3. The one who make street fashion become popular !

4. The cute , sweet , handsome boy !

5. The trendsetter !

6. The soon to be boss !

This is what i think about Big Bang :

1. The group that entertains every single soul in this world !

2.The group that show the real  them whether on stage or not !

3. The group that i cant live without hearing their songs !

4. The group that I start and end my day ! - u guys are the first person that i think when i wake up and before sleep-

5.The group that make my life more colourful

6. The group that make me realise that we should work hard to get what we want !

Everybody says G-Dragon is :

1.The most fashionista in Korea.

2.The best leadah in boy band

3.The most criticsed singer in Korea.

4.The most amazing talented singer and composer.

5.The most cute, shy person.

what I think about G-Dragon:

1.The person that loves his dog like his own child.

2.the person who fashion I adore and hate sometimes.

3.The person who jokes I laugh so hard at !

4.The person that I hate when he's not posting on me2day

5.The ambitious person who do anything to achieve his dream !

Everybody says Taeyang is :

1. The shy person.

2. The person who never date any girls

3. The person who have awesome body

4. The person who got cute eye smile.

5. The person who sings really well

What I think about Taeyang :

1. The person who got melodious voice

2. The person who have sweet face.

3. The person who dedicated himself to the dance and sing !

4. The person who work so hard to achieve what he got today !.

5. The person who always remember GOD !

Everybody says T.O.P is :

1.The most handsome man

2.The most wonderful rapper

3.The most charming person in the group

4. The person who act really well

5. The person who got beautiful eye.

What i Think about T.O.P :

1.The person who love to make joke.

2. The person who act like a kid.

3. The person who makes me rap along with him when he rap.

4. The person who like sweet, ice cream!

5. The most dorky person

Everybody says Daesung is :

1. The smiling angel

2. The person who host the Night After Night,

3. The person who host Family Outing

4. The person who have small eyes.

5. The person who love to make jokes.

What I Think about Daesung :

1. The boys who now turn into man.

2. The person who always smile whatever happen to him.

3. The person who makes everybody laugh with his jokes,

4. The person who doesnt really trust someone.

5. The person who has angel voice.

Everybody says Seungri is :

1. The cute maknae

2. The person who got determination.

3. The person who always seek attention.

4. The person who can attract noona attention

5. The panda !

What I Think about Seungri :

1. The person who will tell anything that he think he should tell.

2. The person who doesnt like to pretend.

3. The person who now make every girl scream for him.

4. The person who's always been bullied by the hyungs.

5. The person that got high determination!.

Thats what i'm gonna say to you guys ! i do hope you guys really read this !

I have become your fans since 2006 ! its been a long time... This songs make me stick with you guys eventhought u guys have been in a long hiatus ! Do u guys remember it ? We Are Big Bang :

Even if u dont say anything we will still satisfy u…

We are Big Bang !

Even if u cant see anything, your ears will hear us …

We are Big Bang !

Even if everyone leaves, we will be there with u…

We are Big Bang !

Its the translation ! I just extract a few lines of your songs... I really love this part coz it state that U guys will be there with us even if everybody else leaves us ! This part makes me fall in love with U guys and stick with U guys for this long period ! Gumawo for being born in this world and cheer my chaos life ! Thank U a lot guys !

This is my blog about u guys and some other Kpop artist : Colourful Your Life * its lacking of updates now, coz i've been busy with my study *

Guys please take care of your health >.< ! Dont work too hard coz it will affect your health .

Annyeong !

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Guest chyn-of-kpop

im français et j'habite en France (Paris) im 14 ans cette année i retournés à l'école au moins j'espère que cela fera un peu plus de 2 ans, j'ai découvert grâce à un friend.Me où je suis .... tous les je regarde de temps à des spectacles et vos parodies de la télévision, je me dis contantly », mais ils ne sont jamais fatigués ces" son drôle: D toujours préoccupé par ma santé tout ce que je vois étoiles travail acharné.

J'aime les portes sans jamais Egart à vous: TOP, GD, Seungri, Daesung, taeyang.I chanter et danser pour ^ ^ très petit, avec mon ami avait l'intention d'envoyer une vidéo d'audition pour vous je sais que le jury de son look mais s'il vous plaît trouver le temps de le regarder, si vous n'avez pas le temps "je pense" il ne fait pas question. En raison de problèmes dans ma famille i jamais eu l'occasion d'acheter vos CD pendant que je serais à l'amour de le faire. Vous êtes le meilleur, l'amour que vous donnez à ses fans de la si grande que je me sens tout autour de moi ce qui me donne la force d'aller a, d faire mes deux rêves qui sont d'être un chanteur et danseur et devenir un créateur de mode grande * * o en France vous avez des fans mny vous le savez? mais vous ne venez et combien! Je sais que n'avez-vous pas le temps ..... mais bon! Je vais voir si vous pouvez envoyer une vidéo de soutien pour vous

afin pleeeaaaase-moi à choisir, mais je suis super super heureux de recevoir vos belles oeuvres .. donc gamsahabnida !!!!!

     à partir de: Kimberly l'^ ^ fille mignonne

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I want to wish everyone of you dedicated fans luck in this contest! BTW-every one of the pics/videos i've seen are AWESOME! :) Thanks SOOMPI and YG entertainment!

I'm not entering but If Big Bang is reading this:

I was introduced to kpop through a friend my first year of college ( I live is the US and as you probably guessed am not korean) which was about 4 years ago. At first I didn't think much about it but with the american music industry producing similar songs with similar themes i got bored. However, with music being an essential part of my life I couldn't possibly stop listening to music. Thus I went ahead and gave kpop a shot and my first song was "lies". From then on your music was my escape from difficulties of life and it showed me that music doesn't have any boundaries. To be honest without english sus i have no idea what the song is saying but it doesn t matter. In my opinion music can bring people together and put smiles on people's faces-and you have  certainly done that-just look at all your fans :) So, thank you for that.

Also although you have a great number of loyal fans-there are also those you won't think twice about bringing you down. I can't even begin to apprehend how difficult all that must be to handle-with your every move under scrutiny. However, I'm sure you have all found your way to release the stress. But as you can see you have made ATLEAST everyone in this thread smile! :) I  just always wanted to tell you al that I really look up to you all for all that you do for your fans. OKAY enough with the downer haha

Well good luck with everything and congratulations on ALL your success!! 

wow..it's my FIRST time writing something like this-but hey-chances like this don't come around often...haha

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Guest Michyeon

안녕하세요  저는”MEB” 입니다!

I’m a french fan, I’m 14. When I learned about this contest, I thought I had to do something. I searched an eccentric idea… I didn’t find anything so I came back to simplicity: a fan message and photographs of my collection.

Sorry for my poor English


A drawing made by me. I think it's cute. But I couldn't color it

  I discovered BIG BANG about 1 year and a half ago while I’ve begun (finally) to interest myself in K-pop. As I used to love a lot 2NE1, I saw Lollipop’s clip and I immediately flashed on BIG BANG. But I especially began to interest myself in the group when I watch a live of Lies later. I loved the song and it made me want to see other lives. An “idol” band has never impressed me in live before !  It’s like this that I discovered other songs and I became a REAL fan !


My BIG BANG collection. BIG SHOW Vol.5, BIG SHOW 2010, BIG BANG notebook (I haven't written a lot into it) and a BIG BANG bracelet (it's worn because I always wear it).

  What made me love the band ?

I think that first of all, I’m sensitive to their humour. Not only I laugh at makings of or lives but also when I listen to a song for the first time.  BIG BANG put me in cheerfulness and makes me smile (it isn’t difficult to make me smile but it isn’t nothing).

Ironically the music comes second  although I always claim that “The most important for an artist it’s his music !”…  What I especially like is that each member has his own personality and his own talent.  GD is offbeat, Taeyang is smooth, TOP is mysterious , Daesung is cheerful and Seung Ri is funny ! (I tried to find only one word for each member… it’s difficult) In my favorite songs there are the classics: Lies,  Haru Haru but I love Stylish,  Lollipop and now Tonight. I like each solos and GD & TOP’s duo.

  I could talk more and more about BIG BANG but it’s all because I think after 790 messages you'll be a bit tired and bored.  I’m not really here to win but to say how much I love BIG BANG LOUD.

감사합니다 !


Special Thxs to my English dictionary and to my friends who support me !

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Guest DienTan

As their name goes , everything they do always goes with a BIG BANG!~ , and their songs are always full of meanings , always makes me think back on memory lane ...... hwaiting BIG BANG!~

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Guest Bloswing

Hey G Dragon , TOP, Taeyang , Seungri, Daesung !!!

This is the first time I'm doing something like this ... so I'm sorry if it sounds ...funny ...

I just watched your secret garden parody ... and it is the BEST ever !!!(even better then Virus :lol: )

Seungri that was a perfect imitation !! ;D

Daesung  I bet you smell wonderful now ^^

So how much do I LOVE Big Bang ?

 Of cause there are people that I love more then Big Bang  and I'm sure you also love your friends and families more then us VIPs ^^

  But I bet we come in second in Your hearts :wub:  !!

My personal VIP is my best friend . (and my family oviously ^^)

But she's a HUGE fan of yours aswell so there is no problem there ^_^  , but as we live in Germany and can't come and see you on stage I envy all those Girls screaming when you all perform live infront of them. (I want to be one of them -.-")

God bless the Internet with all the great VIPs posting pictures and vids about you.

I would still listen to mainstream music instead of BOMBASTIC KPOP if you had not introduced me to BIG BANG!!

 YOU Guys ROCK it !!!! :w00t:

So back to topic ^^

How much I love Big Bang ....

   As my heart already belongs to my personal VIP all I can give you is all my FANLOVE !!

and I asure I have a lot and it all belongs to YOU !!^^

You brighten up my day when I'm stressed out

You sing me so sleep only for me to wake up to listen to your voices again

You are my BIG STARS sparkling not only at night

You are like bubbles which can't burst , so light and colorful flying in the air

You make me live  on cloud nine

You make me dance on the train with my friends singing loud , while enoying the other passengers ^^

You are just a BIG BANG !!!

yeees.... so much to my love for U ^^

and since you are reading this I have to use the opportunity to wish you all the best my beloved GD, Taeyang, TOP,Seungri and Daesung !!!!

Keep accomplishing your dreams and don't let anybody tell you how you have to be , just be BIG!!  This is what I have learnt from you. and this is how I want to live my life : Working hard to make others happy and to fulfill my dream <3

Please come and visit Germany , we are really nice VIPs here ;)

Don't forget to the world you are someone but to someone you are the world !

Just as you are the world for us VIPs ^^

LOts of HUGs and KISSES !!!

Claire :wub:        

PS : I'm sorry I suck at writng ... my teachers tell me that as well -.-

PPS:  I have to say this ....: DAESUNG OPPA YOU ARE SOOOOOO HOT !!!!!   Ö.Ö   *blush*

Oh and I made a pic for you ... I'm sorry it didn't trun out well ...I was in a rush -.-


I actually made some nice portraits of Taeyang ´cuz my friend absolutly loves him ...but I gave it to her for a christmas present ....

BUT she made a pic of it ^^

so here it is (sorry if you don't like it taeyang ... it's not really like you -.-)



Thanks for reading to the end ^^

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Guest tazanya

From Las Vegas, Nevada USA

I am a Noona fan, I am much older than all of you, heck much older than Teddy or Se7en.  I am also not Korean.  But none of that matters because I simply adore you.  I adore your music, I adore your personalities, you are very special.

This will sound odd, but I am somewhat of a prude.  To me American music has become so harsh, negative and overly/unnecessarily focused on being sexy.  Big Bang's music is just as sexy, just as dynamic, but has an inflection of fun and purity that makes me very giddy.  Thank you for always giving the world such exciting music.  

Finally, because of you I am changing from my nice cushy career as a Senior Associate, to well something in the entertainment field.  Your hard work, preserverence and the quality of your music has inspired me to change careers to support other upcoming Asian artists like your self.  I have never been more scared or happier with a professional decision.

난 누나의 팬이 난 도대체 얼마나 테디 또는 세븐보다 나이가 훨씬 너희들 모두보다이전입니다. 나는 또한 한국어는 아니라고. 하지만 그 문제의 아무도 간단히 말해서 나는 당신을 정말 사랑하기 때문에. 나는 당신의 음악을 좋아해요, 난 네 인격을 좋아해요 당신은 매우 특별한 있습니다.

이것은 이상한 소리 것입니다,하지만 난 여유와 휴식의 약간이다. 날 미국의 음악, 그래서 부정과 지나치게 가혹한 / 불필요 시들면에 집중되고있다. 빅뱅의 음악은, 그냥동적으로, 마찬가지로 섹시하지만 내겐 매우 변덕쟁이 만드는 재미와 순결의 굴절있다. 항상 세상과 같은 흥미로운 음악을 주셔서 감사합니다.

당신에게 빅뱅 주셔서 감사합니다.

당신을 사랑합니다.

Thank you Big Bang.

I love you.

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Reading other people's entries kind of made me not want to join because all of them sound so great, some of them just looked really impressive. But oh well, here i am, here I go...

I have tried my best to think of a way to write this to you, but it didn't work.

So now i only have this.

Dear you, to you whom I admire, like and love so much.

So they tell me to show you how much I love you, well it is kind of hard isn't it.

How do you tell someone how much you love them even if they don't really know who you really are?

You know my friends always tell me that "love" is a strong word, and that I shouldn't use it unless I am really in love with someone.

I never said anything to them, but now I think that my definition of "love" doesn't have to be only about having this deep affection and feeling for someone, the type of feeling where you would die or sacrifice for them or the type of feeling where it makes you feel like the happiest and luckiest person in the world.

My definition of "love" here means

Don't you see that?

You bring happiness to people. you make us laugh (and sometimes cry), you make us go crazy, make us spazz like little kids getting their cookies from their mother

You make us feel jealous, like girlfriends getting jealous of their popular boyfriends

When we feel down, you come and give us light and hope. you make us feel like as if we are worth ourselves and that we have nothing to be ashamed of.

Everyone has flaws and imperfections, and so do you, but you make them look like as if those flaws make you shine even more.

is that love then?

I love you

In the end though, I just hope that if I ever could and ever get a chance to tell you, I just hope to see you continue to smile and don't stop what you've been doing, what you're doing right now and what you want to do in the future.

If you want to be sad, then be sad.

If you want to cry, then cry

If you want to curse, then curse

Don't just try to be happy when you're not.

Sometimes we can be selfish, we can be foolish, we can be immature, we can get mad at you and say that we hate you. But that is because we are just crazy about you. In the end we still comeback and treasure you like as if you're the greatest thing that has happened to us

It is scary isn't it? Are you scared of us now?

I would love to write these small little confessions to each of you, but i love you all as one, and that is why i'm writting this to you, to Big Bang, to my ultimate favorite group in Korea.

Don’t forget that promise of ours

I’ll take care of you until whenever

- Until Whenever


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Guest vikenny


Hi im victoria and i'm 18 and i'm english, I first encountered big bang a couple of months ago on an episode of strong heart, I've been in to kdramas for a while now, and was watching that particular episode because of yoon shi yoon(baker king). i had of course heard of big bang, you can't go on any kpop/kdrama websites without at least encountering a couple dozen v.i.ps, i just didn't pay it that much attention (yeah, i know, I'm an idiot I could totally have been experiencing your pure awesomeness before!)but obviously the people that stole the show were seungri and taeyang! i started watching taeyang viedeo's on youtube, because i fell in love with his dancing then i moved on to big bang. for me it was when i saw Haru Haru that i fell inlove with bigbang, even though i couln't understand what they were saying, it was the first music video to ever make me cry. it's still one of my all time favortie songs.

bigbang to me is one of the few groups were i love every memeber, even though GD is my favorite. every single one of you is so amazing that you inspire me to work harder, to be able to dance like taeyang, to write like GD( both never going to happen but i can dream!)

even though i've only know you a couple months, i have definitely caught the bigbang fever! now basically all i listen to is bigbang(with a bit of 2ne1 hehe girl power!) and i just wanted to say how much i admire you all and can't wait until you do a world tour?

finally seungri, you are the coolest person, the only one that can pull off being that confident and still be cute

daesung, your smile literally lights up the room, it's so speacial, and you have deinately gotten sexier for


taeyang, as ever, the sexiest dancer on the planet, i can't take my eyes off you when you move

t.o.p i swear even though i watch through my laptop, its like your looking at me, seriously, the hottest stare ever yet your cute with your slight crazy wheres (your like a male version of bom!)

and GD, you don't know how much i love you, your like the strongest person ever, who always gets back up no matter what happens, you basically are my idol, that all i can say, your the person i look up to.

this is me trying to emulate taeyang's dance skills

i wrote this song while waiting for your comeback, i hope you like it, its an English version of my favourite song (haru haru) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjU9OlCZPUA

the lyrics are:

Day after Day

My heart’s been shaken, like the wind now

Too fast, spinning out of control now

An earthquake shattering the hope that

This all will fade away

Cause I know its time to let you go

Oh oh oh oh say goodbye

Please believe me when I say

I didn’t mean to hurt you

Your better off this way

To find someone that is good for you

Only what remains are words

That never came true

The promises we made

Are left in the dust

I know that you’ll replace me

Like an old coat you’ll discard me

Will she call you baby

Oh this makes me crazy

But I can’t care

Because I’ve left it all behind

This pain in my heart is something I’ve gotta hide

Cause I know that there’s no hope

For you and me

You better


leave and never look back

At least I have the memories of the times that we had

Together, now I’m struggling not to fall

Not to think of how our love didn’t last

So be happy, live your life that way

From my heart is all I’ve got to say

Feeling you slowly slip away

Day after day, I’m watching my heart break

Walk fast and pass me by,

If in case you see me

In the street,

Just like people who weren’t meant to be

Our fate is sealed,

it seem that destiny has spoken

As if the stars themselves

are so set against us

So now its time to go our own way

Our time is passed, its not a mistake

No matter how many times that I pray

It still won’t change the fact that we’ve split

So please remember when I say

That you were all that I adore

But you were meant for so much more

Much more than I can give




I have no regrets, from the times that we had

I will cherish them, for all my life

The memories, I’ll keep them with me, in my soul

But I know that I’ve got to pick myself up now now now

Cause a time when you would come back to me

Is a dream I can’t admit baby


thank you for letting every single I.V.I.P, have a chance to say how much we adore you

sincerely a very proud v.i.p

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Guest TOPoppalovr

I don't know what my life would be like if i hadn't  found k-pop in my. My love for Big Bang began 2 years ago. It began when I first saw a drama called IRIS , when I first heard the soundtrack Hallaluja I immidiately fell in love with it, everything about the music  just flowed within me. After watching the drama I decided to checkout who sang the song, this was when I discovered Big Bang. Everything about them appealed to, their style, their loooks but most of all their music. After this I decided to listen to every Big Bang song from the very begining ( thanks to youtube!). I was so mesmerised by everything I saw, I just knew I had to find out more about who the were ( thanks to google!). After all my research I knew that I had reallly fell in love.

In my life today music is the most important thing in my life espicially korean music. Big Bang has done alot for in the past few years. Through their music I've learnt to be more confidence, belive in myself and most of all being free! Without Big Bang in my life I don't know what would become of me. They're all I ever think about, they're music is so intoxicating (in a good way) that once your in you can never get out.

Big Bang ( and other YG members) is all I ever listen to. My I-pod and phone is full of korean (mostly Big Bang) songs. Watching  everyone of the member grow individauly is a blessing that I will forever cherish. The love I have for you guys is gonna continue to grow each and every day.

Although many think I'm weird for likeing K-pop so much, the thing they'll never understand is the deep connecting I have with it.

I hope you guys countinue to grow as a team. And I also hope the future great album that are to come will the very successful. Also please remenber to take good care of yourselves. HWAITING

I just wanna say one mmore time How much I love and adore you guys.

I am and always will be a VIP

Lots of love Nicky

P.S :You guys are also the main reason I'm trying so hard to learn Korean!!

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In no particular order, to G-Dragon, TOP, Daesung, Taeyang, and Seungri,

I just wanted to tell you all what a pleasure it has been to watch from the sidelines through your debut as the fresh-faced young hip-hop group, and watching the growth and evolution of both your music and yourselves as people and personalities. It's been such a fun, if sometimes unexpected, ride, and I can't wait for the next bend in the road. Thanks for showing all of us such a personal, sincere side of you, and I hope to continue enjoying what you bring to us for years to come.

Welcome back, and keep it up!




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Guest faiza_





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Guest Sherelle

Wow, hello BigBang, I just learnt about this and it's really rushed, so no videos, no photos.

I am sorry.

Just want to keep this short and sweet. How much do I love you all? You guys are so worth it, VIPs are the best people in the world, and because of the 5 of you, we are all united even though we're from different countries.

The amount of laughter BigBang brought to me, in my life, is precious. You guys probably heard it a million times, but hey! I meant it! :)

Just wanna say, thank you for being BigBang!

Oh and, I really like G-Raim, Kim JooTOP, Seungska, Taeyang & DaeSung! SMELLLL!

It's suppose to be short, sorry! ^^

God bless,

Brenda, Singapore.

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Guest toozdae08

My submission.

It's a Slam Poem to Big Bang

Here's the video and the actually poem itself



By definition an explosion reimaging, restructuring and reshaping our universe bending space and stretching time creating life in a vacuum where none was before leaving scientists bamboozled and befuddle looking like dodo heads cause what they do do is never enough to explain you and when their synapses and neurons crisscross and crossfire in an attempt to understand you they begin to evangelize on the glory of God cause that is you.


When I first met you I said not for me and by pasted you, but as if you were the paparazzi and I was Britney you seemed to stalk me and everywhere I would go you would be in front of me, flashing at me with your charisma, your music and your swag till I became the stalkee and my twitter, my tumblr, my facebook and all that is me became entangled in you and I promised until whenever.


I want to meet you.

The weight of wanting to meet you is a boulder on my back and it gets infinitely greater every time I hear, see and think of you till I’m almost crushed by the want of you but on the beaches of my life there is only one footstep cause your voices carry me and the boulder on my shoulder becomes weightless and beats like an 808 drum machine counting the seconds till the next time I see you.


I don’t want to meet you.

The idea of telling you, my VVIPs, that though you guys are my heartbreakers and at times create an ache in me as if you were cotton candy and I was a mouth of cavities, playing your music turns up my life till it becomes impossible to not look only at you scares me. As an international fan, I stand in front of you with shades on and I fear that to see you would be like looking directly at the sun, from mercury and like the mercury in my thermometer I will rise up and burn up till I explode into a thousand itty bitty pieces floating on the wavelength between “OMG THIS IS BIG BANG” and “MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE” and redefining my awesome meter in terms of -100s meeting Big Bang.


I’ll be your Shakespeare and you my mistress for which my Amazonian pen will flow with praises to thee, raging at 10x the speed of light and even when the sun explodes and the universe rips apart I will still be composing the sonnet testifying what you mean to me, for my mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun but burns hotter, shines brighter and will last past infinity.


I hate you.

You are the homework I have not done, the test I haven’t studied for and the couch I have not left in sooooo many hours because I would rather spend that time tweeting, tumbling, and writing about you. Spazzing over your past music videos that I’ve seen about a billion times but still watch just in case I missed something, a spark in Taeyang eyes or a smirk from Kwon leader.


I love you.

Though my eyes and your eyes have never had the opportunity to cross paths, the music you do is cupid’s arrow and has navigated the 6955 miles from South Korea to Maryland to pierce my heart. When I have a hard day and there are thunderstorms raging in my life, your music is the umbrella –ella –ella and I take shelter from my stress underneath it, the beat putting my feet up, being wrapped up in the warmth of your voices till the worries go and all I’m left with is you.


Thank you.

No really, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for being awesome, thank you for creating great music, thank you for not giving up, thank you for practicing hard, thank you for reaching out, thank you for making me cry, thank you for making me laugh, thank you for making me wish I was in South Korea or Japan, thank you for relieving my stress, thank you for remember the fans and thinking of them, thank you for inspiring me. I can probably think of another billion things I can thank you for but what I really want to thank you for is for being Big Bang. So with that, thank you for being Big Bang, thank you for being Kwon Ji Yong, Dong Young Bae, Choi Seunghyun, Kang Daesung, Lee Seunghyun.

honestly, I'm shy and this is my first poem in like 7 years so wasn't going to share this but Leslie forced me to so here it is blush.gif

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Guest gdstylevip

ANNYOHASEYO BIG BANG! <3 I am an American-Chinese fan! I really hope you guys are doing well, hope you are healthy and happy! that is what it matters!!! I want to thank you for so many things but I don't know where to start. 

First of all, thank you for giving me so much strength <3 It's been hard for me these days even though I'm only 15 I'm already very stressed out because of school and my parents but a lot of pressure on me because they want me to stay in class A, and thank to you guys and your songs I was able to keep on, to relax and to have some fun even when studying, you guys have been my role models for a long time now. I'm a VIP for a very long time and I thank you guys for still being all together. With all these groups disbanding you guys are still together and you guys keep my faith alive. so THANK YOU. I will look up to you guys so please be healthy and do well everyday in yous lives <3

I also want to thank you for coming back, I've never lost faith in you guys, and I'm really happy these days! <3 You guys gave me happiness these past days and have been every since I turned into a VIP! ^^ kekeke. I've been following also your japanese comebacks as well as your korean ones! and hopefully BIG BANG will debut with a American album soon for your international fans!!!! I will be waiting for it!

I may not win this prize and contest but I'm happy just by telling you guys all this, it makes me happy just knowing you guys will be reading it ^^ I Love you guys very much and wish all the love, happiness, healthiness, and the world to you guys! <3 BIG BANG FIGHTING! <3 I love you all G-Dragon (Mr. Kwon leader! ^^), Seungri, TOP, Taeyang and Daesung! 

And also, the only thing I could not miss to tell you guys: YOUR MUSIC IS AMAZING  

I hope you guys keep making amazing songs like you have always been <3 BIG BANG has never failed to impress me, and once again, with this new album I'm amazed and stunned!  And Thank you once again <3 Kamsahmnida!!!!!!

-By: Priscilla

P.S. G-Dragon Oppa!!! I really love your blond or red hair! ^^ <3 Oppa! please keep writing songs, because they're the best songs I've ever heard! Lies and Haru Haru were the songs that made me really like you and BIG BANG! (P.S.S. I love your "A Boy" and "butterfly" song, the lyrics are amazing <3) 

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