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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Big Bang shooting for "Haru" @ Entertainment Weekly

BB: EWK (100904)


It is great to see

the guys being choosen to do

some kind of advertisement in Korea

despite them being hiatus.

Did anyone realised that

these days the guys

are much more carefree,happier

these days than as compared

to their other hiatus days?

Maybe because they are finally

coming back soon..

& I can see TODAE back

once again in action.

On top of that,something

for all of you~

SE7EN talking about BIG BANG @ Strong Heart(Eng)

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Guest propera898

haru filming

TOdAE was so cute ..top really cares and likes daesung a lot :P , and i cant wait for the realease of the filming :D

Big Bang @ Fuji TV's Mecha-Mecha Iketeru (100904) [video]

omg that girl was all over TOP kekeke TOP was so shy , you cant blame him thou besides he is already shy on tv and now with a stalker poor baby sweatingbullets.gif . also GD and TOP are talking more in japanese makes me really happy ^_^ and i cant wait to see them in more tv shows also tHe jacket TOP was wearing its the same as the one he was wearing in HARU filming.. so all this new videos all probaly from 2 weeks ago but they just realease them. that means its been almost 2 weeks since i hadnt seen the boys tears.gif

BIGBANG self camera fila shoot.

awww Seung ri was so hype in this !!! :wub: and GD WAking up his hyung (he is the only one who would dare kekeke ^_^ TOP killer eyes when he woke up lol and he was coughing alot T.T TAKE CARE i bet they had ve been filming non stop for all the CF and the HARU web drama also solo activities and bigbang activities but im being selfish here ..IM HAPPY TO SEE THEM excl.gif Even if they look tired..awww im bad but i cant help it vicx.gif ty WAS with so much energy and LOL at daesung for wanting free shoes for his noona kekekeke ^.^ he deserve them and lot more GIVE HIM FOR HIS WHOLE FAMILY kekekeke.

im happy somehow they seem tired but relaxed ,happy and comfortable with each other . they look so fresh too.


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Guest Michala01

Too much Big Bang news to keep catching up on. I am not going to get anything done when they have their comeback if it's like this now wacko.gif Not that I'm actually complaining, love all the news!!! biggrin.gif

big show 2010 download links:

ok I finished uploading the parts. If you would like the download links just PM me and I'll send them to you. 

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Guest shinhdeplol

Dancing TOP :lol:


C: 두부즙 @ DCinside




한국의 인기 5인조, BIGBANG의 리더, G-DRAGON(22)와의 열애 보도 후, 처음으로 공식석상에 등장한 미즈하라 리코는

「친하게 지내고 있습니다만, 교제하고 있지 않습니다」라고 코멘트.

왼손 약지에는 한국언론에서 보도한 실버 반지가 빛나고 있었지만 , 「귀엽기 때문에 스스로 산 것입니다」라고 설명했다.

Seems like Jiyong cleared up about the dating issue????

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I think it says that: From the popular 5-member group from Korea and the leader of Big Bang G-Dragon was reportedly linked to Mizuhara (Kiko) who was known for the first time in public through the news about their passionate relationship. It was announced by the Korean Central Daily news about their matching left hand ring as its basis but he explained, “because it is lovely, it is something which you buy" and it is not something that he has given to her.

not accurate though...

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^ Mizuhara Kiko is the one who cleared up the rumor with G-Dragon at the premiere of her movie a day ago.

She said that they're not dating & that she bought the ring herself. I wish she spoke up sooner to clarify things.

Somehow, it seems like this news is being used as marketing for her movie and acting debut because of the

timing plus I know dating rumors are sometimes used for promotion purposes in Japan. Speaking of the ring,

several YG Family members have the same Chrome Hearts ring because they're sponsored by the company.

v I just re-read the article and the movie is going to formally come out in December. Kiko released her statement

at the red carpet of the Venice Film Festival where 'Norwegian Wood' is currently competing and being screened.

Still, it looks like this issue is being used to promote awareness of her upcoming movie.

@toozdae08, it's just a small V?

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Guest toozdae08


oh so her movie just came out, I thought it was coming out in Dec or so. Now it does seem like she's using him, makes me like her a lot less esp considering that they're suppose to be friends. But at the same time I don't know. Happy that the rumor is mostly done with.

And YGfam and CH have been good friends since forever, so it's no longer a surprise when they wear CH stuff (and YB is obsessed with the brand). And how do you make a downward pointed arrow, can't figure that out?


Oh. I'm retarded :P


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Guest Michala01

^ Mizuhara Kiko is the one who cleared up the rumor with G-Dragon at the premiere of her movie a day ago.

She said that they're not dating & that she bought the ring herself. I wish she spoke up sooner to clarify things.

Somehow, it seems like this news is being used as marketing for her movie and acting debut because of the

timing plus I know dating rumors are sometimes used for promotion purposes in Japan. Speaking of the ring,

several YG Family members have the same Chrome Hearts ring because they're sponsored by the company.

v I just re-read the article and the movie is going to formally come out in December. Kiko released her statement

at the red carpet of the Venice Film Festival where 'Norwegian Wood' is currently competing and being screened.

Still, it looks like this issue is being used to promote awareness of her upcoming movie.

@toozdae08, it's just a small V?

Yea I have to agree with you. I feel like this whole thing was a publicity stunt on the part of her manager or something dry.gif I wont say anything too mean cause we don't know the whole truth but it smells fishy to me. I don't like the idea of someone dragging GD's name through the mud for their own gain. But when you're as famous as he is it's bound to happen sometimes. 

SO GLAD that it has been somewhat cleared up and people can forget about her now. 

Anyhow, all of us VIPs know who GD's true love is, PINK SCARF! tongue.gif

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Guest toozdae08


The only thing that makes me mad is that she and GD are supposed to be friends according to YG and the fact that she's seems to be using him to promote her movie gets me mad. But at the same time I don't know the full story so I don't want to hate on her unnecessarily. But GD deserves a girl as great as him.

Anyway, this thread moves at an epic speed. There is very little BB news today, but it will come in waves in a few months. Excited.

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Guest sweetflower


Totally agreed with you...although we don't know the full story or are we privy to what's actually going on between GD+KK....but I would feel really bad for GD if KK was using him for movie promotions knowing that they were close friends.  Betrayal leaves a nasty taste...hopefully GD won't have to feel that.

But then again, this could be a cover-up...

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Guest shinhdeplol

Double post due to the image limit :)

More scans from Entertainment Weekly












C: gd-papradise // 啊赞_zzang @ baidu


1OO822 ∈ṇjσγ Tσdαγ (S℮υṇgɾι) Eρ1 Pαɾt 1/7

See the rest 6 parts at the channel

C: BigBangSHINeeWorld4 @ YT

There are 4 parts in total. See more at the channel ^^

C: miseremeiYT07 @ YT

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Guest toozdae08

Just watched this and was left breathless

*Linked here since I can't embed

This is the type of song they need to produce in Japan more. I love this song and loved it the first time I heard it, need more STAY/TMG/Top of the World in my life. YB/DAE/SEUNGRI all sound amazing and YB at times uncalled for falsetto actually worked here (though he really needs to learn when and when it is not appropriate, still love him though).

Anyone have links to more 2010 Big Show performances? I ordered mines with my 2NE1 cd and it wont be here for a bit. And also, does the new format means I can only watch it like a few times before the dvd dies cause if that's how it works I'll be upset. I didn't pay money for a dvd that does that. I guess I'll have to store it on my computer if need be.

And here is Dae and Seungri's medley during the 2010 Big Show - it's even better than their Japanese one. OMG, their voices are orgasmic. Love them <3

here's the link

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