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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Into the Fire #1 in the Box Office

The movie, "Into the Fire", starring Choi Seung Hyun (T.O.P), Kwon Sang Woo, Cha Seung Won, Kim Seung Woo has hit the number 1 in the box office with over 100,000 viewers.

thank you so much for the news..~! :w00t:

since the release day, I'm curious how is it going..~

relieve it doing well..!~ :wub:

i can sleep well tonigt..~ :lol:

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Guest dmingz

"Into Fire" to close Hawaii International film fest

Korean war pic "Into Fire," starring Hallyu star Kwon Sang-woo and Cha Seung-won, has been chosen as the closing film for the 30th Hawaii International Film Festival, according to the film's producer Taewon Entertainment on Wednesday.

Taewon announced in a press release that the film received an official invitation to show at the film fest, to be held in Hawaii from October 14 to October 24, to close the event.

Director Lee Jae-han as well as four main actors in the film -- namely Kwon Sang-woo, Cha Seung-won, Kim Seung-woo and T.O.P from idol group Big Bang -- will be attending the official screening at the event scheduled for October 22.

The film has been garnering heated attention from the media recently, particularly when Kwon and Lee took part in a special seminar at the prestigious Stanford University's Asia-Pacific Research Center last month.

Noted film critic Scott Foundas, who writes movie reviews for numerous U.S. publications including The New York Times and has an online column on Indiewire.com, gave the war drama high marks after seeing it at Stanford. He said the film has a universal appeal and even compared Kwon to the late Hollywood rebel James Dean.

The film's commercial success overseas, particularly in the U.S., is likely to increase the odds for a first-ever Academy Award nomination for a Korean motion picture. So far, no Korean film has made the Oscar nominations for Best Foreign Film.

"Into Fire" is based on the true story of 71 student soldiers who fought during the Korean War, which marks its 60th anniversary this month.

The film opens in Korea today.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@

Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

Taken from AsiaE

OMG!!! I pray that Into the fire gets a nomination in the Oscars!!! So proud of TOP!!

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Guest Kushi

Which member do you think is...

1: the craziest off screen? TOP (Face in cake :o)

2: the clumiest with clothes? GD (because he has the most :P)

3: most likely to date a celebrity? Dae + Tae

4: the most easy going? TOP+Dae (They seem the craziest, but then TOP is shy, so yea who knows)

5: the messiest? TOP (Tae nags about him)

6: a neat freak? GD (perfectionist)

7: the easiest to cry? Dae (MKMF!!) TOP (because the other members said so)

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? Taeyang (his pranks)

9: the most generous? Taeyang? (he's the mom of the group)

10: your favourite? Daesungie!

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Into the Fire #1 in the Box Office

YAY!! Am so proud of Tabi! Hope the movie become more popular



1: the craziest off screen? Tabi

2: the clumiest with clothes?

3: most likely to date a celebrity? Tabi

4: the most easy going? Taeyang

5: the messiest? hmm Tabi

6: a neat freak? GD

7: the easiest to cry? Daesung

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? Tabi+seungri

9: the most generous? Taeyang

10: your favourite? ALL

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Guest andloveyelledno

Wow, the guys have been in so many Japanese magazines lately! I love it.

As expected, Into the fire debuted at number 1. I'm anxious to see it as well but sadly i'll have to wait till who knows when. Let's hope it makes a lot of money ;)

Speaking of TOP, that's not his star diary right? It's in a very different format from the others (Q&A) and it doesn't flatly state "star diary" so i'm confused. I guess we'll know for sure if a Part 3 comes out.

I remember the discussion in this thread about the evolution of Big Bang's musical style. I've read lots of comments in here and other places of fans wanting Big Bang to return to

"hip hop" and saying things like Big Bang have sold themselves out with their current music style especially GD and TOP because when they were young they wanted to be hip hop rappers etc. And I think TOP's above comment has re-affirmed my belief that TOP and GD have matured both in their personal lives and muscial styles. They're no longer the hip hop fanatics from

Big Bang's early days or their pre-debut days but they're still influenced by hip hop.

I don't really know what I'm trying to say exactly and if any of you will understand but yeah, I just wanted to get whatever is going on in my head out. I feel like some fans are so focused on Big Bang's debut image and don't realise that these boys have grown up. They're no longer teenagers and their musical style has evolved and I for one love that about them. I like how they each have their own colour and identity (Seungri included lol)

But yeah, that's just what I think and I'm not saying this to re-hash the discussion and turn it into a whole lot of drama, just wanted to get it out. I'm really looking forward to Big Bang's next album to see what direction they'll be taking since they've each been through so much since their last album

Agreed and many of us here were saying that their music has evolved, which I think is crucial in this business. If you continue putting out the same type of music over and over again, people are bound to get bored. And really, how are you growing as a musician if you do this? You're not.

However, the underlying problem was whether the guys are being allowed to do the kind of music they really want or are just conforming to what's "in" (Which is bubblegum pop). I think we all know YG gives his artists the most artistic freedom out of probably any other big idol company but even in this interview TOP says this:

One time, sajangnim (YG) texted me saying my music seemed too fast for the public’s taste (laugh) It’s a worry.

Sajangnim(YG) has told me that “you don’t need to do what’s popular. What you do is popular.” I don’t think that’s a good thing or a bad thing (laugh) If that was true, couldn’t I do whatever I want, and release it whenever I want? (laugh)

So YG is very much concerned about what is appealing to the public (Which is understandable, he's a businessman). But I think some people feel that you can't truly be yourself as an artist if you're forced to sacrifice any part of your vision for "what the public will want". Because then we get songs like "Last farewell" which was catchy, trendy, and fun but not in the same league as "A good man", for example, which has so much depth and came straight from the heart.

But then would "A good man" sell as much as "Last farewell"? No. And there is the dilemma, for YG at least.

I hope I wasn't confusing :D

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Guest cimechang

Thanks for putting out TOP's interview! It was fun and interestng.

Here are my answers:

1: The craziest off screen? Bingu TOP and Daesung. Hehe, c'mon, you know it's true. All the Big Bang member's have said that TOP is one of the top (no pun intended) jokesters and Daesung has learned some tricks from him as well.

2: The clumiest with clothes? I want to say Seungri. He's always getting caught by GDragon wearing GDragon's clothes without permission, haha.

3: Most likely to date a celebrity? Daesung or Seungri. Daesung because he had that scandal with KARA's youngest member Jiyoung and Tiffany from SNSD. Seungri because he's obsessed with getting celebrity's phone#.

4: The most easy going? Taeyang. He just seems so mellow.

5: The messiest? TOP of course. Have you guys seen his manwon episode where they try to wake him up and then they proceed to ask who does what around the apartment and then TOP replies, "The only job I do around here is rapping", haha, 'nuff said.

6: A neat freak? Kwon Leadah! He's so picky about stuff and also, in the very beginning, when Big Bang first came out and they were still like little boys, there's an episode where GD is fixing everyone's outfit, haha, cute!

7: The easiest to cry? TOP and Daesung. TOP because he seems like a fluffy teddy bear inside. Daesung because I remember him crying on a concert DVD because he was so happy.

8: Most likely to be a kid at heart? TOP.

9: The most generous? I think all the member's are generous... well, idk, Seungri is a little self ambitious but I believe that he is genuinely generous :)

10: Your favourite? T-O-P.. he's hott :wub:


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Guest evilgary

wow congrats to TOP for his movie which he stared in is first in the box office

maybe this would be a chance for the movie to become noticable in the US and TOP may get a chance to go to hollywood

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Guest sryche

hey guys, I just published something about TOP. Just check it out if you want. Click on my signature below. Thanks.


"Outside, he would look like a wolf ready to devour anyone in his most piercing gaze and a seemingly cold demeanor, but his true form is a gentle sheep behind that strong facade. Standing among four other popular members, he is the quiet guy who would rather stay at the back while the others speaks out..."

"The man that is T.O.P is an imaginary being, someone the young Seung Hyun drew in his head, someone that he is himself but with a separate entity. The guy is the tough, arrogant-looking, a smooth talker and rapper, a counterpart of the humble, sensitive and mature guy answering the interview."

Read full article at the blackVIPs link below.

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Guest kowwow

TV Guide's Featured Series Vol.1 Tell Me More About T.O.P [NEWS]

Tell Me Big Bang - The Featured Series STARTS!

After their startling appearance on the last issue, Big Bang members are back for this series that aims to dig out the very details of their personalities!!

To lead off, here is T.O.P who revealed the playful side of himself.


Vol.1 Tell Me More About T.O.P

T.O.P: At the beginning, I have never imagined that Big Bang could be so widely received in Japan. On one hand, I was worried that our Korean fans might feel lonely after we left for Japan. On the other hand, I wondered if we could become popular in Japan since our music style seemed to be different compared to Japanese artists. (:D)

However, probably due to our uniqueness and our unrestrained performances on the stage, we are able to be accepted as the new image which contrasts against the mainstream fashion.

Our music nowadays attracts more music lovers as well as male fans. I am thankful to their supports!!


T.O.P's Q&A

Whcih song would you like to share with your beloved one?

Gara Gara GO!!.

I want to build up a relationship that my lover and I could help each other during difficult times. With the flow of Gara Gara GO!!, hopefully we can spend a happy life together.

Is there any Japanese song in your i-pod?

I do not put Japanese songs in my i-pod. I like La mer by Nine Inch Nails.

What is the moment that makes you think you are the coolest?

I would say moments when I am performing. Times when I am on the stage or in the scope of the camera.

In normal life... I think I am just so so.(:D)

If you were a girl, who would you choose to be your lover amongst the members?

This question! Really~ I've been asked about the same question for many times. The answer is myself.

What do you think is the cute part of Japanese/Korean girls?

Japanese girls are able to express their own characteristics freely. However, they know the means to protect themselves and are more careful than they appear to be.

In contrast, Korean girls may look confined but they actually have more bolding ideas than one could imagine. I find them cool.

Where would you go for a date?

Daikanyama! It's a place with few people. I want to have afternoon tea in one of the stylish cafes there. Moreover, you can find elegant wine bars there. Isn't it great to have a date at the open terrace of an Italian wine bar?

What attracts your attention in Japanese convenient stores?

(After hearing SOL's answer "Tamago" (eggs), he wanted to make it rhyme, so he answered:) For me, "Tabacco". I'm just kidding! (:D)

Among all curries sold in CoCo Ichibanya* (the favourite of the five of them), which topping do you like?

Though I will definitely eat CoCo Ichi's curry if we come to Japan, I am not a huge fan of curry. Therefore, I am not particular with the types of topping. Something simple would be fine.

What do you always have in your bag?

Dior Homme fragrance. I've been using it for many years.

What do you think you will become in 10 years time?

I believe I'll be a person who always care about the others regardless of being an artist or an actor.

I want to become someone who can live up on expectations. Someone who stands at the top just like my name T.O.P.

* Note: CoCo Ichibanya, is the largest chain among Japanese curry restaurants in Japan.

Source: TV Guide

Scans: as tagged + verdad@DCTOP

Translated by Jane@bigbangupdates

Please credit when re-posting^^

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Guest andloveyelledno


C: Daum

I would like to know what the VIPs who have seen the movie are saying about TOP's performance. Hopefully some reviews will be translated. So excited to see this, too bad we have to wait.

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Guest Tekashi

Where would you go for a date?

Daikanyama! It's a place with few people. I want to have afternoon tea in one of the stylish cafes there. Moreover, you can find elegant wine bars there. Isn't it great to have a date at the open terrace of an Italian wine bar?

Agree with TOP. Tae/wine date is very good idea. ^^

More pics. :]



cr: DCinside

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Guest juang_bb

first thing... CONGRATULATIONS TOP!!!! as expected, the movie was a blockbuster hit! so proud!!! :D

quote of the day: "You don't have to do what's popular, what you do is popular" - YG --> this is the reason why they're know to be the trendsetters and are very special. they don't conform and I love the fact that this is what YG instills in them. I think it keeps them focused on producing quality music. it builds my anticipation more and more!


Which member do you think is...

1: the craziest off screen? TOP... BINGU!!!

2: the clumiest with clothes? SEUNGRI... for some reason, i feel like he's the most disorganize when it comes to his clothes. he even borrows GD's right?!?

3: most likely to date a celebrity? SEUNGRI & TOP... i see SR with female idols, while TOP with famous models or actress

4: the most easy going? DAE

5: the messiest? TOP...that's why YB nags him more than his mother!!!

6: a neat freak? GD.. he has like OCD!

7: the easiest to cry? DAE...behind that gag and happy go lucky facade, is a really soft guy

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? TABI!!! bearbricks...he himself admits that he's the baby in the family.

9: the most generous? YB...he seems to be the most giving

10: your favourite? BINGU TOP!!!

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Guest juang_bb

I just wanted to talk about an excerpt from TOP's 10Asia interview

I remember the discussion in this thread about the evolution of Big Bang's musical style. I've read lots of comments in here and other places of fans wanting Big Bang to return to

"hip hop" and saying things like Big Bang have sold themselves out with their current music style especially GD and TOP because when they were young they wanted to be hip hop rappers etc. And I think TOP's above comment has re-affirmed my belief that TOP and GD have matured both in their personal lives and muscial styles. They're no longer the hip hop fanatics from

Big Bang's early days or their pre-debut days but they're still influenced by hip hop.

I don't really know what I'm trying to say exactly and if any of you will understand but yeah, I just wanted to get whatever is going on in my head out. I feel like some fans are so focused on Big Bang's debut image and don't realise that these boys have grown up. They're no longer teenagers and their musical style has evolved and I for one love that about them. I like how they each have their own colour and identity (Seungri included lol)

But yeah, that's just what I think and I'm not saying this to re-hash the discussion and turn it into a whole lot of drama, just wanted to get it out. I'm really looking forward to Big Bang's next album to see what direction they'll be taking since they've each been through so much since their last album.

PS: I really recommend that you guys read both parts of TOP's interview. There's a lot to take in but it's really interesting.

you like took the words out of my mouth. this is exactly what I thought too after reading that part of TOP's interview. i kinda LOLd a bit when I read his answer because we were just talking about it here. their music taste has evolved. their roots are still hiphop but being in the business for so many years and growing up, they've been influenced by a variety of things. that's why i just look forward to the kind of music they'll come up with... their evolving and you just don't know what to expect.

So YG is very much concerned about what is appealing to the public (Which is understandable, he's a businessman). But I think some people feel that you can't truly be yourself as an artist if you're forced to sacrifice any part of your vision for "what the public will want". Because then we get songs like "Last farewell" which was catchy, trendy, and fun but not in the same league as "A good man", for example, which has so much depth and came straight from the heart.

But then would "A good man" sell as much as "Last farewell"? No. And there is the dilemma, for YG at least.

I hope I wasn't confusing :D

true. good thing though is that at least we still get tracks like 'A Good Man' in their album. i think being in mainstream music industry, no matter how much YG would love to give them 100% freedom to do whatever they want, it is unavoidable to consider the public's taste. at the end of the day, he's still a businessman but at least, compared to the others, he keeps it in a minimum, maybe not minimum but it's definitely not the biggest factor, otherwise we'd be getting typical kpop songs over and over.

didn't mean to start a discussion again. just wanted to let my thoughts out. carry on with the quiz. ignore me! lol!

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Guest missenour

@tomorrow13, those pics are too cute.

YB and sunflower…adorable, and his kissy face ^__^

I love doing quizzes :wub:

1: the craziest off screen? – I would say Top

2: the clumsiest with clothes? – Seungri…maybe?

3: most likely to date a celebrity? - All

4: the most easy going? - Daesung =]

5: the messiest? -- TOP

6: a neat freak? – YB and GD

7: the easiest to cry? - Seungri

8: most likely to be a kid at heart? -- TOP

9: the most generous? – Bae Bae ^__^

10: your favourite? – Daesung and Mr. Dong Young Bae

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Guest tomorrow13

Congratulations TABI as well as the cast and the crew!!! :wub: Hope Tabi's acting will get more recognition.

Can I spam some Tabi pics to celebrate it?

sr if they were ever posted.




Can you guess whose lips and eyes here? :phew:




Credit: ballsoffury@tumblr.com, vipblackjack-pudding@tumblr.com

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