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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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class="title"Ceci Interviews Lee Jong Suk

Source: Ceci
Translator: hitoritabi
Translation notes: This took way too long (over a week), but I would like to take this moment to remind everyone to be aware of the flu season. Honestly, cutting school, acting superior… I’m very interested in young Jong Suk and what he was like. :P


Ceci: After participating in sitcom “High Kick 3”, Lee Jong Sukput on the school uniform for a second time in “School 2013”, and it still fits him very well.

LJS: Actually, since I also play a rebellious student in my past work, I was a bit hesitant. I also worry if my image would get lost among the very strong sunbaes that participated in the past series

Ceci: It must be quite stressful to be a part of famous series dramas?

LJS: In the beginning, I was quite scared because of the stress. At first, the director wants me to be like Jang Hyuk sunbaenim, and even my very presence would exude justice and charisma. But I know that I can’t do that at all. Just when I was caught in confusion for my position, I saw this child who was separate from the world, Namsoon (Lee Jong Suk’s role). He learned about the world too early, and cares for nothing. In the beginning, rather than saying I got into character, I was learning from my character — he is like air, without particular strength. I would also go to the monitor rooms and learn a lot from rewatching the shots. Also, I learned from the advice of the directors Lee Min Hong and Lee In-Buk.

(Ceci: Same as Kim Woo Bin, you speak of the help from the directors a lot.)

They are really wonderful. Before we started shooting, he said to me, “Your era is coming”, which made me very touched. That’s why I swore I had to throw myself into the script. Later, I heard that the director said the same thing to the other actors. (laughs)

Ceci: That is a leadership quality that can conquer hearts. Do you remember the moment when you felt the role fit you like clothes?

LJS: In Episode 2, there is a scene where I read the poem “Small Flower” and when I said the lines “beautiful when looked upon closely, lovely when looked at for long, you are the same”, the character which was previously vague suddenly took shape in my heart. It was like Namsoon had suddenly possessed my body and I realized for the first time, “Ah! This is what it feels like to be at one with your character!” It felt like shedding a layer of skin and miraculously growing all of a sudden.


Ceci: As a person who had graduated from the school uniform five years ago, which parts of the character resonates with you? It is probably different from the perspective of the audience.

LJS: I started being a model when I was in high school, so my working life began relatively early. Rather than searching out my dream, it was more important to discover how to realize my dream. Which is to say, while my friends would fight over console games and stuff, I would find all that very childish. I would even think, “I’m different from all of you.” Playing with hyungs all the time, sometimes I couldn’t even get to school on time. Looking back now, that kind of “little-adult” behavior is so stupid, I wonder why I did it that way. If I get to go back to school, I’ll probably be like Namsoon.

Ceci: Probably since there are similarities, you can act as him so well. Due to your performance, Namsoon has received a lot of discussion recently.

LJS: That’s why I love this character a lot. Whenever I think of Namsoon, there is all these feeling that I can’t quite put into words.

Ceci: Your popularity is so high that there are even scandals.

LJS: Yeah, thanks to the popularity. I was only going for a trip after the drama ended. My brother planned a trip to Japan and my schedule was open right at that point so I went with him. It was originally for four days and three nights, but I had to come back a day early due to the scandal… It’s such a pity.

Ceci: It’s because you are the trend these days. Are there any other misunderstandings that happened?

LJS: On the contrary, it seems like some misunderstandings were cleared up. Before, I had taken part in sitcoms and MC positions, and people were doubtful about my abilities as a real actor, since I have never been in a straight drama before. I was very worried about that.

Ceci: What is the most memorable comment you have gotten lately?

LJS: I saw it written on a blog, “Lee Jong Suk is Go Namsoon”, and when I saw that, I was so delighted. I represents that my heart has been accept by the audience. This is the best praise.


Ceci: When you look in the mirror, what part of yourself are you most assured about?

LJS: Although my looks are on the ordinary side, I think this has become an advantage now.

(Ceci: You said you look ordinary?)

LJS: When I wake up and look in the mirror, the scenes that is to be shot today would appear before my eyes. From my perspective, my face looks different in different conditions every day. My face in the beginning of the series looks very different from the face in the end. It’s good if the face can change according to the changes in the character. With an ordinary face, there are less obstacles no matter what role you take. I hope I am that kind of blank drawing paper.

Ceci: The tear mole below your eye is very charismatic.

LJS: Tear moles are supposed to be bad, but I’m very happy with mine.

Ceci: Your acting partner in “School” revealed that you are a “especially mischievous person who loves to prank others”.

LJS: I have been mischievous for quite some time now, a lot of people would tell me, “Stop it!” I have always been the kind of person who likes skinship, and does a lot of aegyo.

(Ceci: Then please give hugs to all the staff members after filming.)

LJS: Of course, I felt that I was very manly, but would hear from others that I am actually full of aegyo.


Ceci: I admire your natural aegyo.

LJS: Honestly, I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Ceci: You cannot buy aegyo with money nor learn it from books. Therefore, you must thank your genes. Do you have anything you want to reveal about him?

LJS: For example, when doing a two-shot of our faces, he would push me closer to the camera to make his face seem smaller. Yup, that’s all I’ll reveal for now.

Ceci: Also, he says in an interview with us, he feels very happy and contented because of your existence.

LJS: I feel the same way. When I said, “What I gave up is not school, but you, you bastard!” When I said this line, I started bawling, I could not control my emotions. We were friends before shooting this drama, and after going through all these emotions together, it’s like we are friends emerging together from a battlefield.

(Ceci: Everytime you have a scene toegether, both of you would have red eyes.)

LJS: There is really just one crying scene written in the script, but our emotions just explode every time we see each other.

Ceci: Last time, we did a friend interview with you and ZE:A’s Kwanghee. Did he not express his jealousy?

LJS: Kwanghee is also close with Woo Bin, since they appeared in “Vampire Idol” together. When we were filming school, he would call Woo Bin right after he calls me. Hehe. (Ceci: A reminder to not forget him?) Exactly. So I said to him, “Aigoo, you’re so cute!”

Ceci: Last time, when we did an interview, Kwanghee said you gave him a lot of romance advice.

LJS: I’m good at listening to other’s stories, and good at giving advice.


Ceci: When Lee Jong Suk is in a relationship, he must be very cute because of all his natural aegyo. Today’s concept is, “I went to my boyfriend’s house to play”. Try imagining your girlfriend coming to your house to play.

LJS: My ideal romance type for a long time now has been Junyoung and Jiho in “The World That They Live In. Reading comic books in the room, when they hear a song on the television, they would dance together, roll around on the floor and then hold each other tightly. When they clean up the house, he would carry her on his back and joke around. I dream of the kind of simple love where you meld into each other’s lives day by day.

Ceci: Since you are so fond of romance, would you prepare a lot of surprises in your relationships?

I’m not really that assertive of a guy, what should I do? I remember once I prepared tuna riceballs from early in the morning, packed it into a lunchbox and went to the school out of the blue. I gave the lunchbox to the girl with both hands, then immediately turned and went home. That is a surprise that I really spent effort preparing for.

Ceci: How would you confess your feelings?

LJS: “Shall we be together?”, “How about let’s go out together?”… it would be too embarrassing, I can’t say it.

(Ceci: Eh, there would be no anniversary days?)

LJS: I am just shy… what can I do?

Ceci: Would you feel moved by certain actions or certain scenes by the opposite sex?

LJS: I like people who I can talk to. Sometimes I will change my opinion of a person just because of some words said without prior thought. I used to like girls with long hair, but recently, I feel that short hair is also fine. I also like a plainer image without too much accessorizing.


Ceci: I hear that you are currently filming “The Face Reader”. With a cast that includes Song Kwang-ho, Lee Jong-jae, Kim Hye-soo, Baek Hyun-jik, Jo Jong-suk, it is like a period drama version of “The Thieves”.

LJS: It started filming back at 15th September. It is planned to be released in Chuseok of this year. The great cast aside, the script is also really very fast-paced and interesting. Recently, I feel like I can learn a lot even during breaks from the sunbaes, so I am very happy.

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class="post-title"[ARTICLE] “Kim Su-hyun and Lee Jong-suk selected as best looking actors with Bruce Lee’s yellow track suit on.”



[OSEN=Jeon Sun-ha] Actor Kim Su-hyun and Lee Jong-suk was selected as the best looking stars even in Bruce Lee’s yellow track suit.

According to the movie ‘Fist Of Legend’ importer, Joy & Contents group, they did a survey to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Bruce Lee’s ‘Fist Of Legend’. The survey was about who looks the best with Bruce Lee’s trade mark yellow track suit on. In the real time result on 29th, Kim Su-hyun and Lee Jong-suk shared the first place in the survey.

According to the importing company, the two shared the first place with same 45 percent support.

Second place went to Juwon who is starring in KBS 2TV drama ‘Good Doctor’ as paediatric surgeon with savant 

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class="post-title"[ARTICLE] Lee Jong Suk says he gets over his fear of crowds by being with Kim Woo Bin


Though Lee Jong Suk is one of the hottest rising actors today, he’s apparently scared of attention.

On the 28th, he and Kim Woo Bin were interviewed by ‘One Night of TV Entertainment’ while they were doing a CF filming. A lot of the fans were at the stadium set and cheered when they saw the two actors appear.

The reporter commented, “You must be happy because your fans are so happy to see you." However, Lee Jong Suk said, "To be honest, I’m scared when all the focus is on me. When people look at me and scream, I get scared.

The answer surprised the reporter who asked him, “How are you dealing with that fear?" Lee Jong Suk smiled and said, "I just watched my friend Kim Woo bin next to me, and I dealt with it.”

Source: Allkpop | Article By: jennywill

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class="post-title"[ARTICLE] “Lee Jong-suk mentions income”


Lee Jong-suk revealed his income.

SBS “TV News At Night” on the 28th interviewed Lee Jong-suk.

When the reporter asked him if he made a lot of money he shook his head.

He said, “It’s temporary” and the reporter and Kim Woo-bin couldn’t help but laugh.

When the reporter asked what ads they’ve done they answered as if they were competing. They said drinks, hair products, clothes, snacks and alcohol.

Netizens say, “I envy Lee Jong-suk”, “I hope he has a long run” and mor

Source: HanCinemaCopy & paste guideline for this articleAlways put a link back to the source and HanCinema permalink
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Pictures of 용인 자연농원펜션 (Yongin Natural Farm Pension), a holiday residence run by Lee Jong Suk’s parents. It is in his hometown of Yongin, and there is the address at the source.

Can you imagine if he decided to quit chasing his acting dream, he would be there now, helping to clean the pool and barbecue meat for guests. And the visitors would spread word-of-mouth of a particularly tall and handsome guy who hangs out there, watching dramas at the reception and declining with a smile when asked to have a drink together… ^__^

[Cr: wonji78’s travelog]

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hello everyone! so happy to be here again ... great news articles, pics and gifs ... as always ... thank you to all who shared!!
jong suk is such a baby...right?? his being so clingy to KWB is just too cute!  i like to hang on to my bff too like him when going out...there's just some sense of security having someone who's close to you nearby.  
and i like that he is still so grounded ... and realistic about popularity!  when asked if he was now earning much ... his reply was "it's all temporary" ... so good of him!   i hope he stays as grounded as this even if he grows more popular each day.  
jong suk fighting!!

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