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[Drama 2011] Thorn Tree Bird / The Thorn Birds 가시나무새


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I'm sorry peipei78, i truly don't know how things work there.

i am not active except for entering subs and don't know the system either.

i know it must be frustrating, but please be patient and wait for Ahoxan's softsubs.

he's been very kind to provide these for those who cannot access the system.

@ Dramaok : Nevermind then :) i just thought u might know something like this since u're quite active kekekek... well it's i must be very patient to watch K-drama tho... ^^ thanks btw...

@ creidesca : same in here...I don't visit the video anymore since it says "not available"...and since then i always download the drama from mediumquality....

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Guest knweaye

Thanks everyone for the recaps and translation. Without you all, I wouldn't have known some of the important things being said. It looks YK won't be able to sway YJ's feelings; thank God her wiles and lies won't work anymore. But she's not scheming to take revenge on KW's father, who really deserves what he's going to get, but in the process I do hope KW, the kind-hearted guy, who is now going around apologizing to everyone for his father's misdeeds, won't be hurt. And I think three episodes is not enough to develop any relationship between the clean-living and good-hearted KW and the spiteful, vicious woman. As the episode 18 preview says JE is going to spend her first night with YJ, I guess there's no hope for KW winning JE's affections at all. Poor KW and poor me! But I would like to see some serious wooing of JE by YJ and there's been hardly any romantic moments between them to speak of. Their relationship throughout the past seven years is rather dull and entirely platonic, however much she may love him. For all her sufferings at YK's hands, JE needs to get some tender loving care from YJ and sweet words and sweeter action, too. Otherwise, this drama is going to be a major disappointment even if JE gets YJ in the end. I seem to notice YK grimacing and holding her stomach in one scene, maybe she's developing some sort of disease???

In my own delusional mind, I wonder what the blood results will reveal, besides the obvious that YK is Han Byul's mother?

A. YK isn't Myung Ja's daughter (yea, right)

B. That whatever Han Byul has is the direct result of YK, therefore, YK can't help "cure" her own child. (Hmm, nice possibility me thinks?)

C. Any other ideas?

edit: Looks like Han Hye Jin has become an Aunt. Her sister, Kim Kang Woo's wife has given birth to a baby boy.

As I notice YK clutching her stomach and grimacing in one of the scenes, the blood test may reveal she herself is suffering from some disease (hopefully incurable, though I'm terribly mean to suggest this, I admit) and that her blood is not good for Han Byul.  Or as you suggest, she mayn't even be Myung Ja's daughter, which will be the best result as far as I'm concerned, which means she no longer can depend on her "mom" to take her side whenever she's doing b****y things to JE.

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Guest relly

Hi Everyone,

The Thorn Birds Episode 17 English Soft-Sub Subtitle is out.


The Thorn Birds 1-17 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/672-the-thorn-birds-2011/

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!

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Guest atsirkparadise

I'll be the happiest person on earth if YK were to die.

Damn, JE has cried so much because of her.

I'm so evil. Miyaneh :D

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Okay, first off, what we think happens based on the written preview, doesn't technically go the way we thought it should. Secondly, I missed out on the ending of today's EP because of the microwave, but this time it's not my mom, but my bro who used it at the most importune time.

I'll be back w/ highlight/spoilers for this ep, after I take out the trash.

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Guest pinkyrox

 What pd wants to show us?   Blood is always thicker than water, MJ rushes to drunk YK , she cries and like always blaming everyone but herself. She nags, she cries, everyone need to forgive YK blah blah blah..(her crying is just annoying and pointless, not to mention her pretentious fake crying expression, can't stand!!  She has the reasons of the world, all the rights to claim what she thinks belong to her now, all she does is cry then everything can be forgiven. What next, she is holy

JE, u're just a house maid, nothing more , u're just a stupid madly in love woman who stupidly sacrifice all your youth and career for your imaginary 'family'.  oh I think pd is really hate you and want you to suffer for mad, crazy, unreasonable hatred from who know what?   kW and JE are the sacrifice lambs, stop being apologetic about everything you do =slap pd=

YJ, u don't really love JE, why have sex with her.  I know she's stupid madly in love woman but she's still deserve better

This show for me is like a car crush that u can't look away, argh

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Guest jo5587_2009

YJ, u don't really love JE, why have sex with her.  I know she's stupid madly in love woman but she's still deserve better

This show for me is like a car crush that u can't look away, argh

YJ really have sex with JE ???!?!??! this episode ???

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I think that for the past two episodes, I kinda resent Myung Ja. Watching the episodes without English subtitles, it seems like she always gives in to Yoo Kyung. A case of blood is thicker than water? She comes across as an understanding mother, pitying her daughter for what she is going through right now, without thinking of how JE feels. I hope I am wrong when the subs come out but I don't think so. A part of me wants JE to just leave Myung Ja with YK!!! :angry:

I hope someone can answer this, what is wrong with Han Byul? Why does she need a blood test? I wanted to bang my head on the desk when JE pushed YK towards the hospital room.

EDIT: yes, the ending was unexpected indeed. Even YK seemed startled when JE did that, considering what happened in YK's house after JE found out that Han Byul was there. So, what is more important for JE at this point is Han Byul.

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Seriously, don't get too hyped over the written preview. Our imagination runs wild and then things don't go as we thought it would.

Today's spoilers, part 1:

The car holding JE & YJ is likely parked in their neighborhood park. JE had fallen asleep, likely on the drive over. YJ watches over her, but JE soon wakes, slightly embarrassed. The two get out of the car, strolling. Not sure of their conversation, but after JE's final words, YJ tells her he loves her. She looks at him.

The 2 are now in her room. JE shows YJ the portrait of her mom--her birth mother, words are exchanged b/w the 2. After that we see his and her pairs of shoes outside the room, w/ Myung Ja looking on. She returns to her room where Han Byul is staying for the night and reads to Han Byul from a storybook.

In the morning, Han Byul is running towards JE's room, calling out mom. Hak Gu stops/shushes her. Everyone knows the two spent the night together. I thought this was a hilarious scene. Not going to describe the rest of this scene, you have to watch it for yourself.

Thank you, smmr, I needed that ending bit. It was the right thing to do, in JE's case. And completely not what we expected, reading the written preview for EP 18.

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Okay, first off, what we think happens based on the written preview, doesn't technically go the way we thought it should. Secondly, I missed out on the ending of today's EP because of the microwave, but this time it's not my mom, but my bro who used it at the most importune time.

I'll be back w/ highlight/spoilers for this ep, after I take out the trash.

In this drama, with nothing but sadness, your family with the microwave has been the only thing to bring me a smile.  It is totally hilarious how you and that microwave have such a symbiotic relationship.  :w00t:

Thanks to you, your family (and the microwave) for providing such entertainment!  :w00t:

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Oh yea, during the night after Han Byul had fallen asleep, Myung Ja gives YK a call. I'm guessing it's to tell her her chances w/ YJ is gone and/or for her to move on.

From here on out, events are likely going to be out of order. The VP that YK is blackmailing secretly meets w/ KW to tell him what YK is intending to do. KW goes to YK first, but she's resistant to his plea. He & YJ have drinks and he talks to YJ about what is going on. I think KW asks YJ for his help.

YJ signs papers in front of Young Gook & lawyer. Looks like the brothers are now on good terms w/ each other. Choi Jung Dal comes rushing in.

KW, JE and the rest of Han's include YK are filming the scene where JE gives birth. YK as well as JE recalls flashbacks of back then when the two were in the hospital together. After that JE is sitting on a bench, still in hospital attire. YK comes up to her, handing her a drink. The two converse.

Later, Han Byul & Auntie comes to hospital where they were filming I think? MR can't take them to see and/or she's too busy to take care of Han Byul since Auntie has to leave. Han Byul, seeing YK, comes over to her and clutches onto her, wanting to stay there. MR and Auntie gives in, and asks YK to take care of her for the time being.

We get to see YK act all motherly, playing w/ her child and enjoying the moments the two have together. Then Han Byul, using YK's cell gives her father a call. At first YJ didn't want to answer the call since he sees it's from YK, but upon hearing Han Byul's voice he is shocked, frightened, angry. He calls Myung Ja, so she readies herself and heads over to Han's. You can't blame them for reacting this way, especially YJ when he knows that YK is bent on revenge.

JE also finds out that Han Byul is with YK. Frightened she takes it out on MR.

Myung Ja is the first person to arrive at Han's. She looks around but doesn't see YK or Han Byul. She then heads up to YK's living quarters. YK has just finished making spaghetti. Myung Ja has some harsh words for her daughter and attempts to take Han Byul w/ her but Han Byul is being herself, a bit spoiled, so she gets what she wants.

Now they are back in the Han's offices. YJ has come to take Han Byul. Again, Han Byul doesn't want to leave. YJ yells at his daughter to listen to him and pulls her away.

Soon after JE gets a call from likely Myung Ja that Han Byul is w/ her father. YK is in her room looking at the photos that Han Byul had asked her to take. JE grabs at the cell phone and starts deleting all the photos. YK is asking her to stop/trying to take the cell back. I think JE finally got it across to YK/got YK to see the light when she reminds YK of the night when she and YK came back to YK's and overheard YK's adoptive mom on the phone.

JE leaves. While walking home, you can see how uncomfortable JE feels about doing what she said/did to YK. She comes home. I can't really recall what happened there, but after she goes to talk w/ Myung Ja.

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Hi auntieMame & Creidesca.

How's d both of u? Gd? Btw, viki.com seems to cut of the search engine for Thorn Birds. Only for us to use the links that Creidesca provides, then I can see the posts all. Omg. What heck happened there? 

Btw, seems a lot have been going on lately uh. Been bz nowadays. Can only have a quick watch whenever I'm free. :(

O.o. And I saw a post saying JE and YJ having sex? LOL? That's awkward. 

Hope to catch ep18 soon. :D

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In this drama, with nothing but sadness, your family with the microwave has been the only thing to bring me a smile.  It is totally hilarious how you and that microwave have such a symbiotic relationship.  :w00t:

Thanks to you, your family (and the microwave) for providing such entertainment!  :w00t:

yes.. i totally agree with auntie mame... ^^ Creidesca's family microwave indeed helps brighten up our mood kekekeke...

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Guest atsirkparadise


Oh, come on! I do think YK and JE will become

friends at the end. Poor KW. He doesn't get her.

I'm just feeling it.

Well, down to the final week :D

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