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[Movie 2011] Eerie (Chilling) Romance 오싹한 연애

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class="post-title entry-title"Lee Min Ki, “It was like a dream to be acting with Son Ye Jin” Ceridwen November 2, 2011


Lee Min Ki showed a cutely peculiar side saying that the time with Son Ye Jin was like a dream.

The two protagonists of the movie ‘Chilling Romance’, Son Ye Jin and Lee Min Ki were interviewed on the November 2nd episode of SBS’s ‘One Night of TV Entertainment’.

To the question of how he felt about acting with Son Ye Jin, Lee Min Ki responded , “I wasn’t nervous. We know each other and we call each other too but when I come home I think, ‘Was I really with her?’ Didn’t feel real” truly expressing that he was happy about it.

Lee Min Ki showed off that he cared about his partner saying Son Ye Jin is the prettiest of all actresses compared to Song Joong Ki who had said Han Ye Seul is the prettiest.

In the same episode, Son Ye Jin boasted a surprising friendship with singer Kim Hee Chul and that she now has a lot of entertainer friends.

Image: SBS ‘One Night of TV Entertainment’
Source: Xports News via Nate

credits: http://kpopfever.com/2011/11/lee-min-ki-it-was-like-a-dream-to-be-acting-with-son-ye-jin/

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class="title"오싹한 연애 (2011, 한국, 황인호감독) - 짬뽕 한그릇 하실라우? | 영화&드라마 2012/02/26 21:14

손예진, 이민기 주연의 로멘틱 공포(?) 물이다. 
12세 이상 관람가 등급이기 때문에 전혀 공포스럽지 않을 것 같지만, 중간중간 사람 놀래키는 장면이 있다.
미국 드라마 CSI 를 잘 못본다 하시는분은 관람을 한번 고려해 볼 정도의 수준이다.

영화 보는 내내 자꾸만 본것 같은, 혹은 알고 있는 스토리인 것 같다는 생각이 들었다.
참신한 장르(로맨틱 공포) 같지만 실상 접해보면 너무 익숙한 영화다.
영화속 큰 줄거리인 귀신과 접촉할 수 있는 영매가 귀신의 한을 풀어주는 스토리는 이미 익숙하다.
미드인 "고스트 위스퍼러", "미디엄" 등이 그렇고, 애니(혹은 만화책)인 "하나다 소년사"가 그렇다.
이 바탕위에 손예진과 이민기의 러브라인이 추가된다. 별 특이할 게 없다.

마술하는 장면은 해리포터의 디멘터를 연상시키고, 꼬마 유령은 일본 공포영화에서 많이 보던 분장이다.
이민기, 손예진은 늘보던 그런 모습이었고(싫다는 말은 아니다. 개인적으로 둘 모두 좋아하는 배우다.)
감초역활 박철민의 애드립 연기는 이제 사실 조금 지겹다.

영화를 보다가 졸지는 않았지만 끝나고 나서 여운도 없다.
딱 그저그런 킬링타임용 로맨틱 코미디다.


▲ 마조구(조민기)는 길거리 마술사이다. 필동(박철민)과 파트너로 일하고 있다.


▲ 여리(손예진)의 무표정한 모습을 보고 조구는 그녀를 따라가게 된다. 그녀에게서 영감을 얻어 호러 매직쇼를 시작하게 된다.

▲ 호러 매직쇼에서 여리는 귀신역할을 맡고 있다. 조구는 여리가 영매라는 사실을 알지 못하고 있다.


▲ 여리와 통화중에 비명소리를 듣고 집을 찾아온 조구. 그녀를 따라다니는 귀신때문에 가족이 노르웨이로 이민가고 여리는 혼자 살고 있다. 큰집이 무섭다며 텐트를 치고 지낸다.


▲ 집밖에 있는 꼬마유령. 여리는 옆집 꼬마라고 둘러대지만 조구는 이 꼬마를 불러들이고 결국 이때문에 여리가 영매라는 사실을 알게된다.


▲ 여리가 처음 귀신을 보게된건 고등학교때 사고를 겪은 후부터다. 버스 추락으로 인해 물에 빠지게 되는데 단짝 친구인 주희와 나란히 물에서 건져지지만 여리를 먼저 살린탓에 주희는 목숨을 잃게 된다. 여리를 먼저 구한 이휴는 그녀에게서 빛이 났기 때문이다.


▲ 조구의 여친인 선우(윤지민). 쿨하게 조구를 놓아준다.


▲ 주희는 여리가 혼자 외롭게 지내기를 바라는 마음에 여리와 가까이 지내는 사람들에게 위협을 가한다.
여리와 사랑에 빠진 조구에게 경고의 메시지를 보내지만 조구는 그녀와 헤이질 수 없다.


▲ 호러 매직쇼의 한장면. 짜여진 각본과는 다르게 여리를 자신을 죽인 인물로 지목하는 유령.

1379733C4F4A1C3538F28B▲ 119 대원이 여리를 먼저 살린 이유는 바로 이 목걸이 때문이다. 사실 이 목걸이는 주희것이었는데 사고 직전 여리가 잠깐 사진찍는다며 빌렸던 것. 만약 이 목걸이를 주희가 하고 있었다면 아마 둘의 운명은 뒤 바뀌었을 것이다.

한영화에서 로맨틱 코미디, 공포, SF 를 모두 느끼고 싶다면 봐도 좋은 영화 되겠다!

source: http://snapon.tistory.com/archive/201202
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[포토] 영화 ‘오싹한 연애’ 무대인사차 부산 방문한 손예진-이민기 유용주 시민기자  |  ultrayooyj@hotmail.com 2011.12.12 14:20:10

▲ 11일 오후 부산 해운대구 롯데시네마 센텀시티에서 열린 영화 ‘오싹한 연애’ 무대인사에서 배우 손예진이 황인호 감독과 함께 대기실을 빠져나오고 있다. ⓒ천지일보(뉴스천지)



▲ 11일 오후 부산 해운대구 롯데시네마 센텀시티에서 열린 영화 ‘오싹한 연애’ 무대인사에서 배우 손예진과 황인호 감독에 이어 배우 이민기가 대기실 앞에 몰린 관객들을 보며 약간 놀란 표정을 짓고 있다. ⓒ천지일보(뉴스천지)


[천지일보=유용주 시민기자] 영화 ‘오싹한 연애’ 지방무대인사가 황인호 감독 및 배우 손예진, 이민기가 참석한 가운데 11일 부산 지역 주요 영화관에서 진행됐다.

지난 1일 개봉한 영화 ‘오싹한 연애’는 귀신을 보는 능력 때문에 평범한 생활이 어려운 여리(손예진 분)와 귀신을 무서워하는 호러마술사 조구(이민기 분)가 그리는 로맨틱 코미디 연애담이다.

영화 ‘오싹한 연애’는 현재 누적 139만 1938명(박스오피스 1위)을 동원하며 최고 흥행을 달리고 있는 상태다.

source: http://www.newscj.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=107717

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Some updated news on Son Ye Jin:

[interview] Son Ye Jin Says She Loves Her 30s

2012-12-23 20:00  l   CJ E&M enewsWorld Lee, JinHo
Translation Credit : Erika Kim

Son Ye Jin, the actress who made many hearts beat with her name alone, has already been in the scene for 14 years.

Time has flown. Her title of ′the nation′s first love′ has also already been taken over by a new figure, miss A′s Suzy. Still, Son Ye Jin grew quickly to become a smart fox.

Through her many roles, ranging from a first love to a person whose days are numbered, an expert in romance and a hurt widow, she managed to help herself grow and mature.

This time she′s taken on the blockbuster challenge with the film Tower. Enews met with the actress to hear about her transformation and about her life.


Son Ye Jin up close

A slight smile lit up her face and her eyes bent to add to her cuteness. No man would be able to shrug this expression off.

More than anything, she was very laid back. It seemed the skills and the attitude she had picked up after managing to stay alive in the scene, though she was a girl who had just graduated from college, had really become a part of her.

She said, "I think I had a hard time in my 20s. Now finally I′ve found my pace. I′m satisfied with my life now."

She was a good speaker, and she held definite views toward acting. Son Ye Jin was Son Ye Jin.


You must be busy these days. How have you been?

"I took a break for a month or two after finishing my shoots for the film Accomplice. (Laugh) I went on a trip, and had good food and good sleep at home. That′s what makes up a good break for me."

′Tower′ is a blockbuster, which cost more than 10 billion won to produce. Did you feel any pressure as its lead?

"I′ve felt a lot of pressure for my previous films. The burden of having to work with a rookie director, or with juniors, were heavy on me. This time, however, it was different. I had [sul] Kyung Gu oppa (big brother) and [Kim] Sang Kyung oppa. I would always say, half-joking, that whenever I messed up it was ′because of the director and Kyung Gu oppa′. It felt that comfortable, and fun."

It′s your first blockbuster; how was it different from your previous pieces?

"First of all, the scale was amazing. A lot of scenes that may look like special effects to the audience were filmed in real life. In the shoots that were to use special effects, however, I felt blind as an actor. Everything happens within the tower, but we′ve never actually seen it. (Laugh) It felt like I had become an ant in a giant mountain."

I heard it was very hard.

"I had to go into cold water in the early morning just around the time it started to really get cold, around September and October. When we filmed an explosion scene in the water, I had to hold onto a big ball of lead and then break the surface just when the explosion happened. In the underwater explosion scenes, I even lost consciousness once after being swept away with the water. It was really hard, but I guess it means a lot to me because I remember it as a joyful memory rather than a hard one."

I guess the mood on set was good.

"I was so happy. I don′t remember being so happy filming a movie before. It was like filming a piece for my graduation with friends. My previous films emphasized emotions a lot, so I couldn′t let go of the tense emotions, but since this film is a blockbuster, I could approach the emotions more comfortably."

Sul Kyung Gu and Kim Sang Kyung said you were like ′a little brother′. That was very unexpected.

"Well, we never really met each other made up beautifully; we didn′t have time to feel fluttery around each other (Laugh). When we were filming we had dirt and soot all over our faces, and as soon as we were done we would go out for a beer. They felt like loyal hyungnims (big brother). Still, I didn′t know I would be called a little brother... the times have certainly changed (Laugh)."


It seems Son Ye Jin is never afraid to ruin her image. For this film also you ruined yourself a lot.

"I don′t really care about ruining my image. I did care for my hair, though, in scenes when I had to go above water. I believe you look more beautiful when you act naturally. Sometimes I would look great even with dust dummies all over me (Laugh)."

It′s already been 14 years since your debut. How much have you changed from how you were in the past?

"I′ve changed a lot. I don′t think I would go back to those times even if I get the chance. I didn′t know I was a bad actor back then. I also think I was misunderstood a lot because I entered society as an actor. I was very enthusiastic about my work too, but still I didn′t know what I was working hard for. I′m sad I didn′t get to enjoy it more than anything. I think the pain I experienced back then has made me who I am now, since you never get something for nothing. I think I′ve become more laid back now that I′ve passed age 30 (Laugh)."

You were the icon of first love when you were in your 20s. These days there are a lot of actors who aim to take over that spot.

"Suzy of Architecture 101 was fresh and nice. I′ve noticed, though, that if our first loves were more classical, the first loves now are different. I′m the 1997 generation... so I don′t know what would work now (Laugh). Still, I like how our generation was a mix of analogue emotions and technology."

You′re often said to have both the looks and the skills. What do you think about your own acting?

"I′m always strict toward my acting. I believe it′s dangerous to believe you′re a good actor. I am, of course, proud of my acting, but I always try to warn myself that I still lack many things. I believe that′s what helps me grow."

How about your future? Can we look forward to seeing another transformation?

"I′m actually not especially thinking of doing anything at the moment. I spent my 20s on set. It was hard back then, but now that I think of it they′re all precious pieces to me and I feel proud. I do feel, however, that I can′t take on any piece because I feel like I should accept those that are better than my previous ones. I want to be in a love story, but I′ve been in so many good romance films I don′t think I′ll be able to be in any average romance. (Laugh)"

Photo credit: Kim Byung Kwan
source: http://enewsworld.interest.me/enews/contents.asp?idx=24524&idxType=News&trendKeyword=Son%20Ye%20Jin

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Chilling Romance (a.k.a Spellbound, Eerie Romance)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

By ElPeevio

It really has been far too long since I watched a Son Ye-jin movie, although to be perfectly frank I was not expecting an awful lot from this one.  My gut feel about Korean Movies is that they had been somewhat lacking over the last couple of years, but it turns out that there were a couple of rather special little films that got released at the back end of last year that escaped my notice.  Could this be one of them? Read on!

In “Chilling Romance” struggling Street Magician Jo-goo (Lee Min-ki) is inspired by a strange girl he meets in the street to create a really successful stage show based on Ghosts.  He employs the girl, Yeo-ri (Son Ye-jin) to act as the Ghost, but she never really takes part in the extra-curricular activities of the wider team.  She is sullen, hardly speaks, and always has an excuse as to why she cannot go out for an after show drink.  We see that she lives a solitary life, living alone, and sleeping in a tent erected in her living room, communicating only with her family and friends via the telephone.  It soon becomes clear that Yeo-ri harbours a dark secret – she is constantly visited by Ghosts!  Occasionally she helps these restless spirits onto their final resting place, but one seems particularly interested in her.  When one night she is finally convinced to go out with her team, she gets spectacularly drunk, and starts a series of events that leads Jo-goo to become part of her life, and a tentative romance starts.  However, we find out the truth behind Yeo-ri’s predicament – she was involved in a terrible bus accident, and she was saved from the Grim Reaper at the expense of her best friend – who is the Ghost that constantly haunts her, and drives everyone away.  Can Jo-goo and Yeo-ri work together and become a couple despite the actions of this otherworldly pest?

I will admit, I only really took a look at this one because of the Magic connection initially, but very quickly the film started to totally drag me in, and by the end I was utterly enchanted by it.  It is everything that a Korean Romance used to be – a little bit amusing, a gentle star-crossed romance, with a total curve ball of a genre shift.  In this case, we have a horror film.  Sort of. There are a number of set pieces that are actually very scary and terrifying in a K-Horror kind of way (Long Haired Girls, Chubby Faced School boys, all noise and atmosphere rather than gore).  The film manages to integrate these well, along with the very touching romance (Yeo-ri is terrified of losing those she gets close to, Jo-goo is understandably terrified of the Ghosts).  It is also seriously amusing at times, especially the comic relief provided by Yeo-ri’s long distance friends, who are never slow to offer her advice.

Son Ye-jin is an actress I have had mixed feelings about in the past.  She is tremendously attractive, but so often she appears terribly haughty, and frankly is nothing more than self-confident eye candy.  However, in this she is brilliant – she is a girl haunted not only by Spirits, but by the loss of her friend and family, and totally pulls off the fact she is shut off emotionally from the world.  Yet at the same time, when she is relaxed and in her element, she is quite capable of being understanding, caring, and confident.  This is the best thing I have seen her in since “The Classic”.

Lee Min-ki impressed me a lot in “Quick” a few months ago, and again he seems to be a rather exciting talent in the unusual leading man role.  Rather angular and skinny, he isn’t your normal hunky lead, but he does seem to possess charisma.  He certainly plays second fiddle here, but he does work well both as the confident Stage Performer, strong Boss, and scared boyfriend.  I am not sure he would ever work well in a more serious drama, but these last two performances in what are popcorn fare have been an unexpected treat.

To make a film like this is a difficult balancing act, mixing your classic Korean Romance with moments of rather good horror, but the film delivers in spades.  Not only that, it actually bothers to go underneath the covers of the characters, whether they be Ghosts or Humans, even some of the supporting characters, although not as well drawn as our two leads, get moments to shine.  I especially loved Jo-goo’s partner who gets most of the best lines.  Sure a fair bit of the story is possibly things we have seen before (the couple split up, and only a last minute intervention could possibly get them together), but it manages to succeed in delivering a conclusion that makes the previous two hours worthwhile, as well as providing the biggest laugh of the entire movie as the credits roll.

What it is, is a perfect date movie.  It is a film about love, and the difficulties that two people can have, that have to be overcome before having a couple’s mobile calling plan.  By adding in the scares, it means that there is an opportunity for the couple to hold on to each other.  I loved this mix.  I just wish I had seen it before the turn of the year, as it would have easily made my Top 10.  Son Ye-jin is back on form, and I think a star may be born in Lee Min-ki.  Highly recommended.

source: http://elpeevio.blogspot.com/2012/04/chilling-romance-aka-spellbound-eerie.html

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Some recent news on Son Ye Jin:

[Photo] Son Ye Jin Strikes Her Poses After Talking About ′Tower′

2012-12-12 02:00  l   CJ E&M enewsWorld Kim Byung Kwan

Translation Credit : Erika Kim

Son Ye Jin will be returning to the big screen, not as her usual lovely romance queen self, but as a new lead in a blockbuster film.

In an interview with enews held on December 10, Son Ye Jin talked about what happened on the set for her upcoming film Tower and about her life as an actress.


A smile that would make anyone′s legs quiver like jelly


Proud and beautiful


The dreamy pose


How about a cup of coffee to go with that look?


Close up big smile


Beautiful hands to go with that beautiful face



Peeking out the window


Lovely as always


Awkward pose


Hi, there


Yes, we like you!




Absent-minded fingers

Photo credit: Kim Byung Kwan
source: http://enewsworld.interest.me/enews/contents.asp?idx=23649&idxType=News&trendKeyword=Son%20Ye%20Jin
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[포토] <오싹한 연애> 손예진, “이번엔 귀신 보는 여자예요”

기사입력 2011-11-11 19:45:11


[맥스무비=취재팀] 영화 <오싹한 연애>의 주연 배우 손예진이 11일 오후 맥스무비와 인터뷰를 가졌다.

<오싹한 연애>는 귀신을 보는 특별한 능력 때문에 일상생활에 곤란을 겪는 것은 물론 연애 한번 제대로 못 해본 여자 ‘여리’와 호러 마술사이지만 정작 귀신에 기겁하기 일쑤인 ‘조구’가 만나 벌이는 이야기를 그린 로맨틱 코미디.

이번 영화에서 ‘여리’를 연기한 손예진은 호러와 코미디, 멜로를 자유자재로 오가며 ‘조구’ 역의 이민기와 연기 호흡을 맞췄다. <오싹한 연애>는 손예진이 <백야행> 이후 오랜만에 스크린에 내 놓는 작품으로 기대를 모아 왔다.

한편, <오싹한 연애>는 황인호 감독의 연출 데뷔작이다. 감독은 <시실리 2km> <두 얼굴의 여친> <도마뱀> 등의 각본을 썼으며, 이번 영화에서도 각본과 연출을 겸했다. <오싹한 연애>는 오는 12월 1일 개봉 예정이다.

사진: 권구현 기자

<국내 최대 영화뉴스채널! 맥스뉴스>
source: http://cwstoo.asiae.co.kr/news/stview.htm?idxno=2011111119450539458&sc1=life&sc2=total&sc3=photo


[포토] <오싹한 연애> 손예진, 뇌쇄적인 눈빛

기사입력 2011-11-11 19:40:19


[맥스무비=취재팀] 영화 <오싹한 연애>의 주연 배우 손예진이 11일 오후 맥스무비와 인터뷰를 가졌다.

<오싹한 연애>는 귀신을 보는 특별한 능력 때문에 일상생활에 곤란을 겪는 것은 물론 연애 한번 제대로 못 해본 여자 ‘여리’와 호러 마술사이지만 정작 귀신에 기겁하기 일쑤인 ‘조구’가 만나 벌이는 이야기를 그린 로맨틱 코미디.

이번 영화에서 ‘여리’를 연기한 손예진은 호러와 코미디, 멜로를 자유자재로 오가며 ‘조구’ 역의 이민기와 연기 호흡을 맞췄다. <오싹한 연애>는 손예진이 <백야행> 이후 오랜만에 스크린에 내 놓는 작품으로 기대를 모아 왔다.

한편, <오싹한 연애>는 황인호 감독의 연출 데뷔작이다. 감독은 <시실리 2km> <두 얼굴의 여친> <도마뱀> 등의 각본을 썼으며, 이번 영화에서도 각본과 연출을 겸했다. <오싹한 연애>는 오는 12월 1일 개봉 예정이다.

사진: 권구현 기자

<국내 최대 영화뉴스채널! 맥스뉴스>
source: http://cwstoo.asiae.co.kr/news/stview.htm?idxno=2011111119401391737&sc1=life&sc2=total&sc3=photo

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Guest farstrep

Spellbound (2011): Comedy meets Horror

December 27, 2012 by Ben


OFFERING A mix of horror and comedy, Spellbound (2011) is a lighthearted romantic comedy, who doesn’t offer much conflict but is surprisingly entertaining.

To be upfront, what sets this film from other films is that it effectively handles horror and comedy. As you may observe, that rarely happens in movies. In logic, as the film puts it, if a heroine, in a horror movie, falls in love, the scary factor loses its effect, because it would be overcome by romance. Without qualifying the situation, how can a person be scared if there’s a person beside her willing to protect her?

That’s why even if there is a couple in a horror film, say in the case of “Shutter”, “Scream” or “A Nightmare On Elm Street”, the romance is usually suspended to make way for the horror. It’s either you gain the element of one genre but you lose the other. In “Spellbound”, you get to keep both. At one point, we get to smile as drunk Yuri rips off Jo-gu’s tailor made shirt. Then the mood shifts, as we see a long-haired abnormally white-skinned tone woman coming out from a frame, matching with a cool breeze wind.   

Let us just say when the film shows comedy, you’ll feel the comedy. When it shows horror, you’ll feel the horror. This is truly a unique cinematic experience.


With every romance, there’s always a barrier to keep the couple apart, in the case of “Spellbound”, Yuri has the ability to see ghosts and is haunted by a particular ghost in the past. This makes her life disturbing, and everyone she gets acquainted will, one way or another, gets caught up with the curse. That’s why her family left her, and Yuri has to live her life all alone.  But with every chaos, there’s always that man that will make things seem right, this is where Jo-gu, a street-magician, comes in. He helps Yuri from her problem, but, in the process, eventually falls in love.

Based on what I observed, romantic comedy films tend to rely heavily on creative screenplay and quirky acting to give a satisfying experience. Fortunately, this film has both. After a long drinking session, Yuri says, “Let’s go somewhere else”. She gets up, but instead of moving out from the restaurant she walks around, and sits on another table – in the same restaurant. Or how about when Yuri comes over to Jo-gu’s house to inspect on a ghost, she comes across with a refrigerator full of food. Jo-gu’s offer her one strawberry jam, but when Jo-gu’s suddenly away, Yuri mischievously gets another one. In the same sequence, Jo-gu’s checks the toilet. Yuri’s baffled. Jo-gu replies, “Just in case”.

Apparently, the most creative scene is the ending, the “typical” airport scene where the guy begs the girl not to board on an airplane amidst his love declaration. It perfectly sums up the whole film – that is giving both horror and comedy.


Another observation is that this film doesn’t flaunt too much conflict. We learn that Jo-gu has already a girlfriend, but we don’t actually see it come to materialize. One would expect that this would break Jo-gu and Yuri apart, but it actually doesn’t. Or that we expect, since we have a supernatural conflict, an above average resolution, but we don’t necessarily get it. We do have setbacks, but it isn’t really strong enough to tear the characters. The film doesn’t also have an evident climax, since we don’t really feel the tension building.

Even though it deviates from the usual story structure, it doesn’t change the fact that it entertains us so well.

source: http://magicoficecream.wordpress.com/2012/12/27/spellbound-2012-comedy-meets-horror/

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