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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Just a quick aside: I also know this was the moment that, for a number of newer fans, they realized that JW smoked. I knew already years ago, but I do remember how surprised I was when I first found out, so...yeah. :unsure:

I remember finding out on that Japanese show he did before Cantabile. And I had a hard time associating that the cute boy from 2D1N smoked.

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lol - Guess we're not the only ones who thought JW looked extremely baby-faced in his birthday photos. Check out what happened when a fan put those shots through How-old.net




So, apparently, it varies. A lot. But still, a 13 year old girl??? That's hilarious! :lol:


10 hours ago, airplanegirl said:

I remember finding out on that Japanese show he did before Cantabile. And I had a hard time associating that the cute boy from 2D1N smoked.


For me, it was...I don't remember exactly when, but I'd just started finding out how many Hallyu stars smoked and so I actually searched JW up on Google for that. I remember really hoping that the answer would be no, but my search turned up a candid shot (or maybe paparazzi - it was those weird taken-from-really-far-away-in-what-looks-like-a-private-moment pics) from when he was filming "Level 7 Civil Servant".


I was really stunned - and more than a bit upset - at first, but over time, I realized that my reaction said more about me as a person than it did about JW. Here's why. I grew up being taught that "good kids don't smoke, drink, do drugs, get tattoos, etc." - especially not Christian kids. And I knew that JW professed to be a Christian, and that's what upset me. It was like, in that moment, realizing that he smoked made me question not so much his health choices but his moral ones.


But then I got to thinking: instead of judging JW by my own cultural context, I should look at his. And that's how, after a bit more research, I discovered just how socially acceptable smoking was in many parts of the world, including South Korea - especially among men. In other words: so long as they're not breaking the law (e.g. smoking underage or in non-smoking areas, or smoking something illegal like marijuana), then it's generally considered okay to either choose to smoke or not to smoke (i.e. smoking doesn't make you look like a bad or rebellious person).


Some time after that, I started seeing more news about allegations of sexual assault popping up all over the Hallyu world, and that actually cemented my new perspective even further. Because in hindsight, when it comes to vices...I realized I would prefer that JW smoked than that he drank - because last time I checked, no-one's ever sexually assaulted someone else whilst under the influence of nicotine ;) 


However, there is one last caveat: while I can't say I mind that JW smokes, I do still wish he wouldn't. Because it's bad for his health in the long run, and it's also wasted potential. Think about it: if his voice is already so strong and awesome and melodic as-is, then how much better could it have been if he hadn't smoked? So there is still that to deal with.... :cold_sweat:



One last thing: I know I'd just mentioned marijuana as something illegal, which might sound weird coming from a Canadian, especially in this day and age. But let's just say that I never agreed with legalizing it. And besides, I meant illegal in Korea.


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Hi JW girls  :)


cr to DC


Wow JW’s birthday LnqJ7R4.gif     Hope he had a wonderful birthday.  Hope he will make a decision about his new drama soon. 

Found another JW 33rd Birthday Mural IG



First one from JW DC    From it I found the bride’s IG (wedding 9/29) and JW’s clip (#5)






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Hey there @booha 

Really thank you so much for keeping this thread alive! :heart:

Yeah, hopefully we will hear news about JW's drama soon.... Really can't wait!!

And who knows both of our biases JW and CJH will appear together in one drama in the future.... :wub::wub:


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11 hours ago, booha said:

Wow JW’s birthday LnqJ7R4.gif     Hope he had a wonderful birthday.  Hope he will make a decision about his new drama soon. 


9 hours ago, Tasia said:

Yeah, hopefully we will hear news about JW's drama soon.... Really can't wait!!


Same here. I was initially hoping that he'd jump back in right away, because I thought that would give him a head start compared to all the Hallyu stars that were still doing their enlistment back when he was discharged in February.


(Mostly because I still think JW is underrated and I wanted him to have that moment in the spotlight that his acting deserved.)


But well here we are, half a year later, and still nothing confirmed. It sounds like "Hotel Alice" (or whatever other version of the title you recognize) is our closest bet, but that's coming out early next year and I keep hoping that JW would do something unannounced this fall as a surprise.


9 hours ago, Tasia said:

And who knows both of our biases JW and CJH will appear together in one drama in the future.... :wub::wub:


I know for sure I'll be kicking myself when I get a response, but I'm gonna ask anyway: who are you referring to by CJH? I'm, like, 80% sure it's Choi Jin Hyuk, but I know I could be wrong..... :unsure:


As for who I'd want co-starring with JW...that's a good question :sweat_smile: It'd be really awesome if he ended up working alongside another big A-list celebrity his age, but I also know that'd be totally unrealistic (like: just how big of a budget would that production have to have to hire both of them?). So right now, more realistically, I'd say that I'd like JW to be paired with a younger up-and-coming actor - playing the hyung rather than the dongsaeng for a change.

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Hahahaha yes, @kittyna You're right.

I was referring to CJH as Choi Jin Hyuk...


Yeah well, but recently, there are a lot of A list actors/actresses are taking the same drama and it's awesome....

Anyway... I was just hoping for uri Joo Won to land on  a great drama again..


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23 hours ago, Tasia said:

Hey there @booha 

Really thank you so much for keeping this thread alive! :heart:

Yeah, hopefully we will hear news about JW's drama soon.... Really can't wait!!

And who knows both of our biases JW and CJH will appear together in one drama in the future.... :wub::wub:


 Wow it didn’t occur to me about JW and CJH in the same drama but your suggestion ignited my stale  imagination.     Something like Youngpal, with JW dapper & smooth & contemporary and CJH stubbornly rigid & old fashioned  hahaha    Never can tell how things could twirl around under the thumb of the fate goddess right?!  Let's pray :blush:


@Tasia  @kittyna

Sorry to say between JW and CJH, JW is higher up in acting chops.    No doubt CJH would feel honor to be in JW’s drama though CJH is a year older.  :)



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On 10/3/2019 at 9:02 PM, Tasia said:

Hahahaha yes, @kittyna You're right.

I was referring to CJH as Choi Jin Hyuk...


On 10/3/2019 at 10:42 PM, booha said:

Sorry to say between JW and CJH, JW is higher up in acting chops.    No doubt CJH would feel honor to be in JW’s drama though CJH is a year older.  :)


I knew CJH by name, but after looking him up...I honestly can't vouch for his acting or compare him with JW, since, just by coincidence, I actually haven't watched the dramas he's in where he's played a significant role. I did watch "Pasta", but can't seem to recall who his character was - like, I know he was one of the cooks, but can't really visualize which one in my head. 


Which means, if nothing else, that I'm probably one of the rare handful of Hallyu fans who hasn't watched "The Heirs" :P I dunno - I think I outgrew the teen/high school drama by the time I started watching K-dramas, so it just never caught my eye. I do have my sights set on "Tunnel", though, so chances are I'll get a better firsthand look at CJH's acting eventually.


On 10/3/2019 at 10:42 PM, booha said:

 Wow it didn’t occur to me about JW and CJH in the same drama but your suggestion ignited my stale  imagination.     Something like Youngpal, with JW dapper & smooth & contemporary and CJH stubbornly rigid & old fashioned  hahaha    Never can tell how things could twirl around under the thumb of the fate goddess right?!  Let's pray :blush:


Okay, if JW ends up taking on a role similar to Kim Tae Hyun in "Yong Pal", then I'm all for it. I both really liked what the role allowed for him to do in terms of acting, and what he ultimately did with the character to flesh him out.


So right now, I am optimistic about "Hotel Alice" if he takes it. At first, the premise sounded really weird and out-there, but recent updates that came along with the rumours about who'd be cast for the female lead have added enough that I can honestly see JW playing the part now.

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Just thought I'd share this: Grazia released the behind-the-scenes footage from JW's recent photoshoot.



And we also have the B-cut photos from his stuff for Brentwood:




Also, I want to give a quick writing-related update for those who are interested. I'd said before that I had ideas for an "Ojakgyo Brothers" story, and I am glad to say that it's coming along. It's not finished yet, but I think I can get away with releasing a short Preview - just so you guys can see in advance what it's gonna be about ;)



“Boys! Come out here – your father has something to tell you!”


“Ne, Eomma!” I yell back through the closed door. Quickly, I use my ruler to mark my place in my book. “We’re coming!”


I turn off the light on the desk and get ready to go outside. But even when I’m done tidying up my stuff, Hyung still has not moved. He’s still lying on his back on the top bunk, reading his comic book.


I groan and roll my eyes. “Hyung, come on – we’ve got to go.”


“Just a minute, Tae Beom,” he says. “I’m almost finished this page.”


Fuming – yes, that’s a good word: “fuming” – I snatch up my eraser from my desk and throw it right at him. It misses and flies right past him, but it still manages to make a loud smack as it hits the wall.


“Ya!” Hyung sits up and glares down at me. “What was that for?!”


I know it makes me look babyish, but I stamp my foot anyway. “Come on, Hyung!” I whine. “We gotta go!”


“Alright, alright,” he mutters, finally starting to climb down. “I’m coming.”


“And what would Halmeoni say,” I snap back at him, “if she found out you were reading your comics in bed – again? You’ve already got glasses, and you want to mess up your eyesight even more?” I make circles with my fingers and hold them up to my face. “Four-eyes!”


“Ya, Hwang Tae Beom!”


Hyung tries to smack me, but I’m faster than him. We run out into the main room of the apartment, almost crashing right into Tae Pil. Normally, he’d get mad at me – and then I’d get mad at him, and then either Hyung or one of the grown-ups will have to break us up. But today, he just pouts at me his shoulder before pointing over at the other side of the room.


“Appa” – he’s still too little to start saying “Abeoji” yet – “who’s that?”


Hyung shushes him with a pinch, but he doesn’t scold him like he usually does.


Because all three of us are too busy staring at the kid Abeoji’s holding. He looks to be about Tae Pil’s size, but it’s hard to tell since he’s got his arms wrapped around Abeoji’s neck like a koala bear. He’s also got his head down, so I can’t see his face, either.


“Boys,” Abeoji says, “you all remember your cousin, Tae Hui, right?”


Hyung and I both nod, but Tae Pil shakes his head. Of course he wouldn’t remember – the last time we saw our aunt and cousin was at our uncle’s funeral, and Tae Pil had been just a baby.


“Well, here’s the thing.” Slowly, Abeoji crouches down on the floor. “Something’s come up, so he’s going to be staying with us.”


As Hyung makes a confused face and starts asking Abeoji more questions, Tae Pil runs closer. I follow behind him until we are both right up close.


“Annyeong!” Tae Pil chirps, waving his hand back and forth.


Finally, Tae Hui looks up. He blinks slowly at us, rubbing his eyes with his hand, before staring blankly at us.


Had he been sleeping?


“Annyeong!” Tae Pil says again. “I’m your cousin, Hwang Tae Pil.” He holds out one hand. “You wanna play?”


But Tae Hui doesn’t say anything. He just stares down at Tae Pil’s hand for a second before burying his face in Abeoji’s shoulder again.


Tae Pil is confused. He steps closer, waving his hand. If Tae Hui were looking up at us, Tae Pil’s hand would be right in his face. But nothing happens.


“Appa…” Tae Pil looks lost. “What’s wrong with him? Can’t he talk?”


“Ya!” I hiss at him. “You can’t just ask someone that – that’s rude!”


“Gwenchana, Tae Pil-ah,” Hyung says, coming over to join us. “He’s probably just shy. Isn’t that right, Abeoji?”


Abeoji looks at all of us out of the corner of his eye. “Geu rae.” He gives Tae Hui a little bounce. “Be patient, Maknae,” he says to Tae Pil. “He’ll warm up to you three soon enough.” He whispers something in Tae Hui’s ear. I can’t hear what it is, but it makes Tae Hui look back up and give us a shy wave.


“Aigoo! Is that our Tae Hui?!”


Halmeoni’s voice from the kitchen is so loud, it makes Tae Hui jump, his eyes growing super-wide. He turns around to look just as she comes out, clapping her hands at him.


“Look at you – you’ve gotten so big already!” Halmeoni bustles over to us. “Hwang Sa-jang,” she says to Abeoji, “I would have come out sooner, but there’s so much to be done now that our Tae Hui is here.” By now, she’s bending down in front of us, holding her arms out. “Tae Hui-yah – you still remember your dear old Halmeoni, don’t you?” She claps her hands gently. “Come and let me take a good look at you.”


Hyung and I exchange looks. If Tae Hui’s already so shy with kids like us, how’s he gonna react to her? But then, after staring at her for so long that I’m starting to think he really is scared, he unwraps his arms from around Abeoji’s neck and holds them out to her.




It’s been so long, but Tae Hui’s voice is just as cute as I remember it: quiet, almost as high as a girl’s. And his smile is the same as before, too: small – just big enough to show his two front teeth – but sweet, maybe because he’s got dimples.


Like a bunny rabbit’s, the grown-ups used to say.


Halmeoni scoops him up right away, staggering just a little as she stands back up. “Omo, omo, omo…” she murmurs to him, “you’re so heavy now.” She gives him a little bounce, so he’s sitting more comfortably in her arms. “Soon you’ll be too big for your Halmeoni to carry you anymore – and then, when you’re even bigger still, I bet you’ll be just as tall and strong as your Abeoji was.”


Tae Pil nudges me with his elbow. “Why’s he not scared?” he whispers


“Because,” Hyung answers when I glance at him, “before our Uncle’s accident, Halmeoni used to babysit him. So Tae Hui knows Halmeoni better than he does all the rest of us.”


“Oh….” Tae Pil nods, pointing one finger at his chin like he’s so smart.


“Maknae-yah,” Halmeoni says as she puts Tae Hui back down on the floor, “why don’t you show Tae Hui your room? He likes cars – just like you.”


Tae Pil grins. “Ne, Halmeoni!” he chirps back, giving her a salute. Then, going over to Tae Hui, he grabs onto his hand. “Come on! You wanna race cars with me?”


Tae Hui looks back at Halmeoni, but when she gestures for him to go ahead, he smiles and nods at Tae Pil. And then they’re both off, running into Tae Pil’s room, even as Abeoji calls out to remind them both that Tae Hui’s a year older, so “Be nice, Maknae!”


That leaves Hyung and me, and all the grown-ups.


Yeah...it can probably use some tweaking :P In my defence, I've never tried writing in a child's voice before, so that's been the most challenging aspect of this so far. Still, here's hoping the whole thing will be finished soon :) 

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(uncle google trans :))

Speaking of Japanese is interesting ♪ (´ε `) is cute (か わ い い) ♥ ️
✔️ Fan Club Website Renewal Message NEW!
Japanese translation)
Official Japanese fan club from October 1, 2019
The homepage has been renewed!
Please come to play a lot ~ ♡




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"Kim Tak Gu" bakery - I think this is the actual one they filmed in, and it's been all fitted out to be themed to the drama since :P 




And you know you've been in this fandom too long when you can actually tell which shots each of these came from :P 




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On 10/5/2019 at 9:42 PM, kittyna said:

Which means, if nothing else, that I'm probably one of the rare handful of Hallyu fans who hasn't watched "The Heirs" :P I dunno - I think I outgrew the teen/high school drama by the time I started watching K-dramas, so it just never caught my eye. I do have my sights set on "Tunnel", though, so chances are I'll get a better firsthand look at CJH's acting eventually.


I haven't watched Heirs..I don't plan watching it either. I heard too many things goes on in drama and sometimes they're absurd. There's also another reason to avoid it. But it's not a good one so i'll skip mentioning it. :P


Choi Jin Hyuk is a very good actor. His acting took time to flourish but he's really good. As you're eyeing Tunnle, I do suggest you to watch this one when you've time. I can't praise Tunnle enough for nicely executing time travel and crime theme with well performed cast. The blend of everything in that drama was perfect. This drama gave critical acclaim to CJH's potential as an actor. He caught my eyes in 2014 when I watched his drama Pride and Prejudice, a legal drama, that's a very good one too. I recommend that one too. I never saw many well thought reviews of Pride & Prejudice, But I personally liked it so very much.


@booha and @Tasia, I do think it's tough to cast two top actors in one drama. But well there can always be cameo roles or special roles. So I think acting together can happen. 

Oh also..I tend to forget about movies. I'm more of a drama person. Two or more top actors can be casted easily in movies.


It seems like JW is almost decided on "Hotel Alice" or "Alice" because they're still associating him in news of that drama. 

They're talking about Kim Hee Sun as female lead.. I know she's good..But I wish JW could do dramas with other good actresses around his age. This sentiment of mine is nothing against Kim Hee Sun, just my wish to see JW now with actresses with similar age group. And if the production is thinking of casting Kim Hee Sun, the drama might be of noona romance. If it's not a noona romance story, the age gap will be glaring in my opinion. But I would like to be optimistic. It's his comeback project. Hopefully everything will turn out good, whatever it is.


Speaking of Joo Won and Kim Hee Sun, they received influence award from a Chinese award show together in 2015..

So is it in their destiny to work together..?  :lol:



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8 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I haven't watched Heirs..I don't plan watching it either. I heard too many things goes on in drama and sometimes they're absurd. There's also another reason to avoid it. But it's not a good one so i'll skip mentioning it. :P


I think "The Heirs" gets a bit of a bad rap for being a teenybopper sort of drama - i.e., that it's really shallow and just for teenagers, and that it became so popular because it was marketed to that particular demographic (who drive most of the "sexy Oppa" side of the Hallyu market). Not having watched it before, I don't know if it deserves that reputation - personally, I want to give it the benefit of the doubt and hope that it's got enough depth to warrant its popularity - but I do remember "The Heirs" specifically coming up in the comments on an Instagram post by a JW fan who was frustrated that "Bridal Mask" and "Good Doctor" were relatively underrated dramas.


Okay, it took me way longer than it should have to track down that post again, but here it is (the mention of "The Heirs" shows up in the comments that other fans left rather than on the actual post, so you'd have to click through to see it):



Point is: I figured out pretty early on that there's a bit of...not really hostility, but just a generally bad feeling from JW's fans on his behalf whenever they compare his popularity in proportion to that of actors in the typical "flower boy"-style dramas. I'm still not entirely sure what to make of that, to be honest, but I do like JW chooses roles that fall outside the box :glasses:


11 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

@booha and @Tasia, I do think it's tough to cast two top actors in one drama. But well there can always be cameo roles or special roles. So I think acting together can happen. 

Oh also..I tend to forget about movies. I'm more of a drama person. Two or more top actors can be casted easily in movies.


I should probably specify that I meant, say, casting two A-list actors as the male leads - an A-list actor combined with an A-list actress is very common. But when it's two guys, chances are there's at least a slight difference in terms of how popular they are, such as combining a more established actor with one who's starting to get famous. There are examples of dramas where that works out well for both of them, but I know that that's not a guarantee ("Cheese in the Trap" being one particularly infamous example where things went wrong).


11 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

It seems like JW is almost decided on "Hotel Alice" or "Alice" because they're still associating him in news of that drama. 

They're talking about Kim Hee Sun as female lead.. I know she's good..But I wish JW could do dramas with other good actresses around his age. This sentiment of mine is nothing against Kim Hee Sun, just my wish to see JW now with actresses with similar age group. And if the production is thinking of casting Kim Hee Sun, the drama might be of noona romance. If it's not a noona romance story, the age gap will be glaring in my opinion. But I would like to be optimistic. It's his comeback project. Hopefully everything will turn out good, whatever it is.


Personally, I don't mind seeing JW paired with an older actress, whether it's a noona-dongsaeng sort of story or not. What matters, in my opinion, is whether both he and the actress end up playing characters with a reasonable amount of maturity for their ages - which is where, I think, "Level 7 Civil Servant" fell flat, since not only was it hard enough trying to visualize JW and Choi Kang Hee's characters as peers who are close in age, but JW's character in particular was so childish that it made the age difference an even bigger deal than it was to begin with. (Yet, after seeing JW and CKH's interactions with each other on 1N2D, I thought they were really sweet as a noona-dongsaeng friendship - I guess their real-life personalities meshed better than their drama characters' ones did.)


If JW does end up working with Kim Hee Sun, that's the same age difference (10 years). However, I'm way more optimistic about that working this time around, since I can see how JW's matured as an actor and as a person since 2013. Now, I can definitely see him portraying an older character if that's what's asked of him. :) 

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Some updates on the whole "Hotel Alice" situation:



This does seem to answer some of the questions that have been raised here about the age difference between JW and Kim Hee Sun, if nothing else. Also, they'd better be offering him a really sweet deal, since they've stretched out this negotiation process for months. Like, I'm pretty sure it normally doesn't take this long???


Also, if JW does agree to this, he'll be playing a cop again. Which would make this the fourth time, I think? I'm counting "Ojakgyo Brothers", "Gaksital" and "Catch Me/Steal My Heart"...am I missing any?


Finally, a couple of miscellaneous updates from the past day or two:



:skull:Sorry, but what the hell is that?! (Yes, it made me jump seeing that on Instagram this morning)



Just wondering: would anyone know whether that's makeup or a filter? Either way, it seems like JW's getting into the Halloween spirit already :naughty: Either that, or he's just watched "Joker"....


Close up of that shot if anyone needs it



And then we have JW's more artistic/aesthetic side (he didn't take the photo, but it's still got that vibe)



And last but not least, JW's totally dorky side, which I will admit was a welcome relief after that creepy shot from before :P (And don't worry, Oppa - hot coffee's nice too)





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On 10/25/2019 at 2:25 PM, kittyna said:


  Hide contents

Just wondering: would anyone know whether that's makeup or a filter? Either way, it seems like JW's getting into the Halloween spirit already :naughty: Either that, or he's just watched "Joker"....


I briefly looked through both Instagram and Snapchat and couldn't find the filter. I think maybe you have to search through the filters on Instagram though. (Part of the new Instagram update) Also.... I didn't get to check the SNOW app yet. I have a feeling it is just a filter. Haha.

Lot's of pictures of Joo Won on his phone. BTW.... is he still using his iPhone these days?
I thought he used an iPhone. Maybe he changed his phone??
Maybe he has many phones? Who knows. Lol. :ph34r:

Credit: Min Jung Kim via. Instagram


I'm glad Joo Won is enjoying his leisure time. The more happier he is, the more happier we are. :P

Credit: Si Young Lee via. Instagram


Also I wanted to share that I got the October issue of Grazia.







Sorry I didn't post all of the photos, but hopefully you guys saw most of them anyways online.
Whenever he does beautiful photo shoots I always have to buy the magazine they are in. Lol.
The last one I was in love with were the ones from the Céci December 2015 edition. :P

What a beautiful man! :love:


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Joo Won's Korean Fan Club painted a mural and he posted a pictures on his Instagram showing he visited it, saw it in person and also thanked them. :P

I wish the Soompi Fans could do something for him again. I miss the days when we did cool things like the pillow with the signatures, sending him our postcards or our collection of personal messages we sent to him. :tears:

Credit: Joo Won via. Instagram


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@tokkimoon - Thanks for all the recent pics you've been sharing :) It's great to see JW having fun with his friends. He seems to hang out with this bunch quite a lot, since I've seen @leesiyoung38 show up numerous times on Instagram updates.


I also think it's cute that he checked out his own birthday mural. By the way, if you look at the Instagram story JW posted of it, he includes a really sweet but unintentionally funny message:




Okay, so I imagine "thanksful" is just a typo - or he mixed up "full of thanks" and "thankful". Either way, it's cute. :blush: But I honestly cracked up at "Y'all" - like, what???


For those who don't know: y'all = you all, is something that is very strongly associated with the accent of Americans living in the southern part of the US. So for those of you not from North America...think places like Texas :P So just hearing that drawl in my head while reading JW's caption...I don't think he meant for it to sound silly, but it just did. To me, anyway. I mean silly in a cute way, of course ;) 


Finally, I do want to share this with you all, since the fan who posted this wound up touching on one of JW's features that I find most physically attractive:




Yeah, I just really, really like JW's tiny waist for some reason. lol - other fans might be going googly-eyed over some of his other scenes, but the ones that do it for me are the moments in "Yong Pal" when he ties on that surgical apron and you just see how slim his torso was pre-enlistment.


Does that make me weird? I hope not.


Because honestly...I don't know why, but I'm not attracted to the big, bulked up, muscular guys. Maybe I find that intimidating (in a, "That guy could seriously hurt someone if he wanted to" sort of way) or vain or possibly even animalistic. I don't know, actually - I just know that that means things like chocolate abs really aren't my thing :P  


Instead, I much prefer guys with a leaner build - not skinny, but somewhere in that happy medium between skinny and beefed up. I usually use the term "gentleman scholar" to describe what I'm referring to: lean, wiry, with enough muscle on him to be able to pull off a button-up shirt or a closely tailored suit or tuxedo (or a tailcoat, like in "Nae Il's Cantabile" - those really require a nipped-in waist to look good), but not to the point of looking "big" - tall, yes, but not big.


So while it was JW's personality that first drew me to him, it doesn't hurt that physically, he just so happens to be more or less my type as well. I mean, I know he's gotten a lot more bulked up during and since his enlistment, but at the same time, I do feel that his general proportions haven't changed that much (save for his arms - those are massive now).


One last thing: I'm almost finished the "Ojakgyo Brothers" fanfic I've been working on. I don't want to release another preview, since it's not really all that long to begin with, but I just thought I'd give everyone a heads up that it is coming - I'm just slow because real life has been busy.

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