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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest crazypilovee

question!! so was the last breakup scene at the fountain from when they played w/ the poor kids or..? it's not at the Han River right? if not then that's a relief, it means they will prolly make up (& kiss!?) later?

strange ratings dropped when i thought yesterday's episode was really good albeit so sad. thanks webby!

i still can't stomach the idea of the president being YS's biological dad but if it's really the case YS would be so crushed. you reckon JP knew? i was just thinking to myself that the ring might be something that the president would recognise if he sees Nana wearing it later on (provided YS gave it to her) and from there trace out YS's identity. You think it makes sense???

i think the ratings went down a tiny bit because Romance Town was ending? hopefully more ppl tune into CH next wk :)

wasn't the ring was given to KH by MY tho? since it is a wedding ring & they were married... & since it seems like Prez didn't even know they had a child together and weren't that close, he probably didn't give her a ring?

The cliffhanger ending was really surprising. Wow, the president either knows or he is only suspecting. Overall, something he did in the past have made him handicap with target number 4. On the one hand, he really wanted to expose the truth, but on the other hand, he could not. Although, I really think that the president is a good man overall, he is still corrupted in his own past crime. He is somewhat a coward who has a heart, just like adjusshi. I hope that in the end, he will come to the light and clear himself of his wrong doings. Only then will he live in peace. As for YJ, I do respect his dedication to his job and honor, but he is just too one sided. I don't know what would come to him in the end. Poor YS, he is totally a lovable idiot. Pushing Nana away may not solve the problem. It may make things worse. The stage is set. The next four episode will be intense. I don't know if I have the heart and gut to wait for it piece by piece. Regret starting to watch this series before it ended. Just too addictive.

yeah the prez is kinda like ahjussi cuz they both have good hearts but are somewhat cowardly. BUT since the prez is the president and has the big responsibility of taking care of the nation... his cowardice makes him a much worse person than ahjussi. Someone who will hide things just b/c he's afraid of the repercussions, even if he didn't commit the deeds, is not suited for a high leadership position like that. He should have acknowledged his weakness and backed down instead of letting his greed for politics overpower him.

does anyone know the ost song ep 16 towards 1:03

are you talking about at 1hr3mins or 1min3sec? either way i didn't hear any ost songs except for background music..

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I think there will be an ending with either YS dies and his son will take revenge on him. or either YJ becomes City Hunter..I thought maybe YS and NN will still play CH and YJ will be still after them (he knows its YS but he is still unable to get him) i think this will be the best ending...

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Hey Hunter Fans! I just finished the recap of episode 16, check it out!


Thank you!

This episode was so sad and I don't think it is going to go any better. There are still so much things that haven't really been revealed yet, so it is difficult for YS to be with NN. Unless something major happens to one of them or they both can't control themselves and have to get back together. Other than that, I see the couple going downhill until possibly the end of the show, if there is a happy ending for them.

I'm kind of a little worried about the mother. Is she going to get her bone marrow anytime soon? I feel bad for her. She asks MY and JP before when she first had YS about what they are doing and they don't tell her, now YS is keeping things from her. I think she probably has a bad omen for her son. Maybe because of that, she might tell YS or the president the truth. I really don't know how they are going to explain how YS could be the president's son, but I just hope that in the end, YS doesn't get mad at his mother for not telling him the truth about his real father. Wow! He has a lot of father's in this show. Maybe the bad thing that the 4th guy has about him is the so called relationship with KH.

Ay..hopefully in the later episodes, something wakes YS up and he actually tells NN to wait for him. I'm pretty sure NN would still wait for him even if he doesn't say it, but at least it just makes it seem like YS will try his best not to die and have a future with her. Oh..after to wait a week again. :(

I think there will be an ending with either YS dies and his son will take revenge on him. or either YJ becomes City Hunter..I thought maybe YS and NN will still play CH and YJ will be still after them (he knows its YS but he is still unable to get him) i think this will be the best ending...

Son? If that is going to happen, then they would have to put a make up scene in there in the next coming episodes. I like the ending with YS and NN still playing CH though. But, I keep thinking that they will probably meet each other at that place indicated in NN's wish to YS. It actually seems more romantic, but if they have them just looking at each other eye to eye, no hugging or anything and end, I will still get really annoyed with that. It just means that the ending is up in the air. I hope that is not the case. I really hate those endings too.

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*sigh* Waiting for Wednesday again....... and the last couple of weeks, the YS-NN scenes satisfied my romance quota till the next epi but this week was depressing for YS-NN shippers and since I really don't want to spend this week mooning over the sadness, am gonna spazz about this instead:


:D Any theories about the above pic? w00t.gif Doesn't look like YS's bed blush.gif

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Guest chloe.c

question!! so was the last breakup scene at the fountain from when they played w/ the poor kids or..? it's not at the Han River right? if not then that's a relief, it means they will prolly make up (& kiss!?) later?

Yeah, I want to clarify that too. Cuz I heard people saying it's at Han River... so I'm wondering if the kiss scene didn't happen yet, then there's still hopeee and they'll be back together againnnn?? :) The scene would probably have to be next week for sure since they're doing live shooting...so probably wouldn't be shooting scenes that goes at the end?? Although them getting back together next week would KIND OF be like ..wtf.. so fast again?? but...you know what, we don't careeeee :P HAHAHA

IF NOT...then did they cut the kiss scene?!?!! No wayyyy they'd do something dumb like that as it would just lead to a flow of complaints !!

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now that you pointed that out it awfully looks like YS's headboard

I don't think so. YS's headboard is completely black with the dividing glass above it. When I first saw the photo I'd also thought that we will get our "deserved" ;) bed scene, however, after checking YS' bed my excitement faded away.

I am really deprived, right now. NO KISS SINCE EPISODE 9 excl.giftears.gif !!! I'd been expecting the last four episode to be dark and depressing so I was hoping for a kiss in episode 16 even if it were a heartbreaking goodbye kiss to survive the upcoming angst but nothing happened tears.gif .

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@sheherizade3: There's nothing wrong with expressing one's opinion but you have to understand that you are somehow attacking the show with comparisons from BOF which clearly is your biggest bias and then you give us an argument of 'ORIGINALITY'. Apparently most of of the people here are not newbies in watching Korean dramas thus scenes that you mentioned can never be claimed ORIGINAL from BOF. In fact the storyline in BOF is an adaptation of Hana Yori Dango which already had Taiwanese and Japanese versions from that alone how can you say it is ORIGINAL? XD.  Another thing, if your point of comparison is only BOF then i suggest you watch a lot of Korean dramas maybe you can start from year 2000 because you would see the ingredients are pretty much the same as compared to the current dramas. There's this trend in love stories that they usually follow and at times it may seem different but the premise is the same as before, for instance Chaebol falling for simple girl but Chaebol's parents do not approve of the woman their son chose. This is an example of an ancient plot and i doubt this kind of storyline will be obsolete since the general public loves it.

This is unfortunate because the writer should have written scenes that are unique to City Hunter so that when you watched them, you immediately think of YS and Nana.

The chemistry between YS and NANA is just a portion that defines CITY HUNTER, personally I believe they have an epic story for they struggle to keep their love amidst the danger of losing one another.  The angst that they have is justifiable and believable because its a matter of life and death but then again that's my personal take.

Reading from your posts correct me if I'm wrong but I think you are against the OTP and how their love line is being developed. Aside from that since your reference is only BOF then you strongly feel that the writer is somehow copying some scenes from the said drama. Well, that is indeed your opinion and your are free to express it, but may I ask

can you let us enjoy the epicness of this story?can you let us savor the remaining episodes of our wonderful OTP that has so much chemistry it burns our screen?

Tell me, did a fan of CITY HUNTER go to BOF's thread and said "man, your otp sucks and ours is better. The scenes that you have? bah that's nothing compared to us" did someone do that? Sorry to sound so condescending but I felt your posts here are just like that.

and that's me expressing my opinion...

leslie, i was expecting him to turn back, hug her and kiss as what was mentioned on blog.daum but somehow it didn't happen that way - gosh made me sit up in bed, bit my pillow and then scream in frustration when he left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was literally chanting "turn back, YS, kiss her" and was sooooooo disappointed the scene ended there!!! :tears:

I wanna strangle that person who posted on DAUM. LOL I was expecting a lot from it.damn but i do hope something more epic will be happening in the next episodes. *crossing my fingers*

throwing eggs on people was not invented by City Hall or BOF.

nor are they the only dramas that show them. even KBS President showed it not long ago.

every year or two at least one drama shows it.

here are some links for anyone who's interested:

Seoul college students vow to go on strike for tuition cut <- 2011/06/07

Samsung study rejects claims semiconductor plants caused cancers <- Thu Jul 14, 2011

Female South Korean lawmaker may be tougher than the military <- Nov 08, 2010

If i can send a virtual applause i wouldve done that ^^ sorry to cut your post but thank you very much for posting such reply.

as I told my friend, maybe the pain is great at this point because the reconciliation will be epic! I will hold on that Scriptwriter and PD-nim!



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I hope NN start to make up with YJ and 'pretending to go out with him' in order to make YS jealous and to keep an eye on YJ...Just my thoughts but I really thought YJ will be interested in NN but it seems not so..Even SH is being neglected which I find very sad cuz they could make the romantic aspect bigger. I'm kinda happy YS ditched NN cuz their current relationship was also not that great...YS was only being her brother kind...maybe just my 2cents...

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Well, even if I want a happy ending, I don't know if it will fit after watching their current interactions based on YS's confession and the fountain conversation.  Their hallway conversation was awkward and a little foreboding in how their relationship will be in the end.  YS is watching over NN and the city.  That's it.  The engagement ring is a red herring.

I know I will not like that ending if it occurs.  I've seen enough American drama series to tell you, the good guy does not always get the girl in the end so you get used to it, but this is Kdramaland I've entered.  The guy gets the girl in the end, right?


aminta25, I'm of the impression that YS's parents' love story is mirroring that of his and NN.  History is repeating itself and if this is the case, like father like son, I sincerely hope 'real' dad offers some sage advice to his son like "Go, live your life with the woman you love." kind of thing.  Selfish of me actually, but I want a happy ending for YS.  I love this character, but I will accept whatever the Show brings me.

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Guest samgirl

briseis -- awww you totally burst my bubble lol but thanks for that , well maybe it was me wishing that it is YS's bed cause I really though last episode (16) will have a kiss with him confessing and all, even a goodbye kiss will probabbly quench my thirst for this two so i can endure another week for CH.

I am too a fan of BOF and I agree they have similar scenes but totally different stories, its like when you see the OTP do a piggyback scene, we can't accuse of that drama copying a scene from another drama cause it is usually used for almost all Korean drama. So yeah lets just enjoy CH as it is and I have to say , although I love Lee Min Ho as Gu Jun Pyo, I can never relate or compare him to Lee Yoon Sung ,Lee Min ho is such a great actor that way. I love both characters anyway.

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Guest aminta25

Hi guys!!.... Happy Friday or Saturday depending on what part of the world you live in... :D

I gotta say that ep. 15 and 16 have been the two most emotinal charge episode of City Hunter

and I love it. We need this internal emotional conflict that our hero YS is facing. I know many people

are not happy with the whole NN and YS breakup, but I find it very suitable to the whole story.

In the world of superheros our heros need to give up their personal feelings for their love ones in order

to fight the greater good, and YS is doing just that. Superman/Clark Kent and Louis Lane is a great example of this

awesome emotional conflict. However, YS is not Superman, and he has become very aware of his mortality, I mean

the guys could drop dead at any given moment in one of his risky mission. Hence he is pushing everyone he loves away

from any type of harm, Ajussi, his mom, and his love NN. Its the hero emotional conflict we are facing with our CIty Hunter

and I for one i'm amazed how the writers have been able to take us into this emotional conflict.

Regarding the daddy issue I think we pretty clear who us YS real dad now, I wasn't to happy enetertaining this idea, cause god knows I'm tired of this birth secrets in dramas and I mean not just Kdrama I mean Latin/Spanish dramas too. BUT if the writers are clever enough and gives us a great story behind Presidend Choi and YS mom love story then I'm all for it and helps the story move forward. :)

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Guest quatrang

I just re-watched ep 13 - 14 and found that YS breaking up with NN is given, a coherent story. Remember he tried to push her away by "rejecting" her in ep.11 (or 12). He did try! Then she got shot and he was torn between protecting her by keeping her next to him or by pushing her away. For few episodes, their relationship seems to stall, largely because YS couldn't bring himself to openly accept and "enjoy" the relationship. Given the deep mini cooper that he is in, I don't think he has much choice.

Then things happened: KH disappear from hospital, JP pointed a gun at NN and eventually run Ajusshi over. That showed YS a bitter reality that he might not be able to protect those he treasured. It will be even less so if he himself get hurt (or killed!). And he has been going deep on the revenge mission to the no-return point (even if people cheer CH on, in the eye of the law, he is an outlaw!). The realisation set in: his "juvenile" dream of coming back to normal life might/will not materialise, after all. I think he fought but finally gave up on that! What he is trying to do, in my eye, is to prepare for the worst, to clear his trails in this life so that when he leaves at the end, nothing is not taken care of: His mom, NaNa, and Ajusshi!

It is a sad story but a story I heartily accept! So, although Ep15 and 16 were not as fierce as previous ep 8-14, it emotes the feeling that it prepares the audience for an explosive ending! (or so I hope)

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HAHAHA how can a CITY HUNTER FAN PERFECT EXAMPLE is you go to BOF THREAD when you didn't even watched as you've said the part of JUNPYO/JANDI because you don't like GHS acting..what are you going to say? telling us that you been watching korean dramas for 10 years ..don't be so proud because you are not the only one..we probably had watched more korean dramas than you did and it is not only korean dramas that we watched we watchEd taiwanese drama too..how come when it is A BOF FAN that post here you get so affected i saw SKKS FANS posting here too and making comparison but you don't get affected because SKKS is not as phenomenal as BOF..if you want to see chemistry offcam then watched the BTS of BOF they are not scripted not like in CH..you've been watching kdramas and you know they don't want a scandal among their lead actor and actress nobody writes about them being closed but in CH they are always hardselling the closeness of LMH and PMY hahaha but no scandal would even surfaced because every BTS is scripted..nothing is coming natural which should havE been the case.. I haven't watched a korean drama as of yet that has a lot of similar scenes with the same actor/actress in both dramas..i know you don't want to but we can give you the list of all the scenes that is similar to BOF.. that IS WHY WE CALLED IT SPINOFF because it is not thE SAME BUT SIMILAR..

And please we are also trying to enjoy watching CITY HUNTER without being biased to anybody please don't let us do that because we are watching CITY HUNTER because of LMH only..if not for him we should have stopped watching it..those writers were lucky that LMH was the one acting in it.

but i'll just say that those writers did love BOF then because you said it is not because they are in despair to show the chemistry between LYS/KNN..HAHAHA

You know..I always find it sad when people attack other people for a fictional show and it's lead couple :mellow: How pathetic is that?! And just my humble opinion...City Hunter's never went or posted in BOF topic is because we don't think about the show when watching our show...our show is so engrossing that no other show exists but ours, so comparisons are useless :rolleyes:

And about the SKKS fans, they never attacked our OTP, in fact they were encouraging and appreciative of it. If you notice your post, you will realize how rude you sound. And I never knew that you knew apparition, is that how you reach the CH sets to see if the BTS are scripted or not? :lol: And even if they are, which I doubt, then what's the harm in that? It takes talent to act natural when the scenes are scripted and I think LMH-PMY are doing just great.

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Guest miniejungle

question!! so was the last breakup scene at the fountain from when they played w/ the poor kids or..? it's not at the Han River right? if not then that's a relief, it means they will prolly make up (& kiss!?) later?

i think the ratings went down a tiny bit because Romance Town was ending? hopefully more ppl tune into CH next wk :)

wasn't the ring was given to KH by MY tho? since it is a wedding ring & they were married... & since it seems like Prez didn't even know they had a child together and weren't that close, he probably didn't give her a ring?

oh, crazyilovee, you just wake me up from a nightmare!!!!!!! that's right, this scene was the fountain scene and it's NOT at Han River (is it, could someone who have been to Korea confirm this for our fragile hearts please?) if it's not Han River, then hooray we can exhale and wait for the make up kiss!!!! :w00t: *keep both my fingers and toes crossed*

when KH gave it to YS she only said "your father gave it to me" so... depends on who the father is i guess... but this will also mean the revealation will only happen after they make up (kiss, ring, and make out sessions to follow) :vicx::ph34r:

I wanna strangle that person who posted on DAUM. LOL I was expecting a lot from it.damn but i do hope something more epic will be happening in the next episodes. *crossing my fingers*

Leslie, that's why i hope someone could clarify if the fountain IS near Han River or they are 2 seperate locations... let's hope they're far away... then we would know if another scene comes up soon... :)

HAHAHA how can a CITY HUNTER FAN PERFECT EXAMPLE is you go to BOF THREAD when you didn't even watched as you've said the part of JUNPYO/JANDI because you don't like GHS acting..what are you going to say? And please we are also trying to enjoy watching CITY HUNTER without being biased to anybody please don't let us do that because we are watching CITY HUNTER because of LMH only..if not for him we should have stopped watching it..those writers were lucky that LMH was the one acting in it.

but i'll just say that those writers did love BOF then because you said it is not because they are in despair to show the chemistry between LYS/KNN..HAHAHA

can you please don't come in here and create a war when we are near to the end and so far the thread has been very peaceful and fun? Just for your info, most of us here have watched BOF not once but a few times (and let me assure you, we watched NGs and BTS too) and most of us came to love Minho from that drama - so to set the record straight, JunPyo was great but Jandi was one terrible character that was so dead from emotions in BOF. The reason why i didn't feel like commenting in the thread was because it was my opinion and because i respect the rest of you in that thread, and not wanting to upset the people in there. that's how you show respect to us too - so don't come in here and bash our couple when you can clearly see who can act and who not.

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City Hunter sensibly tries to handle social issues from risky working environment to unfriendly service manner


On the July 14 episode of SBS’s popular drama series City Hunter, a little child appears whose mother is a laborer diagnosed with leukemia because of the risky working environment of the semiconductor company she has worked. Na Na, played by Park Min Young, takes to a cosmetics shop the child, who wanted to get her mother a lipgloss when she thought Na Na’s glowing lips are pretty.

The child has put coins into his piggybank. She decides to use the collected coins to buy her mother a lipgloss, but now is not opening hours of banks. When the client of the cosmetics shop saw the coins, she bluntly says, “We cannot accept these coins now. Can you see other customers waiting for their turn?”

Na Na says, “Then, we’ll count the coins for you convenience. Now we have no problem, don’t we?” The client responds, “Sorry, but it’s difficult to accept the amount in coins. How about buying this next time?” Then, Na Na strongly demanded, “What made you think that these coins are not money? Put this lipgloss on these coins, please!” It is then that Yunsung, played by Lee Min Ho, enters the shop and hands over to the client his check for 10 million won.

The client grows peevish at them saying that she can’t afford to give changes for the check. Then, Yunsung makes spiteful remarks: “You shouldn’t ignore the coins. You should apologize to the child. You’re disqualified to sell things because you have no intention to understand what brought your customers to come here. Your service manner and personality is not worthy of a single coin.”

The client finally recognizes her mistake and apologies the child.

By Kwon Hyeok-gi (khk0204@tvreport.co.kr)

Source: TVreport (Original article in Korean)

Photo from TVreport

Translated by Geum Jae / Korea.com

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HAHAHA how can a CITY HUNTER FAN PERFECT EXAMPLE  is you go to BOF THREAD  when you didn't even watched as you've said the part of JUNPYO/JANDI because you don't like GHS acting..what are you going to say? telling us that you been watching korean dramas for 10 years ..don't be so proud because you are not the only one..we probably had watched more korean dramas than you did and it is not only korean dramas that we watched we watchEd taiwanese drama too..how come when it is A BOF FAN that post here you get so affected i saw SKKS FANS posting here too and making comparison but you don't get affected because SKKS is not as phenomenal as BOF..if you want to see chemistry offcam then watched the BTS of BOF they are not scripted not like in CH..you've been watching kdramas and you know they don't want a scandal among their lead actor and actress nobody writes about them being closed but in CH they are always hardselling the closeness of LMH and PMY hahaha but no scandal would even surfaced because every BTS is scripted..nothing is coming natural which should havE been the case.. I haven't watched a korean drama as of yet that has a lot of similar scenes with the same actor/actress in both dramas..i know you don't want to but we can give you the list of all the scenes that is similar to BOF.. that IS WHY WE CALLED IT SPINOFF because it is not thE SAME BUT SIMILAR..

And please we are also trying to enjoy watching CITY HUNTER without being biased to anybody please don't let us do that because we are watching CITY HUNTER because of LMH only..if not for him we should have stopped watching it..those writers were lucky that LMH was the one acting in it.

but i'll just say that those writers did love BOF then because you said it is not because they are in despair to show the chemistry between LYS/KNN..HAHAHA

The majority of us have watched BOF not just once but several times and most of us came to like LMH through BOF (we've all seen the BTS plus the NGs), so check your facts before you make any comments. By the way who are you to tell us that their BTS is staged, do you work for the production team, are you close to any of the people working for the team ? I bet you aren't. I can see that your still rooting for BOF included the OTP, that drama  ended years ago. Why not just overcome a bit of  your love for BOF by stoping comparing every scene you  think is similar to BOF. Most of usstarted to  watch CH because of LMH, but if the story were to be crap, it wouldn't have recieved so much love. CH has a great plot, i mean it delivers so much it simply has a great package. I feel sorry for those who can't see beyond LMH's hotness in this drama.

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Guest dramaok

Leslie, that's why i hope someone could clarify if the fountain IS near Han River or they are 2 seperate locations... let's hope they're far away... then we would know if another scene comes up soon... :)

yes last night's scene is by Han River.

from what i can see, they are Yeoido Han River Park.


i think the fountain doesnt' run on sundays, and it is also off at night after certain hour.

there's also a small man-made stream there.

maybe the daum-user saw the filming but was mistaken about the kiss part.

i can see why the user could hallucinate. i'd do the same too.

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