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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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I think the song is arrogant but I think that's what GTOP wanted to portray. PPL take hits at them all the time, esp GD, and this is a song letting people know that yeah they have haters and some people don't like them but they're doing great and they love themselves and that's all that matters. We know that they aren't like that all the time, but they are very confident guys. I would understand if they had an album that was all about them bragging but this is one song off an album full of songs. Also, bragging is a fundamental part of hip hop (not a main part but a very big part considering the whole idea of rap battles and that rap is based off the inner city game called the dozens where u trade insults) and I'm not upset that they have a cocky hater comeback song. Every rapper needs an "Imma beast" type of song.

*anyway, I thumbed you up because I feel you have the right to say your opinion even though I disagree.

Totally agreed. Rap is all about telling people they are happy being themselves (shoo off haters) and oozing self-confidence. However, they have always been writing lyrics of this direction, esp in TOP's rapping parts (from Gara Gara Go to Digital Bounce) to Turn It Up where he writes the lyrics himself. As TOP writes more, his lyrics have more depth and the sarcarsm which is unique to Rap.

However, i will really love to see them write songs about social issues, similar to "where is the love" (Black eyed peas). This is a real expansion of their writing skills and these songs tend to touch all people, lovers or haters of BB.

I'm happy that they finally got to do some pure hip hop for their new album, which is what GD & TOP always wanted from the begining. Kudos to YG for letting them do it, even if there isn't a market for this genre.

Who knows? with their popularity and solid skills in rapping, the dynamic duo may really bring pure hip hop into korean music industry!!!

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Guest intelligirl



c: powervictory

I think my favorite performance at the YG Family Concert was Lollipop. Everything was cute about it, their choreo, clothes. It's such a fun song I wish it could be performed more often.


c: cyongirlshinees @ tumblr

^ TOP being cute :lol:

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JYJ's Jaejoong mentioned GD in his tweet about Sasaengs (aka crazy fans that stalk 24/7)

"Jaejoong also mentioned that one time he asked Big Bang member G-Dragon if he had to deal with Sataek from Sasaeng fans and G-Dragon replied, “Hyung, what’s Sataek?” (Sataek = Saesang + Taxi)"

Source: allkpop (GhostWriter)

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Guest Michala01

iuno, they had a different kind of confidence then.

i like them still, but i sure miss the old big bang.

I will never understand statements like this. 

People change and evolve over time. Are you the exact same person as you were 4 years ago? Your tastes, clothes, etc haven't changed at all? lol 

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Guest thysisabang




there's some rant about how they miss the old bigbang. there's some rant about how they bored the old style if they repeat it too much.

so what  the boys have to do?

seeing the last track name of G-TOP album.

he also asked  'WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO' !!!!

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Guest Michala01




there's some rant about how they miss the old bigbang. there's some rant about how they bored the old style if they repeat it too much.

so what  the boys have to do?

seeing the last track name of G-TOP album.

he also asked  'WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO' !!!!

Pretty much. Not everyone is going to be happy with everything they do so they should just do whatever they damn well please.

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Guest GDLOVE1430270694

GD Fancams from Day - 2!!!!...

Phone Number

^Tho its a GD FanCam TOP is also there for most of the vid. ^^

Gara Gara Go

^GD actually removes his glasses and throws it across the stage...lol.. 2:13

Hands Up!!

^GD looks right into the camera and gives a peace sign.. :) :)



Hand-Up 2

^Some cute moment here..Brief smile.. jumping from the stage to where the fans are.. drum-hands, machine gun hands..lol..

My Heaven

^ He does look very tired ... :( .. but still smiles and delivers fan-service... :tears:


^ Se7en pours a bottle of water on GD.. GD looks annoyed not-very-pleased but tries to laugh it off with Se7en but is visibly upset at what it has done to his hair.. hmmmm.. this video really made me very sad.. he looks so tired and out of it but still trying so very hard not to disappoint the fans.. gosh, i dont know how to express how this video makes me feel.. makes me want to cry for him.....its like i can feel his frustration...

Videos Cr: LuvzGDragon @ YouTube.com

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Guest Michala01


yup basically that's how I felt about the concert regarding GD. He was trying REALLY hard but it's obvious there was something wrong. He looks very tired but other than that yea something was off. sad.gif I hope he rests and feels better by the time GTOP promotions start poor bb

Thanks for the fancams! 


I don't think he looks annoyed at se7en...he seems to be laughing about what happened to his hair and he's trying to shake the water out lol laugh.gif

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Guest karendm

Does anyone have a gif of TOP and Se7En doing that dance? Apparently the fancam has been removed from YT already.

I must say TOP's white hair is now really starting to grow on me. I especially like how he looked like when he was performing Digital Bounce with Se7en.

And those girls who got to wipe the sweat off TOP's face....I so totally envy you.

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I've said this before, but I think its the right & obligation for Big Bang as artists to evolve and change their music.

I would hate to see them do the same old thing, all the time. Plus, if Big Bang is really committed to making music that is personal to them, that they are proud of, and that carries meaning for them... then it makes sense that their music should constantly be changing. As they get older, their lives become more complicated, they experience more--more anguish, more love, more triumph, more tragedy--and this ought to affect their musical tastes. As they become increasingly exposed to the world around them, they'll go through different phases, and be influenced by different musical genres, just like the rest of us.

The boys are never standing in the same place, neither should their music.

Here's the other thing, the boys are actually fantastic in transitioning their fans to different kinds of music. They gradually expose their fans to what they're doing new and next, so that every time they come out with a new album, its not this jarring experience for fans.

Its just another testament to the boys being responsible artists. They trust us to understand them, to grow with them, to stay with them as they make their way through their own musical revelations. And most of us stick with the boys because they consistently turn out good music. As much as they trust us to have faith in them, we trust them not to lead us astray.

That's the beauty of the BIG BANG & VIP relationship.

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Guest wanderlove

All artists, solo or group, at one point of their career, they changed their style of music, style and perception of things... even actors change the genre of their field.. why can't BIG BANG do the same thing.. As long as they change for good then it's okay.. there's nothing wrong of changing something..

Are you just going to stand at the same place where you were standing when you were younger? No, at some point you have to walk around to experience some things..

I LOVE that they are exploring every genre there is in music.. fans and non-fans can either like it or not like it.. at least they reached out to some people who like the genre's they have explored.. and letting them know that 'Hey, We can also do this kind of music.' That's what I think.

I think that they won't last if they create music in one genre.. because Big Bang members each have genre's that they like.. they can't just stay in one genre.. they need to satisfy each member, I think.. :sweatingbullets:

For sure BIG BANG will go back to their roots.. but they also need to explore others.. to learn more and grow as an artist or group..

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fan cafe numbers: I've never cared for them because, lets face it, kpop & kpop fans are fickle little things. It's great that Big Bang has as many members in the fan cafe as they do, so I'm just going to leave it at that. If Big Bang themselves dont mind if their fans leave them (temporarily or otherwise), then it's no concern of mine... Big Bang alone can make them come back, and if they do, great, but if not, thats fine too. Because I'd rather VIPS/fans stay with Big Bang bc of their music more than just to stay for the fandom.

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Guest oh`retro

No matter what Big Bang does with their music, I will always stand by them 100%. I may not like the style personally, but by changing & exploring other genres, it's how they'll touch more people with their music. I'm actually one of the people who prefer Big Bang's old sound better, I'm not going to lie, I'm not a fan of all the autotune. But it's Big Bang, no matter what songs they produce, it's always just filled with so much swag and awesomeness, that I can't help but continue to love them anyway. They'll go back to their roots someday, let them explore for now. :)

And about GTOP's new song sounding cocky & VIPs being elitists, I mean...can you blame them/us? Big Bang has so much talent and swag, we're allowed to be elitists. Because Big Bang gives us a reason to back up our cockyness, it's not like we're being like that for no reason. Maybe it's because I am a VIP that I feel this way, but I like it when our boys amp up the cockyness because it makes me proud & honored to be a VIP.

The boys shouldn't worry about losing fans because they change their music, they should be confident in everything they're doing. Because the true VIPs will always support them. And we should support them. They're too precious to let go.

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Guest peppermintsugar

yeah like @Michala01 said having good cafe numbers don't mean they buy their music.

just look at 2AM their fancafe not big as Beast or 2PM but they sold more music than them.

so don't worry about it fancafe is like facebook for me anybody can click like button.

This is a good point. Personal bias aside, 2AM is leagues more talented than most of the cute idol groups out there yet their popularity is not reflective of it.

Also, some groups have it so that you can't join their cafe without having a Korean SSN. For instance, I could join BEAST's, but I couldn't join 2AM's because of this, I also couldn't join Big Bang's, even with tutorials :[

fan cafe numbers: I've never cared for them because, lets face it, kpop & kpop fans are fickle little things. It's great that Big Bang has as many members in the fan cafe as they do, so I'm just going to leave it at that. If Big Bang themselves dont mind if their fans leave them (temporarily or otherwise), then it's no concern of mine... Big Bang alone can make them come back, and if they do, great, but if not, thats fine too. Because I'd rather VIPS/fans stay with Big Bang bc of their music more than just to stay for the fandom.

Agree with this, also. They're just numbers and aren't necessarily completely indicative of their fanbase, for reasons like I mentioned above. Just like you mentioned, the K-pop scene in general is extremely fickle, everyone, even the boys themselves, know this, so I'm sure they don't let it get to them when fans leave.

Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if a good number of those people come BACK after Big Bang drops the new album.

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