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[Drama 2011] Paradise Ranch 파라다이스 목장

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hi all ranchers

alexus actually I love Junsu's voice but I am here for Changmin to support him and PR.. :P

well Dongju and Daji is getting so close to the climax when they can't deny that they are still in love...

I hope Ahjussi telling Daji he likes her but he love Mi Rye still..so his story and Daji's story is very similar -_-

I'll see all of you tomorrow good night everyone...

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inggrid_fairly!!!!! Thank you sooo much for the pics!!!! You are very resourceful. Awesome. You are totally hired. Post away!!! More photos the merrier!!!!

Pach: I love Junsu's voice too but there is something about Micky that is just too adorable!!! And his speaking voice is soooo hot!! Sexy voice!!! Good for you for supporting ChangMin. They all deserve all the best!! Hope all will work out in the end. As fans, we want what is best for them right??? Might not agree on the path they choose but we should be supportive. They are also human as well.

Well since we are on the topic of paths, I don't know whether the writer did this intentionally or it is just a fluke but when YH and Daji went on their cruise around JeJu they were on seperate bikes. They can seperate whenever they choose, go at different paces and can't really help one another if the other partner needed it. Just like what is happening now, YH is going through so much with his wife but DaJi can't be of much help. He has to deal with the issues on his own and eventually will have to go on a seperate path without Daji.


While DongJoo and DaJi( I guess it is for their future date??) are on a tandem bike for two. I thought that was pretty cool!!! On a tandem bike, you have to be in sync but you can also help one another if one is getting tired. You enjoy the ride together as one (like they should in life and in marriage), go on adventures and journeys together. When life/trail throws them a curve ball, you ride through it together. They may fall/falter, and ride though some rough terrain but they will pick themselves up together and start again. Just like what they will do now. They have fallen off but soon when they realize that they are meant to be together will get back on and start their ride together as one. Of course this is just a DJ couple shipper reading way too much into things that may not mean anything. But I am just grasping at straws to make them look like the best couple for this drama. . My apologies in advance to our YH+DaJi shippers but this is just for fun. ;) no hard feelings rainyrainy??


Just like in this photo where they can support and lean on one another,


And I know deep in her heart she only has eyes for DongJoo, just like in this photo, she wants to frame every moment of DongJoo, whether it be an image of him awake or asleep to cherish in her heart always :wub:


source: sbs official site; paradise ranch.

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i wanna see cute scenes between changmin and the main female lead!!

its the 10th episode already!!

dear writer please let minnie be more cute!!sweatingbullets.gif

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Guest lanziepanzie

yay! finally up to date!

and i must say that i really do think this drama is underrated.

I absolutely love how Dong joo is progressing and im falling for him more and more! (ok i already loved changmin but was abit iffy about him at the start)

i really like JY, but i have some sense that maybe her nice girl act is reaching the tip, and ready to blow.

I also am realling loving DaEun, she is the cutest sister ever, she is so much more mature than her sister and really sees the big picture, im glad that she really there for her unnie.

ps. I was reading back from about page 15 where Daji breaks her arm, but i dont remember seeing that, did i miss something? maybe i skipped a part from an episode. OOPS!

pps. cant wait for ep 11! we will see alot more unravelling about DJ couples past and maybe branch out to Dongjoo's real feelings!

its about to get real good!

ppps. thank you so much to everyone here for making it a much more enjoyable drama to watch!

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Guest pinky88

ps. I was reading back from about page 15 where Daji breaks her arm, but i dont remember seeing that, did i miss something? maybe i skipped a part from an episode. OOPS!

You didn't miss it. This will happen in ep 12.

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BTW, is it only me but why does the cast in this drama look sort of different from other typical dramas?! Many have really deep-looking eyes, high-nose bridges and tannish skin.

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Guest Briana-Nicole

BTW, is it only me but why does the cast in this drama look sort of different from other typical dramas?! Many have really deep-looking eyes, high-nose bridges and tannish skin.

I don't really notice anything different. I know that in real life Lee Yeon Hee and Changmin have really deep eyes, but I'm not sure about Joo Sang Wook and Yoo Hana. Lee Yeon Hee is really pale but DBSK always talks about how Changmin is really dark (lol). Maybe it's the lighting since it's outside?

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alexus thanks for posting.... :rolleyes: oh well Micky was great both singing and acting..SKKS was successful so I want to see wuri Changmin gain the success and welcome from viewers as mach as he can

so Daji's accident is hepenning on Tuesday I will end up dying to watch episode 13 next week once again :sweatingbullets: yhe

writter nim you know how to make me feels..desperately but thank you to all your hard works

can't count how much I want to watch tonight's episode...

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alexus thanks for posting.... :rolleyes: oh well Micky was great both singing and acting..SKKS was successful so I want to see wuri Changmin gain the success and welcome from viewers as mach as he can

so Daji's accident is hepenning on Tuesday I will end up dying to watch episode 13 next week once again :sweatingbullets: yhe

writter nim you know how to make me feels..desperately but thank you to all your hard works

can't count how much I want to watch tonight's episode...il

Before we get to that we have to witness DongJoo and JinYoung's passionate kiss right?? Will she propose as well?? Plus we have to witness Daji's heart breaking when YH goes back to his wife. Okay I am willing to accept one episode of tears and angst then we must quickly move on to our happy couple shipping!!!!

Changmin is such a cutie. I found this at DC inside after ck1Oz just told me to click click and Click. I know it probably belongs at Changmin's thread but some of the facts were really interesting so I am going to post it here for those of us that don't really know much about him. I wish our Changmin fans would share more about ChangMin here. Well, if any of you guys are die hard fans, please share any pics and facts about our boy for those of us that don't know much about him at all. Thanks :D


Real Name: Shim Changmin

Stage/International Name: Choi Kang Changmin – Max Changmin

Position: High Vocal, Maknae

Birthday: February 18, 1988

Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea

Height: 186 cm

Weight: 61 kg

Hobbies: Music appreciation, singing, eating, gaming & listening to music

Special Abilities: Singing & dancing

Blood Type: B

Religion: Buddhism

Family: Mother, father & two younger sisters

Habits: Goofing off with friends.

Star Sign: Aquarius

Eduation: Kyunghee University

Present activity:

- Filming his first drama ‘Paradise Ranch’

- Participated in SMtown’10 (Seoul, Shanghai & LA) together with Yunho & SM-family

- Doing different activites like magazine photoshoots, events etc

- Doing a comeback together with Yunho under ‘TVXQ’

Random Facts

♪ He’s the youngest in the group

♪ His ideal type of girl is always changing

♪ he doesn’t like his thick hair

♪ Wants to go jogging with his girlfriend at 4♪5am if he has one

♪ Likes to excercise and can run very fast

♪ Before debut, he would make up excuses as to why he msised class. Each time it was always a relative’s funeral and when he couldn’t make that up he’d say something else. No one was curious because he has a wide range of relatives.

♪ He is amazed by girls who can speak english

♪ Changmin kepps things to himself but when he is angry, he will suddenly explode

♪ He said that he will not pierce his ear as he does not believe in making holes in the body his parents gave him but he has now one piercing in both ear.

♪ He is the best swimmer in the group

♪ He got into one of South Korea’s top universities

♪ Changmin’s parents are both teachers

♪ Changmin’s first kiss was taken away by Jaejoong and he cried. Jaejoong kissed him because he was sleeping and Jaejoong suddenly felt that he was cute.

♪ Changmin’s happiest moment was when he stepped into SM

♪ He eats 8 meals a day

♪ When he’s happy, he eat a lot..also when he’s sad.

♪ Changmin likes to learn Japanese words which aren’t even used on a regular basis, meaning long, deep♪meaning, and difficult to pronounce kinda words

♪ His japanese is the best in DBSK

♪ He talks in his sleep. he can even reply people’s questions when he’s asleep.

♪ Changmin never thought of beating someone like Jaejoong because the first time he saw him, he thought that Jaejoong was a cold and serious guy.

♪ He and Jaejoong show their love by beating eachother

♪ Members thinks that Changmin is a cassanova

♪ Changmin would write notes to remind Yunho to eat

♪ In order to make leader Yunho seem taller, Changmin who’s the tallest in the group would bend his knees a bit.

♪ His favorite movie is Harry Potter

♪ He doesn’t talk much

♪ He get sick very easily

♪ Changmin thinks that a girl is most pretty when washing the dishes, he feels like hugging her from behind

♪ He is an expert in peeling fruit

♪ If he must date a member, he will date Junsu because he is pure and innocent.

♪ He has the poorest eyesight in the group

♪ He and Yoochun loves to eat supper. They would wake uo at night to eat. Once, Yoochun woke up to eat without waking him u and Changmin nagged at him.

♪ Yoochun used to sleep the most but now it’s Changmin

♪ He loves to sleep so it’s really hard to wake him up

♪ He has hamtaro pyjamas and Jaejoong will borrow it from him

♪ Changmin liked actress Han Ga In but when she got married, he changed hos computer’s wallpaper

♪ He was afraid to be a singer but his mother encouraged him

♪ He has strong concentration

♪ One of Changmin’s eye becomes larger than the other when he’s smiling really happily

♪ Changmin replies to every single fan’s UFO messages

♪ Changmin can scream very nicely. That’s why he screamd in the song ‘Mirotic’ and ‘Rising Sun’

♪ He admitted his fashion sense is bad

♪ Changmin has falled asleep on stage before

♪ He’s favorite number is 7

♪ He’s the shyest in DBSK

♪ Changmin trained in the gym so that he can win over Jaejoong in fights

♪ Want to visit Europe

♪ His favorite fruits are tangerines, bananas and oranges

♪ Was born at 5am

♪ Favorite animal is dogs

♪ Changmin wants 2 or 3 kids

♪ He tried very hard at work and reading

♪ His favorite colour is purple

♪ His childhood dream was to be a tv announcer

♪ When Changmin was first introduced to the members, all members said Changmin is like an angel. 6 years later, members describes him an evil.


Okay, I am sure YukariiChangmin must have more accurate and detailed info on our Changmin so you can let us know if this is all true of not. Thanks.

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alexus...what can I say? you're wonderfuuuuuuuul friend on earth!! :wub:

well I hope our wuri Changmin will deserve the top credit on his work especially PR..HDJ Fighting

back on PR do you think Daji's dad is gonna come home? he is fire from work..what about HDJ he will have to leave Daji when the dad comes

will Daji suffering on his depart? will this be the reason to make them come back?

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Alexus if Dong Joo looked like THAT......Da Ji would be running off the opposite direction.He looks so HOT.Too hot for her to handle.Thank you though for the info.Man this whole TVXQ/DBSK business...every day I am inching closer to being a full blown fan.

Ep 11 will watch it tonight but my hearrt will break for ajusshi.I've just come off watching his new drama trailer Thorn Birds where he plays the lead.Why why why do people always hurt him.....argh.

This is my heart bleeding all over PR.That wife of his who had affairs and dare come back to him.Shoo shoo....go away.

Catch you tomorrow.I've  my Korean lessons today. Should be writing instead of surfing the Net.Have a good day.

Hang on.....I can't remember now.The accident happens tonight right?I want it to be tonight!! Oh and Paradise Ranch seems to be picking up numbers now that DH/MP has ended.Everyone is catching up on it.I've just found the 8th illegal channel for Paradise Ranch on viki.  :P :P

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For the past 2 days, I spent most of my time watching Paradise Ranch. I was able to catch up to episode 10 today. So far I'm enjoying every moment of this drama. I can't help but squeal at the little flashbacks of DJ and Da Ji.

You can really see how much Da Eun cares for her older sister. Although she's loud and noisy, I'm fond of her actions trying to help Da Ji.

I just saw the preview for episode 11... I am definitely looking forward to the next episode once it's subbed! (:

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alexus...what can I say? you're wonderfuuuuuuuul friend on earth!! :wub:

well I hope our wuri Changmin will deserve the top credit on his work especially PR..HDJ Fighting

back on PR do you think Daji's dad is gonna come home? he is fire from work..what about HDJ he will have to leave Daji when the dad comes

will Daji suffering on his depart? will this be the reason to make them come back?

Oh, I totally forgot about the DAD. I think he was fired from that one owner but doesn't he also take care of DongJoo's dad's horse as well. I think he must be a trainer for more than one of the horses so I hope he doesn't come home yet. I don't want DongJoo moving out of there yet. They are so close to getting back together..... Plus DaJi hasn't got the consent form signed and that has to be completed before she gets to keep the ranch right?? Lot's of issues on the plate right now.

However if DongJoo has to leave, well it might be okay because they will miss each other right?? But I think as I posted before though lovers may need a holiday...their holiday was way too long!!! 6 years no less!!. I don't want Daji or DongJoo to become out of sight out of mind. They must eventhough they bicker and fight like an old married couple... stay together as much as possible. Plus, after a fight the make-up process is always more fun don't ya think???? ;) Especially our couple was apart for 6 year!!!! They have some :wub:SUPER DELUXE MEGA MAKE-UP SESSION TO WORK ON!!!!! :wub:(giggle giggle)

okay one more pic..


source: dcinside.com

ck1Oz: learn korean as fast as you can so you can help me!!!! He is super duper hot. Especially with his shirt off!!! Seriously, DaJi is one lucky girl!!! I am going on a hunt for more hot pics so everyone will become ga-ga over this kid. heheheh. okay, no more distractions for you. Go back to studying. I have to work all day so I don't be able to see it until much later but I will have the recaps as soon as possible!!! She really does have balls of steel!!! I could never openly have an affair and say, yo, I am back, come back and take care of me. OMG!!! Seriously no shame. Well there are lots of different type of ppl in this world. I guess she must be an exception to the norm??? OKAY, enough ranting from me. I have to thank her for bringing our couple back together so I will keep my mouth shut right now. hehehe.

EDIT: found some more pics of our loving couple to be.

Love ya honey bunch!! :wub:


Can you hear me??? Make sure you change your boxers everyday!!


I am mad!!! Stop ignoring me DongJoo!!


I love you sweetie pie :wub:


We made the cover!!!! Yuppie!!



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Guest knweaye

I'm so sad after reading the written preview for Eps. 11 and 12 because Ahgusshi is going back to his wife/ex-wife.  I don't think YH loves his wife deeply and the reason he goes back to her is because he pities her helplessness which she herself admits after the funeral.  Maybe he thinks he's still responsible for her wellbeing despite the fact she admits having affairs during their rather empty marriage where he neglects the work, being a workaholic.  I believe he feels the warmth and sweetness in Da Ji which he misses in the wife, who seems broody and moody and spiteful.  Poor Da Ji is going to have her heart broken for the second time, and it's true when she tells Dong Joo she's unlucky in her men.  Though Dong Joo looks like he sincerely loves her, still he's so immature when they first get married; otherwise I suppose the marriage would have been consummated and things would have been different, no quickie divorce.  What I don't understand is why older people of the couple don't do anything to prevent the divorce.  I know Dong Joo's dad is opposed to the marriage in the first place, but why doesn't grandpa do anything to prevent the breakup?  What about Da Ji's dad too?  He seems to like Dong Joo and asks after him when he meets the grandfather.  Maybe he's so involved with his own troubles that he doesn't care what's happening to Da Ji's marriage.

Me I don't want to see JY kissing Dong Joo at all, even though I selfishly won't mind if Da Ji ends up with the Ahgusshi who's so charming and mature and polished.  No wonder Ja Di falls for YH as she must have enough of dong Joo's immaturity despite the deep love betweent them.  They were really too young to get married and they couldn't cope with the reality of marriage which entails compromises and understanding.  If Ja Di must reunite with Dong Joo, I hope we'll be given a believable reason why she changes her love for YH to rediscovering/rekindling her old love for her ex-husband.  I hope it won't be a case of rebound after she's been rejected by YH.  I don't why YH has to go back to his wife after the marriage has failed so miserably.   I really applaud her for reaceepting a woman who has been unfaithful so many times in the past.

So, JY may be left alone once Dong Joo declares his love for Ja Di once again.  He's sure to do that after what we see of his panicky run to the hospital after hearing Ja Di's involved in an accident.  Actually it's rather unfair for JY to be dumped by two men and I'm not totally convinced she really loves Dong Joo.  In the first episodes she is shown as still hankering for YH.  Only after she realizes that YH is falling for Ja Da does she decide to go to Dong Joo's side.  Even when she suggests dating to Dong Joo, I suspect she's doing it to get over her feelings for YH.

The remaining six episodes must portray Ja Di's discovering her love for YH is just infatuation and there must be a strong reason for her newborn love for Dong Joo.  I hope the writer will do a convincing job of it; otherwise I'd rather Ja Di ending up with YH and let the ex-wife fly away to oblivion! 

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Can't get Paradise Ranch out of my mind. Considering that it wasn't launched right away, honestly, I was expecting it to be like Heading to the Ground, then again, I also expected SKKS to be like that too - but like SKKS, Paradise Ranch is infectious. I just love the Da Ji character. Granted she's a caricature of a bubbly optimistic person, but Lee Yeon Hee pulls her off pretty well without being too excessive (then again I love clumsy upbeat characters). And Changmin! He is awkward, but like Kim Hyun Joong in Boys Over Flowers, beautiful to look at! And when he gives that loving look, he just melts my heart! :wub:

@lanziepanzie – I agree, this drama is underrated. It’s sad because of its time slot it doesn’t get the love it deserves. Granted, the quality of filming doesn’t quite fit a prime-time feel but more like a daily drama, but Da Ji come across as delightful and Changmin with his boyish charms fits well as Dong Joo.

@knweaye – to quote one of my fave jdrama characters, Nodame: “GYABOOOOO!” Spoilers for ep 11 and 12 are sending me for a spin! I had a feeling that something will draw YH back to his wife – this drama gives off the vibe “I’m going to be predictable.” Which I don’t mind because I hope that both DJs (Da Ji and Dong Joo ^^) get together. As for JY - I can't help but feel she's just a plot device. I don't feel she's developed at all - I just can't figure out how to care about her or if I should at all. Sad really, if she was more developed, the drama would have had more depth.

I find myself waiting more the next Paradise Ranch ep than any other drama I'm currently watching. I am hoping for more romance to develop between the DJs - I have a thing for childish bickering couples, because when they do show affection - it's just so sweet. Here's some pics of why I'm so hooked (an example of Changmin's sweet loving look :wub: ):


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Thanks semi-fly for the link.

Alexus I caught live streaming tonight.Man oh man what an episode.However I am on an absolute high over Dream HIgh ep 16 tonight.

Catch you later I've got PR to upload soon and I want to say goodbye to the DH team.It's so sad we are all leaving for different dramas.

Oh I need to write about ep 11 otherwise i will violate the soompi rules.Well live streming was lagging so bady tonight.For every 10sec of talk I had 20sec of lag.It was a killer because I caught so many important scenes but couldn't figure out the whole conversation.It was so frustrating.DJ's mum was talking about him and then the connection died.Ajusshi was crying over DJ and then the sound died.DJ yelling to DJ about YH and then ???? Oh one thing came loud and clear....DJ is back into the protective mode he used to be over DJ right?I mean it was mentioned that he was quiet last time unless it came to DJ.He was like that tonight wasn't he?


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Guest bibidep

Hello all Ranchers.

Wow about the kiss between Dong Joo anh Jin Young in episode 11 was prove that Dong Joo is also in love with Jin Young, but after the kiss he stills very concern about Da Ji, I give up on him, I have no idea what is he thinking. I have to wait for Alexus recaps and see what he said. He went to drink some sake in a small shop on the street, first time I saw him had a real sad face and he call his mom and talked to her with a soft voice and very sad, his mom and him almost cry.

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