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[UPDATED - WINNERS ANNOUNCED!] Show your love for Big Bang!


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I Edited my first post in page 3 but it got messed up :( I panicked so sorry for giving them another page of what my message is,

everything ive done doesnt show up anymore so sorry for posting this again..

BIGBANG please come to UK ? T_T



my first post CLICK ME: My First Message to BIGBANG


VIDEO - Congratulatory Message BIGBANG

정말 제가 BIGBANG 얼마나 사랑하는지 표현할 수 없습니다.

난 당신이 날 울려요 살고 볼 수있다면 그냥 상상.

내가 당신을보고 있으면 심장 마비로 죽었을 거라고 생각해.

Bigbang 모든 것의 시작입니다.

난 당신 2006 년부터 VIP가되지 않은 수도 있지만 2007에서 귀하의 음악을 듣고 시작했는데 그것은 모든 것의 시작했다.

난 그냥 그런데 ..., 저도 한국어 알 수없는 경우에도 그들에게 말을 음악 그냥 향해 나를 밀어 내는것 마술 같다.

BIGBANG이 내 마음 속에 일어난. Keke, 당신은 제가 지금 너무 촌스러운 것 같아 수도 있습니다. 하지만 그건 내가 느끼는거야. 그리고 다시 당신 Bigbang 감사, 전 Bigbang 사랑 해요.

그것을 유지하고 심지어 더 재미있게 만들어. 난 당신이 정말이 음악을 열심히하지만 자기 일을 이상하지 마십시오 알아요.

내가 쉴 시간이 없어 못 Bigbang의 컴백과 Jiyoung - oppa에 대한 번 SBS 인터뷰를 봤어요. 어쨌든 감사의 G - 드래곤 oppa, 그러한 완벽한 한국어 밴드 것에 대해서 oppa, 톱 oppa, 대성 oppa과 Seungri의 oppa을 Taeyang. 귀하의 VIP ereen (영국)에서

sorry if my grammar's are wrong (used a translator teehee^^)


I really can't express how much I love BIGBANG.

Just imagining if I could see you live, makes me cry.

I think I'd die of heart attack if I see you.

Bigbang is the start of everything.

I may have not been your VIP since 2006 but I've started listening to your music at 2007 and it was the start of everything.

I just listened to them even though I can't understand Korean, but your music is like magic that just pulls me towards it.

A BIGBANG happened inside my heart. Keke, You might think I'm so corny now. But that's what I feel. And again thank you Bigbang, and I love Bigbang. Keep it up and make it even more interesting. I know you work so hard for these music but please don't over work your self. I've seen your SBS interview for Bigbang's comeback and Jiyoung-oppa never got time to rest. Anyways thanks G-Dragon oppa, Taeyang oppa, TOP oppa, Daesung oppa and Seungri oppa for having such the perfect korean band. From your VIP ereen (United Kingdom)

Updated:27 February

This one is for Jiyong-oppa


Updated: 27 Time Feb 21:57






and many more.. im afraid I'm putting too much photo they'll remove my post T_T

here's a link for other pictures Click to View - Bigbang Tours around Edinburgh

Loving and Supporting you.

Sincerly your VIP,

Ereen from Edinburgh,Sc,United Kingdom

p.s. Thank you Soompi for giving us opportunity to say thanks and congratulates our Bigbang!

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Sorry the video is not perfect, we had problems. 


It is not yet online but soon --"

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Guest Ya.Leigh

안녕하세요 빅뱅!

Ja! With complete honesty I let you know, that was a google translation, since my first language is spanish. I don't know much about korean but I can still read lyrics and sing them after a few minutes of catching up.

My name is Zenia Yalil and I'm from a little tropical island in the caribbean called Puerto Rico. I'll like to start saying, that you should be very proud and give yourselves a round of applause because your music have made it all the way to places where they have different languages, cultures & traditions. I know you'll get further. For that reason it would made me real proud if you ever come to the U.S. My best friend & I even tried one day to make a korean based lunch...let me just resume it saying that I know own your secret to stay thin. Why I love you as a group? that's easy, because even though I have had a horrible day I can always count with the fact that I can go visit youtube, search for your parodies & regular videos and you guys will ALWAYS make my day take a whole new different turn. Because you guys are so funny and I enjoy laughing. If there's anything I like better is to laugh, I'm a very charismatic girl. And finally I'll like to finish this letter begging you guys as a group to stay together, because I'm pursuing my dream in the artistic world, and I'm willing for one day to meet you all.

(I still have to do homework so, 바이 바이!)

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Guest NouhNouhNoNoNi

                        ☜♥☞ BigBang Is Back ☜♥☞

I'am ♀

→ Hello the here two BigBang fan who loves you) Oh you ave

 ☀                             ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

 → so full when could ever counted.


Once I listen to songs after I'm falling for

      staircase lol I'm broke because of you: '(☂

      ★ I am embarrassed "o *.* ☂



   → We will try to be unique to those that will say it's a bit

→ boring boring to have a fan (not all but it was weird y ')

             : p yeah not true but we


→ is the people you've ever seen and you go

      (I am not pete I love the laughter that's all)

                            SEE! ♬ ♬

        I told a boy i need a girl it made me how his ☂

       . ☂


    → When I experienced the bigbang I liked too but after ☂


       It was really waw + in + it is improving every day. ☂

                ★ LATER YOU WILL BE THE BEST ...

     Oh I called my cat T.O.P. ☂

   → Daesung: Daesung was first offers a beautiful golden voice. ☂


    → G-Dragon: It is very very mignion is a good rapper ☂

   → Seungri: Seungri making effort and it's cool! ☂


    → TOP: He is charming as a prince charming (lol) ☂


            ★ uh ... I love it etc etc ... ☂

    → TaeYang: You have a nice hairstyle and you dance and sing well:).


Oh you know what g-dragon eats my boy lollipop lolli-i'am

       pop oh lolli-lolli boys i'am i'am boy lollipop yeah ...

       oh by the way love GD as I'll say the ouhohuhohuh

       ouhohuhohuhuh also say (I hope its not bothering you)

                 ! █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ♥ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ♥ ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █

                     So uh why I love you ...


       Bah anyway you like his brother by having all

       the same skin color different, you have not all

       same color hair and eyes but even if there is still

       full difference you all (for me) the same blood.

       Basically you're full of life, humor, romance, joy and still

       If one day I was with one of you I am sure

       all my troubles just disappear (no c! for now)


                                 ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿


                                Yeah BigBang Is Back!

        Oh and Daesung Seungri I'd like to laugh, but I


     Lest you do not like how I laugh for its c

     it's hard for me to write this message I do connai

     not as much as her but I know I love you!

                     GD TY SG DS T

                     ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

       I am a head of champignion but a special one that you

       loves and another head of SUPO who loves you lol you are our

       your teacher your students we are our master us your exclave

       is your fan lol .... you our rockstar


       You are our father and us kids ..... lol


        for you: ∩ _ ∩ kisses ∩ _ ∩



        I love taking part and even if you do not choose to

       is still its worth it you have read our message

       I would be happy for an answer is not banned eh;)

       I would say I'd be delighted!

                         ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ

       I'm a little crazy lol true so if this is really

       I hesitate not to be all stupid and clumsy chui: '(

       and yet I still am and still cute mdr

       you are the best all who do not like it

    fool of my girlfriend can not participate it makes you a big

       but really a very very big hellos hopeful

                           ♬ ♬ ♬

OH I'll do a book with my class and its s call'd


       2, but in the end the latest chapter in a little talk

       you granny topa MDRR ect commmence by my first name ஸ


      .·'¯`·-> (T.O.P) <-·'¯`·. .·'¯`·-> (G_DRAGON) <-·'¯`·.

      .·'¯`·-> (Daesung) <-·'¯`·. .·'¯`·-> (Seungri) <-·'¯`·.

                    .·'¯`·-> (TAEYANG) <-·'¯`·.

     ┈ ━ ═ ☆ turns into a beautiful Asian girl and see allas

           TOP WRENCE and they lived happily full of children

              ௫ 'is great to have you known √


     ✎ voila j ai all his writing and as I please request

        just a little trick by reading a smile fesait

           my message:) if you do not like her no matter was

        a big but great to have you I am writing

           I hope really glad you're pleased

        has read it thank you again to make me happy;) ✎


  ┈ ━ ═ ☆'s Cinderella ended


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Guest luvable_steph

Firstly I would like to thank Soompi for giving this opportunity for VIP’s around the world to express our love to our favourite group ever ^_^, you guys are the greatest and I am sorry for not posting or commenting on your forums as much as I should be but I will from now on…but just after my GCSE’s exams – very important exams.

(Disclaimer: This may be cheesy but this is coming from the heart)

B to the I to the G! BANG BANG! Hey Big Bang, What’s up? haha

How much does Stephanie love Big Bang? It’s indescribable…my arms aren’t able to stretch that wide enough to show you all.

I first encountered myself with Big Bang when I was about 13 years old so that’s about 3/4 years ago now…so long ago. No one had introduced me into you guys before…I honestly was just wondering around k-pop videos on youtube, since I wasn’t really into it yet, and then I saw Big Bang on a video, the song was La-la-la, my favourite. In my little naïve head of mine I thought “Ohhh, let’s watch this since I had never heard of these guys before,” so I clicked on the video and I was just like “Woah, this is different from what I usually see in K-pop.” Before I heard of you guys I always thought K-pop was just about cutesy music like Girls Generation and so on but you guys changed my whole view on K-Pop completely.  Your music energizes me and really pumps me up for example I watched the Big Bang Comeback Show live on the computer and I heard the song “Tonight”, I started jumping around screaming in my room and blasted the song onto full volume…my Mum was annoyed but I didn’t care as I was listening to Big Bang! Thank you for entertaining me with your wonderful music.

Continuing my story now lol, little did I know I started searching you guys on the Wikipedia, going on all the websites seeing what I could find about guys, watching all the videos as I had the time back then until now haha. When I first saw Big Bang I saw that you guys were talented musicians who were really good at music and that was it but it wasn’t until I saw the show “Big Bang Documentary” (with subtitles of course haha), that I saw you guys as inspiration.

All my life, I never knew what to do; I never really strived for anything. My Parents would tell me “Your big sister is a studying to become pharmacist, your big brother is studying to become Doctor so what are you going to do?” I wouldn’t say I wasn’t unintelligent in school but I just didn’t have any strive to do anything and I thought that working hard was useless so what was the point in doing so. I watched your show and I saw all of you working hard for your dreams at a point I cried and cried…never before had I seen people want something so bad before. You are true inspiration to me and you work so hard to make us fans happy, thank you. I know now to make my dream to become a Doctor just like my big brother and my Dad; I have to work just as hard as you all did in my exams.

You all taught me that working hard isn’t useless and you will eventually get somewhere if you work. Even though your music entertains and brings joy, you also taught me life lessons too. Thank you, God bless you all (:


Love Stephanie, a VIP in London!

P.S: Hope your having a good time reading all the comments from the fans because you all deserve too :D

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Guest shaunalikeyeah

MY VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YlDD_AyMOc

This is a ‘music video’ for Tonight that I (with the help of my friends Lily, Roi & Lyn ^^) made to help promote Big Bang’s new mini-album. Sorry it’s not that good but we had less than 24 hours to prepare for making it, but we had a lot of fun though so I hope you enjoy watching it and we don’t freak you out too much with our weirdness. xD Oh, and I had to cut some parts of the song out to make it fit in more with the video. I put a lot of effort into filming & editing it so I really hope you like it. >.<

Hey! My name is Shauna and I’m a VIP from Ireland. You probably don’t even know where Ireland is since it’s so small. But yeah, it’s in Europe. XD

I suck at writing things like this, I’m not good when it comes to opening up my feelings and whatnot so bear with me ok? I won’t write much since you already have so many entries already and I don’t wanna waste your time with my ranting.^^

I actually haven’t been a VIP for long. I found out about GD & Taeyang first of all through one of my friends. So I originally thought you were both solo artists, but obviously I later found out that you were part of Big Bang. So it was around Winter 2009 when I first became a VIP! xD

It’s kind of funny, since I generally didn’t like most rappers until I heard GD and TOP, there’s something about their rapping that really appeals to me. So combine their epic rapping with Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri’s amazing vocals and you get the complete and utter awesomeness that is Big Bang. ;D I’d love to have the privilege of seeing you in concert someday. Even by just watching videos from your concerts I can tell that the energy and stage presence is unreal, it makes me want to cheer and sing along even though I’m only sitting in front of a computer screen haha. So please come to Europe sometime in the near future okie? :D

I wish you all the best with your new mini-album (I can’t wait till my copy of it arrives in the mail! :D) and I hope you guys will always be healthy & happy~ ^^

Thank you so much for taking your time to read this and sorry I didn’t write much… but hey, quality over quantity, right? Even though what I wrote sort of sucked but shh… :3

Ps. Taeyang, this is probably going to sound really odd and random… but please don’t wear sunglasses so much in performances, music videos and whatnot because I love your eyes hehe. ^_^

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Guest sujufan05

First of all, I'd like to thank Soompi and YG Entertainment for giving international fans this AMAZING opportunity, you guys ROCK!


How much do I love Big Bang?

I love Big Bang more than words can express.

It all started in 2008. I listened to the song Forever With You (feat Park Bom) for the first time and since then I was hooked. Hip hop wasn't really my style of music at that time, so it was new to me and I loved it.

I've been a V.I.P since and to tell you the truth it's AWESOME :)

I've been fans of other idol groups before, like DBSK, Super Junior (hence my username. Please ignore it while reading this ^^), F.T Island, and so on. But after a while I would grow to not like those groups as much as I used to. But for some reason, I've been faithful to Big Bang since the day I found out about them.

Big Bang is special to me because of their MUSIC. I had never seen an idol group as devoted and hard working as Big Bang. I truly believe that their talent is what has gotten them this far, there's no doubt about that. Their music has played a HUGE role in my life. Back in the fall of 2009, there was a death in my family and I had to go to Korea. I remember watching Taeyang's music videos and reruns of the 2008 MKMF on tv, and it making me feel so much better. I had so many things on my mind and i was just confused, hurt, and heartbroken all at once. But hearing their music and watching them helped me clear my head and just relax. I really needed that at the time.

Big Bang helped me realize that music is more than just the notes. It's about passion, dedication, motivation, and emotion. Big Bang helped me find my path for my career, and that's going into the field of music. I want to be able to teach, perform, and just show everyone the joy of music. With music we can express so many feelings and emotions, it's sometimes even better than words. Big Bang helped me learn that without music there's no passion. But without passion, there's no music.

Once again I would just like to say THANK YOU for this opportunity, and THANK YOU to Big Bang for being such an amazing group of role models for so many young people out there. You guys have completely changed and revolutionized the world of KPOP. Each one of you are so incredibly talented and special, so let the world see it!

사랑해요 빅뱅, 화이팅!

-Rita Kim from Canada

-케나다에서 김세연

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Guest electricwingsx


<3 B I G B A N G <3:

I think I'd like to start with two simple words: 'Thank You'.

I would like to Thank You for introducing me to Korean music back in 2006 with your very First Single Album (BigBang)and for making a CHANGE in my life. Being a young girl and just starting out as a teenager and being in my 3rd or 2nd year of high school, I felt somewhat quite unhappy and was quite down for most of the times. I don't know why, but I felt something was missing in my life. Something that I'll love.

I can still remember the day when I was on the computer looking for something to do, when I came across your songs 'We Belong Together', 'La-La-La' and G Dragon's 'This Love'. How can I not forget and love the song 'This Love'?, being a fan of that song and Maroon 5, it truly was the best song I had ever heard by somebody (G Dragon) who I didn't have a clue about!Being a stranger to Korean music and not knowing what to expect, I immediately fell in love with all three songs and felt a ray of sunshine and a smile :) appearing on my face everyday, knowing that I discovered and found 'real & true' music. Oh, with much difficulty to finding your first single album, I knew I had to download them straight away! :D

As I am from the United Kingdom (UK) and being a young, shy and timid Chinese teenager with little knowledge and coming from a surrounding full of non-Asian people, I found it hard to socialise with other people. It wasn't until I found myself singing and dancing out loud to those three songs everyday, that I finally came out of my comfort zone and found it much easier to communicate with other people! Thank You for making a change in my life <3

Wow, coming to think of it now, I can't believe how much me - Serena, yourself - Big Bang, music and everything else has changed over the past years! Time does go fast doesn't it? But, however I do know two things which havent changed and that is your 1) music and passion & 2) my love for Big Bang and your music! <3

Each and every one of you guys are truly amazing, a perfect role model and an inspiration! <3 Saranghaeyo <3

From the bottom and deepest of my heart; Thank You for making an amazing, fantastic and beautiful comeback, I've truly missed you guys! ^_^ ALWAYS FIGHTING!! Saranghaeyo Forever and Always <3 & I HOPE TO SEE YOU GUYS PERFORM IN THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK, ENGLAND) ONE DAY, I'LL BE WAITING FOR BIG BANG TO APPEAR WITH A B-to.the-I-to.the-G to the B-to.the-A-to.the-N-to.the-G!!!!!! <3.<3.<3

Thank You once again!! <3 :wub:

Thank You to Soompi too for this opportunity <3

Quote to share with everybody:~

[✖]One thing pop music is good for is remembering that somewhere inside us is the potential for unvanquishable joy.

-John Darnielle

Love Serena Chan ☜♥☞

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Guest sapharia

5 1,000,000 reasons why I LOVE BIG BANG:

1. KPOP: Big Bang introduced me to the world of k-pop. They're my first favorite kpop group and continues to be my most favorite kpop group today. It all suddenly happened one day when my best friend showed me the "Lie" m/v & the rest is history. Since then, I've been continuously listening to k-pop & it has made such a big impact on my life.

2. MUSIC: I LOVE Big Bang's music! From hip hop to rock and trance, they can pull off any style of music. They're music flexibility is what makes them so special because they're able to cater to so many different people, the young and the old. Also, it's so hard for me to pick just one favorite Big Bang song. There's so many that I love!!

3. FASHION: Big Bang's style is my kind of style. ;) I love how whenever a new concept comes out for a mini-album/album, every member in the group dresses in a way that fits their own style, but as a group, they still look good together! I like the way how the boys dresses & it makes them so unique as a kpop male group.

4. TALENT: There's so much talent besides the singing & dancing. I like it when the artist themselves participants in the creation of their own music. It makes their music so much more personal because it's not just their singing & dancing, but it's also their heart and soul that they've put into their songs. And Big Bang is one of the kpop groups that demonstrates this. :)

5. INSPIRATION: Big Bang is a really special group because of how hard working the members are. They really work hard to make themselves and their fans proud. The sweat, tears, and blood they shed to get to where they are today, makes me respect them as artists, but also as people. They've inspired me to become so involved in music. Because of them, I want to learn how to make music, write lyrics, and sing. There's no doubt that Big Bang has influenced me in many ways.

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Guest WinToTheZ


Why I love Big Bang?

Big Bang, Big Bang oh why do I love you guys....  

  • You guys opened my mind to a wider  variety of music. Not only of Korean music but every type and languages. The music you produce opened my mind to new experiences.

  • When I was first introduced to your music, I was not into any type of music but alternative rock. I was bias and only saw rock as my only choice of good music. Then  I found your music. Big Bang, you guys brought me back into loving hip-hop, rap, and r&b. I had forgotten why I stop listening to         hip-hop, but you guys brought me back. Not only did you guys help  me enjoy a wider variety of music type, you guys showed me a world I did not know of before; Korean music. You guys help me understand  a culture and place I thought I would never dip into. Because of  Big Bang, I started listening to music in many different beside just English.         

Your music is magical. Your music always bring my mood up.     

I remember when ever I felt drained after a long day of classes and theater rehearsal, I would just sit in my car and play your music. It always made me feel energized when ever I start playing your songs in my car, blasting the speakers so the world can hear.         

There are days when all I want to do is drive for hours trying to clear my mind from all the dark  clouds that formed. On these lonely days of mine, I joy listen to your music knowing some how I will feel better when my drive ends.         

I admire all your hard work for  your music. You guys are my inspiration.     

You guys are my heroes as well. I  admire all the long hard hours you put into your music. Your love  and passion for music is everlasting. The dedication you give to your fans is heart warming. It is amazing how much you guys do for music and for your fans. I value all that you guys have done. You         guys are my heroes for pursuing your dreams and reaching it. Big Bang gives me hope for my dreams and goals.          

As well as the fact that you write and produce many of your own songs. This proves that you have the passion for you music. In ways this makes you guys even more  connected to you music then before. Your music comes from your  hearts and you allow everyone a taste of greatness.

Each of you have your own unique styles but you all are always a group.     

Each of you have you whole styles and ideas but your guys are able to bring it all together no matter what. Your able to express your unique ways by having you solos. It  makes me happy to know you can enjoy your solo and still come back   as one group. This proves how strong your bond is with one another.         I see other groups breaking apart and I never want to see Big Bang   in their situation. You guys stand above them by staying together,  yet at the same time making solo work with music and acting.         

Millions of skills and talents

You guys can do everything you set you mind to. Acting, singing, rapping, dancing, and more. You guys are the full package of talent. I love that you can stand above normal groups. You guys have do much talent and I am glad your willing to share it with the world.         

You make me happy.


  • I cant help but to smile, its  just that plain and simple. You guys make me happy.         






Now on to the LETTER (beware of too much cheesy-ness)

Dear Big Bang,

    Always know that your music brings joy to everyone that hears it. Know that all the VIPs around the world are standing by your side no matter what. We know what is right and that is to support you guys in every situation.  Our support for you guys is beyond the gate of Heaven and the ends of the universe. You guys are our NUMBER 1 . We will always be shouting from the top of the world: B I G B A N G~!

    To me, Big Bang's music means so much more then word can express. The emotion your music brings me is more then joy, it's my heaven. It is what makes me sing happily: LA LA LA  as I stand in an over crowded bus heading to school. Some how Big Bang music makes my day sparkling brightly, even when it's raining outside. You guys are the reason I sit outside watching the sunset glow and listening to music. Even as I read in a cafe, I cant help, but to put on your songs. Just let me hear your voices as I make my way throughout my day. When I listen to your music I can't help but to put my hands up and dance like I was in a love club. Oh my friends sometime think I am crazy for my foolish love of your music and styles. But I love you guys too much to ever change my ways. So I just  pretend to be unconcerned  by telling them to follow me in listening to this so beautiful musical experiences for my ears and my soul. They think I don't understand your music, but I do. I understand the power it has to make people feel happy.

    It's not a lie, I really do believe this love for Big Bang will never have a last farewell. Please don't ever tell me good bye, because I will be with u as your music progresses.

Tonight, I promise to listen to your music as well as the next day, Haru Haru.

    Thank you & you for making such amazing music for the world to enjoy.


V.I.P. from California



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I was actually contemplating whether I wanted to do this or not considering the large amounts of posts there are; but, I was like hey, why not go for it? As long as you guys get to read this I'm happy.

I just wanted to start off with how I got to know of Big Bang. Before you guys became a group I heard of GDYB and was waiting for the day you guys would debut. That didn't happen but, something better happened. It was the summer of 2006 and I remember reading somewhere that both GD and YB were going to debut soon so I did some research and I was able to find a site where they updated the videos of all the current Big Bang members and SO-1 training. I saw all the hardships you each went through just to get to where you are now and it makes me happy that I was able to see you guys gain so much support from so many people from around the world.

You guys as an individual are already great, but once you guys are together in a group it seems like you guys are unstoppable.

If it wasn't for Big Bang I don't think I would have ever gotten so close to two special people in my life. We used to sing and dance like fools whenever we heard any Big Bang song on. We'd actually copy your performances and perform in the living room with a table in the center pretending it was a stage. And when it gets dark we'd go outside and dance again, laughing and joking around to your songs.

I'm just so happy that you guys are back together and performing as a group again – I do enjoy each of your individual performances, but, Big Bang as a whole brings back many good memories.

I love you guys! Big Bang is V.I.P! <3

There also something else I wanted to say - Young Bae Oppa, I am madly in love with you; marry me? [creepy? I know lol]

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Guest lilhimeka

This took a long time but its for you guys. My scanner didn't got the whole picture so I had to to scan it more than once. I hope you like it =D Hwaiting Big Bang!!




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Guest idreamofseoul891

I will remember the day forever when I had got into Big Bang.. I had gotten into Big Bang on May 21, 2010... I'm sort of a late fan... I came in the midst of your Korean Hiatus, but I came into the fan right in time when your "Tell Me Goodbye" music video was released... The first member of Big Bang I had come across was TOP, when I watched Gummy's "I'm Sorry". I had instantly fell in love with TOP because he had the eyes of no one I have never seen.. Plus, his voice made my heart melt.. His voice is so velvety! The first music video I ever watched by you guys was "My Heaven" and then "Tell Me Goodbye" followed right after. Then, these two songs became the first Big Bang songs ever downloaded on my iPod...

Big Bang, you guys are an inspiration.. After I had discovered you, I went and started watching your documentary. There, I found out more about you guys. All the sweat and tears you guys shed just to get where you are... You guys no matter what, continued to excel and get better. You had your dreams set in front of you, and you weren't gonna give up. All the years of training paid off, because look where you guys are now! :D

When I first entered the world of Big Bang, I was a major TOP fan, I thought G-Dragon looked like a girl, and I didn't really have that many feelings for the others yet.. Then as I became more knowledgeable of the five of you, my love grew for all of you individually. And I stopped thinking G-Dragon looked like a girl. xDD The funny thing though is: I can never choose a bias.. As much as I try to create a bias list for the five of you, I can never do it.. For some reason, I'd feel guilty for loving one member more than the other.. So, I end up loving the five of you equally. That's how much I love you as a group.. I hope you guys will continue to be successful and never give up! Hwaiting! 

Personal Messages:

Kwon Jiyong: You are an inspiring leader. You show the greatest compassion to other four. I love you for that. You show that no matter what, you will always be there for the rest of the group. I admire your strength too. When you released your solo album and got all the criticism, you still stayed strong. You still continued to do your best. Never back down, Kwon Leader. You're a very handsome man.. And anyone would kill to be with you! That is why Big Bang is lucky to have a leader like you! 

Choi Seunghyun: You are an awesome rapper! I love you! You were the first from Big Bang I discovered. You're the reason why I got into Big Bang. I thank you for that! The thing I admire you for is your perseverance. Before you debuted, you weren't a good of a dancer. Yet, you continued to practice, practice, practice! You didn't want to give up. You didn't want your dream to slip out of your reach. So you tried your hardest and did your best. You know what else I love about you? Your eyes and your voice! Your eyes made me fall in love with you in an instant! Your voice just shocked me. I never knew a man's voice can get so low like yours. These are the qualities from you that I hope do not go away!

Dong Youngbae: Your dance moves are killer!! Your moves are so graceful and fluid. You can't help but just stare in amazement. The other thing I love about you is your eye smiles! They are so precious! NEVER STOP SMILING! Other than looks, your voice is amazing!! You have come so far since your pre-debut days. And I would like to congratulate you on your successful solo albums! Never give up! And continue what you do!!! 

Kang Daesung: AHHH! I love your voice!! It's so angelic! I would kill to have you sing me a lullaby every night! That'd be the best! I have something to say, stay handsome! Even if people say that you're not the best looking in the group, ignore them! You are the most handsomest guy there is! And your smiles are just divine! You will never be ugly, because it's what's on the inside that counts. Your humor is just cute! Never stop! I think most VIPs look forward to your high-energized self. Every time I see you on stage or just with the guys off-stage, you never fail to make me laugh. I love you for that!! You are awesome, okay? Believe me and the rest of the VIPs that love you!

Lee Seunghyun: The precious Maknae! You have grown and matured so much in the past 4 years. During pre-debut days and the early years after debut, you were the cute Maknae! Now, you're the sexy Maknae! I can't tell you how proud I am of you. You have showed so much progress! I know that you probably get the less limelight, due to your hyungs.. But never burn out the light. Shine the brightest you can, and I'm pretty sure you will outshine your hyungs! Haha! I must say, I really love your recent solo album! Your writing skills are awesome! You wrote some nice songs to dance to! :D Never stop being the cute Maknae we've come to love. You always put a smile on my face. 

Big Bang Thank You!!

Thank you for being such wonderful guys!

Thank you for such awesome songs!!!

Thank you for putting a smile on my face everyday! :D

I love you guys!!<3

Yours truly, 

Kayla, USA xD


I wish I had some kind of photo or video to share.. But only words can come to describe my love for you guys.. :D <3

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Guest MikiChii

I do not expect to win anything but this is just a lil message to tell you guys that you guys are AWESOME!

By far this you guys are the best group that I have ever seen in any music. Together as a team you guys make awesome music and give us(fans) some great music to listen to that enlightens our lives. My life is surrounded by the beat and lyrics of your songs.

Although this is not my video, and the credit does not go to me, but I encountered a video where during a live performance, the music for the song "Always" stopped. But you guys continued to sing and beatbox until the music comes up again.   A group who does not panick and keep going even though a problem is encountered. I think this needs a great deal of team work from all five of you.

G-Dragon: I think you have a natural talent in singing and music composing. I totally fell in love with your Heartbreaker album and your voice. You have such a talented voice, and your lyrics are just fantastic....Btw I like your smile...so please smile more

TOP: You're probably one of the greatest rappers that I know of. Your beatboxing is cool and i think you are a quite funny person.

Taeyang: When I first watched a BigBang MV, i thought "DANNGGGG WHO IS THAT AWESOME DANCER...SO PRO!" and it happens to be you.

Daesung: I love your angelic voice and your personality. How you are pretty positive during everything and try hard. You smile every minute.

Seungri: You are one of the best maknae that I know of. Your album has several catchy songs that got me hooked.

So together you guys make a great team....and provide us with great music


BigBang....Keep it up, I will continue to support you guys with all I have, even if I am not in Korea, I wish to go there one day just to meet you guys.

But please, take care of yourselves, don't push yourself too hard.

Thank you for reading this.


-Fengting, USA

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Guest Hapro



I do not know where and how I should begin this post because a lot of thinkings and feelings are blocking around my head at the moment....smiles vs tears, pains vs happiness, all those memories are gradually appearing in my mind...

You guys - the 5 most talented and courage boys I have known.

I do not have any hope of winning this contest but what inspires me to type these writings is BIG BANG will read them.

I am kind of an ambitious girl who want to manage my dreams till the end, but the problem is that I did not have enough will to follow them, thus my schooling time was once failing chains. However, everything has changed since I knew you and watched BIG BANG's documentary, the image of 5 little boys had gone through many pains, hardships and self-conflicts to achieve their dreams of becoming a singer,impressed my heart. I still remember when Ji Yong oppa got cough and had to visit the doctor, but you insisted on praticing singing no matter how....when TOP oppa being constantly scolded because you couldn't make the dance right, walking around the street and said " The road in which I am going has no returns, where I am standing, I do not even know but I want to find out another me"...when Tae Yang oppa said while being frustrated: "I do not have any ideas but doing better, I really need to work harder"...or in the case Seung Ri oppa gave all his best to take the last chance of becoming a BIG BANG's member, "To have my dream being come true, I have to release out all my tiredness", that was what you said.

Those kinds of images really touched my heart and in moments I feel worn out, lazy or discouraged, you guys will appear in my mind and inspired me to continue following my dreams.

Looking back the 4 year-time - happiness, excitement, sadness, scandals and pains, you guys have gone through together and been continuing strongly going ahead.

BIG BANG, I just can say "Thank you for existing in my life, thank you for becoming great singers who make the best songs for us and thank you for being great idols who can help many people's lives become better. You guys deserve to be the foremost artists in my heart".


And these following words, I want to honorably give them to my most favorite member in BIG BANG- DAE SUNG:


"DAE SUNG 오 빠, DAE SUNG 오 빠, 사 랑 해 요" - just once in my lifetime, I desire to say it aloud in front of you, to let you hear those words, to see you directly smile and wave at me...

I actually do not know how to express my love for you into words Dae Sung ah, because you are a very special person in my heart.

I remember when I saw you in Family Outing season 1, my first impresssion was a very interesting guy who often made things funny, especially when he was with his brother Dumb and sister Lee Hyo Ri. I found out that you are a member of Big Bang later then and in Big Bang's documentary, you were also known as "Ugly Idol".

However you know, Dae Sung ah, your lightened-up-the world smile makes me crazy but it is your personality and your singing voice which bring me to you and become your loyal fan. No matter what other people say, you are the MOST handsome guy in my heart, and I am sure that there are a lot of other fans who think so as well. Believe me, Dae Sung oppa, you are handsome in your own way and in a specially appreciating way that no one has.

The more I know you, I realize that there is actually a mature and thoughtful guy existing behind that cute smile.

You teach me how to smile and perceive my life in a more optimistic way. You teach me how to listen to other people, the way to sacrifice for others' happiness. And above all, you teach me the way keep my enthusiam though how bad things are gonna be - despite all hardships and pains, just keep trying and trying again.

I really love the image when you are on stage, clustered around by audiences and you sing by your soul from the bottom of your heart. It likes a coffee in the morning which helps me awake, it likes a fire which can warm me up immediately in the cold winter and it likes a mental dish that cannot be lacked in my daily meal,etc. I like the feeling of my heart being melted whenever listen to your songs. I desire to have your solo album, my beloved idol.

Recently, I have known that you have to come over many difficulties in your work as an actor of drama What's Up, a MC of the TV show Night After Night and above all is the preperation for Big Bang coming back.

Please take a good care of your health and so do the rest of Big Bang.

Keep trying and anytime feeling tired and lonely, please remember there are always VIP staying beside you, watching over you and support you.

Now I am continuing following a new dream, it is having a chance to see you and all Big Bang's member in person, because I live too far away from you. I want someday to shout out "DAE SUNG 오 빠, DAE SUNG 오 빠, 사 랑 해 요" in front of you, like other VIPs. Do you believe I can do it, Dae Sung oppa? I want to become a VIP who can make you guys proud of me. :-)


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Guest Rosalia


This is how much me and my friend love Big Bang!!!wub.gif Instead of study we spent hours doing this!!!! yeah, we know they are not that good, but we made it with a lot of love!!! laugh.giflaugh.gif And it's worth it, if it's for them! Keep the good job, and come visit us at Portugal!rolleyes.gif

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Guest omgsun

BIG BANG's reading this? Really?! :D HI! xD I'm afraid that if I start typing I'll automatically start flirting -_- I will control myself.

The love I have for BIG BANG? It's immense. I don't know where to start. Putting the love that I have for all five of you into words is going to be one of the most difficult things that I've had to do. It will be difficult but I will try my best.

I am a new fan of kpop and BIG BANG. BIG BANG will always be special to me as they are the first kpop band that I heard. For that I would like to thank you all. I really don't know where I'd be if I hadn't heard 'Beautiful Hangover' for the first time, kpop is all I listen to now, BIG BANG especially ^_^ Being from and living in Ireland there's not much kpop around, well, none at all. But I don't mind that. I don't mind buying CDs online, merchandise online, talking to other kpop fans online, I quite like my own kpop world, a world that you, BIG BANG, are the Gods of, you are the creator of this world xD

Now when I say that I'm a new fan it means less than a year, I spent a lot of my Summer watching MVs, interviews, listening to your music and trying to talk to my friends about you, which I couldn't do, they don't understand xD

The day I found this amazing band was the same day I found out that they were doing solo projects. Very happy that I could hear you all solo but also very upset that there wouldn't be another album together for a while.

Then the day came. The comeback. The day I was waiting for for months. I kept refreshing my computer for the album. I needed it. I couldn't go out and buy it in a shop, there's absolutely no kpop in Ireland, I had to wait days for the package to arrive all the way from Korea (this is a reason why I'm moving to Asia after university xD). Having to wait days for the package with the CD was killing me, I waited my entire kpop life for this album. So after days of waiting and listening to it on YouTube on repeat it arrived!!!! I was having fangirl attacks even before I opened it.

And I had the Live comeback show to look forward to. I kept checking the time difference to make sure that I wouldn't miss a second of it but I still got up early just in case. I must applaud you on your live singing and acting. Here I must apologize for laughing when G Dragon got hit by the car in the Paradise Ranch parody, but take it as a compliment, if your acting wasn't as good, the sobbing and running, it wouldn't be half as funny! And I love Lady DaeDae, I put on perfume saying ''MMM, SMELL'' now. As a watcher and lover of kdramas I must say that all of it was perfect, flawless, up there with the best. As was the singing, it was unbeatable. And I love your clothes for Cafe (I need the top that TOP was wearing with TOP on it) and Tonight (I'm an avid fashion fan and you all have such good taste). My fangirlism almost killed me out of excitement that day.

And I feel that I must say that I love your new hairstyles! You all look so well. And Taeyang, thank you for keeping your hair the same, I've always loved it ^_^

So to conclude, I would just like to thank you for the introduction to kpop, your songs, your music, your voices, your personalities, all of you all in general. I do love you, it's a love that is difficult to express but I made an attempt. Good luck and good health. BIG BANG FIGHTING!!! 

Thank you

-An Irish VIP, Amy.

And I know I said that I wouldn't flirt, but seeing as I have an opportunity:

TOP, how you doin'? ;)


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Guest naninanoda

My name is Natasha, and I shall soon be 18.

Big Bang, is many things for me. When I discovered Big Bang, I instantly fell for this music and the band. Big Bang is what got me to listen to kpop. I had never really listened to it before Big Bang. I mostly listened to jrock and other kinds of rock. I am not to fond of American pop, so I never thought to listen to other kinds of pop. Big Bang opened my eyes to that. It is a very good thing too, because my mom doesn't like me listening to rock, though I still do. -.-

What I like about Big Bang is that they are so unique, both as a whole band and as individuals. They each have their own styles, voices and personalities. Together, with their individuality, they are BIG BANG!

There is much to love about each member of Big Bang:

G-Dragon, I love absolutely everything about you. I love absolutely everything about all members of Big Bang. G-Dragon seems to be very friendly and playful. It kind of reminds me of a monkey, in a good way. He is adorable, energetic and playful as one. (Hahaha I mean it in the very best way)<3 But he also has a soulful side to him when he sings<3 Also, I love G-Dragon's lyrics. They really touch my heart, and I could cry or smile from them. Also, he is amazing at rapping, singing, dancing, and he has such style! He is U.N.I.Q.U.E. <3

T.O.P., you have a smile to die for!!<3 And your raps are hella good :)  and you have a really deep voice that's really, really good to match!! You're very funny and also a great actor! I would love to see you acting more, I really would. I would watch everything that you are in, I swear it. ^^ You are really great, and very handsome too. :) I also love all of your facial expressions when you're acting, they make me laugh because it's cute and funny. You are an amazing man.<3

Daesung, your voice is so strong and beautiful that when I hear it, my heart melts. You also seem to have a very good heart. It was nice of you to visit that sick girl in the hospital. It made me smile that you were so kind to do this.<3 That girl is very lucky to have met you. You are really amazing!!! I would like to say though, you have the looks and an amazing voice. If any man were to sing to me with a voice and talent like yours, I would be in love in an instant!!

Taeyang, you also have a really amazing voice. You are a great dancer too, and your English is amazing. I really adore your voice, it's so unique! And I really love your music!! I would love to hear some more English versions of your songs!! <3 I guess I'll have to step up on my learning of the Korean language. :) Also, I love that Taeyang is like a pretty boy. He has very nice features, it could take anyone's breath away. :3 Oh, and I'm not gonna lie, Taeyang and I pretty much share a birthday and that makes me happy. People can say they share the same birthday as Justin Bieber or something, but I can say I share a birthday with you:D

Seungri, you are so sweet and you have a great talent. I love your solo album!! You really A.M.A.Z.E.D. me with that!! And your English is really adorable. I smile whenever I hear it. I also smile whenever I see you laugh because you are too cute^^ I wish that I could take you to my senior prom!! :P You are a great dancer and seem like a fun time if I could take you! <3

All five of you together = Big Bang!

Big Bang is a name that suits you well, seeing as you are meant to make a BIG BANG in the music industry, but also in the hearts of all your fans, including me. You were meant to be something huge and I hope you continue to make music for a long time because you all have a gift and you make us V.I.P.'s happy and proud. We will always support and love you<3

I hope one day I can see you guys in concert and maybe be lucky enough to meet you!! I hope soon that you guys come to America, that would make me very happy!! Or I could go to Korea too <3 Because of you I'm really into kpop culture! And Korean dramas!! :P So I hope to learn as much Korean as I can, because I'd love to be able to listen to music and watch dramas without English lyrics or subtitles. I already know some words and phrases, which has me excited!! ^^ Another thing Big Bang has made me have a new passion,: singing, rapping and dancing, but I am not good at all. I hope to be good enough though one day!! And maybe when that time comes, I can break out and be less shy and scared. Thank you Big Bang!! <3

Anyway, I really, really, really love Big Bang, and always try to get them new fans, hoping they will be as affected as me. Big Bang fighting all the time!!^^ <3 I love you all, Saranghae~

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Guest deathly_ill

Anyoung~ My name is Josephine; I'm a 15 year-old girl who has an imagination the size of the universe.

Exactly two years ago I was a shy, self-conscious, and awkward girl. Two years later, I became a confident, talkative, friendly, and funny person.

What changed?

Two years ago I met Big Bang. Two years ago I became a V.I.P.

Jiyoung, although you weren't the first person out of Big Bang that I noticed, you were definitely the first one to change me for the better. Your confidence and your friendly personality has rubbed off on me. Slowly, but surely my personality was already starting to change. Everything you do always inspires me. Your charisma, your skills, your looks, and everything. You may not think you're a genius and I don't think so either. I think you're a man of MANY talents. You worked hard to get where you are, and I don't think people should say that you were 'born' with talents because then they don't recognize your hard work. "Bling bling bling... Kwon Jiyoung"

Youngbae, even though I didn't know much about your personality in the beginning, I felt like I could relate to you the most. Truth be told, I was afraid of learning more about Big Bang, but somehow when I looked at you I felt safe. I felt no matter what happened, you would always be there to protect me. As time passed by and I got to know you more, I realized how much you taught me. To do the right thing no matter what. I feel like you're my brother who will always take care of me.  "I'll be your superstar"

Daesung, your smile was what broke my heart to pieces. The car accident that happened was only a week after I met Big Bang. I felt like it was my fault that you got in this tragic accident. I couldn't see your face without thinking that somehow it was my fault. The pictures of the accident haunted me. I wished I could've protected you. I wished it was me who got into the accident. I wished it was me who would worry whether I would be talking again. You taught me the most important lesson of all- to smile no matter what. "Smiling angel- MY smiling angel"

Seungri, my little panda bear. You taught me to be confident and to speak my mind when I need too. You always seem to amaze me- your humour, your voice, your dancing, and your composing skills. Your confidence appealed to me the most. No matter what I couldn't help, but be attracted to you. I watched you grow from  a young boy to a man. The change I see in you is very inspiring, I will NEVER forget it. "VeryVeryImportantPerson"

Seung Hyun- actor, singer, rapper, composer, writer, comedian, and dancer. Not everyone sees your dancing as being the best, but when I saw you dancing with Big Bang on the SBS The Big Show I missed just the way your body moved. You danced really well. I'm proud. You taught me a huge lesson: You can't choose who you love. I can't tell anyone what I love about you because I myself don't know what exactly I love about you. "I'm a B-A-D, Big Bang the BIG BOY!"

Big Bang, as a whole you have inspired me to do a whole bunch of things that I'd never dreamed of doing. Everday I thank God for letting me meet you guys. No mater what, you guys will ALWAYS have a place in my heart. But not only in my heart, but also my soul where my dreams exists. "La la la la. Everybody get 'em high. It's the BIG to the BANG that's why, and we won't stop movin' movin'"

Truthfully as a VIP, I'm much tougher on you guys. Sometimes I don't like what you do, but that's a rare case. I don;t want to be a VIP who gets crushed when you guys fall! I want to be a VIP who falls with you guys and gets up with you guys. I want to stand beside you guys, so that I can be proud and cheer for you guys, and you can be proud of what I'm doing. I want Big Bang and VIPs to grow together and improve together. Take care of your health this year, you're going to be really busy.

My promise to Big Bang: Even if all the VIPs were to disappear somehow rest assure I will never leave you. I was born to be a VIP, and NEVER will I leave my boys when they need me the most.


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