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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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class="v_subject" style="margin: 0px; padding: 7px 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 15pt; letter-spacing: -1px; line-height: 1.4; "노브레싱, 이종석&권유리등 ‘빼빼로 데이’ 기념 특별이벤트 뜨거운 반응

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  • 조회 239
  • 10.0점 / 3명
  • 2013.11.12 12:34image

    2013년 최고의 대세들이 뭉친 <노브레싱>의 ‘소울메이트’ 이종석과 권유리가 지난 11월 11일(월) ‘빼빼로 데이’를 기념해 특별한 이벤트를 진행해 뜨거운 반응을 얻었다. 

    개봉 후 연일 뜨거운 반응을 이어가고 있는 <노브레싱>이 관객들의 성원에 힘입어 공식적인 무대인사를 마치고, 지난 11월 11일(월) ‘빼빼로 데이’ 기념 특별 이벤트를 진행했다. 

    지난 주 <노브레싱>의 주연배우 서인국, 권유리를 비롯해 신민철, 김재영이 함께했던 공식 무대인사에 이어, ‘소울메이트’ 컨셉으로 이종석과 권유리가 함께한 이번 특별 이벤트 역시 뜨거운 반응 속에 마무리 되었다. 

    특히 이번에는 관객들에게 싸인 포스터뿐만 아니라, 빼빼로까지 선물하며 무대인사 마무리의 아쉬움을 달랬다. <노브레싱>을 통해 주연배우로서 첫 무대인사를 진행한 이종석은 설레는 마음을 감추지 못하며, 객석을 채운 관객들에게 친근한 인사와 함께 직접 객석으로 찾아가 선물을 전하는 등 화끈한 팬 서비스도 잊지 않았다. 

    권유리 역시 대구, 울산, 싱가폴 등 전국은 물론 전세계에서 찾아와 성원해준 관객들에게 뜨거운 포옹을 선사하는 등 글로벌 걸그룹의 위엄을 자랑했다. 

    이처럼 2013년 최고 대세들이 뭉친 <노브레싱>은 개봉 2주차에도 식지 않는 뜨거운 성원 속에 전국 극장에서 절찬 상영 중이다. 

    < © 싸이프랜닷컴(http://www.cyfren.com ), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>http://www.cyfren.com/main/bbs/board.php?bo_table=movienews&wr_id=1760

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Singer Seo making a splash as actor

After playing many roles on TV, including in the SBS drama "Master's Sun", he gave movies a try, making his debut late last month as the lead in the swimming story "NO-BREATH".

Seo has earned plenty of good reviews as Won-il, a high school student who aspires to be a champion swimmer. It wasn't an easy role, especially achieving an authentic swimmer's build, Seo told Ilgan Sports, an affiliate of the Korea JoongAng Daily, in a recent interview.

Q. How did you get into shape for this role?

A. I had to pay extra attention as I was playing the role of a swimmer, and the other actors had such nice bodies. I had to at least try to emulate what they have. So I was careful about what I ate for six months and went to gym and swam. I usually ate vegetables and fruit, along with chicken breast and beef.

Didn't you have hard time dieting when you first made your debut?

It is still hard being on a diet. It isn't easy to control your appetite. It is especially hard for me, as I like carbohydrates so much. After I was done filming the TV drama "Master's Sun", I decided to give myself the gift of just eating whatever I wanted and not working out. The body I had in the movie is long gone now.

Were you always a good swimmer?

Because I've always liked playing in the water, I mistakenly thought I was a good swimmer. But after getting some lessons for this movie, I realized that I wasn't. I had many bad habits. To get my form right, I had to relearn from the beginning. But I think now I can show off some good swimming form if I ever go to a resort.


Seo In-guk, right, and Lee Jong-suk, play rivals in "NO-BREATH", which was released last month. [JoongAng Ilbo]

How did you become friendly with actor Lee Jong-suk, who was your rival in the movie?

I usually get friendly with people quite quickly. I heard that Lee has a hard time getting comfortable with people, so I thought that I should make first move. But when I actually met him, he approached me first.

Did you feel comfortable being around the crew in a swimsuit all the time?

Although I'm usually undressed at home as I live alone, it was very weird being in front of people only wearing a swimsuit. At first, I tried to cover myself whenever I got a chance, but soon I grew used to it.

Did you always think that you could be a successful actor?

Not at all. I wanted to become a singer, and I never thought about other things. But when a chance to act suddenly appeared, I wanted to take up the challenge.

What are your singing plans?

I'm having my first solo concert on Dec. 28 and 29. But I'm not trying to prefer either singing or acting. I want to succeed at both.

BY JUNG JI-WON [summerlee@joongang.co.kr]

Source : koreajoongangdaily.jo...

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Information from 11 (weibo)

Jongsuk now weighs 70kg, before he started working out, he was just 65kg.

(I just did a calculation for his BMI, his BMI was normal even when he was just 65kg… but with his height… I thought he would be at least 70kg even before… My estimation of his BMI was right though, it is really within this lower normal range among Asians.)

Picture Cr: In Stereo (11 Nov 13: No Breathing Stage Greeting)

(Initially I wanted to find a pic of him from before to compare, but I am not sure when he started working out, should be just before the start of No Breathing/IHYV? Didn’t find any good ones for comparison, so after searching for a while, I abandoned my attempt… Any good pics to show the before and after??)

by amyhsk

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rania: i can be!! ... your sister!! hehehehe!!  someone who will totally frustrate you! hahahahaha!!
you did notice it!! hahahahaha! that sukkie wasn't really into the event ... but he did liven up seeing the fans though!!
 i had a lol moment at dramafan 100's comment that sukkie's jacket was probably woobin's! hahahaha!  i don't want to go there ... hahahaha!  though i thought the jacket really fitted him ... see the shoulder seam ... maybe the style is just longish .... i think boys nowadays loves anything that is a size too big for them ... didn't you remember for awhile the fashion ... boys wearing pants almost falling off their b--t!! i really abhor that!! hahahaha!
on the entry of withljongsuk ... it seems that sukkie is hellbent to enter the military next year ... if i read it right... i guess i have to accept the possibility ... as well as prepare myself for two years of no sukkie!! gosh!  i mean ... why?? ... oh well ...if other fans of other actors off to the military early were able to hold on for that period...i guess i can! hehehehe! *crosses her fingers*
on that flower 'necklace' ... i was like .... that is a really gigantic lei to put on someone's neck!! hahahaha!  i mean ... look at sukkie!! he was literally lost amongst the flowers!! ROFL!
i really really love all the gifs of sukkie licking his lips!!  okay okay ... it just makes me blush! hahahaha!  STOP IT SUKKIE!! hahahahaha!
so excited to hear more more more ...

jong suk fighting!!

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leianji said: rania: i can be!! ... your sister!! hehehehe!!  someone who will totally frustrate you! hahahahaha!!
you did notice it!! hahahahaha! that sukkie wasn't really into the event ... but he did liven up seeing the fans though!!
 i had a lol moment at dramafan 100's comment that sukkie's jacket was probably woobin's! hahahaha!  i don't want to go there ... hahahaha!  though i thought the jacket really fitted him ... see the shoulder seam ... maybe the style is just longish .... i think boys nowadays loves anything that is a size too big for them ... didn't you remember for awhile the fashion ... boys wearing pants almost falling off their b--t!! i really abhor that!! hahahaha!
on the entry of withljongsuk ... it seems that sukkie is hellbent to enter the military next year ... if i read it right... i guess i have to accept the possibility ... as well as prepare myself for two years of no sukkie!! gosh!  i mean ... why?? ... oh well ...if other fans of other actors off to the military early were able to hold on for that period...i guess i can! hehehehe! *crosses her fingers*
on that flower 'necklace' ... i was like .... that is a really gigantic lei to put on someone's neck!! hahahaha!  i mean ... look at sukkie!! he was literally lost amongst the flowers!! ROFL!
i really really love all the gifs of sukkie licking his lips!!  okay okay ... it just makes me blush! hahahaha!  STOP IT SUKKIE!! hahahahaha!
so excited to hear more more more ...

jong suk fighting!!

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