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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest Michala01

Yep Darkaz that's a great example. 

The people Big Bang need are the GENERAL PUBLIC. If they like the new album then all is good, and these people often aren't a part of cafes etc. They are the ones that really matter when it comes to the difference between mediocre sales and great sales. That goes for any music market 

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Guest itz_tracy4

HELLO VIPS! PLEASE HELP!!! I am from the U.S (dvd region 1) and I've been wanting to get my hands on G-Dragon's Shine a Light Dvd set. However, I've looked everywhere (including Yesasia, the offical YG site, ebay, etc) and I can only find the Region 3 dvd version of the concert which can only be played in Asia. Does anyone know where I can buy a region 1 dvd of GD's concert??? OR has anyone ever bought a region 3 copy of his dvd who lives in the USA and the dvd actually worked?? PLEASE HELP! THANK YOU VIPS!!!!

on another note, i am so proud of BIG BANG. Seriously can't wait for their comeback after seeing GD+TOP+YB on that stage. Where's SR and DS? :[[ anyways, I couldnt stop smiling while watching that performance and Top's new hair = HOT! BIG BANG IS BACK, VIPS GET READY TO REPRESENTTTTT!!! :]

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Guest shinhdeplol

12月04日 / 05日 ソウルオリンピック公園で開催された、

2010 YG FAMILY CONCERT へ行ってきました♪







「2010 YG FAMILY CONCERT」でパフォーマンスを披露した






コンサート風景 Part:1


2010 YG FAMILY CONCERT 続編 お楽しみに♪

Via BIGBANGオフィシャルブログ

Taken from TeamBIGBANG

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Guest sakime-yong

Too bad I cannot watch the other fancams coz it is already removed in YT. :ph34r:

About that fan account about BB concert. She said BB is not her favorite that is why she may be disappoint.

Yes they are very very tired But IM SO PROUD OF OUR BOYS EVEN THEY ARE TIRED AND IT MAY LOOK RUSH THEY STILL MANAGE TO PUT THEIR BEST/EFFORTS. Even it is not their best performance. :w00t:

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Guest sakime-yong

I am a bit dissapointed to those fans who left BB and I know its their choice.

But for me as a hardcore BB fans loyalty is very important to me.

I may called myself a bb fan if i like them but I will never consider myself as an VIP if I cannot do the role of a VIP and I will just forget about them easily.

For me it is a different if your just a big bang fan or you just like them or their songs. VIP is for BB only. That is why different fandoms have their official name so that you welcome yourself into that idol/group world. :D

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hey guys, is there something wrong the with official thread? )))); i've tried going into it so many times since the day before ytd, and "An Error Occured" popped out and i can't get any access to it. ))):

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Guest toozdae08


I'm not sure what's wrong. I can enter it just fine with and without logging in.

This has happened before to some members and it usually clears up soon but I don't know what to tell you. I think it's just a technical glitch.

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Guest iamyourfather

to anyone who may be interested, i spotted one of the kwon twins in the cast interview of daesung's new drama. guess hes playing one of ds' crewmate.

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Guest iamyourfather

to those that saying the lyrics to their single is cocky, that is one of the ordinary materials rappers write about, something only he owns or do the best.

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Guest juang_bb

@taintedtears Honestly, I worry too. They're at 348k+ right now for fancafe numbers and that about 2k less than last week. Maybe some got tired of waiting for their return since YG didn't do as promised and returned this 2010 and shifted favorites. Maybe it's something else entirely. Like they don't like GTOP's new hairdos. LOL.

about the fancafe numbers, when i read what you guys said that they're at 248k+ now, i was honestly worried because i knew i checked their fancafe just yesterday or the other day and it was still at 350k+. i was worried not exactly because the numbers have been dropping coz it's been in that trend for months now, it actually slowed down a bit these past few months, so what worried me was why it dropped 2k in a day when the trend is at less than 50 for the few months now.

so then i checked the other fancafes and i think something's going on with DAUM, maybe they're correcting membership numbers since it's already almost year-end because the sudden drop did not only happen with BIGBANG but to other fancafes too, like i think 2ne1 lost about 500 when they're active, 2pm's down to 204k from 206k a couple of days ago, snsd is down to 303k from 305k, WG's down to 62k, dbsk too etc..

i'll worry about this if they make their comeback in feb and the numbers still fall although i know other groups who are active now but their numbers are still not increasing. and yeah, like what they said above, fancafe numbers aren't always the best indicator but of course, we want to see numbers go up. :)

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Guest omgshinshin

I've always wondered, does it annoy anyone else when other idol groups do signature moves of our boys? Moves like GD's chin wiping, his cute bow with the microphone held gently in his hands, the trill sound while they're performing, or even taking a mixture of TOP's rap moves in Lies and Last Farewell and combining them together. I understand our boys don't have a copyright on the moves but I feel that it's so completely GD or so completely TOP that I feel a slight twinge of annoyance if anyone else does it. Usually it's a group that I like too and I get a little turned off by it. However, I'm not trying to insult any other group and maybe it's a bit dumb of me to be bothered but I wanted to know if anyone else felt the same.

Don't worry. It's normal to feel this way. I have always felt the same as you. I also get turned off by other idols when they clearly 'imitate' the boys.

But these actions were never owned by BB and they themselves also got them from those older than them in the industry. It is however,as some have noted, different because BB have made the moves their own. They took something common and added their own signature to these flavours that we have all seen before.

I have been a fan of kpop since I was in highshool so that was 8 years ago and I will say that idols do not, I repeat, do not act like this back then. It was only when Big Bang came out and started making these moves mainstream that people began using them. Actions, swagger, rap, clothes, writing, what have you.

I am happy since that is what BB wants, isn't it?

That music in Korea be known as 'before BB' and 'after BB'.

Well, they're slowly getting their wish.


About fancafe numbers, I never particularly cared about the fancafe numbers. They'll lose fans, gain fans. At the end of the day, what's important is that they are doing the music that they love and people appreciating their music stayed.

I'd rather the 'fickle' fans leave. If they left and found a new singer to support, then it must mean that they think BB is still lacking in something that they had to go and transfer to liking another group. And surely, if they left BB, this 'new' group they now support is extremely well talented and better. So they are better off.

I do not mind at all :)

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it is simple if you see them "cocky", and "arrogant" then you should stop listening to them and to other rappers.

because in rap it always involve dissing other people or bragging yourself, it is not rap if you don't do these things.

in rap you should make other rappers feel that you are better than them!

so if you love RAP you love to hear those kinds of things...


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Guest omgshinshin

Personally im not too cool with Big Bang being all cocky and arrogant. Thats one of the first things in american rap that turned me off. I hope they become cooler with their thinking. I understand they are upset because of the criticism that they have gotten. But I really hope the arrogance blows over. I doubt it will though. Anyways I hope for cool beats and nice harmonies on this new album.

Well, it seems that we are all cool with you not being too cool with Big Bang being all cocky and arrogant :)

It's funny how when they rap like this (which they have done a million times, listen to old YG songs) people say they are rapping like American rappers and when they rap about love and sun shiny things, they are not real rappers because real rap needs to be like 'this'.

Or when they come out with a new sound people say they wish BB go back to their roots and when BB go back to their roots, people say why couldn't BB have a new sound?

BB will never please everybody.

Let's just let them do what they want. As much as this is for us as consumers (fans), this is also for themselves as musicians.

But like you, I also hope for other great songs from this album!

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