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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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13 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Which is why I said I may be proven wrong by Episode 4 - because I already knew that too many things would start lining up with the prophecy for it to be dismissed ;) However, my spiel about Episode 3 still stands, at least in my opinion, because the events we've seen so far raise the question as to whether things are happening like this because of the prophecy (i.e. you can't change fate), or if the prophecy is simply a reflection of what people would do anyway.

And also, the girl from the first episode is indeed Yoon Tae-Yi, I was like how come she did not recognize herself as a child. I think they'll go with the parallel universe theory to explain this, otherwise it will end up as a big plot hole :anguished:

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[Substar] "It's not CG?"... JooWon, the hottest scene in the drama'Alice'

Editor Jina Yoon

Input 2020.09.07 18:15
Revision 2020.09.07 18:15[Substar] "It's not CG?"...  Joo-won, the hottest scene in the drama'Alice'

Actor Joo-won, who is appearing in the SBS Friday and Saturday drama 'Alice', certified 'Boldness' in an unexpected scene.

In episode 1 of'Alice', which aired for the first time on the 28th of last month, Joo-won showed walking on the railing between high-rise buildings to catch the criminal. The railing Joowon walked was very high for the actor to actually walk, so most viewers responded that "CG processing is very natural."


However, on the 4th, Joowon's management company Huayi Brothers released the behind-the-scenes photo, revealing the reversal of the scene. In the photo, Joowon was actually walking on the railing of a high-rise building while wearing a safety device. The agency side released the behind-the-scenes photo and added, "The scene I was walking around on the long-awaited rooftop, I wonder if the actor Joo Won shakes? My heart beats violently." I added a surprise to show.


The netizens who saw this were surprised by reactions such as "It's scary just to see", "How do you laugh there? It's amazing", "I thought it was CG of course...

'Alice' is a drama about the story of a man and a woman who had an eternal breakup due to death and met again beyond the limits of time and dimension. In the play, Joo-won plays the role of'Park Jin-gyeom', a police officer who suffers from congenital anesthesia.

(Photo = SBS drama'Alice' broadcast screen capture, Huayi Brothers)

(SBS Substar)


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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

And also, the girl from the first episode is indeed Yoon Tae-Yi, I was like how come she did not recognize herself as a child. I think they'll go with the parallel universe theory to explain this, otherwise it will end up as a big plot hole


I know that, given the events in Episode 4, the "parallel universe" route is most likely, but actually, I was never bothered by this part at all. Maybe I just interpreted the scene from Episode 1 differently, but I actually thought the older Yoon Tae Yi's reaction was because she recognized herself and remembered how traumatic this childhood experience was. Or, if nothing else, she at least suspected that this was her younger self - it looks like mini-Tae Yi wound up suppressing these memories (as hinted by her inability to say her own (original) name or the way she just answers everything with "I don't know"), so maybe this is the older Tae Yi's first time confronting her past. For me, that explains her reluctance to leave mini-Tae Yi alone; even after Yoo Min Hyuk tells her to leave, adult-Tae Yi stays behind long enough to make sure that the police have arrived and mini-Tae Yi is safe.


@mystylee33 - Thanks for sharing this article! It's funny that JW was telling everyone to look out for the action scene in Episode 3...but the fans wound up focusing on this one instead :P 


I do want to point out, though, that the article mistakenly described Park Jin Gyeom as having "congenital anesthesia"/"congenital analgesia" - that's an innate inability to feel physical pain, and isn't related to emotions.

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Alice gets the meme treatment - This one's actually pretty clever :)


And this one, too. It reminds me of that time on Healing Camp when, after gushing about everything she likes about JW, Kim Tae Hee just said, "I want a son like him." :P  Of course, everyone knew it was because she was already with Rain, but getting "son-zoned" (or, in this case, "mom-zoned") is still pretty savage ;) 

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

There's also this meme now - good thing this isn't meant to be romantic, or Park Jin Gyeom would have completely blown his chances at this rate 

What?! Guessing wrong age will blow up chances? :scream:


1 hour ago, kittyna said:

And a few more set design details - This company must have supplied a lot of the furniture that's used in Alice, since they did Jin Gyeom's apartment as well.

So far project placement is minimal in the series, I have observed few alcoholic drinks and soft drinks.

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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

What?! Guessing wrong age will blow up chances?


Wait, what? Sorry - I'm confused now....


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

So far project placement is minimal in the series, I have observed few alcoholic drinks and soft drinks.


My guess is that Alice isn't the sort of drama whose story lends itself to things like pit stops at Subway :P Instead, I think the product placement is in the form of suppliers (i.e. who's providing the set props, clothes, software for the fancy fictional devices, etc.). Also, there does seem to be some sponsorship just from whichever brands the actors had deals with already; I've noticed banner ads during the title screen or final credits along those lines, for instance.


By the way, I'm really loving the first song from Alice's OST so far - but it took me way longer than it should have to realize she was singing in English the entire time :P Also, I wonder what (if anything) I should read into the references to Bonnie and Clyde in the lyrics. 

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8 minutes ago, kittyna said:

Wait, what? Sorry - I'm confused now....

Okay, you said that if the relationship between Jin-Gyeom and Tae-Yi is not Mother- Son, then the way Jin-Gyeom approaching her will completely blow up his chances to have any kind of romantic relationship with her, right? So, I am wondering if guessing wrong age of a female lead by male lead will also blows up the chances of Male lead?

12 minutes ago, kittyna said:

By the way, I'm really loving the first song from Alice's OST so far - but it took me way longer than it should have to realize she was singing in English the entire time :P Also, I wonder what (if anything) I should read into the references to Bonnie and Clyde in the lyrics. 

What? Where did Bonnie and Clyde come from? Perhaps, Jin-Gyeom and Tae-Yi are inseparable like them. By the way, is there no intro music for Alice? I happened to find none on YouTube or on streaming website

25 minutes ago, kittyna said:

My guess is that Alice isn't the sort of drama whose story lends itself to things like pit stops at Subway

Yeah- I have never seen Subway product placement in any action drama, it is more like Rom-com drama thing

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On 9/6/2020 at 9:05 PM, kireeti2 said:

Fan art


This is so cute..:heart:

On 9/7/2020 at 6:15 PM, kittyna said:

By the way, the costume design is something else I've really been liking about Alice so far, especially Jin Gyeom's. I know that his clothes tend to be really plain and also a bit repetitive (solid-coloured T-shirt and jeans with a baggy jacket thrown on top), but compared to many other dramas I've seen (where there's literally a different coat in every single scene), there's something really refreshingly realistic about that. I dunno; is it just me, or do you guys feel this way, too?


Yeah..Agree Jin Gyeom's fashion as a detective seems quite realistic.. and it follows the same pattern.. also JW looks good .. :glasses:



Btw, Saw this interesting place on https://janghaven.com/topic/32-2020-alice-앨리스-episode-5-6/page/3/ .

The place where the cafe library fighting scene of episode 3 has been shot.






It's called Forest Outing, cafe garden shop.. Such a pretty place.


For more pictures and Info: https://blog.naver.com/leekyunga920/222081303536


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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

Okay, you said that if the relationship between Jin-Gyeom and Tae-Yi is not Mother- Son, then the way Jin-Gyeom approaching her will completely blow up his chances to have any kind of romantic relationship with her, right? So, I am wondering if guessing wrong age of a female lead by male lead will also blows up the chances of Male lead?


Most likely, yes. Guessing a woman's age outright is probably an even bigger offense than asking ;) 


Sorry - It's just that "blow [his] chances" is an expression by itself (meaning "ruin [his] chances"), but the "up" in "blow up" threw me off. I was like, "Is there another expression I don't know about, or did you misunderstand what I said in the first place?"


1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

What? Where did Bonnie and Clyde come from? Perhaps, Jin-Gyeom and Tae-Yi are inseparable like them.


Apparently, that's what the lyrics say (at least according to the comments in this video) - I would never have expected that just from listening to the audio.


But given that, maybe it is a hint at Park Jin Gyeom and Yoon Tae Yi forming some sort of epic tag-team - maybe one that even fights back against the drama's antagonists (still fuzzy who those would be, but you get the idea). At least I hope that's the association with Bonnie and Clyde they're going for, because anything else doesn't exactly bode well for our drama characters :evillaugh:


I do think it's unfortunate that the online streamed versions of these dramas seldom include the opening sequence (unless that comes in partway through, like in Gaksital). But I did manage to find this version of it on Instagram.


44 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

Btw, Saw this interesting place on https://janghaven.com/topic/32-2020-alice-앨리스-episode-5-6/page/3/ .

The place where the cafe library fighting scene of episode 3 has been shot.


Cool - thanks for sharing that! It genuinely looks like a very peaceful place to hang out - but I can imagine how that would change once tourists start flocking there after COVID-19 is over. :D 


44 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

Yeah..Agree Jin Gyeom's fashion as a detective seems quite realistic.. and it follows the same pattern.. also JW looks good ..


I just think it's the sort of mix-and-match wardrobe a 20-something-year-old guy might actually have, if he wants to look presentable but still favours comfort over appearance. I know that, in actuality, JW's own style is even more casual, but bonus points for Park Jin Gyeom's wardrobe being predominantly in the neutral colours that we know JW likes.

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54 minutes ago, kittyna said:

I do think it's unfortunate that the online streamed versions of these dramas seldom include the opening sequence (unless that comes in partway through, like in Gaksital). But I did manage to find this version of it on Instagram.


Yes..sad that intro's are missing from regular sites.. Gaksital had one, I think Yong Pal had one too. This Intro of Alice was shared in 10 minutes teaser tho.. this one got shared in press conference. The full intro is from 00:25 to 00.55. IG one is missing just a few seconds.




This somewhat raw or better I should say longer behind the scene of SBS  New Late Night E News interview of JW and KHS has been released today..focus on this video is KHS mostly.. it's just a detailed version of the original one that got aired in TV.



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I also found a couple of clips from Kim Hee Sun's recent appearance on Master in the House - seeing her interacting with the cast like this, I feel like she probably did more than her fair share of teasing JW during Alice filming. Like, she's just so bubbly and mischievous here, and I could imagine her doing the same kinds of things to JW on set.





Also, a rather promising review of Alice so far. I think what's particularly worth noting here are its comments about how well Alice is doing despite having a - by now rather overplayed - sci-fi premise because at its heart, there's a really solid mystery. Also, note how it describes both JW and Kim Hee Sun as "underrated". ;) 


4 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Yes..sad that intro's are missing from regular sites.. Gaksital had one, I think Yong Pal had one too.


If memory serves me right, Yong Pal's intro played in the beginning - either that, or the Cantonese dubbed version I watched decided to just make one that did :P 


I think my favorite intro so far, simply in terms of being somewhat outside of the box, was My Sassy Girl. I liked the idea of showing objects relating to the characters rather than their faces, for some reason.


Finally, putting Alice aside for a second, here's a group photo of the Ghost musical cast :) 

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And here I am with my thoughts on Episode 4 of Alice!



First of all, I'm not gonna lie: even knowing how the episode ends (i.e. with Jin Gyeom accidentally going back to 2010), the actual accident with the truck made me jump. Kudos to the production team for that mood whiplash! 


Which means that, once again, I'm starting from the end and moving my way back :P Right now, like Jin Gyeom, I'm left with so many questions about Seok Oh Won (albeit questions of a different sort than "Did you kill my mom?"). It's clear that he knows the prophecy - since he has the book - but how on earth did he end up with the book in the first place? To be honest, I assumed that Yoo Min Hyuk took the book back to "Alice" with him in 1992 (because he looked pretty calm after checking the safe), but just for this, I went back and rewatched that moment from Episode 1...and we never see what Min Hyuk discovers when he opens the safe after Tae Yi's disappearance. Could it be that Tae Yi actually took the book with her, presumably to stop anyone from "Alice" making the connection between the prophecy and her pregnancy? If so, how on earth was she targeted and killed anyway, and how is the book with Oh Won now?


As for my second bunch of questions re: Oh Won - what does he know (or at least suspect) about Park Jin Gyeom? The events in this episode seem to imply that he's realized that Jin Gyeom's the child in the prophecy; even if he wasn't sure from Jin Gyeom's questions about time travel, he's definitely thinking along those lines after hearing Yoon Tae Yi's description of the time card. 


So, given those two things - Seok Oh Won knows the prophecy, and he knows that Jin Gyeom's the one referred to in said prophecy - we come to my third and ultimate question: what's his game? Is it more in his interests to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled - or to actually bring it about? Because that truck accident didn't feel like much of an accident, if you ask me. Especially since it was a hit-and-run - I know it's rule of drama, but c'mon!


So now it's official: Park Jin Gyeom is the child in the prophecy, as evidenced by his actually being able to activate (albeit accidentally) the time card. And this idea - that he could potentially gain the ability to control time as a consequence - explains something that I wondered about Episodes 1+2: the way time froze when he saw Yoon Tae Yi for the first time. To be honest, in watching Episode 1, I thought that time stopped in a figurative sense, in that way we talk about time slowing down when we're shocked or surprised. But when, in Episode 2, we see how Jin Gyeom's tear literally breaks the spell...well, clearly there's more to it than that. And now that we know that Jin Gyeom is capable of time travel in his own right, that opens up a whole ton of other possibilities; too bad this is an ability that seems to have a mind of its own, though.


Before I move on to the other more serious thing I want to address, I just want to give a quick shout-out to Professor Yoon Tae Yi - because that girl's a riot. Oh, my goodness: her intense curiosity about that card and her increasingly convoluted methods to try to get it back had me cracking up so much in this episode :lol: I know Park Jin Gyeom is now convinced that she's Park Sun Young's complete opposite in terms of personality, but if Yoon Tae Yi actually is his mom (still need to figure out how she winds up so young in 2050 for that to work, though), then I can at least say that Jin Gyeom got his one-track mind from that side of the family ;) 


Which leads me to the other serious point I wanted to make: his dad's side. I'm glad that we once again get to see some breaks in Yoo Min Hyuk's armour, as he does appear to be deeply affected by what happened to Eun Soo's mother. My sense right now is that, whatever his priorities were at the start of the story, news of Yoon Tae Yi's supposed remarriage and their baby's supposed death has made him seriously regret that choice. And maybe that's why he completely throws himself into "Alice" now: because he wants to believe that his loss was not in vain.


I'm still curious about who lied to Min Hyuk, though, or why. Like, we know who literally told him all this (Oh Shi Young - he mentions a "Ms. Oh", so....), but I don't think she was the one who came up with that story. So this is something I definitely want to see more of in future episodes - and maybe, Episodes 5/6 will give me that chance, as it appears that Jin Gyeom's now curious about his father. Honestly, I don't know whose reaction will be more interesting once the truth gets out: Min Hyuk's or Jin Gyeom's. All I know is that it's going to completely blow their minds.


@kireeti2 - I went back and changed some things in my Episode 4 review, in case that affects your response.


Also, Soompi needs to realize that there is a legitimate non-offensive meaning for this word. I changed it anyway, but was definitely surprised to see it automatically censored. 

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11 hours ago, flutterby06 said:


Yes..sad that intro's are missing from regular sites.. Gaksital had one, I think Yong Pal had one too. This Intro of Alice was shared in 10 minutes teaser tho.. this one got shared in press conference. The full intro is from 00:25 to 00.55. IG one is missing just a few seconds.




This somewhat raw or better I should say longer behind the scene of SBS  New Late Night E News interview of JW and KHS has been released today..focus on this video is KHS mostly.. it's just a detailed version of the original one that got aired in TV.



Why are they just focusing to Kim hee sun whereas joowon is also present in that interview?  

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9 minutes ago, mystylee33 said:

Why are they just focusing to Kim hee sun whereas joowon is also present in that interview?  


What I meant by focus is that this video has been edited like that showing mostly KHS part. It's not that they ignored JW during the actual interview..If you didn't see this interview I'll leave the link below.. And if you've seen many JW interview you'll see JW usually likes to answer questions sincerely but in short. He doesn't elaborate much. So's not very talkative rather he likes listening and observing. That's unless it's a one on one interview we don't get many things from JW.. Even in one one interview he sometimes answers in very few words, gives less reaction..But one thing with him is that he answers as sincerely as possible.


KHS is a senior and has her share of popularity among people so it's very natural to focus a bit more on KHS. If you look JW also praise her a lot saying her Goddess (her nickname given by k media).




7 hours ago, kittyna said:

I think my favorite intro so far, simply in terms of being somewhat outside of the box, was My Sassy Girl. I liked the idea of showing objects relating to the characters rather than their faces, for some reason.


Oh yes..MSG had nice intro.

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38 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:


What I meant by focus is that this video has been edited like that showing mostly KHS part. It's not that they ignored JW during the actual interview..If you didn't see this interview I'll leave the link below.. And if you've seen many JW interview you'll see JW usually likes to answer questions sincerely but in short. He doesn't elaborate much. So's not very talkative rather he likes listening and observing. That's unless it's a one on one interview we don't get many things from JW.. Even in one one interview he sometimes answers in very few words, gives less reaction..But one thing with him is that he answers as sincerely as possible.


KHS is a senior and has her share of popularity among people so it's very natural to focus a bit more on KHS. If you look JW also praise her a lot saying her Goddess (her nickname given by k media).





Oh yes..MSG had nice intro.



Ah yes, i hope sbs will also upload joowon focus in an interview.. Really like their interview together and he's a bit talkative in there..



And by the way since Alice is currently trending in Good Data and some korean news portal this came across to my mind that what if Kim Hee Sun didn't accept the role for Alice or JooWon? I wonder what impact could bring that drama if it weren't them in.. But I know since the very beginning joowon got discharged in military he has only interest to Alice for his comeback although I feel a little disappointed coz that drama will air this year which i want him to have a new drama last year..



After all im so happy that both accepted that drama its worth the long wait joowon never fails his lovely fans in choosing a very interesting drama and the ratings are continues to soar high what's more in upcoming episodes. His followers in instagram are also increasing he will reach half a million followers soon.

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30 minutes ago, mystylee33 said:

And by the way since Alice is currently trending in Good Data and some korean news portal this came across to my mind that what if Kim Hee Sun didn't accept the role for Alice or JooWon? I wonder what impact could bring that drama if it weren't them in.. But I know since the very beginning joowon got discharged in military he has only interest to Alice for his comeback although I feel a little disappointed coz that drama will air this year which i want him to have a new drama last year.


If none of them was into Alice it definitely would've get such attention since 1st week of premier..that's for sure. Both of their performance and good will makes quite a difference.


aah..yes.. we've waited so long. But so did Joo Won. Being the first one among peers to come out from military but also the last one to be on the TV. But this shows how much time and attachment he has put into Alice. that's way it make me more interested to look forward to this drama.


And because he was not really very active in K-media after Yong Pal many new K drama fans actually missed JW drama. He was doing projects in China in first half of 2016, sadly the drama JW was working on "Love Express" got caught in China Ban hasn't been aired yet, My sassy Girl was a pre produced drama and JW went to Military right before the broadcast so many new entries doesn't have any idea that JW is recognized as very talented and trusted actor in Kdrama land. Many will see this charm if Alice goes well and  he's definitely is gaining many new fans after Alice.


@mystylee33, when you quote a post you've to remove the picture and videos.. It's a soompi rule. Just try removing the vidoes and photos in between the words. 


@valinor500, hi. How are you.. Love how you're always watching over this thread. :heart:

Have you started watching Alice?


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5 hours ago, kittyna said:

I went back and changed some things in my Episode 4 review, in case that affects your response.

I was wondering why did you call Min Hyuk "a****e":lol: It was funny and confusing at the same time

14 hours ago, kittyna said:

At least I hope that's the association with Bonnie and Clyde they're going for, because anything else doesn't exactly bode well for our drama characters 

Maybe it is like a metaphor, like, Alice is some kind of powerful institution which favors rich people and lets them do what they want even though there are rules in place to tackle their impulse, Bonnie and Clyde at least in popular culture are seen as modern outlaws who helped poor during depression period in USA.

5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Could it be that Tae Yi actually took the book with her

I was confused too in the beginning that did she took the book or not, but when I re-watched the first episode I saw the book beside her while she was traveling in the train with her new identity

5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Oh, my goodness: her intense curiosity about that card and her increasingly convoluted methods to try to get it back had me cracking up so much in this episode :lol: I know Park Jin Gyeom is now convinced that she's Park Sun Young's complete opposite in terms of personality, but if Yoon Tae Yi actually is his mom (still need to figure out how she winds up so young in 2050 for that to work, though), then I can at least say that Jin Gyeom got his one-track mind from that side of the family ;) 

Park Jin-Gyeom probably thinking that he should have listened to his mom and stayed away from her another version, he probably that this is why his mom asked him to stay away from her,like her unrefined and tenacious behavior :joy: Perhaps she didn't wanted him to know and this side of her:joy:

5 hours ago, kittyna said:

I'm not gonna lie: even knowing how the episode ends (i.e. with Jin Gyeom accidentally going back to 2010), the actual accident with the truck made me jump. Kudos to the production team for that mood whiplash! 

Yeah- this scene still amazes me no matter how many times I watch it, it is perfect, like I thought Park Jin-Gyeom will end up in hospital and he will probably get another lecture from Do-Yeon about traffic rules, but it was even better, an unexpected time travel and that too in 2010 where Tae-Yi' s university where she was studying :joy:

5 hours ago, kittyna said:

Well in India the first sentence of the word is used a slur against citizen of the North- East part of the India, and we wonder why they feel alienated, people might not be aware, but we Indians are way more xenophobic than we are known for, like it is more harder to get Indian citizenship than other countries of South Asia


9 hours ago, kittyna said:

I think my favorite intro so far, simply in terms of being somewhat outside of the box, was My Sassy Girl. I liked the idea of showing objects relating to the characters rather than their faces, for some reason.

Yeah, the music is soothing and sort of feels like watching a bed time story about prince and princess :blush:


1 hour ago, mystylee33 said:

Ah yes, i hope sbs will also upload joowon focus in an interview.. Really like their interview together and he's a bit talkative in there..

Even if he get hold of the interview it might not have proper subs, SBS and KBS are notorious for not subbing any of their interview or promotion videos


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

I'm still curious about who lied to Min Hyuk, though, or why

I think it might be Oh Shi-Young, so far she has been acting shady and like always has problem following Min-Hyuk's orders, so she problem might have had int murder of Tae-Yi and altering her records

1 hour ago, mystylee33 said:

And by the way since Alice is currently trending in Good Data and some korean news portal this came across to my mind that what if Kim Hee Sun didn't accept the role for Alice or JooWon?

I think Alice ratings will be identical to "Hot Stove League" drama, like this drama was also totally depended on it's story and acting of the cast members

Joo won's day out with Kim Hee Sun Noona :joy:


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